[001.1] More Than You Bargained For

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[001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#1 Post by Faanku »

Costine's Trove Antiques, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Friday 21-01-3200

Stepping out into the streets, Damian deftly weaves his way through the crowds; the Sleepless Market is living up to its name as usual, the raucous bustle of trade and merriment filling the humid air despite the late hour. Before long he arrives at Costine's Trove, and the magician's attention is immediately drawn to two suited figures standing to attention at either side of the shop's door. The men are easily 7ft tall and obviously cybered, and each holds a sleek submachine-gun sized for their enormous frames, adding to the almost palpable aura of danger they exude. The Mejoan throng are going out of their way to give the two a wide berth, creating a small semi-circle of empty space around the shop that Marcus walks into. One of the huge men tilts his head slightly as the mechanic approaches, seemingly assessing him before returning his visored gaze back to the middle distance; it seems that they aren't going to stop him entering the store if he so desires.
Given your background and vast general knowledge, Marcus would know that these imposing brutes are the product of Giran genetech, biologically enhanced bodyguards at the peak of human fitness. He would also know that such super-humans are exorbitantly expensive to employ... (If you would like to know more specific information about Gira or the bodyguards you can make a roll)
Sorry to backtrack your RP, I'll let you bank that magic roll as it was a good one.
Last edited by Faanku on Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#2 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros (HP: 3/3, AC: 14, Spells: 4/4)

"Well, that's new," comments Damian to himself as he sees the new gorillas-in-suits by the door. He pushes up his sunglasses and watches from across the market curiously before approaching. He ponders what he knows of Gira and their tech, of local syndicates that can afford it, and most importantly, the wisdom to practically apply it to what is happening before him.

Wis+Know [2d6+2] = 7+2 = 9
What modifications do I think these guys have?
Are they watching people or things? Are they keeping it in, or out? Brute intimidation is usually bad for business... Is the sleepy shop looking better for it or worse?
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#3 Post by Faanku »

Costine's Trove Antiques, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Friday 21-01-3200

This being Mejo, the unofficial centre of the Unified Systems and the sector's trade hub, it is not impossible to imagine someone having the financial clout to hire such expensive mercenaries, though Damian is at a loss as to why they'd be waiting outside a humble antique's merchant.
What modifications do I think these guys have?
Other than the obvious strength enhancements, they're also faster, more perceptive and even more logical thinking than a "baseline" human. Giran biotechnology rivals pre-Scream science.

Are they watching people or things? Are they keeping it in, or out?
They seem to be on standby, neither obstructing entrance to the shop nor surveying the surrounding area too closely.

Is the sleepy shop looking better for it or worse?
From what you can tell, the brutes' presence is keeping people away from the shop, though you don't suspect too much of that is their intention.
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#4 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros (HP: 3/3, AC: 14, Spells: 4/4)

As they don't seem likely to impede him, Damian wanders casually past them and into the shop. As he has spent considerable time browsing there in recent months, he first looks to see any changes to layout or inventory. Second, to furtively check his desired painting, and that it remains authentic and not swapped. Then to see if the shopkeeper looks different, or stressed.

He addresses the wily shopkeeper, his tone implying what it needs to, "How's business?"
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#5 Post by Faanku »

Costine's Trove Antiques, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Friday 21-01-3200

Entering the cluttered store, Damian's eyes move swiftly to the section of wall that displayed his coveted map, only to be met with a flickering holoprint display with the words ITEM SOLD: NEW MERCHANDISE COMING SOON! Obviously concerned, he approaches the main counter to confront the shop owner to be met with a third suited bodyguard, standing watchfully over a conversation between the owner and a smaller person in an extravagant dress. Seeing you approach, the store owner speaks up with a large grin on his face. "Well speak of the devil and he shall appear! We were just talking about you and how interested you were in this piece!" He gestures to the painting, lying on the shop counter in front of him. "I had planned to hold it indefinitely, but well... a generous offer was made..." His eyes tell you that the offer must have exceeded the reserve price many times over. "Well, I'll just take this out back and secure it for transport, Miss. I won't be long."

As the man leaves, the woman in the dress turns around and Damian is met with one of the most beautiful women he has ever seen, as essentially captivating as the hulking bodyguard beside her is threatening. There is no doubt in Damian's mind that she has undergone Giran biotherapy to achieve such otherworldly allure, though her mannerisms and subtle gestures suggest that even without such enhancements she would be almost as captivating. The woman flashes a perfect smile, and bows her head slightly as she introduces herself, a slight Giran accent accentuating her words. "Isabella Maria Vasquez. I must apologise to you as a fellow connoisseur for depriving you of such a wonderful example of artistic creativity, Mr...?"
Gira is slightly Mediterranean-themed OOC, so her accent is kind of Spanish or Italian, though I'm sure her name gave that away.
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#6 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros (HP: 3/3, AC: 14, Spells: 4/4)

"...Black," he says, finishing her lingering sentence, returning her polite nod with one of his own. "It was inevitable, I suppose, that another with more grace and means would sweep the piece away," he says, polite but tinged with sadness. "What is it that attracted you? Have you others in your collection?" he engages in small talk to learn what he can of her before the shopkeeper's return.
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#7 Post by Faanku »

Costine's Trove Antiques, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Friday 21-01-3200

"Of this calibre? A few." she answers. "My collection is vast, to be candid with you, but this is one of only a handful of works that boast such... direction." The woman's eyes glimmer as she emphasises that last word, her gaze locked into Damian's. "I am sure a man as cultured as yourself would understand, Mr Black."
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#8 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros (HP: 3/3, AC: 14, Spells: 4/4)

Behind his impartial expression, Damian's thoughts race. Someone else who understands the map changes the game. What else does she know? Caution is required in case they also have mastered void manipulation or bio-cognitive adjustment. Their mastery of genetic manipulation could bring forth more talents... Or less. She has more than one item in collection - that's opportunity beyond this one painting. If I move into employ or favor do I violate the retainer of Bao? Irrelevant, if this leads to more knowledge. But a known painting is more than a promise of a collection unrealized. The shopkeep went to the back too fast - I could have manipulated him to swap a fake. But how to conjure a replica without being noticed? Unwise to touch the genetically upgraded mind of this one, will there be a chance to work through the shopkeeper? To acquire the painting now certainly curtails access to any future holdings she may have... Best investigate that option first.

He meets her gaze, a shared understanding. "There must be vanishingly few who appreciate such a collection. I would very much like to see it." He adds, "A collaboration on the study of the paintings, perhaps?"
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#9 Post by Faanku »

Costine's Trove Antiques, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Friday 21-01-3200

"An intriguing proposition, Mr Black, though far from unexpected. I am not averse to working with others in pursuit of a shared goal, but I have my position to consider. I am sure you understand that I cannot be seen to work with just anyone, even in my private endeavours." She speaks with the tone of one assured that her conversational partner is acutely aware of who she is, and it is a tone she seems well used to using. "Of course, concessions could be made if you offered something... unique, in this particular venture. Tell me, Mr Black; why might I be inclined to make such concessions for you? Your refined appreciation for evocative brushwork aside."
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#10 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros (HP: 3/3, AC: 14, Spells: 4/4)

"You can have any dog chase a car," he says glibly, his eyes passing appraisingly over the thick-necked guards, "but it is rare to find one who knows what to do when he catches it." He adjusts tack, "I am not certain you could afford my expertise, to be truthful, and my aid costs appreciably more than acquiring this painting, but you pique my curiosity, and that is rare as well."

"Is my curiosity warranted? What is it in your collection that you think merits further study? What is it you hope to catch when you chase this painting to its ends?" He quirks his eyebrow.

Getting more wits about him now that the shock of the missing painting has abated, he wracks his brain for knowledge of Isabella Maria Vasquez as a public figure...
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#11 Post by Faanku »

Costine's Trove Antiques, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Friday 21-01-3200

The mysterious woman holds a hand to her mouth at the mage's mention of expense to stifle a pleasantly soft chuckle. "Oh Mr Black, could it be that you haven't realised who I am?"

Vasquez, Vasquez... Damian knows that name from somewhere, but the curious intensity of the current conversation leaves him at a temporary loss.

"How refreshingly quaint! Suffice to say I have the means to realise my ambitions, whatever might stand in my way." She lets her eyes linger on Damian for a few moments, then nods with a smile. "Yes, I believe you have piqued my interest sufficiently, Mr Black. I am afraid I have not the time right now to discuss the exact terms of our arrangement, but on certain cartographic matters you can consider yourself endorsed by House Vasquez. I am most looking forward to seeing what services you shall provide me."

The shopkeeper returns as Isabella finishes, and the huge bodyguard takes possession of the map. After the woman thanks the owner, she makes to leave. "I shall be in touch, Mr Black, once I have had some time to examine this piece more thoroughly. Do stay well."
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#12 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros (HP: 3/3, AC: 14, Spells: 4/4)

Damian nods in confirmation, handing her a glossy print-card with a contact number on it - it belongs to his burner phone, on which he has disabled the positioning system. "It is a pleasure, Ms. Vasquez. Let me know when you intend to depart and for how long, that I may make arrangements."

Inwardly, he hides his disappointment. A shame. Either she intentionally avoided my questions or she is not nearly as enhanced in intelligence as she is in appearance. In the long run, intelligence is more useful.. He watches them head for the door, his plans to conjure a fake and swap them evaporating as they do. At least I have secured access to the painting and map... Adding a wealthy benefactor to the trip as a bonus. This has promise.

He expressed his regrets to the shopkeep and provided him a similar card in case anything of similar antiquity passes through. Then he also departs the shop, wandering the marketplace, perusing. He doubles back, conducting countersurveilance checks to identify any placed on his tail. She had the look of a bored dilentante, trying to assuage her ennui with the curious. They also tend to be overconfident in their control of things.

He stops off in a data cafe, paying a cred for temporary data use and finding a terminal where he can see the door. He searches the Vasquez family, hoping to assuage his concerns.
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#13 Post by Faanku »

Cyberia Holonet Cafe, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Friday 21-01-3200

No sooner has Damian entered the first 3 letters of "Vasquez" into the search bar of his holonet terminal than hundreds of predictasearch responses have pre-loaded, every one of them documenting the political, social or supposedly private exploits of Isabella, or her father, Cesar Antonio Vasquez. Why he didn't make the family connection during his conversation with the young scion is unknown, but a man as informed as Damian knows well the hugely affluent and influential Vasquez family. Lord Cesar is one of Gira's most brilliant scientists, as charismatic as he is ingenious, who rose to political prominence some years ago after making huge strides in cell-rectification biotechnology. His heir and daughter, the capricious Isabella is almost as famous as her father, renowned in circles across the sector for both her beauty and unpredictable nature. At least a dozen of the newscasts and h-net threads are about her exploits into the realm of criminal maltech, alien experimentation, unbraked AI research and many other equally dubious adventures.
Gira, much like Lorina, is something of a mandarinate, where the most intelligent and capable members of society rise to prominence to rule by committee (of course charisma helps to, even in the year 3200 humans are humans), so Lord Vasquez would be on the ruling council of one of the most powerful planets in the sector.
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#14 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros (HP: 3/3, AC: 14, Spells: 4/4)

Damian makes note of her reckless pursuits. As I expected. Too much money and too much privilege, she seeks novelty. We must take care to keep her interest but not become the next toy. He inverts the chronology of the search results, flipping them to see the oldest references to her full name. Is she actually young, or just modified youth? Lastly, he filters for scandals and those who have stood against her. Knowing her troubles is likely to be more useful.

His interest in her sated for the moment and still having time on the anonymous terminal, he slinks through the skanky back doors of the 'net to where news and networks of space pirates can be found. There were only a few crews that could've taken possession of the Vale of Tears, so he starts by looking for word of them. Then he works through, looking for clues that someone has (or had) either the ship or the relics he left in his bunk locker. At least the Ithilien Cortex is obscure and distinctive... If they surface it...

When his time is up, he uses his compad to message Vyrner Odo. "You have dinner? Getting hungry. Can catch you up before heading back to the room."
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#15 Post by Faanku »

Cyberia Holonet Cafe, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Friday 21-01-3200

Isabella's birth date is no secret; there are several Giran casts celebrating her birth to one of "Gira's most promising young achievers," dated back around 40 years ago. She certainly seemed a lot younger than that in the flesh, the technomancer notes. It is little surprise that such a prominent figure has had her fair share of negative press, and Damian notes a few of the most popular or believable recent stories regarding Ms Vasquez's potential rivals. The most common stories relate to a torrid love affair with one Emil Haukland, son of the CEO of the Big 12 company Aurora Spaceways. Thousands of casts dating back a number of years document the two's public appearances together, and huge arguments and subsequent reconciliations between Isabella and the magnetic young pilot, the most recent spate of which being around 6 months ago and reporting the dramatic end of their relationship. Damian also finds several reports tying her to Daphion's own Queen Elasine, the two supposedly clashing over the monarch's refusal to allow Isabella access to certain royal facilities; the casts date back several years, but the tabloids seem to regularly churn out updates on the two's rivalry. Most of the less sensationalist casts regarding Isabella often contain warnings not to cross her unprepared, one post of dubious origin standing out to Damian claiming that "the woman is duplicitous to an inhuman degree."

Regarding the Vale of Tears, Damian cannot find a shred of information; either someone has taken extreme pains to reconfigure its transponder code, or given that it was impounded on Kakimides just before the civil war broke out, it remains close to where he and Odo last saw it.
It can be assumed that Damian has plenty of tabloid-tier information on Isabella now. If there's a particular subject or planet you're interested in feel free to improvise a story he found and we can flesh it out together.
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#16 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros (HP: 3/3, AC: 14, Spells: 4/4)

Damian tucks the information away for later use and, satisfying himself again that he had no tail, heads to the quiet pho restaurant he knows Odo prefers.

When the captain arrives and orders, Damian fills him in on what has transpired - the Vale of Tears shows no updates and may still be impounded, the loss of the painting to the rich dilentante but the resulting joint endeavor, the potential and risk of her patronage, and the holonews results looking for leverage.

"What are the terms of our retainer, then, and how long do you think we have? I can't let this painting slip away - and being without the Veil, a patron could help get us to our goal and open doors for the Veil's recovery. I want you along with me."
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#17 Post by Enoch »

Tucking his napkin onto his lap, Odo stirs the soup as he ponders the question. "The terms were left...ambiguous. We're to stay 'local', which I interpret to mean in this system. No specifics on renumeration, though I think we have room to maneuver there."

He takes a sip of his soup, then squeezes a bit of thick red paste from a squeeze tube into the bowl.

"We were certainly well compensated last time, and I assume that Kasama will be equally generous in the future. If not--well, we didn't sign a contract. Kal simply assumed we were willing to accept the retainer.

"The Vale's still my top priority. I don't want to rely on Kasama's goodwill more than we need to.
These things always come with a hook. The sooner I'm back in my own ship, the better."
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#18 Post by Marullus »

Damian nods, ruminating on a drunken noodle. "I think this new benefactor, the heiress, can sufficiently open doors to get us to the Veil. But we must prove useful before such a favor. What are your thoughts?"

He slurps up the noodle, tapping on his compad, which lies on the table, scrolling through my to see if he can identify where she's staying here on Mejo. Paparazzi don't let those things stay secret.

"We could stop by, offer the Veil for our jaunt to follow the map... One thing she NEVER has is anonymity, I suspect. If we could get the Veil released, we could pursue the path without the normal chum-feeders that follow her transponder. That might be... Suitably mundane."
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#19 Post by Enoch »

Odo shrugs halfheartedly as soup drips onto his jacket from a dangling noodle. He curses quietly and mops at the offending stain with his napkin.

"It sounds like she's taken some interest in you. If you want to use that to help retrieve the Vale, I certainly appreciate it, and will assist however I can.

"Short of that, though, I suppose my options are rather limited. I plan on trying to build some business contacts--and attend Silas' race, of course. That sounds very exciting, though perhaps more dangerous than a prudent person would consider. I've had no luck finding anyone to help on Kakamedes."
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Re: [001.1] More Than You Bargained For

#20 Post by Marullus »

Damian nods solemnly. "Everything I had was on the Vale. I want to see it back as well. I have her interest, but that doesn't close a deal. Will you come and help present the bargain? If so, let's see if we can look her up tomorrow band commit her to a plan."
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