Game Announcements

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Re: Game Announcements

#41 Post by Marullus »

I'm back!

I think I'm caught up. If I didn't answer something, please bump it. (I'm sure I missed some things in the private forums that I read on vacation and don't remember to go find now...)
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Re: Game Announcements

#42 Post by Marullus »

To help with your planning, I've again updated the map. I also expanded it to show more of the "undiscovered country"... the game world is much bigger than this pic.


As a side note... NPCs talk. :) If you hire NPCs to go with you, when you return to town, they're helping things make it onto the map and public knowledge.

That said, I REALLY want PCs to be spreading knowledge yourselves IC and a player to take over map-making. :shock: My MS Paint skills stink!
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Re: Game Announcements

#43 Post by Marullus »

I'm proud of you all. At 22,038 posts, we're still twice the size of the next-largest active game... one of only four games to beat the 10,000 mark on this site. You're awesome.

I'm also giving advance notice to be fair to all... it looks like I'm going to have to shut this game down at Christmas. I'll be changing jobs with the new year and don't foresee being able to keep up with the pace of things here. While I love all you've done and the amazing growth and story that has evolved, the responsible move is to close down rather than to just let it collapse slowly in a state of uncertainty.

We will continue on for the next two months and hopefully conclude the current expeditions. I'll re-evaluate as we get closer, as I may decide to pare back significantly but remain open. (2 posts a week for 1-2 expeditions? Taking a four-month hiatus and re-evaluating once I'm over the learning curve for the new job?)

This is also a cause for my recent nostalgia. You guys are awesome, and I want you to celebrate your stories. Go participate in the Best Moments of the North Marches thread. :D
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Re: Game Announcements

#44 Post by Marullus »

Upper-Level Game Play
Since we have a number of PCs for whom this is relevant right now, I'm going to expound on the titles and nobility portion. If we shut down in December, then this is a fitting denouement for some wonderful characters, who get to have closure as they achieve noble status before the story concludes. If we continue on with a more limited campaign, then this sets up the opportunity for you to generate your own continued fun in the sandbox with the interests and intrigues of these higher-level PCs while your other PCs are on expeditions.

The Current Sovereigns of the North
There are three sovereign realms, each ruled by a Duke or equivalent, able to swear new knights to fealty:
  • The Archduke of Gaul. Named ruler of all the Northlands by the southern kings, the Archduke nonetheless has limited reach, relying on adventurous brave heroes to go forth in discovery and to bring more lands under his control. His treasury has already funded warfare against the goblins, driving back and securing a larger patch of the north. His rule covers The City of Gaul, Frogmorton's Ford, Beith's Watch, and Amistad, the lumber outpost in the forest.
  • Lord Commander of the Order of Baudhil. Lord Commander Bremen and his knights of Baudhil have established their own sovereignty east of the river, establishing their own right to divine rule through petition directly as a holy order. His rule covers only The White Tower.
  • Dwarfking of the Lands of Jarkul. Declaring descent from King Jarkul, who's holdings have been discovered in all directions, the dwarves of the Blackhelm Clan name themselves a sovereignty and establish a Dwarfhome in the Mines of Verdun once the scourge of Scatha is ended. As (due to player actions) they control the southern passage of tradegoods, possess a fully-developed dwarfhome and gold, silver, and electrum mine, and also control the supply of quarried stone, they're in a solid position to hold their opposing claim to the Archduke for rule of all the north. His rule covers The Southern Watchtower, The Mines of Verdun, and the Quarries of Idmi d’dum.
Taking Land and Living Out of Town
Anyone can do this. If you set up shop IC, you can join an independent settlement or end up creating a new one. NPCs will go there as plot circumstances dictate. You can hire a garrison to protect it or let other conditions prevail. People you hire (like garrisons or craftsmen) need to be paid, which is what big piles of adventure treasure are good for. :) If your location has an economic draw, you don't earn coin. Instead, it allows some perks of your town to become self-sustaining. (i.e. you IC establish a mill of loyal timberwrights, a witch who can grow endless herbs, a magical healing fountain which is a site of pilgrimage, a hot tub and day spa in a land of endless cold, etc.)

Before anyone attracts followers at level 9, it is assumed you'll have settled somewhere and established some sort of base living arrangement there. Followers show up automatically and are considered self-sustaining no matter what.

Building Somewhere or Rehabilitating a Ruin
This all still uses the house rules. We've found that if you hire enough labor, this actually can be completed relatively quickly, bringing new town locales into play with a few weeks of effort. Since we also have the ability to jump the clock forward a few weeks at a time, we can decide to make an expansion to the sandbox and essentially begin playing with it in short order.

This is meant to be a coin-sink for adventurers. You come back with hundreds or thousands of gold coins in treasure? You can use the building rules to literally shape the face of the gameworld. Power to the Sandbox!

Gaining Titles
I modified the titles slightly. (in the Keehnelf version we imported, Knight and Lord/Lady were reversed, and Lord was called "Sir" which causes confusion with knights.)

Knights. These are called Knights for humans and Axebearers for dwarves. They are in service to a lawful god (Baudh or Moradin) and swear to a lawful ruler. By swearing oaths to conquer chaos and instill law upon the northlands, these individuals gain blessings of their lawful diety (see Dieties) and are on the road to Lordly title in service to their liege. Knighthood is the traditional road to nobility as you gain recognition for serving faithfully, are aided by the gods in subduing the chaotic lands, and in the process usually accrue something worth ruling.

Lords/Ladies. Usually raised from Knights, but not a requirement. A Lord/Lady has proven themselves worthy to be entrusted by their liege. They rule a location on behalf of their liege, overseeing knights who align with them, and maintaining a garrison for the protection of that location which can be called upon by their liege when needed to bolster a larger army. (Per above, this garrison may need to be paid, may need to be self-sustained by circumstances of your fief, or be followers.) Lords and Ladies are properly considered nobles and may have additional privileges in the court of their liege's kingdom.

Barons/Baronesses. Raised from the ranks of Lords/Ladies, a Baron is entrusted with a larger stretch of land. They are allowed to swear new Lords, Ladies, and Knights for their territory, and all fall under the Baron's liege. Otherwise, they have the duties and privileges of a Lord/Lady.

Duke/Archduke. They oversee Barons. This is as high as we'll go in this sandbox for now.

Sandboxing Into Next Year
If I continue on, I'll be running one, perhaps two, expeditions into the unknown. That leaves a lot of your PCs in town. This modifies the principle of "the town is not the adventure." In this case, it becomes "the town is not Marullus's expeditions." I think it would be amazing for you to continue sandboxing under your own steam, telling the stories of your other PCs at and between the settlements of the sandbox.

Ideas I'll put out there...
  • You can engage in simulationist roleplay in the town setting(s), pursuing your character's non-adventure goals. You can play NPCs for each other to engage each other's story in addition to portraying your normal PCs. Just ask each other and do it by consent. ("Hey, I'd like to have someone play a crotchety blacksmith that I can apprentice for - who's willing?" or "Will someone play a farm girl who might take pity on me despite my wretched appearance?")
  • If you are Lord/Lady of location, you can generate attractive NPC locations for other PCs to come play in. You can run NPCs and your PC to play out stories there. Your PC can even offer storyhooks to other PCs that they can pursue to develop an intrigue, work out a discovery, etc.
  • If I'm stepping back, I'm willing to allow sub-GMs. If a PC Lord hires other PCs to go and do something adventure-y in his hand, open an Expedition thread and run the storyline for them in your sub-forum. Mini-plots pursuing adventure within different sandbox areas can allow you to continue to introduce new beginning PCs to the game (for you or other players). I'm happy to help provide plot hooks (tying to to the broader world) as long as I don't have to GM more daily expedition threads, but you're welcome to also create "troubles" in your own lands to open expeditions that other PCs can expedition to solve.
It's a sandbox. Why not take more ownership?

Go participate in the Best Moments of the North Marches thread. :D
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Re: Game Announcements

#45 Post by Marullus »

I've expanded the conversation on the development of IC and GM sub-realms. Please see it here and add your thoughts: viewtopic.php?f=353&t=7910#p391621
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Re: Game Announcements

#46 Post by Marullus »

After some discussion with players, I'm tweaking the Rangers of Beith.

The old description....
The Rangers:
Rangers are militant keepers of Beith's ways - they protect wild places from the incursions of civilization and they work to prevent the genocide or extinction of any species. Any Neutral (Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral) character can petition a priest of Beith (level 5 or higher) to accept them into the Circle of Beith. The petitioner is taken to the wilderness under a full moon and vows to work actively to maintain balance in the natural world. The candidate is then washed by the priest before being branded.

Prohibition: Never slay a unique or solitary creature. Also, Rangers may not store personal property, keeping only what they (or mount) can carry and donating all extra wealth to charity.

1st: All Rangers are surprised only on 1 on 1d6; they may surprise others on 1-3 on 1d6 when in an outdoor wilderness setting.

3rd level: Rangers receive +1 per level to damage against goblinoids and giants (bugbears, orcs, kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, ogres, ettins, all giants, and trolls).

5th level: All Rangers of Beith attract a nearby medium or large wilderness animal which bonds itself to them as a companion. (This creature will be encountered and handled through roleplay.) The creature will count as Attack, Defend, and Fearless training and will have an empathic bond with the Ranger.
Here's the new version:
The Rangers:
Rangers are militant keepers of Beith's ways - they protect wild places from the incursions of civilization and they work to prevent the genocide or extinction of any species. Any Neutral (Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral) character can petition a priest of Beith (level 5 or higher) to accept them into the Circle of Beith. The petitioner is taken to the wilderness under a full moon and vows to work actively to maintain balance in the natural world. The candidate is then washed by the priest before being branded.

Prohibition: Rangers must actively protect the balance of nature (usually protecting natural areas from civilized encroachment) and prevent the extinction of any group in an ecosystem. Also, Rangers wander in service to Beith: they may not accept land, title, or civilized hirelings (this negates 9th level followers). They don't store personal property, keeping only what they (or mount) can carry and donating all extra wealth to charity.

1st: All Rangers are surprised only on 1 on 1d6; they may surprise others on 1-3 on 1d6 when in an outdoor wilderness setting. They may track creatures with success 50% +5% per level.

3rd level: Rangers receive +1 per level to damage against goblinoids and giants (bugbears, orcs, kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, ogres, ettins, all giants, and trolls). They receive a +1 to foraging rolls.

5th level: All Rangers of Beith attract a nearby medium or large wilderness animal which bonds itself to them as a companion. (This creature will be encountered and handled through roleplay.) The creature will count as Attack, Defend, and Fearless training and will have an empathic bond with the Ranger. They may Cure Poison 1/day.
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Re: Game Announcements

#47 Post by Marullus »

An important Public Service Announcement...

Use Day Stamps On Your Posts.

Format them like this:
05 September 2021
MyCharacter goes out and does this thing.
Everyone needs to work together to make town-time work. :) Any time you are not in an expedition (which have their own clocks), check the GAME CLOCK thread for the most recent timestamp and use it on your post.

If you do something that takes more than a day, advance the GAME CLOCK accordingly - now established here. If you travel between towns, check the stickied post on the settlement forum to find out how long it takes to make the trip (and if anything happens when you do) and advance the game clock.

For example: On 05 September, you are saying goodbye in Gaul and departing to Amistad via Frogmorton Ford. It is a half-day (count as full-day for through travel) to Frogmorton Ford, then two days to Amistad, rounding up to three days total. You are advancing the clock to 08 September.

I've updated all this guidance to make this easier and so you can self-manage / work with sub-DMs. PLEASE go back and edit recent posts to put stamps on them and begin using stamps from here forward. The entire process is descending into timeline chaos as nobody puts timestamps on their posts.
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Re: Game Announcements

#48 Post by Marullus »

Gaul Map - Oct 2021.png
Gaul Map - Oct 2021.png (111.44 KiB) Viewed 2360 times
Our disposition of sub-DMs is now taking effect. Please start expeditions by approaching the appropriate sub-DM to get their buy-in. :)
  • The Sylvan Woods (in the Eastern Woods) - Spearmint
  • The Morlook Forests (in the Western Woods), the City of Zhint - Alethan
  • The Far West Blighted Lands - Rusty Tincanne
  • The Dwarven Kingdom - Zhym
  • The Yoldessi Plains (eastern exploration) - Stirling
I remain the overall/coordinating DM and will handle exploration off the map into the unknown, for the most part.
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Re: Game Announcements

#49 Post by Marullus »

Slight modification: I made wagons/carts a little less punishing. (By the book it just says 'can't be used without roads' with no exceptions.) I previously allows them to be used off-road equal to sledges (1/4 speed max). I am modifying to make a functional wagon better than a sledge.

New updates:
  • There are more old roads being discovered (red lines on the map). Roads still allow full movement and a 1.5x bonus to speed.
  • A functional wagon/cart is better than a sledge. It can move up to half-speed and offers a 50% bonus to load. (Pack saddles offer 20%, for reference.)
  • Off-road, a wagon has a 1-in-6 chance of breaking each day. When it breaks, it becomes a sledge until fixed (no load bonus, max of quarter-speed).
  • Two PCs have aleady done this, so I'll just make it public knowledge. If your wagon features in roleplay and you invest item XP in it, you can enhance it to resist the chance of breaking.
Encumberance Rulesare updated accordingly.

I appreciate the roleplay-induced desire to have wagons and carts. Hope this helps!
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Re: Game Announcements

#50 Post by Marullus »

Glad to see new players and continuing interest in our game! :) As I have stopped giving gamewide XP, and PCs have moved to mid-level adventures, I am making these two adjustments:

All characters begin at the minimum XP for second level (effective Sept 2019).

If you are still level 1 before your expedition leaves, upgrade to level 2.

If you would like to make a second PC and your first one is on an expedition, you may. You no longer have to wait for him to return from an expedition. (Your PCs still can't ever go on expeditions together.)
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Re: Game Announcements

#51 Post by Marullus »

Two things:

1) I think I'm caught up. Which means I'm forgetting people. :) If you need me to reply to something, please *bump* it so it appears as new and I will try to address it all this week.

2) All old expeditions (except for Clays) have returned and were all together at the Fall Festival before the new expeditions left. You can't join a new expedition already underway, but you can ALL interact with each other with the bubble of that Fall Festival thread. Please enjoy that and interact with each other, then I'll wrap it up and close it down. Join it here: viewtopic.php?f=536&t=8244&p=436112#p436112
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Re: Game Announcements

#52 Post by Marullus »

We're taking a turn into the Winter Season.
Marullus wrote:October 15, 2021
This day has an ominous edge. It fell below freezing overnight and the townsfolk and farmers woke to the first hard frost. Winter is coming, no longer escapable. The demeanor of town life changes, moving to wool-wrapped scurryings and whispers as the days darken. The last two winters saw harsh deprivation and the town has grown signficantly this year, facing plagues of both dragons and demonspawn in the growing season. The future is dark and uncertain.

Only in the warmth and bright fires of the taverns do people find some cheer and revelry.

Engage freely in Tavern RP here, depending which settlement you hunker down in:
Gaul - The Golden Tooth Tavern
Beith's Watch - The Winged Hind Tavern
Pinewood Vale - The Ogre's Two Heads (Coach House & Tavern)
The White Tower - The Golden Scales Tavern
Dwarven Halls - The Dwarrodelf Tavern and Inn

Each Inn has a sub-DM who is responsible for making NPC roleplay there fun for you. :) I will occasionally award XP for those who do exemplary things and create scenes that engage others.
I will be closing down the Fall Festival.

I believe all expeditions that are going out before winter are currently open. (If you want to get a character into an adventure, act now.)

Any character you have that is not out on expedition is in town. Please feel free to roleplay in our town setups, per above. This is a sandbox and you can have roleplay (if not technically adventure) freely in any of the settings currently opened.

I expect that all expeditions will return before we have our Winter Phase.

In the Winter Phase:
  • I will advance the clock 3-5 months at once.
  • Each character has to have a place they're holing up for the winter, including food and housing. You should all make at least one post describing where your character is, how he lives, and what he does to pass the long dark nights in this frozen north.
  • Characters CAN use their non-class skills to make a living, if applicable, during the winter months (as they can for any months that they aren't adventuring). Magic Users, Elves, and Clerics also can engage in magical research, spell creation, etc. as normal during this extended time using the resources they have available when winter begins.
  • Our next "round" of expeditions will then commence when spring hits and its not too dark/cold to venture into the unknowns, and we'll officially be in the game year 2022.
So, think what your character does and how they grow now and through this time. Use the taverns to interact and expound.

Enjoy the Sandbox!
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Re: Game Announcements

#53 Post by Marullus »

A few important things:

First, welcome to Enoch as our latest sub-DM! Enoch will be taking over dwarf roleplay in the King's Halls. He has a lot of great ideas and is excited to run expeditions to clear out the goblins (for low-level PCs) and venture into the mountains (for those more brave). He's a great storyteller and the one who invited me to this site in the first place - please welcome him.

Second, Zhym will be taking over and expanding the solitary mountain, Gehl Pinnacle. I'll be transitioning the current orc quest to him and he'll be expanding some fun detail into how the orcs operate. He's also a veteran of the original campaign and knows all the same material I do on how we envisoned the undermountain to work. I'm excited to see his work here - this is going to be a great place for mid-level adventurers to face exciting peril.

Third, we've sprawled to the point we weren't intuitive anymore, so I tried to consolidate into a thread named START HERE. Read it over and let me know what else should be clarified.

Since the dwarf zone is designed for new PC adventures, I encourage people to make a new PC and get involved with Enoch's kickoff. You have time to do so and get an expedition in as "late fall" right now, before I kick off the Winter Phase.
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Re: Game Announcements

#54 Post by Marullus »

The end is nigh. The time has come.

We have had a good run. This chronicle has lasted almost four years, served 37 players, and built a sprawling world with over 28,000 posts (almost twice as large as the next largest ever on the site). We have run over 40 adventures together.

With the new year, I need to face that I can't keep it up. It takes 6-8 hours of dedicated time to administer each round of major updates. I used to dedicate 20+ hours a week here with a daily post-rate but now i am struggling to do a single round of updates bi-weekly when I promised weekly. Life moves on, the majority of sub-DMs are gone, and I need to call it.

My sincere thanks to Stirling and Spearmint for stepping up into the breach. Their DMing talents have really been a boon this year. I encourage them to run their own games and you all to play them. (If they want to spin off a sequel they may... After all, that's how we got started here!)

You can finish out what you like posting here before I archive the game. As of today, though, I won't be updating my IC threads. Thanks for understanding.

God speed, and keep in touch.

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