Session 2: Quarantine Zone

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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#221 Post by Rex »


"Then we must move. The question is can we convince the Lady of the Beholders plan?"
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#222 Post by dmw71 »

Once her pained reactions were detected, all attention turns to Azalea.

"Are you okay?" Louchi asks as she witnesses the wood elf struggle against an unseen attack of some kind.

As the rogue naturally recovers from the telepathic invasion of her mind, and begins to reveal the details of the visions she received, the Rat King draws nearer with each detail shared.

"That rat was a spy?" she asks angrily.

She interrupts Azalea at the mention of the green vial of gas. "How did you know about that?!" she asks, before settling back, realizing that the rat spy must have shared its experiences before being killed.

"It's all starting to makes sense, now." the Rat King starts, talking aloud as she begins to put the pieces together:

"The Rat King has long protected these docks from fire, thievery, and oppression," she starts. "A couple months ago, the Rat King learned some woman was concocting magical diseases that would transform people into rats... the Rat King called her the Lady of Plagues."

"Once the Rat King learned that her lab was in the apothecary, instead of attacking her, the Rat King confronted her -- the Lady of Plagues was Maladie..."
she drifts off momentarily.

"She was like a kindred spirit to me, and we did fall in love, but always kept it private. The Rat King convinced Maladie to lock away her toxins -- the green gas -- in a lockbox. The Rat King watched her do it!"

"We were going to be together, living in peace, here in the city, where the Rat King could keep an eye over her retired father."

"The day after the Rat King introduced Maladie to her father, my father ends up dead, Maladie disappeared, and the Rat King is blamed for her father's death!"

"What else is the Rat King to think? It had to be Maladie that betrayed the Rat King?"

"But... "

"If the rat spies were watching the Rat King, and Maladie, and the Rat King and Maladie, and the Rat King's father... that's the only way anyone could have known."

"A distraction?"
the Rat King repeats Azalea's word, once she finishes processing everything the rogue has shared. "Nefarious plans..."

Then gets distracted with Azalea's final words:

"The cranium rats killed Cap."

The Rat King falls silent for a moment, then quickly breaks out of it.

You witness the Rat King motion to a collection of her rats, and watch as the rats rush off en mass to a corner of the sewer intersection, and return to the Rat King, bringing her a large sack, which jingles as it's moved.

"Here," she says, opening the sack and producing a half dozen vials of red fluid. "These will heal you," she says, handing one vial to each of you.

Also inside the sack is an wind instrument; a series of wooden reeds strung together, with a leather strap, and a little rat token dangling from its front. "Can anyone play this?" she asks.

When no one admits to possessing that skill, she offers it to anyone interested... but doesn't wait too long for a response.

"Maladie," she starts. "We must save her!"

"This way --"

The Rat King turns and begins to make her way towards one of the sewer tunnels leading out of the intersection.


No one really needs it at the moment, but please make sure to add the Potion of Healing to your character sheet.

Apologies for the wall of words.
There's a lot to take in, so I will pause here for a moment to allow for any last minute questions or requests.

If not, we'll press on.


Date: 19 Quintilis, Year 7102
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#223 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Louchi takes one of the potions for herself, hoping she wont need it. She wonders if it will "heal" her of the pox, or just her wounds.

When she sees the pipes offered by Cat, she doesn't hesitate to reach out for them. "Pipes like this, down here in the sewers? I think I have an idea as to what these do."

If nobody argues with her, she will hold onto the instrument for now.

She hurries behind the Rat King at full speed, ready to see where this next journey takes her and her friends.
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#224 Post by Rex »


Asmundr takes the potion of Healing and allows Louchi to take the pipes.

"Quickly, we must follow."

Asmundr is off after Cat.
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#225 Post by dmw71 »

The Salvation Parade
After Louchi claims the wind pipes, the Rat King leads the group through many twisting and turning sewer tunnels for several minutes before stopping at a sturdy steel ladder which drops from the surface, and leads to a sewer grate overhead. "This one should be unlocked," she says, over the general murmur of a crowd forming on the surface.

"The parade should be beginning shortly," the Rat King says, darting quickly up the ladder and pressing her shoulder up against the grate once she reaches the top. "Quickly now," she continues, looking down at the group. With that, the grate is opened and the Rat King climbs through the opening and disappears overhead.

Not wasting any time, the group quickly follows behind her.

One by one, the characters return to the streets of the Dock Ward, and find the streets filled with people and excitement -- so much so, it appears as if the Salvation Parade is nearing its start, even if it isn't meant to begin for another hour or so.

The group is quickly reminded of the despair they left behind, as afflicted citizens continue to display rat-like qualities. Throngs of worshipers fill the streets, handing out blankets and care baskets to these Rat Pox-afflicted bystanders along the curb.

Suddenly, the kind murmurs of the crowd -- both ill and unaffected alike -- quickly give way to startled shrieks as, maybe 100-feet in the distance, the crowd begins to part.

Someone with long back hair and wearing a beaked mask appears, holding a glass vial above their head. Their cloak billows behind them dramatically -- even though, at the moment, there is no wind. Three other cultists, also wearing beaked masks, position themselves behind this leader.

The crowd nearest these visitors scatter as the black-haired, masked individual screams out in a female voice:

"How quick the Rat King was to blame the Lady of Plagues for her own misfortune!" she starts. "Quick to blame, to label, to put her in a box. Now her people will suffer for her presumptions!"

"Maladie..." the Rat King manages to whisper, breaking her stunned silence.




Date: 19 Quintilis, Year 7102
Time: 10:43 (Sunrise: 06:58, Sunset: 18:43)
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#226 Post by Scott308 »


Whoa! Hold on, there, Plague Lady! You've both been set-up! That floating, bug-eyed...eye, Xanasomebody, is behind this. The beholder tricked you both. He's the bad guy here. Don't do something you're gonna regret.
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#227 Post by BearSiren817 »

“Please, Maladie! Listen to the tortle.” Azalea adds to herself that it is a terrible sight seeing a Tortle with mottled rat fur.
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#228 Post by Rex »


Asmundr keeps on the look out for cranium rats and possible spies of the beholder. "Maladie, please stop and think for a minute. You both have been set up, the beholder is playing you."
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#229 Post by ravenn4544 »

Garl races behind with the group but befuddled in trying to keep up with all of the unfolding story. As they stand and face the rat king he whispers to whomever is closest "what the hell is happening?!?!"
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#230 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Louchi tries to help.

"That's the Rat King's girlfriend there in the mask, I think. She still believes that she was set up by Cat, and Cat thinks she was set up by Maladie. Turns out they were both set up by the crime boss here. That ugly beholder we met earlier."

The huge woman shudders at the thought of the illithid and the beholder extracting their revenge upon her and her group for meddling into their strong arm affairs. She decides not to add anything to what the others have already said, keeping her eye on poor Cat to see what she plans on doing next. She keeps the pipes handy, even though she isn't certain yet what they will do.
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#231 Post by dmw71 »

The Lady of Plagues
Maladie, The Lady of Plagues, holds up a gloved hand and keeps her guards at bay behind her. She seems to be considering the multiple pleas being made. "You've both been set-up!" she can hear Sandro claiming. "The beholder tricked you both. He's the bad guy here." She hears a second voice -- that of Asmundr -- parroting the same message: "You both have been set up, the beholder is playing you."

"How..." she starts, then seems unable to summon the words needed to detail her confusion, and doubt. "I didn't release the pox!" she shouts. "The Dock Ward’s precious protector -- the Rat King -- she was the only other person who knew about my masterpiece, and where it was kept... not Xanathar," she states; her words laced with fiery pretentiousness.

Cat steps forward, positioning herself between Maladie and the rest of the group. She wipes a tear from her face and brushes her long red hair out of her eyes. "It's true..." she says, almost choking on her words. "What they're saying is true. It wasn't me. It wasn't you."

Maladie lifts her signature beaked mask, revealing a classic fairytale beauty with ivory skin, long waves of raven black hair, and ruby lips... but the left side of her face appears to have been marred. The Lady of Plague's cloak continues to billow behind her, despite the complete absence of any breeze or wind.

"How?", Maladie asks, taking a step forward.

Cat takes a cautious step forward as well, sharing how they were being spied upon.

The two continue to approach each other; tentatively at first, before ultimately dashing into each others arms as Cat seemingly convinces Maladie that they're both victims of deception.

The pair share an intense embrace; both now openly shedding tears, of both joy and relief. The crowd, which now finds itself more at ease, lets out a sympathetic "Awwww..." as the pair reunite.

Cat and Maladie break their embrace, unembarrassed, and compose themselves. "Here," Maladie says, reaching into a pouch dangling at her waist. "Take and distribute these," she says, handing four vials of a murky green liquid to Cat. "They're the antidote," she continues. "Only a single drop is required!" she adds loudly, making sure all can hear, ensuring the contents are not unnecessarily wasted.

Cat, noticing the mottled fur and rat-like tail being worn by Azalea, hands the rogue one of the vials. "Just a sip," she reminds her; then, as the elf is about to bring the vial to her lips, she interrupts her. "Wait just one moment," she says. The Rat King, with a second vial in hand, moves to a nearby local, also inflicted with pox-like symptoms, and administers a sip to this stranger... and watches with amazement and awe as the commoner's rat-like tail begins to immediate recess, and ultimately disappear! Same with their other rat-like features as well. Cat confirms that the freshly cured stranger is familiar with Watchcaptain Morrow, and instructs them to hurry the antidote to her -- "Now!" she orders. "Do not stop for anyone!" she demands as the excited local dashes off.

Cat turns back to Azalea and, with an affirmative nod, signals that it's safe to drink. "And pass it on," she encourages.

Confident the antidote is safe, and effective, Azalea takes a small sip of the bitter green liquid and almost gags. The elf looks from one arm to the next, rolling them over to alternatively observe the tops and bottoms of her each, and watches in amazement as the mottled rat fur begins to fade from existence. She almost spins in a circle, looking as far over her shoulder as far as she can, and almost cheers as her tail appears to almost crawl back up towards her spine, before completely disappearing as well!


Asmundr and Louchi take sips in turn, and are almost instantly cured of their rat-like claws; with the former also losing her beady rat eyes. Sandro, too, loses the fur that had been sprouting from beneath and around his shell.

While all the excitement is taking place, and the antidote is being spread amongst the largely infected population, already gathered here for the parade, the group keeps their eyes peeled for signs of trouble, with Asmundr reminding everyone to make sure no more cranium rats are lurking about.

No cranium rats are spotted as the group scans the area, but Azalea, with her roguish perceptive abilities, happens to detect a line of tied and gagged humanoids being forcefully led by a half dozen of what could only be the Xanathar’s goons: two dressed in purple robes, and the other four donning chain shirts and shields, with spears and slung swords clinging to their waists.

The elf, from her visions, recalls how the plan was to use the parade, and the pox, as a distraction for, as she described, other "nefarious plans."


Okay, everyone, that is, again, a lot to take in. Feel free to ask any questions, seek clarification, etc...

If the plan is to engage this transport (I can share that is Cat's plan), please:
  1. Roll for initiative;
  2. Provide any tactical movement and/or actions;
  3. Also include a stealth roll, if appropriate for your planned action.


Date: 19 Quintilis, Year 7102
Time: 10:51 (Sunrise: 06:58, Sunset: 18:43)
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#232 Post by BearSiren817 »

[1d20+3] = 19+3 = 22

[1d20+7] = 14+7 = 21

Shortbow Attack (w/inspiration in order to get sneak attack damage):
Roll 1:
[1d20+5] = 17+5 = 22 [1d6+3] = 2+3 = 5 ([1d6] = 4)
Roll 2:
[1d20+5] = 16+5 = 21 [1d6+3] = 3+3 = 6 ([1d6] = 5)

Azalea shoots at one of the purple robed men.
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#233 Post by OGRE MAGE »

With her eyes finally wide open again, Louchi spots the unsettling procession fairly quickly. With her face in a grimace from the bitter antidote still fresh on her cow-like tongue, she decides it might be time to try out the pipes recently given to her by Cat. She notices Maladie's cloak blowing in the wind and assumes it must be a magical garment to act in such a strange manner.

Initiative [1d20+1] = 11+1 = 12

Pointing them at the robed figures first, she blows into the instrument with full lungs, hoping her instincts are correct. She remembers back to her youth when she met a traveling musician named Zamfir, attempting to emulate his catchy tunes as she plays.
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#234 Post by Rex »


Asmundr will attempt to surprise is foe if he must fight.

Stealth [1d20] = 7

Initiative [1d20] = 15

Hand Ax [1d20] = 3 to hit [1d6] = 6 damage
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#235 Post by Scott308 »


Whoa! That stuff tastes like what I would think rat poop mixed with sour milk tastes like!

Trying to creep closer without drawing attention from the procession of people, the monk flings a dart in the vicinity of one of the purple robed people.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#236 Post by dmw71 »

Initiative Order
  1. 22: Azalea (1)
  2. 19: Sandro (2)
  3. 18: Wizards
  4. 15: Asmundr (3)
  5. 12: Louchi (4)
  6. 11: Garl (5)
  7. 5: Guards

Round 0: Partial Surprise
Azalea spies the slavers and, after pointing the convoy out to the rest of the party, unslings her bow with lightning-like reflexes and takes a bead on one of the robed slavers and quickly looses an arrow. The rogue's aim is true, and she watches as her projectile sinks into the exposed flesh of the casters' neck, dropping it an unmoving bloody mess.

Sandro creeps forward and tosses a dart at the remaining robed slaver once into range, but a fleeing worshiper crosses his path at the last instant and causes the monk's projectile to fall harmlessly short.

In a heartless display, the remaining robed wizard steps right over the fallen form of his companion and rushes at the group -- stopping once drawing within 15-feet of the nearest targets. Drawing his hands together with his thumbs touching and fingers spread, the wizard shoots a thin sheet of flames from his outstretched fingertips, catching Garl and Louchi in the cone of flames!

Asmundr moves to engage with the wizard, and swings his hand axe at the caster, but the heat from the wave of flames that burst forth from his target moments earlier causes the sorcerer's attack to miss its mark.

Channeling her experiences as a youth, when she met a traveling musician named Zamfir, Louchi brings her newly acquired pipes to her lips and blows into the instrument with full lungs. An out-of-tune blast of sound issues forth from the instrument, but seemingly without the intended effect. The effort may have been cut short after being engulfed in a wave of flame.

Garl, also caught in the blast, lashes out ineffectively with his longsword as his singed eyelashes prove to be too much of a distraction.

One of the armored guards hitches the bindings of the tied and gagged humanoids to a nearby post, then forcefully shove them, with their hands still bound behind their backs, to the ground.

The other three guards draw back their arms and release their spears in the general direction of the party. Garl draws one of the attacks, but is able to dodge out of its path. Sandro finds himself targeted by the other two, with the first striking solidly against his protective shell, cracking a small section of it and exposing a fleshy area (-3).


Garl and Louchi, please make a Dexterity saving throw (DC: 12).
  • Success: 5 Damage
  • Failure: 10 Damage

Actions and/or movement for round 1. (Note: Asmundr and Garl made melee attacks against the wizard; if any of the three move out of range of their attackers without using the action to disengage, they will trigger an opportunity attack.)

Any questions, feel free to ask.


Date: 19 Quintilis, Year 7102
Time: 10:52 (Sunrise: 06:58, Sunset: 18:43)
Temp: 65 F
  • Cool
Light Sources:
  • None
Known Conditions/Spells in Effect:
  • None
Character Status

Last edited by dmw71 on Mon Dec 17, 2018 7:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Edit: Added note about melee combantants and opportunity attacks. | Edit 2: Burning Hands damage.
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#237 Post by ravenn4544 »

Garl curses at his distracted miss on the wizard. He slices again with his sword:

Attack (+3 str / +2 prof) [1d20+5] = 7+5 = 12
Long Sword Damage (+3 str) [1d8+3] = 2+3 = 5

Dex save (10 - so no bonus): DC [1d20] = 17
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#238 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Louchi shrieks from the fiery blast in her face.

Dex Save (DC12) [1d20] = 13

Luckily, she doesn't die from it.

She moves away from the others if she can, not wanting to make spell targeting any easier for the evil wizard.

She tries the pipes again, this time playing them normally, with a bit less gusto and a bit more vibrato. She tries to target as many of the guards that she can at one time with her performance, still unsure what the hells she is doing.

"Hey Cat, Mal, no pressure but, if you really want to put a stop to all of this, perhaps you could lend us a hand here?"
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#239 Post by BearSiren817 »

Azalea moves toward the wizard wanting to end this threat as quickly as possible.

Attacks with her dagger:
[1d20+5] = 6+5 = 11[1d4+3] = 3+3 = 6[1d6] = 5

Attacks with offhand dagger:
[1d20+5] = 19+5 = 24[1d4] = 4

If the 11 misses here is her sneak on offhand attack:
[1d6] = 6
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#240 Post by Rex »


Continues to attack the wizard.

Hand Axe [1d20] = 14 to hit [1d6] = 1 damage
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