Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#21 Post by Hadarai »

Floki is floored by the boar's charge slamming into the ground pierced in the leg by it's tusks he crys out in pain and kicks the beast back off him. Quickly rising from the ground on instinct alone he swings his age up from the ground into the boars side with roar!

Strength Save [1d20+3] = 3+3 = 6

Concentration Check [1d20+4] = 3+4 = 7

Attack [1d20+5] = 13+5 = 18 Damage [1d10+3] = 10+3 = 13

OOC:Ouch! At least the attack connected!
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#22 Post by ybn1197 »

The boar's attack sends Gulnar to the ground gasping for a lungful of air.
DC 11 Strength saving throw: [1d20+2] = 1+2 = 3

Using his quarterstaff, Gulnar rising from the ground and swings his staff around at the boar before following through with a kick.
Quarterstaff Attack: [1d20+5] = 19+5 = 24 Damage [1d6+3] = 4+3 = 7
Unarmed Strike: [1d20+5] = 13+5 = 18 Damage [1d4+3] = 2+3 = 5
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#23 Post by Scott308 »

Vinwrick Greenbottle

Unable to understand the noises Kythaela and the boars are making, Vinwrick will stay his arrow until he sees the beast which harmed Gulnar make an aggressive move.
Vinwrick will ready an action. The trigger will be a boar attacking Gulnar. If that happens, he will fire an arrow at it.
Bow Attack: [1d20+6] = 17+6 = 23; Reroll if a 1: [1d20+6] = 14+6 = 20; Damage: [1d6+4] = 2+4 = 6
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#24 Post by ybn1197 »

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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#25 Post by dmw71 »

  • 23: Vinwrick (19+4)
    20: Tova (19+1)
    15: Boars (15)
    14: Kythaela (12+2)
    7: Gulnur (4+3)
    6: Floki (5+1)

Round 1: Conclusion
The two surviving boars, seemingly unwilling to relent, rush at and successfully bowl over both Floki and Gulnur!

Gasping for air after solidly hitting the ground, Gulnar uses his quarterstaff to help prop himself back upright, then proceeds to quickly smash his staff into the beast that trampled him -- hard -- before following the wild swine and giving it a swift quick, almost tipping the creature over. The mud-coated, dark brown boar, missing its left ear, ends up visibly hobbled, but still upright.

"Come and feel the bite of my axe!" Floki taunts. "I'll make the lot o --" the dwarf is unable to finish his sentence before having the breath knocked out of him. The sorcerer, pointing a finger at his four-legged assailant, attempts to cast his 'True Strike' cantrip on the beast, but a loud ringing in his ears throws off his concentration. He shakes his head; both out of frustration, but also to try to clear his mind and ready himself for the wild pig to charge in his direction again.

In the distance, beyond the unmoving form of the boar already slain, Kythaela manages to spot a fourth, four-legged form. This distant observer, she deduces, must be the Urszula these aggressive male boars are attempting to impress.

"Umm, hairy faces..." the voice of Rumple can be heard, originating from point a safe distance away from the source of battle. "I think you'll be more effective if you stay on your feet," the goblin offers in a crude but understandable form of the common tongue; the friendly jab clearly directed at the dwarves trampled by the boars.
E01,R01.png (1.05 MiB) Viewed 2566 times


Okay, round 1 is complete.

I'm just waiting on an action from Kythaela before being able to process round 2.


Date: 1 Martius 490
Time: 11:38

Daily Forecast
  • Sunrise: 7:59
  • Sunset: 19:23
  • Temperature: 72°  
    • High: 72°
    • Low: 67°
  • Conditions
    • Wind: Light Breeze
    • Precipitation: None
    • Humidity: Low
    • Visibility: Cloudy
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • None
Spells in Effect Character Details
  • ybn1197 as Gulnur | Male | Lawful Good | Mountain Dwarf | Monk (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10-7-1 = 2 | AC: 15 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Sage
    • Feature: Researcher
    Passive Skills: Perception: 12 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 12
    Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Dwarvish, Undercommon
    Weapons: Dart, Quarterstaff
    • None
    Ki-Points: --

    • Dart (+5, 1d4+3, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Thrown)
    • Quarterstaff (+5, 1d6+3, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d8))
    • Unarmed Strike (+5, 1d4+3, Bludgeoning)
    Bonus Actions:
    • Two-Weapon Fighting
    • Unarmed Strike (+5, 1d4+3, Bludgeoning)
      • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
    Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
    • Unarmored Defense (Monk, 1)
      • While not wearing armor and not using a shield, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + WIS modifier.
    • Martial Arts (1d4) (Monk, 1)
      • While you are unarmed or wielding only monk weapons and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield, you can use DEX instead of STR for the attack and damage rolls, you can roll your Martial Arts damage die in place of the normal damage, and when you use the Attack action on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
  • Hadarai as Floki | Male | Neutral Good | Moutain Dwarf | Sorcerer (1) | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 8-6-1 = 1 | AC: 11 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Soldier
    • Feature: Military Rank
    Passive Skills: Perception: 12 | Investigation: 9 | Insight: 10
    Languages: Common, Dwarvish
    Weapons: Battle Axe, Dagger
    • Spell Attack: +6
    • Save DC: 14
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 4 Spells Known: 2 Actions:
    • Battle Axe (+5, 1d8+3, Slashing, Properties: Versatile (1d10))
    • Dagger (+5, 1d4+3, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown)
    • Shocking Grasp (+6, 1d8, Lightning, Range: Touch)
    • Chromatic Orb (+6, 3d8, Varies, Range: 90')
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Other: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
  • Scott308 as Vinwrick | Male | Lawful Good | Stout Halfling | Ranger (1) | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12 | AC: 15 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +4 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Background: Soldier
    • Feature: Military Rank
    Passive Skills: Perception: 13 | Investigation: 11 | Insight: 13
    Languages: Common, Halfling, Minotaur
    Weapons: Dagger, Shortbow, Shortsword
    • None
    • Dagger (+6, 1d4+4, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown)
    • Shortbow (+6, 1d6+4, Piercing, Range: 80'/320', Properties: Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed)
    • Shortsword (+6, 1d6+4, Piercing, Properties: Finesse, Light)
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Lucky
      • When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
    • Brave
      • You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
    • Halfling Nimbleness
      • You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
    • Stout Resilience
      • You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
    Class Features
  • ravenn4544 as Tova | Male | Lawful Neutral | Mountain Dwarf | Cleric (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 11 | AC: 17 | SP: 15' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Acolyte
    • Feature: Shelter of the Faithful
    Passive Skills: Perception: 13 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 15
    Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Goblin, Undercommon
    Weapons: Mace, Warhammer
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 4 (3+1) Prepared Spells: 4 (Wisdom modifier + Cleric level) Actions:
    • Mace (+4, 1d6+2, Bludgeoning, Properties: None)
    • Warhammer (+4, 1d8+2, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d10))
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Other:
    • None
    Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
    • Spellcasting (Cleric, 1)
    • Divine Domain: Life Domain (Cleric, 1)
      • Disciple of Life (Cleric, 1)
        • Also starting at 1st level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.
  • SeaSaltSong as Kythaela | Female | Neutral Good | Wood Elf | Druid (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 12 | SP: 35' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Outlander
    • Feature: Wanderer
    Passive Skills: Perception: 16 | Investigation: 11 | Insight: 14
    Languages: Common, Druidic, Elvish, Halfling
    Weapons: Quarterstaff, Scimitar, Shortbow
    • Spell Attack: +6
    • Save DC: 14
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2, 1, 0
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 2 Spells Known: 5 (Wisdom modifier + Druid level) Actions:
    • Quarterstaff (+2, 1d6, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d8))
    • Scimitar (+4, 1d6+2, Slashing, Properties: Finesse, Light)
    • Shortbow (+4, 1d6+2, Piercing, Range: 80'/320', Properties: Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed)
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Fey Ancestry
      • You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
    • Trance
      • Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day.
    • Fleet of Foot
      • Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
    • Mask of the Wild
      • You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
    Class Features


Marching Order
  • T.B.D.
5-Foot (Note: Actual order to be established; initial order has characters listed in alphabetical order.)
  • Floki
10-Foot (Note: Actual order to be established; initial order has characters listed in alphabetical order.)
  • Floki | Gulnur
    Tova | Vinwrick
Watch Schedule
  • Watch: Armored
  • Sleep: No medium or heavy armor unless specifically declared.
    Sleeping in Armor
    • Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer, but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest.

      When you finish a long rest during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain only one-quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce your exhaustion level.
  • First Shift (Three Hours: 21:00-24:00)

    Second Shift (Three Hours: 01:00-03:00)

    Third Shift (Three Hours: 03:00-06:00)
  • None.
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Simple Idea, Zero Prep (OSRIC)

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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#26 Post by dmw71 »

  • 23: Vinwrick (19+4)
    20: Tova (19+1)
    15: Boars (15)
    14: Kythaela (12+2)
    7: Gulnur (4+3)
    6: Floki (5+1)

Round 2
Unable to understand the noises Kythaela and the boars are making, Vinwrick will stay his attack. The halfling continues to navigate to his left, leaving himself the best possible vantage point, and waits -- if the boar attacks, he will let his arrow fly.

With the boar close enough for Tova to almost feel its breath, the dwarven holy man once gain rains down his holy fire, singing the creature's fur.

The boars, now set into the middle of the melee, choose their targets, with one (blue) targeting Tova and the other (green) Floki. The first squeals as it rushes head first and drives its tusks into the steel armor of the dwarven cleric, unable to harm its target. Nearby, the dwarven sorcerer sidesteps the brutal tusk attack targeting him.

With the boars continuing their hostile ways, Vinwrick lets loose his arrow and admires as it sinks deep into creature's right hindquarter! The creature squeals in pain, hobbles for a step or two, then falls unmoving

Gulnar, not waiting for the inevitable passing of the wild boar, wheels around and quickly locates the remaining boar pestering the Floki. The monk glides over, whacks the creature with a solid crack of his quarterstaff... then follows with a successful kick, centered directly on the face of the aggressive beast.

The monk isn't sure which attack resulted in the cause of death, but his impressive series of attacks successfully ends the threat.

"Very nice." Rumple applauds. "Very nice, indeed."

Clearly unimpressed with any of her male suitors, the female boar, Urszula, simply turns and leaves.

"We rest here, or move on right now?" the guide asks quickly. "These look like they could be tasty... but, the dragon's treasure..."

The wounded goblin ambles from side-to-side impatiently, awaiting the group's decision.


A couple things:

  1. As I stated here, Kythaela is at least temporarily being ghosted. Not NPC'd.
  2. Important! Going forward, I am going to ask that everyone include an unmodified 1d20 roll with each of their updates. Something like:
    Roll, If Needed: [1d20]

    This would be in addition to any rolls you would normally include.

    If this included roll is needed, it will be used. If not, it will be ignored (the result will not carry over).

    There are many times when, while compiling a list of everyone's actions, and factoring in what a monster/NPC would do, a roll would normally be called for.

    For instance, a Stealth check. I will sometimes:
    • Make a roll myself;
    • Publish the update but request the roll after the fact, then go back and edit to reflect the roll result; or
    • Post the update but stop the action short, then specifically call for a roll(s).

    It's not a huge deal if you forget, but it will be really helpful in keeping the game moving along if I have these potentially needed rolls already provided.


Date: 1 Martius 490
Time: 11:39

Daily Forecast
  • Sunrise: 7:59
  • Sunset: 19:23
  • Temperature: 72°  
    • High: 72°
    • Low: 67°
  • Conditions
    • Wind: Light Breeze
    • Precipitation: None
    • Humidity: Low
    • Visibility: Cloudy
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • None
Spells in Effect Character Details
  • ybn1197 as Gulnur | Male | Lawful Good | Mountain Dwarf | Monk (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10-7-1 = 2 | AC: 15 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Sage
    • Feature: Researcher
    Passive Skills: Perception: 12 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 12
    Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Dwarvish, Undercommon
    Weapons: Dart, Quarterstaff
    • None
    Ki-Points: --

    • Dart (+5, 1d4+3, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Thrown)
    • Quarterstaff (+5, 1d6+3, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d8))
    • Unarmed Strike (+5, 1d4+3, Bludgeoning)
    Bonus Actions:
    • Two-Weapon Fighting
    • Unarmed Strike (+5, 1d4+3, Bludgeoning)
      • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
    Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
    • Unarmored Defense (Monk, 1)
      • While not wearing armor and not using a shield, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + WIS modifier.
    • Martial Arts (1d4) (Monk, 1)
      • While you are unarmed or wielding only monk weapons and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield, you can use DEX instead of STR for the attack and damage rolls, you can roll your Martial Arts damage die in place of the normal damage, and when you use the Attack action on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
  • Hadarai as Floki | Male | Neutral Good | Moutain Dwarf | Sorcerer (1) | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 8-6-1 = 1 | AC: 11 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Soldier
    • Feature: Military Rank
    Passive Skills: Perception: 12 | Investigation: 9 | Insight: 10
    Languages: Common, Dwarvish
    Weapons: Battle Axe, Dagger
    • Spell Attack: +6
    • Save DC: 14
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 4 Spells Known: 2 Actions:
    • Battle Axe (+5, 1d8+3, Slashing, Properties: Versatile (1d10))
    • Dagger (+5, 1d4+3, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown)
    • Shocking Grasp (+6, 1d8, Lightning, Range: Touch)
    • Chromatic Orb (+6, 3d8, Varies, Range: 90')
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Other: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
  • Scott308 as Vinwrick | Male | Lawful Good | Stout Halfling | Ranger (1) | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12 | AC: 15 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +4 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Background: Soldier
    • Feature: Military Rank
    Passive Skills: Perception: 13 | Investigation: 11 | Insight: 13
    Languages: Common, Halfling, Minotaur
    Weapons: Dagger, Shortbow, Shortsword
    • None
    • Dagger (+6, 1d4+4, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown)
    • Shortbow (+6, 1d6+4, Piercing, Range: 80'/320', Properties: Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed)
    • Shortsword (+6, 1d6+4, Piercing, Properties: Finesse, Light)
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Lucky
      • When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
    • Brave
      • You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
    • Halfling Nimbleness
      • You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
    • Stout Resilience
      • You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
    Class Features
  • ravenn4544 as Tova | Male | Lawful Neutral | Mountain Dwarf | Cleric (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 11 | AC: 17 | SP: 15' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Acolyte
    • Feature: Shelter of the Faithful
    Passive Skills: Perception: 13 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 15
    Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Goblin, Undercommon
    Weapons: Mace, Warhammer
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 4 (3+1) Prepared Spells: 4 (Wisdom modifier + Cleric level) Actions:
    • Mace (+4, 1d6+2, Bludgeoning, Properties: None)
    • Warhammer (+4, 1d8+2, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d10))
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Other:
    • None
    Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
    • Spellcasting (Cleric, 1)
    • Divine Domain: Life Domain (Cleric, 1)
      • Disciple of Life (Cleric, 1)
        • Also starting at 1st level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.
  • SeaSaltSong as Kythaela | Female | Neutral Good | Wood Elf | Druid (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 12 | SP: 35' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Outlander
    • Feature: Wanderer
    Passive Skills: Perception: 16 | Investigation: 11 | Insight: 14
    Languages: Common, Druidic, Elvish, Halfling
    Weapons: Quarterstaff, Scimitar, Shortbow
    • Spell Attack: +6
    • Save DC: 14
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2, 1, 0
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 2 Spells Known: 5 (Wisdom modifier + Druid level) Actions:
    • Quarterstaff (+2, 1d6, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d8))
    • Scimitar (+4, 1d6+2, Slashing, Properties: Finesse, Light)
    • Shortbow (+4, 1d6+2, Piercing, Range: 80'/320', Properties: Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed)
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Fey Ancestry
      • You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
    • Trance
      • Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day.
    • Fleet of Foot
      • Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
    • Mask of the Wild
      • You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
    Class Features


Marching Order
  • T.B.D.
5-Foot (Note: Actual order to be established; initial order has characters listed in alphabetical order.)
  • Floki
10-Foot (Note: Actual order to be established; initial order has characters listed in alphabetical order.)
  • Floki | Gulnur
    Tova | Vinwrick
Watch Schedule
  • Watch: Armored
  • Sleep: No medium or heavy armor unless specifically declared.
    Sleeping in Armor
    • Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer, but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest.

      When you finish a long rest during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain only one-quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce your exhaustion level.
  • First Shift (Three Hours: 21:00-24:00)

    Second Shift (Three Hours: 01:00-03:00)

    Third Shift (Three Hours: 03:00-06:00)
Round 2: Boar (Blue) vs Sacred Flame (Dex 13): [1d20] = 10 -- fail
Round 2: Boar (Blue) Tusk (15): [1d20+3] = 12+3 = 15, [1d6+1] = 5+1 = 6 -- miss
Round 2: Boar (Green) Tusk (15): [1d20+3] = 3+3 = 6, [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3 -- miss
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Simple Idea, Zero Prep (OSRIC)

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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#27 Post by Scott308 »

Vinwrick Greenbottle

Now that the danger has passed and combat has ended, the ranger immediately begins butchering one of the fallen boars. I think we should take a break for lunch. It'd be a shame to let this meat go to waste, and we don't know when next we may have a chance to eat something other than rations. In the field, you need to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#28 Post by ravenn4544 »

Tova will lend aide to his injured comrades:

Floki- Cure Wounds [1d8+3] = 7+3 = 10
Gulnur- Cure Wounds [1d8+3] = 8+3 = 11

As Needed [1d20] = 15
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#29 Post by ybn1197 »

Gulnur puts his pack down and pulls out his cooking utensils. "At the monastery, I was frequently asked to prepare meals for the brethren. I've picked up a trick or two along the way if I do say so myself." He helps Vinwrick with the butchery of the hogs and then goes about preparing lunch for everyone. He will then prepare a preservative for the remainder of the meat so they can take it along and finish it later.
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#30 Post by Hadarai »


Once the fighting is finished Floki retrieves his waterskin and washes the blood from his mouth before accepting Tova's healing touch. "Thank you, I didn't think I would've found myself in so much trouble against these beasts! Must've underestimated their ferociousness...or overestimated my abilities." The dwarf will gather wood and tinder to help construct the cooking fire before finding a place to rest for lunch.
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#31 Post by dmw71 »

"I think we should break for lunch," Vinwrick cheerfully offers now that the danger has passed. "It'd be a shame to let this meat go to waste." Without waiting for consensus, the ranger immediately begins to butcher one of the fallen boars, adding that the group needs to take advantage of opportunities such as this when they present themselves.

Watching the halfling go to work, Gulnur unshoulders his pack and groans from his aches and pains. He begins fishing through his back, looking for his cooking utensils, when Tova arrives at his side. "Here, friend, this may help," the cleric offers, intoning a prepared prayer and lightly touching the bruised areas from where the boar trampled him. Almost instantly, all the aches, and pains, and bruises fade away and become soon-to-be-forgotten memories. "Many thanks," Gulnur says, appreciative. "I'll make sure you get the finest cut," he adds, nodding at the boar he's about to begin butchering.

After restoring the health to Gulnur, Tova turns seeks out Floki and finds the dwarven sorcerer flushing the blood from his mouth from swills from his waterskin. "Must've underestimated their ferociousness... or overestimated my abilities," the sorcerer painfully groans, rotating his shoulder which was left aching after being trampled. "Here," Tova says, repeating his well-practiced process of healing, and restoring his dwarven recipient to full health. After a moment of pain-free testing out the same injured shoulder, the sorcerer sets out to begin collecting some wood and tinder to be used in the pig roast.

Rumple simply observes the goings-on and makes sure he stays out of the way. He nurses his own injuries, keeping Tova under constant watch, wondering if the healing man will be coming to his aide as well.

Everyone except Rumple is now back to full health.

It takes about half-a-day -- three or four hours to skin and butcher, and about nine hours to roast -- but the group is finally able to enjoy a magnificent, uninterrupted feast. The boar tastes superb! Gulnur even takes care to prepare a preservative for the group to look forward to.
Please make sure to add this to your character sheet.

The process is a little clunky, but from your 'Manage Equipment' menu, you'll add it under the 'Custom Items' option. You'll need to add a generic custom item, then go into it and edit it (most of the details are hidden under the drop-down menu).

Let me know if you have any problems or questions.
With an estimated six-hours until sunrise, the group establishes a watch and sleeps through the night without incident.

Rumple is eager to get moving first thing in the morning. "Come," he says, urging the group to break down their camp. "You can snack along the way... we're not far now," he adds excitedly.

The goblin guide, its own health now also restored after the night of rest, moves a lot more spryly when the group does finally set off.

By mid-morning, the capable guide halts everyone's progress at the edge of a large glade. It is cool and shadowy, with the ground blanketed by bright green grass and patches of yellow soil. There are several large burn marks on the ground.

Rising up in the middle of the glade, surrounded by what appear to be golden trumpet trees, is an ancient octagonal tower that stretches approximately 80-feet tall skyward. The tower is covered by a veneer of slate grey limestone, which is now quite dirty, and is capped by what appears to be a sloping roof tiled in dark slate... which appears as if it may have been sustained some damage in a number of places.
Tower Roof.jpg
Tower Roof.jpg (60.81 KiB) Viewed 2286 times
"This way," Rumple urges, and presses on, leading the way. "This way to treasure!"

As the entrance comes into view, the large front door leans out steeply, having been torn from its top hinges.

Near this entrance is a huge pile of smoking ash.

"Inside..." Rumple says, stopping just outside the entrance.



Also, please remember to include an "if needed" roll.


Date: 2 Martius 490
Time: 11:32

Daily Forecast
  • Sunrise: 7:59
  • Sunset: 19:23
  • Temperature: 72°  
    • High: 72°
    • Low: 67°
  • Conditions
    • Wind: Light Breeze
    • Precipitation: None
    • Humidity: Low
    • Visibility: Cloudy
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • None
Spells in Effect
  • None
Character Details
  • ybn1197 as Gulnur | Male | Lawful Good | Mountain Dwarf | Monk (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 15 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Sage
    • Feature: Researcher
    Passive Skills: Perception: 12 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 12
    Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Dwarvish, Undercommon
    Weapons: Dart, Quarterstaff
    • None
    Ki-Points: --

    • Dart (+5, 1d4+3, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Thrown)
    • Quarterstaff (+5, 1d6+3, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d8))
    • Unarmed Strike (+5, 1d4+3, Bludgeoning)
    Bonus Actions:
    • Two-Weapon Fighting
    • Unarmed Strike (+5, 1d4+3, Bludgeoning)
      • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
    Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
    • Unarmored Defense (Monk, 1)
      • While not wearing armor and not using a shield, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + WIS modifier.
    • Martial Arts (1d4) (Monk, 1)
      • While you are unarmed or wielding only monk weapons and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield, you can use DEX instead of STR for the attack and damage rolls, you can roll your Martial Arts damage die in place of the normal damage, and when you use the Attack action on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
  • Hadarai as Floki | Male | Neutral Good | Moutain Dwarf | Sorcerer (1) | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 8 | AC: 11 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Soldier
    • Feature: Military Rank
    Passive Skills: Perception: 12 | Investigation: 9 | Insight: 10
    Languages: Common, Dwarvish
    Weapons: Battle Axe, Dagger
    • Spell Attack: +6
    • Save DC: 14
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 4 Spells Known: 2 Actions:
    • Battle Axe (+5, 1d8+3, Slashing, Properties: Versatile (1d10))
    • Dagger (+5, 1d4+3, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown)
    • Shocking Grasp (+6, 1d8, Lightning, Range: Touch)
    • Chromatic Orb (+6, 3d8, Varies, Range: 90')
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Other: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
  • Scott308 as Vinwrick | Male | Lawful Good | Stout Halfling | Ranger (1) | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12 | AC: 15 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +4 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Background: Soldier
    • Feature: Military Rank
    Passive Skills: Perception: 13 | Investigation: 11 | Insight: 13
    Languages: Common, Halfling, Minotaur
    Weapons: Dagger, Shortbow, Shortsword
    • None
    • Dagger (+6, 1d4+4, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown)
    • Shortbow (+6, 1d6+4, Piercing, Range: 80'/320', Properties: Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed)
    • Shortsword (+6, 1d6+4, Piercing, Properties: Finesse, Light)
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Lucky
      • When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
    • Brave
      • You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
    • Halfling Nimbleness
      • You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
    • Stout Resilience
      • You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
    Class Features
  • ravenn4544 as Tova | Male | Lawful Neutral | Mountain Dwarf | Cleric (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 11 | AC: 17 | SP: 15' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Acolyte
    • Feature: Shelter of the Faithful
    Passive Skills: Perception: 13 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 15
    Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Goblin, Undercommon
    Weapons: Mace, Warhammer
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 4 (3+1) Prepared Spells: 4 (Wisdom modifier + Cleric level) Actions:
    • Mace (+4, 1d6+2, Bludgeoning, Properties: None)
    • Warhammer (+4, 1d8+2, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d10))
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Other:
    • None
    Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
    • Spellcasting (Cleric, 1)
    • Divine Domain: Life Domain (Cleric, 1)
      • Disciple of Life (Cleric, 1)
        • Also starting at 1st level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.
  • SeaSaltSong as Kythaela | Female | Neutral Good | Wood Elf | Druid (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 12 | SP: 35' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Outlander
    • Feature: Wanderer
    Passive Skills: Perception: 16 | Investigation: 11 | Insight: 14
    Languages: Common, Druidic, Elvish, Halfling
    Weapons: Quarterstaff, Scimitar, Shortbow
    • Spell Attack: +6
    • Save DC: 14
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2, 1, 0
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 2 Spells Known: 5 (Wisdom modifier + Druid level) Actions:
    • Quarterstaff (+2, 1d6, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d8))
    • Scimitar (+4, 1d6+2, Slashing, Properties: Finesse, Light)
    • Shortbow (+4, 1d6+2, Piercing, Range: 80'/320', Properties: Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed)
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Fey Ancestry
      • You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
    • Trance
      • Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day.
    • Fleet of Foot
      • Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
    • Mask of the Wild
      • You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
    Class Features


Marching Order
  • T.B.D.
5-Foot (Note: Actual order to be established; initial order has characters listed in alphabetical order.)
  • Floki
10-Foot (Note: Actual order to be established; initial order has characters listed in alphabetical order.)
  • Floki | Gulnur
    Tova | Vinwrick
Watch Schedule
  • Watch: Armored
  • Sleep: No medium or heavy armor unless specifically declared.
    Sleeping in Armor
    • Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer, but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest.

      When you finish a long rest during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain only one-quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce your exhaustion level.
  • First Shift (Three Hours: 21:00-24:00)

    Second Shift (Three Hours: 01:00-03:00)

    Third Shift (Three Hours: 03:00-06:00)
-- DM --
Simple Idea, Zero Prep (OSRIC)

-- Project --
Playtest: Untitled Project (1e)
(Status: Archived)

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Greyhawk Campaign: Sandbox (1e)
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#32 Post by Scott308 »

Vinwrick Greenbottle

Hold up there, Rumple. Let me take a quick peek inside to see what we're dealing with here. Vinwrick will try to move quietly, slipping into the tower to take a look inside before the rest of the party enters, shortsword in one hand.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#33 Post by ravenn4544 »

Tova waits quietly and patiently and keeps an eye on the tower for any movement. He wonders what could have ripped the hinges off a door like that.

As Needed [1d20] = 16
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#34 Post by ybn1197 »

Gulnar approaches slowly. "Rumple... what or who was this pile of ash?"
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#35 Post by Hadarai »


The dwarf waits for Vinwrick to return with a scouting report for the group while he silently watches Rumple for any suspiciousness.

Just in case roll: [1d20] = 19
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#36 Post by dmw71 »

"Inside..." Rumple says, stopping just outside the entrance. "Hold up there, Rumple." Vinwrick quickly interjects. "Let me take a quick peek inside to see what we're dealing with here." the halfling says, quietly approaching the front entrance with his short sword in hand. He cautiously peers inside the large oaken door, now leaning outward, somehow dislodged from its top hinges.

Before Vinwrick slips inside to perform his investigations, Gulnar settles up alongside their goblin tour guide. "Rumple... what or who was that pile of ash?" the dwarf queries quietly. "Many friends die when we win big pile of dragon gold," Rumple replies, again holding up all eight of his remaining fingers. "We burn them there," he says, extending a clawed finger in the direction of what, with the new information, appears to be a funeral pyre.

As Floki and Tova keep an eye out for any signs of foul play, the halfling disappears into the front tower entrance.


Scott, I have created a new private forum for you with what you see, since you are technically the only one privy to that information at this time.
P.S. I can create private forums for anyone interested, so just let me know. Otherwise, I will create them as needed.
Anything you want to do inside the tower and out of view, please post privately.

If you plan on simply returning and reporting back, feel free to just post your reply here.

Everyone else, please hold tight.


Date: 2 Martius 490
Time: 11:33

Daily Forecast
  • Sunrise: 7:59
  • Sunset: 19:23
  • Temperature: 72°  
    • High: 72°
    • Low: 67°
  • Conditions
    • Wind: Light Breeze
    • Precipitation: None
    • Humidity: Low
    • Visibility: Cloudy
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • None
Spells in Effect
  • None
Character Details
  • ybn1197 as Gulnur | Male | Lawful Good | Mountain Dwarf | Monk (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 15 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Sage
    • Feature: Researcher
    Passive Skills: Perception: 12 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 12
    Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Dwarvish, Undercommon
    Weapons: Dart, Quarterstaff
    • None
    Ki-Points: --

    • Dart (+5, 1d4+3, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Thrown)
    • Quarterstaff (+5, 1d6+3, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d8))
    • Unarmed Strike (+5, 1d4+3, Bludgeoning)
    Bonus Actions:
    • Two-Weapon Fighting
    • Unarmed Strike (+5, 1d4+3, Bludgeoning)
      • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
    Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
    • Unarmored Defense (Monk, 1)
      • While not wearing armor and not using a shield, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + WIS modifier.
    • Martial Arts (1d4) (Monk, 1)
      • While you are unarmed or wielding only monk weapons and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield, you can use DEX instead of STR for the attack and damage rolls, you can roll your Martial Arts damage die in place of the normal damage, and when you use the Attack action on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
  • Hadarai as Floki | Male | Neutral Good | Moutain Dwarf | Sorcerer (1) | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 8 | AC: 11 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Soldier
    • Feature: Military Rank
    Passive Skills: Perception: 12 | Investigation: 9 | Insight: 10
    Languages: Common, Dwarvish
    Weapons: Battle Axe, Dagger
    • Spell Attack: +6
    • Save DC: 14
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 4 Spells Known: 2 Actions:
    • Battle Axe (+5, 1d8+3, Slashing, Properties: Versatile (1d10))
    • Dagger (+5, 1d4+3, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown)
    • Shocking Grasp (+6, 1d8, Lightning, Range: Touch)
    • Chromatic Orb (+6, 3d8, Varies, Range: 90')
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Other: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
  • Scott308 as Vinwrick | Male | Lawful Good | Stout Halfling | Ranger (1) | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12 | AC: 15 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +4 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Background: Soldier
    • Feature: Military Rank
    Passive Skills: Perception: 13 | Investigation: 11 | Insight: 13
    Languages: Common, Halfling, Minotaur
    Weapons: Dagger, Shortbow, Shortsword
    • None
    • Dagger (+6, 1d4+4, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown)
    • Shortbow (+6, 1d6+4, Piercing, Range: 80'/320', Properties: Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed)
    • Shortsword (+6, 1d6+4, Piercing, Properties: Finesse, Light)
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Lucky
      • When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
    • Brave
      • You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
    • Halfling Nimbleness
      • You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
    • Stout Resilience
      • You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
    Class Features
  • ravenn4544 as Tova | Male | Lawful Neutral | Mountain Dwarf | Cleric (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 11 | AC: 17 | SP: 15' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Acolyte
    • Feature: Shelter of the Faithful
    Passive Skills: Perception: 13 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 15
    Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Goblin, Undercommon
    Weapons: Mace, Warhammer
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 4 (3+1) Prepared Spells: 4 (Wisdom modifier + Cleric level) Actions:
    • Mace (+4, 1d6+2, Bludgeoning, Properties: None)
    • Warhammer (+4, 1d8+2, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d10))
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Other:
    • None
    Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
    • Spellcasting (Cleric, 1)
    • Divine Domain: Life Domain (Cleric, 1)
      • Disciple of Life (Cleric, 1)
        • Also starting at 1st level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.
Marching Order
  • Vinwrick
5-Foot (Note: Actual order to be established; initial order has characters listed in alphabetical order.)
  • Floki
10-Foot (Note: Actual order to be established; initial order has characters listed in alphabetical order.)
  • Floki | Gulnur
    Tova | Vinwrick
Watch Schedule
  • Watch: Armored
  • Sleep: No medium or heavy armor unless specifically declared.
    Sleeping in Armor
    • Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer, but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest.

      When you finish a long rest during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain only one-quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce your exhaustion level.
  • First Shift (Three Hours: 21:00-24:00)

    Second Shift (Three Hours: 01:00-03:00)

    Third Shift (Three Hours: 03:00-06:00)
-- DM --
Simple Idea, Zero Prep (OSRIC)

-- Project --
Playtest: Untitled Project (1e)
(Status: Archived)

-- DM --
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#37 Post by dmw71 »

Inside the Tower
The actual words spoken are not understood, but Vinwrick is heard quietly talking just beyond the door frame, from inside the tower. The words being spoken do not seem to be directed towards the group still patiently waiting outside.

An instant later, a series of howls are heard coming from further inside.


Everyone is free to respond to the above however you'd like, but can also continue to hold.


Date: 2 Martius 490
Time: 11:35

Daily Forecast
  • Sunrise: 7:59
  • Sunset: 19:23
  • Temperature: 72°  
    • High: 72°
    • Low: 67°
  • Conditions
    • Wind: Light Breeze
    • Precipitation: None
    • Humidity: Low
    • Visibility: Cloudy
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • None
Spells in Effect
  • None
Character Details
  • ybn1197 as Gulnur | Male | Lawful Good | Mountain Dwarf | Monk (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 15 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Sage
    • Feature: Researcher
    Passive Skills: Perception: 12 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 12
    Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Dwarvish, Undercommon
    Weapons: Dart, Quarterstaff
    • None
    Ki-Points: --

    • Dart (+5, 1d4+3, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Thrown)
    • Quarterstaff (+5, 1d6+3, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d8))
    • Unarmed Strike (+5, 1d4+3, Bludgeoning)
    Bonus Actions:
    • Two-Weapon Fighting
    • Unarmed Strike (+5, 1d4+3, Bludgeoning)
      • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
    Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
    • Unarmored Defense (Monk, 1)
      • While not wearing armor and not using a shield, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + WIS modifier.
    • Martial Arts (1d4) (Monk, 1)
      • While you are unarmed or wielding only monk weapons and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield, you can use DEX instead of STR for the attack and damage rolls, you can roll your Martial Arts damage die in place of the normal damage, and when you use the Attack action on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
  • Hadarai as Floki | Male | Neutral Good | Moutain Dwarf | Sorcerer (1) | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 8 | AC: 11 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Soldier
    • Feature: Military Rank
    Passive Skills: Perception: 12 | Investigation: 9 | Insight: 10
    Languages: Common, Dwarvish
    Weapons: Battle Axe, Dagger
    • Spell Attack: +6
    • Save DC: 14
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 4 Spells Known: 2 Actions:
    • Battle Axe (+5, 1d8+3, Slashing, Properties: Versatile (1d10))
    • Dagger (+5, 1d4+3, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown)
    • Shocking Grasp (+6, 1d8, Lightning, Range: Touch)
    • Chromatic Orb (+6, 3d8, Varies, Range: 90')
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Other: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
  • Scott308 as Vinwrick | Male | Lawful Good | Stout Halfling | Ranger (1) | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12 | AC: 15 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +4 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Background: Soldier
    • Feature: Military Rank
    Passive Skills: Perception: 13 | Investigation: 11 | Insight: 13
    Languages: Common, Halfling, Minotaur
    Weapons: Dagger, Shortbow, Shortsword
    • None
    • Dagger (+6, 1d4+4, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown)
    • Shortbow (+6, 1d6+4, Piercing, Range: 80'/320', Properties: Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed)
    • Shortsword (+6, 1d6+4, Piercing, Properties: Finesse, Light)
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Lucky
      • When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
    • Brave
      • You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
    • Halfling Nimbleness
      • You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
    • Stout Resilience
      • You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
    Class Features
  • ravenn4544 as Tova | Male | Lawful Neutral | Mountain Dwarf | Cleric (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 11 | AC: 17 | SP: 15' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Acolyte
    • Feature: Shelter of the Faithful
    Passive Skills: Perception: 13 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 15
    Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Goblin, Undercommon
    Weapons: Mace, Warhammer
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 4 (3+1) Prepared Spells: 4 (Wisdom modifier + Cleric level) Actions:
    • Mace (+4, 1d6+2, Bludgeoning, Properties: None)
    • Warhammer (+4, 1d8+2, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d10))
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Other:
    • None
    Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
    • Spellcasting (Cleric, 1)
    • Divine Domain: Life Domain (Cleric, 1)
      • Disciple of Life (Cleric, 1)
        • Also starting at 1st level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.
Marching Order
  • Vinwrick
5-Foot (Note: Actual order to be established; initial order has characters listed in alphabetical order.)
  • Floki
10-Foot (Note: Actual order to be established; initial order has characters listed in alphabetical order.)
  • Floki | Gulnur
    Tova | Vinwrick
Watch Schedule
  • Watch: Armored
  • Sleep: No medium or heavy armor unless specifically declared.
    Sleeping in Armor
    • Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer, but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest.

      When you finish a long rest during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain only one-quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce your exhaustion level.
  • First Shift (Three Hours: 21:00-24:00)

    Second Shift (Three Hours: 01:00-03:00)

    Third Shift (Three Hours: 03:00-06:00)
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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#38 Post by dmw71 »

"Rumple, could you come in here and translate for me, please?" Vinwrick more clearly calls outside, in a louder speaking volume.

Then an eruption of sounds!

Howling, and snarling, and claws scratching against the stone floor.

Then a thud.


Please provide an Initiative roll and an action (which, since you're not positive what you'll be walking into, can be a Ready action).
Also, please don't forget to include your 'if needed' roll.


Date: 2 Martius 490
Time: 11:36

Daily Forecast
  • Sunrise: 7:59
  • Sunset: 19:23
  • Temperature: 72°  
    • High: 72°
    • Low: 67°
  • Conditions
    • Wind: Light Breeze
    • Precipitation: None
    • Humidity: Low
    • Visibility: Cloudy
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • None
Spells in Effect
  • None
Character Details
  • ybn1197 as Gulnur | Male | Lawful Good | Mountain Dwarf | Monk (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 15 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Sage
    • Feature: Researcher
    Passive Skills: Perception: 12 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 12
    Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Dwarvish, Undercommon
    Weapons: Dart, Quarterstaff
    • None
    Ki-Points: --

    • Dart (+5, 1d4+3, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Thrown)
    • Quarterstaff (+5, 1d6+3, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d8))
    • Unarmed Strike (+5, 1d4+3, Bludgeoning)
    Bonus Actions:
    • Two-Weapon Fighting
    • Unarmed Strike (+5, 1d4+3, Bludgeoning)
      • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
    Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
    • Unarmored Defense (Monk, 1)
      • While not wearing armor and not using a shield, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + WIS modifier.
    • Martial Arts (1d4) (Monk, 1)
      • While you are unarmed or wielding only monk weapons and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield, you can use DEX instead of STR for the attack and damage rolls, you can roll your Martial Arts damage die in place of the normal damage, and when you use the Attack action on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
  • Hadarai as Floki | Male | Neutral Good | Moutain Dwarf | Sorcerer (1) | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 8 | AC: 11 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Soldier
    • Feature: Military Rank
    Passive Skills: Perception: 12 | Investigation: 9 | Insight: 10
    Languages: Common, Dwarvish
    Weapons: Battle Axe, Dagger
    • Spell Attack: +6
    • Save DC: 14
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 4 Spells Known: 2 Actions:
    • Battle Axe (+5, 1d8+3, Slashing, Properties: Versatile (1d10))
    • Dagger (+5, 1d4+3, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown)
    • Shocking Grasp (+6, 1d8, Lightning, Range: Touch)
    • Chromatic Orb (+6, 3d8, Varies, Range: 90')
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Other: Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
  • Scott308 as Vinwrick | Male | Lawful Good | Stout Halfling | Ranger (1) | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12 | AC: 15 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +4 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Background: Soldier
    • Feature: Military Rank
    Passive Skills: Perception: 13 | Investigation: 11 | Insight: 13
    Languages: Common, Halfling, Minotaur
    Weapons: Dagger, Shortbow, Shortsword
    • None
    • Dagger (+6, 1d4+4, Piercing, Range: 20'/60', Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown)
    • Shortbow (+6, 1d6+4, Piercing, Range: 80'/320', Properties: Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed)
    • Shortsword (+6, 1d6+4, Piercing, Properties: Finesse, Light)
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Racial Traits
    • Lucky
      • When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
    • Brave
      • You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
    • Halfling Nimbleness
      • You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
    • Stout Resilience
      • You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
    Class Features
  • ravenn4544 as Tova | Male | Lawful Neutral | Mountain Dwarf | Cleric (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 11 | AC: 17 | SP: 15' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Background: Acolyte
    • Feature: Shelter of the Faithful
    Passive Skills: Perception: 13 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 15
    Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Goblin, Undercommon
    Weapons: Mace, Warhammer
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Cantrips Known: 4 (3+1) Prepared Spells: 4 (Wisdom modifier + Cleric level) Actions:
    • Mace (+4, 1d6+2, Bludgeoning, Properties: None)
    • Warhammer (+4, 1d8+2, Bludgeoning, Properties: Versatile (1d10))
    Bonus Actions: Reactions: Other:
    • None
    Racial Traits
    • Darkvision
      • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    • Dwarven Resilience
      • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
    • Stonecunning
      • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
    Class Features
    • Spellcasting (Cleric, 1)
    • Divine Domain: Life Domain (Cleric, 1)
      • Disciple of Life (Cleric, 1)
        • Also starting at 1st level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.
Marching Order
  • Vinwrick
5-Foot (Note: Actual order to be established; initial order has characters listed in alphabetical order.)
  • Floki
10-Foot (Note: Actual order to be established; initial order has characters listed in alphabetical order.)
  • Floki | Gulnur
    Tova | Vinwrick
Watch Schedule
  • Watch: Armored
  • Sleep: No medium or heavy armor unless specifically declared.
    Sleeping in Armor
    • Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer, but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest.

      When you finish a long rest during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain only one-quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce your exhaustion level.
  • First Shift (Three Hours: 21:00-24:00)

    Second Shift (Three Hours: 01:00-03:00)

    Third Shift (Three Hours: 03:00-06:00)
  • None
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Simple Idea, Zero Prep (OSRIC)

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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#39 Post by dmw71 »

Is everyone simply ignoring what they're hearing taking place inside the tower? That's fine, if that's the case, but please let me know.

Also, Scott and ybn1197, can please provide an image for your character (in the Session 0 topic).
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Simple Idea, Zero Prep (OSRIC)

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Re: Session 1: Reunion Interrupted

#40 Post by ravenn4544 »

Tova fears for his comrade - and enters the room ready for the worst...

Initiative [1d20+1] = 19+1 = 20

As Needed [1d20] = 1

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