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#1 Post by thirdkingdom »

This is the second IC thread for "A Brave New World", picking up the morning of the Fourthmonth, Eleventhday, in the town of Alice. If anyone has actions they would like to postdate to the previous day (4thmonth, 10thday) please post in the first IC thread, here: viewtopic.php?p=433701#p433701
Fourthmonth, Eleventhday

The adventurers rise early in the morning. First thing they do is contact Madame Fleur via the enchanted mirror. "Ah," she says, "I'm glad you're checking in. I've made contact with your new hire in Rhea's Ford, and we've done some coordinating of resources. He says he should have some information about the magical items he's identifying within a day or two; when he does, would you like me to have him send them on to Junction, or keep them at the Ford?"
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#2 Post by VonAlric »


"As for what I left to have identified, if the info can get sent to you and leave the item at the Ford, that works best for me. No reason to move it, I think it is safest there. The other items are best decided by someone else."
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#3 Post by thirdkingdom »

VonAlric wrote:Gardo

"As for what I left to have identified, if the info can get sent to you and leave the item at the Ford, that works best for me. No reason to move it, I think it is safest there. The other items are best decided by someone else."
Madame Fleur, via mirror

"Very well," she says, "I will see that we do that. Is there anything else you need to report? Have you started to head north yet?"
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#4 Post by sulldawga »


"For now, I would suggest all of our identified magic items remain in your hands in Rhea's Ford."
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#5 Post by thirdkingdom »

Fourthmonth, Eleventhday

After promising to check in with Fleur in seven days time the adventurers leave the inn, collect the mercenaries, and find that Lec and her bodyguards are waiting outside, as promised. Lec is astride a grey riding horse, flanked on either side by four warriors in plate mail, with shields, spears, and short bows. The guards look competent, though not as seasoned as Casfrea or even Wulfka. They ride large black warhorses. Four mules are also outside, laden with barrels and packs.

"We're ready to go," says Lec, "and it looks like you are as well. Is there anything you need to do before we leave?"
Mules and warhorses have a speed of 120', or 24 miles, or 4 hexes, per day.
Incidentally, I am going to sticky this IC thread and unsticky the old one.
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#6 Post by shaidar »

Newton manoeuvres his horse to the front of the line

"I'm ready. How would you prefer to be addressed... madame Lec?
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#7 Post by thirdkingdom »

shaidar wrote:Newton manoeuvres his horse to the front of the line

"I'm ready. How would you prefer to be addressed... madame Lec?
Kirra Lec

The woman shrugs. She's wearing leather armor, with a brown cloak slung over her shoulders. A quiver and shortbow hang from her saddle, and twin long daggers are at her hips. "Kirra is fine, as is Lec. Nothing too complicated or fancy. You yell out 'Madame Lec' and I'll likely just be looking around for my mother."
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#8 Post by shaidar »

Newton smiles and nods "I'm Newton, the scout. You all look like you can take care of yourself"
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#9 Post by VonAlric »


Gardo pulls up towards the front, Notai and Wulfka alongside him. "Newton, you and our travel companion are going to be up front?" He turns to his henchwomen. "Notai, I believe this terrain does not sit well with you but I trust your senses better than mine outside. If you will, take a position behind Newton as you both are adept at spotting trouble in the wild. Wulfka, you ride with me but slightly behind to one side. This lets either one of us turn our horse without crashing into the other. Watch how Newton and Notai keep aware of things, learn from them as I know better about what to look for in a city, not out here. At least you won't be in the far rear, eating all of the dust that gets kicked up."


A sidelong look towards Gardo speaks volumes of his understatement. "True, when my people cannot feel the open sky, we grow uneasy. I shall still hear those things that you do not."


A small smile crosses the young lass' lips as she hears Gardo put her near possible action. Remembering his advice and tone from the previous day, she puts on a more determined look, which is a bit more comical than intended. Gardo doesn't seem to notice.
Last edited by VonAlric on Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#10 Post by shaidar »


"I'm happy with that, if you are...Lec?"
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#11 Post by The_Wanderer »


Feargus leans over toward Mardan Cy as the party gets under way. "From here on out, it will be dangerous. Stay close but never venture in front of the fighting men."

Feargus takes a place toward the front of the column and rides with the relaxed demeanor. "Newton - I suppose its not possible for you to be scouting ahead or around us as we proceed? That seems like it would slow the column down too much."
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#12 Post by shaidar »


"I'll ride out in front, then Notai can focus on the sides"
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#13 Post by thirdkingdom »

Fourthmonth, Eleventhday
The Road North

The adventurers, their mercenaries, and Lec and her guards leave Alice around 8:00 am, heading north on the North Road. It's relatively well maintained, at least to start, with big flat paving stones laid in low places where it no doubt gets boggy after rains. About six miles* north of Alice the adventurers come across another clearing, much smaller, but filled with activity. A score of guards in the Baron's livery stand around, peering into the woods, whilst at least three score more men and women work at rebuilding what look to be residences. An earthen berm surrounds the entire complex, and more work is being done building a wooden palisade atop the packed earth.

"This was one of the villages that was lost," says Lec, "they're just now starting to rebuild it. Most of the former inhabitants are in Alice, now, with their new lives, and there's no telling if they'll actually want to return." The party is hailed by guards as they pass through, who advise them that all is calm up ahead. "There's another village some six miles that way," says the company Captain, "and more folks at work, but we're further along than they are, I daresay. They might have more recent news than we about what you'll encounter."

Sure enough, around midday the party enters another clearing**. There are fewer workers, and soldiers, and they seem to be involved mostly in clearing; the glade is dotted with undergrowth -- brambles and blackberries, blueberries and thistle, as well as sapling trees, some as thick as a man's thigh. The remnants of buildings -- mostly stone foundations, some scarred by fire -- can seen here and there.

"Hail!" calls out one of the guards, "You're near the borders of Civilization! Threee miles north of here the Principality ends, although in reality we've already passed it. Where are you folk heading? You've certainly got enough blades with you, that's for sure!"

I'm trying to re-upload the map but the home internet is hella slow. It refers to this map: viewtopic.php?p=433619#p433619

*Hex 235.133
**Hex 235.132
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#14 Post by sulldawga »


The mage calls back, "We seek Kimrid, and to determine the state of the road between there and here. Let's hope we've brought blades enough for the trip!"
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#15 Post by thirdkingdom »


"All's been quiet here this spring, ever since the snowmelt. There're some folks that travel past here that you might run into -- trappers and woodsmen, mostly. We haven't seen any orcs or such, but those that come back claim they're out there."
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#16 Post by The_Wanderer »


Feargus listens and then says to Telemachus, “I’m embarrassed to say it but what actually does a woodsman do? Should I think of it as some sort of tanned skin mix of a trapper, a lumberjack and a guide? Or is there something else?”

Feargus then returns his attention to the road and the unknown lands ahead.
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#17 Post by thirdkingdom »

The_Wanderer wrote:Feargus

Feargus listens and then says to Telemachus, “I’m embarrassed to say it but what actually does a woodsman do? Should I think of it as some sort of tanned skin mix of a trapper, a lumberjack and a guide? Or is there something else?”

Feargus then returns his attention to the road and the unknown lands ahead.
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#18 Post by thirdkingdom »

Fourthmonth, Eleventhday
The North Road

The adventurers bid their leave of the workers and guards and continue their way north. The road becomes visibly worse, with deep ruts and washouts, and here and there saplings and undergrowth taking over. Shortly after leaving the last clearing they come across a low stone wall, perhaps as tall as a man, that snakes of into the east and west, stopping only for the road itself. The wall is old and poorly maintained. Surely this once marked the boundaries between Civilization and the Wilderlands.

Hex 236.132

To the east of the road, almost immediately after crossing the wall, the land turns swampy and miasmal. Small bugs -- gnats and mosquitos -- buzz about, but it is soon left behind. Otherwise, the adventurers travel through thick, primeval forests.

Hex 236.131

The adventurers are approaching the end of their traveling day as they enter this hex. As soon as they enter they see to their right an enormous mound of earth, maybe thirty feet tall and a hundred around. It is covered with trees, but is clearly artificial. Shortly thereafter Newton* riding point some distance ahead, comes around a bend and sees ahead of him, at least 150 yards away, a half dozen humanoid figures, crouching over something on the ground. It's too far away to make out any details, and they haven't spotted him yet, but he's got only moments to act before they do!
*I'm assuming that Newton, and perhaps Notai, are scouting ahead one hundred yards or so. The woods are thick and visibility limited, so flight would not be of much help for scouting. Otherwise, you've got no chance to surprise anyone given the number of troops and horses you're rolling with. Encounter with the creatures happens in subhex 0406!
Random Encounter (1-2):: 1d6 1
http://orokos.com/roll/754577: 1d2 2 1d6 4 1d6 1 4d6 16 2d6 5 Occurs in hex 236.131.

Hex 236.132
Hex 236.132.png
Hex 236.132.png (68.24 KiB) Viewed 9583 times
Hex 236.131
Hex 236.131 Player's.png
Hex 236.131 Player's.png (68.29 KiB) Viewed 9583 times
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#19 Post by shaidar »

Newton tries to find sufficient cover for him and his horse
I'm assuming that there isn't time to turn and retreat out of sight. Whether or not he manages to hide before he is noticed will decide his next action. If he's success he'd tie the horse off and sneak back towards the rest of the group to warn them.
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#20 Post by Atlictoatl »

Haaki, the Feather Witch

Watching everyone else make a point of riding at the front of the column, Haaki is content to take the rear with her riding horse and three dogs, who have no difficulty keeping apace with warhorses and mules. At one point, she attempts to engage Telemachus in banter about why it is that the common image of witches and wizards always seems to involve pointy hats. Her owl companion mostly sleeps during the day trip, tucked in at her side on the horse.

Once they cross the old stone wall, Haaki wakes the owl and sends it forward to keep an eye on Newton, who is scouting ahead.
Atlictoatl wrote:How do you normally handle scouting?

* Haaki can provide backup to Newton on scouting, if he wants it, having a bird nearby while he scouts ahead.
We hadn't fully discussed this, but if the bird can be positioned forward to support Newton, that would be ideal. If we missed that opportunity this time around, I'll try harder to catch it next time.

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