Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

Tragic Tales, wolfpack
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Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

#1 Post by Tragic Tales »

Episode One: The Maid of Misfortune

Since your abduction, time has become blurred. It might have been the sharp blow to your head that left you unconscious. Or perhaps it was the drugs used to incapacitate you through the journey that left your senses reeling. But the number of days and nights were lost to you. Things have only worsened since Beshaba, the Maid of Misfortune spat upon that fateful day.

Your head swam in and out of coherency. It was dark and difficult to see through the drug induced haze. You could feel a cold wire rack biting into your back. Your hands and feet were bound. The smell of human waste, bile and sickness assaulted you, threatening to make you gag. And even though you were lying down, the world rolled up and down.

The sounds of breathing along with moans of misery informed you that others were nearby. Further out you could hear creaking all around and still further were the sounds of the ocean. Bit by bit you reasoned out that you were aboard a ship most likely far from home. And in the darkest corners of your confinement, you could see her. A grand lady with snow white hair, gazing upon you. Her face gleamed as she relished the misery permeating the cargo hold.

When you next awoke it was with greater clarity. Beshaba’s visage turned out to be a ring of keys which swung mockingly with the to and fro of the boat. It was within arm’s reach of the person closest to the hatch. A cruelty that made the man cry in anguish as he writhed about and strained to reach the means of freedom.

People held in captivity for too long created a stench that nearly overwhelmed the smell of the ocean. And once a day a disgusting gruel was spooned into your mouths along with a little water. It was just enough to keep those young and fit enough alive. The food, water, drugs and motion of the vessel conspired to keep you feeling ill.

Each day was the same. The hated Hafkris and his pair of ogre enforces, would come down to force feed the captives. At least the vile food helped to mark the passage of time. Then one day something was different.

The rocking of the ship was far more turbulent. Water seemed to leak from a variety of places it had not come from before. Whenever the hatch to the deck above opened a spray of the ocean waters would come through. From those brief glimpses of the outside, you could see that it was nearly as dark as it was below deck.

On the following day, Hafkris unchained half of the walking cargo and took them above deck to man the oars. To the astute he had freed those to be of little threat. The more able bodied and larger slaves were left bound below deck. Above, the sharp crack of a whip being liberally applied to keep the rowers in line could be heard.

The next day, a worried Hafkris returned and took another quarter of the remaining captives above deck. The slaves that had been put to work did not return to the cargo hold. The shouts and cracking of the whip faded to nothing. Only the waves of the ocean crashing upon the deck could be heard. Another night passed and nobody came to feed the remaining slaves.

Right now, you’re waiting for a sign of life from above deck. Your attentiveness is rewarded with a thunderous crash followed by a deep grating, grinding noise. The ship shuddered around you as it ran aground throwing the bunks forward. Each of you is still held firm by your shackles, leaving bruises about your wrists and ankles. Above deck, there’s the sound of snapping spars and another great crash. Water comes pouring in as if from a spigot.

The bow of the galley was shattered upon impact. As the ship grinds to a halt the bow was torn asunder. A blast of numbingly cold wind rips through the hold is ripped open by a huge boulder the ship ground against. Finally, it seems to end. Only the sound of the wind, rain and pounding surf can heard.

Out of the newly opened bow and through the torrential rainfall, you can just make out a beach. It appears that the ship has run aground where a cliff face meets a cove beach.
Note: With the PBP format I will save rolls for conflict. Provide a good description of how you escaped your bonds and you are free to investigate what has happened.
Tragic Tales
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Re: Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

#2 Post by wolfpack »

Gowan looks around desperately for something, anything he can use. he spots a fork, it must have been knocked across the floor as the ship ran aground.

Stretching to the full extent his lean frame allows he pulls it to him with a single finger tip. Sitting up he bends a tine down and goes to work putting to use the craft he worked on for 8 years and picks at the lock of his bonds.

the slavers used simple contraptions so it is easy enough and after a few minutes a satisfying click leads to the chains dropping free.

Looking around he see's Flendt

Hold on old friend I'll have you free in moment

Moving nimbly among the wreckage he reaches the half elf ranger and quickly frees him of his chains.
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Re: Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

#3 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Fendt comes out of a stupor from the tossing and crashing of the ship rubbing his head he realizes his shackles are gone and then looking about sees his good friend Gowan. "Oh my head, I must have whacked it good in the crash." looking about he sees the new opening in the ship and the beach nearby. "We should head for the beach before our captors come to look for us." but then thinking about things more "But first we should try and find something to defend ourselves with." he suggests then starts searching through the wreckage for anything a dagger, club any type of weapon.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

#4 Post by Tragic Tales »

The few remaining slaves have perished. Some dead from the poor conditions and starvation. Some dead from the crash of the ship that had torn a whole in it. The fate of those taken above to man the ship is unknown. In the cargo hold there is nothing but the wreckage of the bunks. Anything of value is not here. It is with grim determination and a sign of the desperate condition that the two Harpers resort to breaking off pieces of the bunks to arm themselves with.

Their work goes unhindered. Only the gale force winds can be heard. It continues to drive the cold rain in through the gaping hole of the ship. The ocean is a relentless crash upon the side of the vessel. Any seaman worth their salt knows the ship is finished. The only question is what can be salvaged before it sinks?

The hole in the side of the ship beckons with an offer of freedom to the beach. However, the cargo hatch to the deck of the ship offers potential reward. Food, weapons and gold could be awaiting. But what of the Black Wave’s crew? The bastard Hafkris and his ogre enforcers could be lurking along with any number of ship hands maybe the captain himself.
Last edited by Tragic Tales on Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

#5 Post by wolfpack »

I say we go above deck, any crew would be to concerned with the ship sinking to worry of our escape.
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Re: Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

#6 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Fendt agrees "Yes lets see if we can salvage anything from this sinking ship while we can." the ranger heads to above deck towards the cargo hatch to see if there is anything he can salavage.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

#7 Post by Tragic Tales »

The stalwart duo ascend the slick stairs. Unlocked, the cargo hatch readily swings open. Only the quick reactions of Gowan and his training to pass unnoticed keep the door from being slammed upon the deck of the ship and announcing their arrival. The storm cast sky and wind driven rain has greatly reduced the visibility.

Their infravision picks up no sign of any warmth lurking aboard the ship. The mast has split in two and fallen upon the deck. Someone could be hidden among the wreckage. Each step is treacherous with waves from the ocean threatening to sweep them away. It is quickly made clear that the dangerous conditions make the chance of an enemy lying in ambush unlikely.

Further inspection of the deck reveals a choice. The mast has crashed upon the helm and through the roof of the captain’s quarters. There is a second hatch to below deck, most likely leading to the crews’ quarters and galley. Either option is appealing. Anything to get out of the frigid ocean waters and cold wind. Fendt recognizes the peril of prolonged exposure to the weather.
Last edited by Tragic Tales on Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

#8 Post by wolfpack »

Gowan makes for the captains quarters

Anything worth having a scurvy scum like that man would have kept for himself.
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Re: Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

#9 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Fendt heads to the captains quarters not wanting to split from Gowan.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
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Re: Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

#10 Post by Tragic Tales »

With the practiced ease of adventuring companions, the two crossed the deck optimizing their advance to deal with any hidden danger. Only the ocean waves presented any resistance to their passage. There were times the Harpers had to bear down and grab ahold of ropes, netting or any nearby structure to keep from being swept out to sea. It reaffirmed that now was the time to find anything that could help them in the coming days. The relentless ocean would have her way and utterly destroy the ship before the day was through.

It was a surprise to find that the door to the Captain’s quarters remained secure. Gowan could have picked the lock or either of the two strong men could have forced it open. But the mast had crashed through the roof and it was easier to simply enter that way. A faint light lit the cabin. The source was a lamp upon a desk in the center of the room.

Fendt’s keen sense of smell detected wet fur. The half elves could hear a creature stir in the corner. A glint of steel reflected the light from the camp. In the corner of the room was a cage and within stood a wolf. The beast hunched down and bared its fangs. A low growl echoed from its chest.

Mounted on the wall behind the desk was a pair of cutlasses. The weapons were unsheathed and crossed. Both of the experienced fighters recognized the blades were more for decoration than use. Even so, the swords would still be more serviceable than the crude clubs they carried now.

On the opposite side of the room from the caged wolf was a bed. At the end of the bed was a chest.
Tragic Tales
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Re: Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

#11 Post by wolfpack »

Grab the swords, I'll check the chest.

If I had my holy symbol I would befriend the wolf.
Gowan checks the chest for traps and tries to pick the lock.
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Re: Episode One - The Maid of Misfortune

#12 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Fendt dashes for the cutlasses and tries to be empathetic to the wolf trying to calm the creature and befriend it using his ranger training and skills. He then attempts to speak with the creature as he heads cautiously, carefully and slowly to the swords. "We mean you no harm. The ship is wrecked if you wish to be free from here I will help you friend wolf." yes using speak with animals & animal empathy.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
DM - GreyWolf's Mystara Adventures - AD&D 2e
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