Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

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Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#1 Post by Inferno »

Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

The Lichway, The Lost Shrine of Ancient Evil
The Dark Mountains, Gran March, Greyhawk
Day Twenty. Long after midnight. Thursday, December 1st, 576 CY





In the heinous church of abominations, all the arcane slabs that line the towering walls of the lichway rupture and burst as one! Each is a crypt unleashing its living dead!

Hell vomits forth the damned! And its accursed filth is without number.

Mouser is injured in the shower of rock shards (5hp damage) as countless withered corpses (Xs) crawl down the walls to the lichway floor! It is like the horrific hellscape etched upon the Stonegate.

Urdur, Mouser and Rudolf try to escape with their lives! A mad delirious plunge through nightmare and shadow with their charge, young Amity cradled in Urdur's unseen arms. They pass the loathsome geometry of the blasphemous monolith and race down the immense lichway!

Behind them, Ingrid stays back long enough to heal Jerome with the mercy and grace of her god (+6hp). The half-dead paladin rises, his strength returning. (+6 to Strength) Brevos and Telkis see that Jerome can stand and they join the desperate flight, waving the rest to hurry now, while they still can!

Long Bo instead enters the chamber of skulls.


Seeking a way out, he finds only a crypt. Here too, the dead do rise. Three stone doors open in a turning corridor, releasing the fell stench of death and three abhorrent, ghastly shapes:

A corpulent, pale woman with hideous undead fetuses crawling out of her overlarge mouth. (X4)

A gigantic, obese man whose skin is rotted away. Crawling maggots the size of potatoes writhe in him, devouring his dead grey skin. (X5)


The third dead horror is eclipsed by the enormous pair. Only its fearsome mask can be seen. (X5)


In a dread voice that chills the soul, the masked thing commands:
"Enter, Gift to the Nothing! Welcome To The Tombs of The Greater Repugnances.
Look Now Upon Vorgen Pox!"

The vile, bloated couple flail their piglike forelimbs and shriek to Bo as one:
"Look Now Upon Eizethrat Nexx and Gorgulos Nexx! Come Forth and Lay Thy Hands Upon Our Horrid Flesh!"

The wise druid remembers these names, and many more.



One square = 5 feet. Lighter areas are visible. All else is from memory. Asterisks and black dots by the room numbers don't represent anything.

Map Detail:

Behind the DM Screen:
Ingrid, Mouser and Rudolf are near the walls.
Falling rock shards hit Ingrid, Mouser and Rudolf? [1d20] = 5, [1d20] = 11, [1d20] = 10 Mouser is hit.
Falling rock damage to Mouser: [1d6] = 5

All undead things spend their actions this round leaving their crypts.

PC Status:
  • Brevos, Half-Elf Ranger 3: Move: 9", AC: 2(1), HP: 18/31
    Grey Mouser, Half-Elf Magic-User/Thief 3/4: Move: 9", AC: 5, HP: 14/19, Spells: 2/2 1st lvl, 0/1 2nd lvl
    Ingrid Esthof, Human Cleric 4: Move: 6", AC: 3(1), HP: 22/22, Spells: 2/5 1st lvl and 2/4 2nd lvl
    Jerome, Human Paladin 3: Move: 9", AC: 3(1), HP: 2/20, Laying Hands: 0/1, Deafened, -7 to Strength
    Long Bo, Human Druid 4: Move: 9", AC: 2(1), HP: 23/30, Spells: 3/6 1st lvl, 3/3 2nd lvl and 2/2 3rd lvl, Torch, -7 to Strength
    Rudolf Rassendyll, Halfling Thief 4: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 14/16
    Telkis Brassfang, Gnome Fighter 4: Move: 9", AC: 0, HP: 22/34, Torch left behind
    Urdur Shimmerstone, Gnome Illusionist 4: Move: 12", AC: 4, HP: 2/11, Spells: 2/3 1st lvl and 0/2 2nd lvl, Torch left behind
PC Magic:
Player Resources:
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

DM bio is here.
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#2 Post by wolfpack »

brevos continues the flight from the tombs
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#3 Post by rredmond »

Rudolf glances at Mouser to make sure he shrugged off the wall bits. Then, with a quick prayer to Yondalla, he tries to put on a extra burst of speed, with short sword and dagger in hand. "Keep going Urdur," he yells ahead, and even though he has never been particularly religious, there's an old hobbit saying about no atheists in foxholes, though he's not certain what foxes have to say about these things, he says a prayer that Amity gets out safe. "Yondalla's light shines on you Urdur, get out of here, he tries to yell over the filth vomiting, "may her light shine on us too, eh Mouser?" He adds, with another quick glance over to the half-elf, "if we get out of this alive, remind me to stock up on Holy Water, and to be nicer to Ingrid," he smiles then, and saves the rest of his breath for the run.
This is a game about killing things and taking their stuff so you can become more powerful in order to kill bigger things and take even better stuff.
Alethan: I'm good with NOT pressing our luck this time.
mjulius: That's how I know I'm home.
Pulpatoon: The whole point of PbP is to take the scheduling pressure off the game. We're just chatty because we're so eager!
Scott308: ...everyone should be reminded of just how wonderful the people they play games with here can be in real life.
Leitz: Quality and quantity wise, I think US is the best I've seen.
Paladin: I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
Inferno: Come on! That's was Vicar's Head, a completely different doomed village!
Rex: I can move to the wait list to let someone else into the game.
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#4 Post by ChubbyPixie »

With every passing second, Telkis becomes more convinced he will not come out of this alive.

Hating that he is leaving party members behind, but convinced he is doing the only thing he can in trying to slow the greatest number of undead before they can reach those who have the girl by getting as far down the lichway as he can before being forced to stop, he continues running at top speed. "Hoof it! Go, Urdur, go! You can do it! Fässbrindtlungterøøst!" he yells.

If his way is blocked before the end of his movement making further progress impossible, he will attack with Cranach, trying to make it count. This stand, he fears, will likely be his last...

Morningstar +1 (THAC0 17): To Hit:[1d20+1] = 19+1 = 20, Damage: vs s/m [2d4+1] = 2+1 = 3, vs L [1d6+2] = 6+2 = 8
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#5 Post by Urson »

Jerome shakes himself, surprised that he's still alive. Seeing the developing situation, he starts running beside Ingrid Cuthbert bless you, Sister! Are the others ahead? He scowls when he realizes he can't hear himself- or anything else.
He uses his cudgel to block any attacks by undead as they go.
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#6 Post by ravenn4544 »

Mouser is grim and silent and afraid as he runs silently down the hallway. Blood running free from the wounds from the stoney shards. His curiosity pulls at him to look back, but he resists. The evil that spews forth in their path is enough to focus on. His Scalpel and Claw before him as he forces his way forward - and light willing - out of this Hell.

Scalpel (THACO 20) To Hit [1d20] = 20, S/M/L Dam. [1d8] = 3

Cat's Claw (THACO 20) To Hit [1d20] = 3-2=1, S/M Dam. [1d4] = 2, L Dam. [1d3] = 3
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#7 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Urdur continues running to the end of the bridge. Realizing he won't get very far without a light, he waits for Rudolf and Mouser to catch up with a light.
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#8 Post by Scott308 »

Ingrid Esthof

Raising high her holy symbol and filled with righteous fury, Ingrid commands the putrid abominations to turn away! The power of Holy Tritherion forbids your unclean presence! LET US PASS! thunders Ingrid, her voice stronger than you have ever heard from the young cleric. Bo, hurry! she beseeches the lanky druid.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#9 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Long Bo

Alarmed and embarrassed by how wrong his decisions have been in here so far, the beleaguered druid is more than ready to follow Ingrid's lead.

He runs behind her as fast as his debilitated condition will allow.
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#10 Post by Inferno »

The Lichway, The Lost Shrine of Ancient Evil
The Dark Mountains, Gran March, Greyhawk
Day Twenty. Long after midnight. Thursday, December 1st, 576 CY

In the accursed temple of unspeakable evil, Hell itself has released its foul denizens! The charnel house stench is overwhelming and the chilling cacophony of the dead, shrieking, roaring, screaming, laughing, will never be forgotten.

In the face of this overwhelming tide of evil, Ingrid Esthof stands unflinching, resolute! The valiant priestess holds forth her holy symbol and commands, "The power of Holy Tritherion forbids your unclean presence! LET US PASS!"

By the might and the wrath of her unshakable faith, twelve swarming undead are driven back into their crypts!

The grotesque obese horrors of the Tombs of the Greater Repugnances (X4, X5) lumber sluggishly beneath their prodigious weight, and block the advance of the masked abhorrence (X6) behind them.
"Feel Our Horrid Flesh!" they implore.

Jerome and Long Bo, both weakened by the vampirism of the unholy priesthood, slowly advance into the temporary wake Ingrid has created! And then the things are upon them! The three heroes weather the first onslaught, beating down cold head hands with shield and sword!

Ahead of them, by the cold light of Brood, Brevos and Telkis lunge past the shifting, other-spatial monolith before they are surrounded by the legion of undead emerging from their graves!

The hungry dead rip Telkis open with ravenous biting teeth that seek to devour the living! (12hp damage!)

Further ahead, Mouser and Rudolf reach the end of the Corpse Bridge, its impaled cadavers champing rotten teeth and rolling ghastly eyes!


By the glow of Rudolf's short blade they find the human sacrifice that they would deprive this heinous faith of, Amity Mantle asleep on the floor of the Chapel of Abominations!

In the pitch darkness high above her, the skull chains rattle!

Mouser and Rudolf wheel back toward the lichway just in time as the fleshless horde descends upon them! A dread revenant whose hunger shall never be sated rends Mouser's neck, trying to eat him alive! (6hp damage)


Full Map:

One square = 5 feet.
Asterisks and black dots by the room numbers don't represent anything.

Behind the DM Screen:

PC Status:
  • Brevos, Half-Elf Ranger 3: Move: 9", AC: 2(1), HP: 18/31, Light from magic sword
    Grey Mouser, Half-Elf Magic-User/Thief 3/4: Move: 9", AC: 5, HP: 8/19, Spells: 2/2 1st lvl, 0/1 2nd lvl
    Ingrid Esthof, Human Cleric 4: Move: 6", AC: 3(1), HP: 22/22, Spells: 2/5 1st lvl and 2/4 2nd lvl
    Jerome, Human Paladin 3: Move: 9", AC: 3(1), HP: 2/20, Laying Hands: 0/1, -7 to Strength
    Long Bo, Human Druid 4: Move: 9", AC: 2(1), HP: 23/30, Spells: 3/6 1st lvl, 3/3 2nd lvl and 2/2 3rd lvl, Torch, -7 to Strength
    Rudolf Rassendyll, Halfling Thief 4: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 14/16, Light from magic sword
    Telkis Brassfang, Gnome Fighter 4: Move: 9", AC: 0, HP: 10/34, Torch left behind
    Urdur Shimmerstone, Gnome Illusionist 4: Move: 12", AC: 4, HP: 2/11, Spells: 2/3 1st lvl and 0/2 2nd lvl, Torch left behind
PC Magic:
  • Detect Magic: (Bo): Duration: 2 rounds.
    Entangle (Bo): Target: Center of skull chamber. Duration: 1 round. Vine-web creature is unaffected.
    Invisibility (Urdur): Target: self
    Turn Undead (Ingrid): 12 turned for 7 rounds.

Player Resources:
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#11 Post by ravenn4544 »

Mouser flails at the bony fingers and rotted teeth gnawing away at his very soul...

Panic again rising to a boil, "The doors! Through the doors! Hurry!"

Scalpel (THACO 20) To Hit [1d20] = 15, S/M/L Dam. [1d8] = 6
Cat's Claw (THACO 20) To Hit [1d20] = 3-2=1, S/M Dam. [1d4] = 1, L Dam. [1d3] = 2
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#12 Post by wolfpack »

Brevos chops away as he tries to bull through using his shield

[1d20+1] = 2+1 = 3
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#13 Post by Scott308 »

Ingrid Esthof

Get thee- Ingrid begins coughing from the miasma given off by the teeming dead. Uh, get back!
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#14 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Telkis sees immediately that standing still and fighting is pointless. Not even be heroic, since whatever dent he makes in the undead back here will have no effect on Amity's chances of survival. But maybe if he could get closer... Just a bit.

All goes quiet, the shrieks and maniacal laughter dying away, the frantic, cackling undead seeming to slow. A strange peace settles over him. Looking to Brevos he smiles a sad-eyed smile... and then he runs forward, crying out at the top of his lungs.

"Trå føønst fir Glittergoooold!"
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#15 Post by Urson »

Jerome lifts his cudgel overhead. Creatures of Undeath! By the power of Saint Cuthbert, BEGONE!

turn undead [1d20] = 18
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#16 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Urdur can hardly believe it's come to this. It seems that he is Amity's last hope. But he'll never get her out safe if he can't see where he's going.

He weaves a magical incantation. Casts Dancing Lights. Four magical globes appear, two of which light his way, with the others following 30 feet behind.

Picking up Amity, Urdur begins once again to hurry out of the dungeon.

The others might make it out after us, he thinks to himself. Unseen tears begin to form in his eyes as he continues running.
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#17 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Bo reaches out to touch Jerome as they advance through the hellish hall filled with undead monsters. He recites prayers of healing on the young man in hopes it may give them the time they need to escape.

CLW [1d8] = 8
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#18 Post by rredmond »

Rudolf fights until he is sure Urdur and Amity are on the run again. At that point he yells to Mouser "we gotta go!" Then he breaks and runs behind Urdur. Until then...
S. Sword [1d20+1] = 19+1 = 20, DAM sm [1d6+1] = 5+1 = 6 /l [1d8+1] = 3+1 = 4
Dagger [1d20] = 11, DAM sm [1d4] = 3 /l [1d3] = 3
Thank goodness for the short sword!
This is a game about killing things and taking their stuff so you can become more powerful in order to kill bigger things and take even better stuff.
Alethan: I'm good with NOT pressing our luck this time.
mjulius: That's how I know I'm home.
Pulpatoon: The whole point of PbP is to take the scheduling pressure off the game. We're just chatty because we're so eager!
Scott308: ...everyone should be reminded of just how wonderful the people they play games with here can be in real life.
Leitz: Quality and quantity wise, I think US is the best I've seen.
Paladin: I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
Inferno: Come on! That's was Vicar's Head, a completely different doomed village!
Rex: I can move to the wait list to let someone else into the game.
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#19 Post by Inferno »

The Lichway, The Lost Shrine of Ancient Evil
The Dark Mountains, Gran March, Greyhawk
Day Twenty. Long after midnight. Thursday, December 1st, 576 CY

All hope is lost. Loathsome horrors untold boil forth from black abysses beyond the grave! Each is the chilling visage of Death itself.

Surrounded, Brevos and Telkis have no choice but to make a desperate mad charge through the endless legions of living dead!


Shields up and heads down, they race along the wall through the countless undead that labor tirelessly to devour them alive! Miraculously, they survive the gauntlet of the damned and burst out of the teeming horde behind the line barely held by Mouser and Rudolf! (Telkis is wounded for 1hp damage)

Against that macabre host, Rudolf and Mouser fight for their lives, smiting two fleshless cadavers with cold steel! More take their place and the two rogues deftly evade their merciless onslaught!

Standing behind them unseen, Urdur conjures four orbs of light! The sorcerous illumination reveals the Chapel of Abominations anew:

The statue of the Dark Mother; ever has it haunted their sleep. Had those dark dreams been a premonition of their death at this moment?

The dozen skulls hanging above on iron chains, biting and rocking with hateful joy!


The great pipe organ against the southeast wall, silent and still.

Urdur collects their precious charge and prepares for another plunge through madness and nightmare to the endless cold and the dark that waits beyond.

On the opposite end of the death-filled lichway, Long Bo heals Jerome with the grace given him by the Shalm. (+8hp and +8 Strength) The paladin's strength is restored!

Thus emboldened, Ingrid and Jerome drive back the filth of Hell with the fiery righteousness of the heavens!

Eleven more abominations flee back into their open graves!

But more nefarious corpses scrabble over the gigantic tarantula carcass to replace them, an inexorable tide of evil that will not abate!

Actions?! (and please read this)

Full Map:

One square = 5 feet.
Asterisks and black dots by the room numbers don't represent anything.

Behind the DM Screen:
Undead move last in the round.
Ingrid Turning: Number: [1d12] = 3, Duration: [3d4] = 6
Jerome Turning: Number: [1d12] = 8, Duration: [3d4] = 5

Brevos and Telkis must pass 16 enemies to get clear. Since they are charging forward together, we'll say 8 opportunity attacks each. THAC0 is 19.
Opportunity attacks against Brevos: [1d20] = 17, [1d20] = 13, [1d20] = 4, [1d20] = 13 All miss.
Opportunity attacks against Brevos: [1d20] = 15, [1d20] = 1, [1d20] = 14, [1d20] = 5 All miss.
Opportunity attacks against Telkis: [1d20] = 1, [1d20] = 2, [1d20] = 19, [1d20] = 8 One hits.
Opportunity attacks against Telkis: [1d20] = 8, [1d20] = 11, [1d20] = 6, [1d20] = 16 All miss.
Damage to Telkis: [1d6] = 1

Undead attacks Mouser: [1d20] = 7. Two Undead attack Rudolf: [1d20] = 2, [1d20] = 6 All miss.

Skeletons cannot crawl over dead spider and still charge Ingrid and Jerome, so they only move this round.
X4 and X5 can only move 1" per round due to their obesity.

PC Status:
  • Brevos, Half-Elf Ranger 3: Move: 9", AC: 2(1), HP: 18/31, Light from magic sword
    Grey Mouser, Half-Elf Magic-User/Thief 3/4: Move: 9", AC: 5, HP: 8/19, Spells: 2/2 1st lvl, 0/1 2nd lvl
    Ingrid Esthof, Human Cleric 4: Move: 6", AC: 3(1), HP: 22/22, Spells: 2/5 1st lvl and 2/4 2nd lvl
    Jerome, Human Paladin 3: Move: 9", AC: 3(1), HP: 10/20, Laying Hands: 0/1
    Long Bo, Human Druid 4: Move: 9", AC: 2(1), HP: 23/30, Spells: 3/6 1st lvl, 2/3 2nd lvl and 2/2 3rd lvl, Torch, -7 to Strength
    Rudolf Rassendyll, Halfling Thief 4: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 14/16, Light from magic sword
    Telkis Brassfang, Gnome Fighter 4: Move: 9", AC: 0, HP: 9/34
    Urdur Shimmerstone, Gnome Illusionist 4: Move: 12", AC: 4, HP: 2/11, Spells: 1/3 1st lvl and 0/2 2nd lvl
PC Magic:
Player Resources:
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

DM bio is here.
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Re: Chapter 25: Hell Vomits Forth The Damned

#20 Post by wolfpack »

Brevos moves to the organ to inspect and see if anything stands out

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