On to Malforten - ICC

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On to Malforten - ICC

#1 Post by Golem »

The Laughing Cow Tavern - Village of Hrueset

It is well into the afternoon that finds you within the cool confines of the the Laughing Cow tavern located in the village of Hrueset. With the wars in the west, you slowly made your way east in search of gold, fame, or one’s own hidden agenda. Yet pickings are lean and the folks are suspicious of ‘adventurers,’ seeing you as glorified tomb robbers and trouble makers.

Suddenly the oaken door to the tavern swings open and the tall and solid form of the bailiff steps inside. Wearing a tabard representing the local barony over his chainmail, the man named Ulsen walks slowly about the tables as the tavern suddenly grows quiet. Ulsen removes his gloves while making a gesture to the barkeep for a wine, his tired eyes falling on your group.

“I see you’re still here in Hrueset,” the bailiff said as he takes a seat at your table. “Hope you don’t mind if I take a load off and wash down the dust from the road. Could have told you this place is dull and boring with no tombs or graves worth exploring. But I have some news worth passing on to you all.”

He takes the goblet of wine and drinks heavily from it before wiping the excess that was trapped in his huge moustache with the bag of one hand. “There’s been some trouble over yon west, the village of Malforten and the area around it. There’s a group of bandits lead by a gnoll called Gritznak and I hear he’s pretty cunning. Before it was just raiding farms for their cows and sheep and robbing merchants along the east-west road. But with the wars, there’s been no help, no men to spare from the lords to handle Gritznak. Now the gnoll has the gall to show up at Malforten and demand tribute.

Of course the elders of Malforten have again pleaded for help along with the merchants who ply the road to and from there. Some of the lords have a plan; put a bounty on Gritznak. Five hundred gold crowns for the gnoll’s head and keep anything you find tax free. You bring Gritznak’s head to the elders in Malforten, you’ll get a token, a broze ring to bring back for the bounty.”

Ulsen drinks the rest of the wine before rising up from his seat. “Don’t think too long on this. I’ve got a little traveling to do. Passing word of the bounty to anyone who’ll listen. Who knows who’ll bring back the gnoll’s head.”

With a nod to the barkeep, the bailiff turns and leaves the tavern.

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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#2 Post by Rex »


Turning to the others "Sounds interesting, perhaps we could make some coin and help out the locals. I hate the idea of Gnolls extorting the people on the frontier. Their lives are hard enough as is."

Cormac finishes his drink and waits to see what the others have to say.
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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#3 Post by Leitz »

When Ulsen began speaking, Georg set down his bread and cheese. With a quiet "hrumph", the boy beside him also set down the crumbling remains of what had once been a warm loaf. The youngster had turned it into cheek padding within moments.

"A person of import is talking. Pay attention." Georg whispered. His almost harsh accent spoke of a youth in Aenochre proper.

When Cormac spoke, Georg nodded. "I am glad we met. I've heard of this issue but haven't traveled in this area, we would likely get lost quickly. How far is it, and what supplies do you feel we need? And, of course, discounting bed time stories used to scare children, what are gnolls actually like?What is his unit strength, and are there allies we might join with?"
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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#4 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Amarth breaks out his fife and starts playing a tune while listening to the conversation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UQO4WPb648

After completing his little tune he chimes in "It has potential for a good ballad. I just gotta figure out the right tune for it."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#5 Post by Scott308 »

Tarron Dasys

The quiet elf contemplates the info for a bit before responding. The coin seems...high for what it sounds like needs be done. This gives me pause. However, the reward is substantial. I believe we should head that way and see If we can gather any more information on this "Gritznak." If we decide we do not wish to pursue the gnoll, we have not yet committed ourselves to a course of action.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#6 Post by Rex »


"Sounds fair enough to me. Lets head out shortly wile we still have some time to travel today."
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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#7 Post by Golem »

With plenty of light left in the day, the party starts out on the West Road, leaving the village of Hrueset and crossing the Hruesen River by ferry.

11th of Trocken
Weather: 64 degrees, moderate wind
Encounter Roll: [1d10] = 7/[1d10] = 4

12th of Trocken
Weather: 53 degrees, thunderstorms, severe wind - You lose a day traveling
Encounter Roll: [1d10] = 5/[1d10] = 2

13th of Trocken
Weather: 55 degrees, windy
encounter Roll: [1d10] = 6/[1d10] = 3

14th of Trocken
Weather: 67 degrees, cloudy, a nice breeze
encounter Roll: [1d10] = 9/[1d10] = 6

15th of Trocken
Weather: 70 degrees, windy
encounter Roll: [1d10] = 7/[1d10] = 5

16th of Trocken
Weather: 56 degrees, windy
encounter Roll: [1d10] = 8/[1d10] = 5

17th of Trocken
Weather: 52 degrees, rain with breeze
encounter Roll: [1d10] = 2/[1d10] = 9

The West Way is a dusty track leading across the grassy plains of western New Aenochre. It passes through several small villages before ending at the settlement of Malforten. Here, two dozen or so wood and stone houses with thatched roofs are huddled closely together on the upper banks of the Drunderry River. Large willows and oaks are clustered along the river’s banks and around the town, while fields of grain spread out north, south and west of the village. Cattle graze fretfully even further afield. Amongst the cattle and fields are several herdsmen who spy the comings and goings of travelers to Malforten. They call out sharp warnings in the direction of Malforten when anyone approaches, while their large cow-dogs howl and bark guardedly. Before reaching the first of the houses in Malforten, a bell, set in the town center near a well, is usually rung by someone nearby, alerting all that travelers are arriving.

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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#8 Post by Rex »


"Looks like we arrived. Lets see if we can find out who is in charge and what they know."

Spotting someone near the bell. "Greetings friend, we are looking for whoever can direct us to help hunt down the gnoll bandit we are hearing about, can you help with that? It would be much appreciated."
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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#9 Post by Leitz »

During the course of the trek, Georg kept backpacks and gear on his war horse or Fallon's pony. Each morning the two would get up early, saddle the horses, and practice jousting. During breaks in the day they drilled basic cuts and thrusts, each with his own sword. During watches, when Fallon was seconded to one of the other party members, he talked to the horses, oiled the weapons and armor, or played "toss the stick into the fire".

One of the two would help set up camp while the other fished for a morsel to add to supper. Neither one was a chef, neither one balked at taking a turn doing whatever needed to be done.

In the evenings, Georg would tell tales about the various battles and the knights who fought in them. While his bardic talents were nothing compared to Amarth's, he talked about things he had actually seen. People he actually knew. In his telling they were grand knights, worthy of being praised. An average listener would hear the praise and be encouraged. An astute listener might wonder, with the level of detail given, why the teller never praised himself? Surely one cannot describe a knight's victory over surrounding foes without having been equally surrounded?

"My uncle Vidkun was oft ridiculed, before the earlier Eastern war." Georg chuckled one night. "He was a slight man, both short and thin. He fell in love with a lady ranger, similar to our Cormac here. Much more attractive, though. Her, that is. People laughed when he rode by, a slight man on one of the largest warhorses I've ever seen."

Georg nodded, swirled his mug of water, and finished it. "Until the war, when everyone converted to heavy plate. When the logistics plans Uncle Vidkun had written a decade prior became the key to survival. Even a slight man weighs heavy in full plate. Even a warrior with a quill can save a nation."
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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#10 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Amarth plays a tune on his fife while Georg tells the "tale" of their journey. "Oh we're here to capture a big ol bad gnoll, an maybe we'll be on a roll...and yah all can raise the flap up the pole...." he tries to continue the rhyming but then just plays the fife a bit more...and smiles.
Last edited by GreyWolfVT on Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#11 Post by Golem »

OOC: I've been waiting for another player to respond. Now let's get to it...

Cormac and Georg
Rex wrote:"Greetings friend, we are looking for whoever can direct us to help hunt down the gnoll bandit we are hearing about, can you help with that? It would be much appreciated."
"You 'ere fer Gritznak? Wot 're ye, sell swords?"

"Oh, that's fine and dandy! No one here has an ounce of backbone! We can take care of this mess ourselves if the elders really wanted to, instead of bringing in...outsiders! Mercenaries! Killers for coin!"

"And wots wrong wi' that? I'm tired of these bandits stealing and demanding tribute! If they can kill Gritznak an' his thievin' vermin, I think it's coin well spent!"

The crowd gets raucous as voices are raised and emotions run high. A older man sidles up to Cormac. "Yer timing's bad. Best be off to the Empty Flagon over yonder," he says, pointing to the building. "Git yerself some ale, something t' eat while I gather those you need to talk to, eh?"

Tarron Dasys

You are standing witness to what you consider the odd ways of humans when a tiny voice catches your attention.

"Look! Look at him! He's got pointy ears!" A dark-haired, ruddy faced boy is standing close by, his full fury of his adolescent attention riveted to Tarron's ears all the while pointing to him. "It's an elf, mum! AN ELF!"

The woman at the boy's side turns from the commotion and her gaze is directed to Tarron...and his ears. Her eyes widen in alarm, mutters something while making a quick gesture with the fingers of one hand. "Come along, Willard," she quips while grabbing the boy's arm, pulling him away. "You've heard what your father has said about...about...strangers."


Elves are incredibly rare outside their forest dwellings, plus the fact they turned their backs on the Humans and Dwarves with the last great fight against evil. Certainly sounds familiar.

Amarth Underfoe

During the rising commotion, you hear a harsh female voice speak in the dwarven tongue yet your fine ears know the owner of the voice is no dwarf. It is not a whisper nor that of a loud yell. Turning your head, you see a small squat log structure across from the Empty Flagon. As it is nearest you, your eyes note the door of iron bars across the opening. Then you see a pair of grimy pale green fingers clutching the bars and a pair of something glittering in the darkness just inside. Behind the small log structure is a wizened old tree and a lone piece of rope hangs from a high limb.

"You there, stout folk. Come closer, please."

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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#12 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Amarth looks towards the voice "Eh? Me?" he points his right hand thumb at his chest. "Uh hmm what do ya want wit me?" he calls back towards the voice... moving only two steps closer being hesitant enough to avoid being within arms reach.
Last edited by GreyWolfVT on Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#13 Post by Leitz »

"No," Georg said to the man with Cormac. The tone was polite, but firm. "We found out about the problem and offered to help. Yes there is a bounty. Yes, there is a question of can Malforten and its people be saved."

He stopped, and faced the man squarely. "There are countless villages, now empty and lifeless, whose people thought their plans from yesterday would be sufficient for today. I have walked them, the problem is all too common. The Lord's unspoken question is, should Malforten be saved? Those who settled here were strong of heart and mind. They were willing to do what needed to be done. Is the problem here just one of needing aid, or have the people become too civilized to live on the border areas?" Georg nodded at one man in the crowd."He derides those who make war, forgetting that it is those very people who allow him a chance to live in peace. So far Malforten's people do not seem fully committed to their own survival. Armed men enter the village and are greeted by women and children, not warriors ready to defend their homes."

"We are going to inspect the perimeter of the village and assess the defensive options. If you have men, or women, who are willing to fight for their family and friends, send them to us. We should be easy to find."

"Gentlemen, follow me."
Georg mounted his war horse and led the way around the village. He will assess what, if any, defensive measures can be taken.
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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#14 Post by Rex »


"Georg, you check the defenses and I will go wait at the Empty Flagon for whoever is in charge."

Cormac heads to the local Tavern/Inn.
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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#15 Post by Leitz »

"Do you feel I will be able to see the tracks and trails as well as you?" Georg said to Cormac. "I don't think I'm as skilled in such things as you.
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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#16 Post by Rex »


"Perhaps not, but I don't think whoever is in charge here is gonna like having to chase us down and I would rather start off on a good foot."
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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#17 Post by Leitz »

"I understand, and in a way, agree. I want these people to survive and thrive." Georg nodded. He included the older man in the quiet conversation. "Yet to do so they must change drastically. Those willing to meet us are the ones most likely to stand firm against the foe. To wait on someone, in a bar, suggests we are what they suspect, mere mercenaries seeking reward. Listening to the ones only willing to go as far as the bar is not going to solve the problem or save the people. Supporting those who are willing to work for their homes is everyone's best chance of success."

He turned to the older man. "What do you think? Will Gritznak wait for us to be properly fed, conversation done, and all options discussed? His spies probably heard your bell, he may even now be deciding to see what the noise was about. I'd like to help you help yourselves; sitting in a bar is not the place for that."
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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#18 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Amarth still waiting for the mysterious voice to reply back takes note that his new "friends" have not noticed him lagging behind and have left him....alone....apparently. "Show yer self if ya will please. I'd like ta know what yer name is." he says again to the disembodied voice.
Last edited by GreyWolfVT on Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#19 Post by Golem »

Cormac and Georg
Leitz wrote:[dialog""What do you think? Will Gritznak wait for us to be properly fed, conversation done, and all options discussed? His spies probably heard your bell, he may even now be deciding to see what the noise was about. I'd like to help you help yourselves; sitting in a bar is not the place for that."[/dialog]
"What do I think? I'll tell ye what I think. Some of us 'ere in Malforten want to take on this Gritznak ourselves! We've got a militia. Some want the lords of Aenoch to handle this. We might live on the frontier, but we're subjects and deserve protection. Some think its insulting to hire sell swords but to hell with it, we're paying taxes one way or another...to the lords in Aenoch or Gritznak, seems to me it makes no difference. Now I was told when you first got here I was to direct you to the inn while the councillors were summoned."
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Re: On to Malforten - ICC

#20 Post by Rex »


"Georg, see to the defenses and I will talk to the councilors. Armath! Do you want to join me at the tavern? I am planning on meeting the councilors."

Cormac follows the directions to the tavern.
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