Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#281 Post by AleBelly »

Zeromancer wrote: OOC: Yeah, I think NM7's back is to Lumenor right now (+2 to hit). He presents a tempting target, but I want to drop that leader if I can.
Just a note on this - the two NMs are attacking Tempus, though this could change now that they're aware of Zo behind them. But they are in a bad spot, in a 'sandwich' between the two. So depending on who they continue to attack they will be open to a back or flank attack. If these nightmen were smarter, they would have done that to the front line of the party earlier in the battle ;)

In general, though, once groups are in melee facing each other, I treat it as a donnybrook. According to OSRIC/1e rules, targets are chosen at random when a mass melee ensues. I still think Tempus and Lucas are far enough apart that those are separate battles, but I just wanted to let you know not to read too much into the battle maps. I keep those there because positions can get confusing and I find that this helps the players understand what's going on.
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#282 Post by AleBelly »

Bodies of the nightmen litter the cavern floor, yet the party has more work to do. Lumenor draws his bow, but a beam of light from the big guy obscures his vision just as he releases the arrow. It misses by several feet, shattering into the wall behind him. The elf's target continues to cry out in pain in frustration as he tries to rid himself of the insects -2 hp.

Those in melee continue their retreat. Tempus offers healing, but must extricate himself from melee. All of our adventurers are able to dodge the nightmen's stone axes, but their attacks are futile. Zo and Tempus' blades find only air, while Lucas' morningstar is deflected by a thick grey nightman hide.

Lumenor steadies himself, takes a deep breath, and fires another arrow at his only available missile target. This time, his aim is true. He strikes the leader's chest with yet another arrow. And finally, the leader falls. The faerie fire dims and the insects now invade its body only one round of this spell remain and that would be taken up by reorientation to another target, so the usefulness of the swarm has passed.

Lucas will have one more round of fighting before he's unable to see if he continues his retreat.

071418.png (1.63 MiB) Viewed 887 times
Date: 4 Grasses (April), Year 44
Time: 19:41
Conditions: 44F, damp
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Torch burning near Tempus' feet, burns through 20:20
Injury status: Tempus barely wounded; Lucas heavily wounded; Azor, Clarence dead
Nightmen Situation: 13 dead (including big guy); 1 moderately wounded (NM12), 2 in full health
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#283 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus will continue his fighting retreat, slashing at NM5 with his scimitar. [1d6] = 1 : [1d20] = 4 : [1d8] = 8 : [1d100] = 99

its getting ridiculous :lol:
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#284 Post by Zeromancer »

Lumenor slung his bow across his back and withdrew the fine Elvish steel long blade from its scabbard once more. Presented with the rear of an enemy (NM7), he saw this as an opportune time to advance into the melee and strike.
OOC: Lumenor to Tempus: "Maybe you should learn how to use a bow, a short bow, naturally."
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#285 Post by Storm11 »

Tenpus to Lumenor, it wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference. But I am only half bad with a sling
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#286 Post by scottjen »

Zo continues his attempt to stab a nightman with the pointy end.
Attack with short sword [1d20+1] = 8+1 = 9
But fails.
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#287 Post by CAI4 »

Lucas stops his retreat, and focuses on bashing in the nightman's head. "Just die already!" he yells in frustration.

init [1d6]: 6
to hit [1d20]: 19
crit [1d100]: 42
damage [2d4+1] i kept forgetting his bonus vs evil humanoids: 3+1 = 4

Lucas is taking all of Tempus' good luck!
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#288 Post by AleBelly »

Updates due to DM error in this color. The map will remain the same, just NM7 is now dead.

Tempus continues his retreat, just as Lucas stops his. The boy expresses his frustration at his opponent, then clubs him in the head with his morningstar! It bleeds from yet another wound, but the sturdy bastard still staggers. Its counterstrike is weak and repelled by Lucas' ring armor. Another hit will surely finish off this wretch.

Now frustrated and desperate, the two nightmen facing Tempus continue their attack. The halfling dodges an attack that would wound a less nimble foe. The second nightman roars as it brings down its stone axe with great force, but Tempus dodges again! The stone axe shatters on the floor, and the nightman moans in fear. It will be limited to doing damage with its hands! To add insult to injury, Lumenor swiftly advances and deals a nasty slice to the anguished foe down its leg. It is moderately wounded! Lumenor's second strike slays the creature, and now only two remain!

Given the scale of movement, Lumenor gets one attack this round. He gets two this coming round (and sorry, rolls don't carry over)

Zo, the other elf, cautiously looks for an opening. He makes a few feints, but finds no opening that protects him from a devastating counterattack.

071418b.png (1.63 MiB) Viewed 875 times
Date: 4 Grasses (April), Year 44
Time: 19:42
Conditions: 44F, damp
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Torch burning near Tempus' feet, burns through 20:20
Injury status: Tempus barely wounded; Lucas heavily wounded; Azor, Clarence dead
Nightmen Situation: 13 dead; 1 moderately wounded (NM7); 1 critically wounded (NM12); 1 in full health
Last edited by AleBelly on Sun Jul 15, 2018 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#289 Post by Zeromancer »

Lumenor found the distance between himself and the target to be far more than his eyes indicated. Perhaps the fatigue from the very lengthy battle was beginning to wear on the elf. Nevertheless, he struck at his quarry in rapid succession with his blade.
OOC: @Ale I'd argue that moving one 10' square is not much of a gap. We can debate that another time though, I guess.

If NM7 falls, Lumenor will move in to attack NM5, assuming he can reach him. -.-
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#290 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus continues to draw the nightman’s attention as he slashes his scimitar in the general vicinity.

[1d6] = 4 : [1d20] = 7 : [1d8] = 7 : [1d100] = 62
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#291 Post by AleBelly »

Zeromancer wrote: OOC: @Ale I'd argue that moving one 10' square is not much of a gap. We can debate that another time though, I guess.

If NM7 falls, Lumenor will move in to attack NM5, assuming he can reach him. -.-
This is a fair argument. I hadn't accounted for Tempus' retreat. I will count the second roll and apply it to the previous round. That means Lumenor's first roll will count this round.
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#292 Post by CAI4 »

Lucas holds his ground and tries to bring his foe down.

Init [1d6]: 5
To hit [1d20]: 14
Crit [1d100]: 75
Damage [2d4+1]: 4+1 = 5
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#293 Post by scottjen »

Zo attacks again with his short sword trying to stay behind his opponent.
Attack with short sword [1d20+1] = 14+1 = 15
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#294 Post by AleBelly »

Lucas and his nightman opponent, both suffering from multiple wounds, continue their battle. The nightman swings first. Lucas just manages to knock its stone hand axe aside with his shield. The boy's return blow glances harmlessly off thick grey hide.

The other nightman, having had no luck against Tempus, turns towards Lumenor. With a savage slash, the blind creature misses the elf by inches. Zo, seeing an opening, drives the point of his sword into its back!

Zo crit [1d100] = 62, damage [1d6] = 5

Lumenor continues to show prowess with his weapon, disemboweling and finishing off the nightman with a powerful yet finessed stroke of his longsword!

That leaves only one nightman to fight on. It knows it's alone, and likely to die. With a savage yell it lunges at Lucas again!

This will be a case where Lumenor gets only one attack, as he'll have to move 20+' to help Lucas out (if he's so inclined)

Date: 4 Grasses (April), Year 44
Time: 19:44
Conditions: 44F, damp
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Torch burning near Tempus' feet, burns through 20:20
Injury status: Tempus barely wounded; Lucas heavily wounded; Azor, Clarence dead
Nightmen Situation: 15 dead; 1 critically wounded (NM12)
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#295 Post by Zeromancer »

Lumenor stepped over the body of the enemy (NM5) he had just felled with his blade, and moved into melee range with the last remaining nightman. "See to the ranger's wounds." he said as he moved past the halfling. He then swung his weapon in an arcing backhanded motion at his target.
OOC: We can't let Lucas join uncle Chet in the ground, so yeah, of course he's going to aid the kid. Oh... too soon? :P
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#296 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus steps away and let’s the others take on the last creature, calling upon his Water magic to cleanse the Rangers wounds.

[1d8] = 6

After healing the ranger the Druid will rush over to Clarence and check on the bear to see if it can be revived or is too far gone.
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#297 Post by scottjen »

Zo attempts to end the last nightman's life.
Attack with short sword [1d20+1] = 3+1 = 4
But fails.

OOC: not that I'm complaining, but can someone explain the multiple attack rule?
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#298 Post by Zeromancer »

Movement rates represent the distance a character (or monster) can move in one minute (1 round). If a character is moving cautiously (e.g., stalking, mapping), this movement rate is divided by 10. A party of adventurers with a movement rate of 90 ft would move at 90 ft per turn through a dungeon (moving cautiously), and in combat (not moving cautiously) they would be moving 90 ft in a round. Running allows the character to double his or her movement rate. During combat, a flat-out run is not possible unless performing a charge or fleeing from combat.

Dividing movement rate by 5 (e.g., 60 ft becomes 12) gives the number of miles the character can travel in a day at walking speed along fairly level terrain. Thus, a character with a movement rate of 120 ft can march 24 miles in one day. Mounted characters use their horse’s movement rate rather than their own, of course.

OOC: I assume you know about multiple attacks resulting from Rate of Fire and Weapon Specialization. I'm sure there's also something in the rulebook that mentions moving and attacking in the same combat round which then limits the number of attacks a character can make. I'm sure I read it, I just don't recall where. However, since combat movement rate is not hampered, it seems all (120 ft) but Tempus (90 ft) can cover 12 of those map squares per round of combat. In fact, I feel Lumenor could have charged that nightman from 24 squares away! o.O Now I'm confused as well, lol. I think we're gonna need DM intervention here to explain what's going on. Maybe the map scale is off?
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#299 Post by CAI4 »

"One more hit and I'm down! I need backup!" cries Lucas. He swings again at the nightman.

Init: 6
To hit: 15
Crit: 61
Damage: 6+1 = 7
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#300 Post by AleBelly »

Zeromancer wrote:Movement rates represent the distance a character (or monster) can move in one minute (1 round). If a character is moving cautiously (e.g., stalking, mapping), this movement rate is divided by 10. A party of adventurers with a movement rate of 90 ft would move at 90 ft per turn through a dungeon (moving cautiously), and in combat (not moving cautiously) they would be moving 90 ft in a round. Running allows the character to double his or her movement rate. During combat, a flat-out run is not possible unless performing a charge or fleeing from combat.

Dividing movement rate by 5 (e.g., 60 ft becomes 12) gives the number of miles the character can travel in a day at walking speed along fairly level terrain. Thus, a character with a movement rate of 120 ft can march 24 miles in one day. Mounted characters use their horse’s movement rate rather than their own, of course.

OOC: I assume you know about multiple attacks resulting from Rate of Fire and Weapon Specialization. I'm sure there's also something in the rulebook that mentions moving and attacking in the same combat round which then limits the number of attacks a character can make. I'm sure I read it, I just don't recall where. However, since combat movement rate is not hampered, it seems all (120 ft) but Tempus (90 ft) can cover 12 of those map squares per round of combat. In fact, I feel Lumenor could have charged that nightman from 24 squares away! o.O Now I'm confused as well, lol. I think we're gonna need DM intervention here to explain what's going on. Maybe the map scale is off?

I have the movement rules written out in my house rules, since these aren't always clear in the game rules. Feel free to have a look there. I'm not sure exactly what the question is, but Zo's movement was hampered by the ledge at one point (probably not safe to run full speed on a 5' wide, bumpy ledge) and the other time he was trying to make a backstab. I think we can all agree that it's easier to move quietly walking than running.

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