Session 4: Back to Falko

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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#101 Post by Marullus »

He intones his incantations to summon wisdom of the sages, ensuring that he'll understand all words spoken among the imperials... sometimes this alone is enough to provide insight with guards such as these.
Do we learn anything from the Imperials as the pockets of conversation move on and they think they aren't understood?

Also, forgot to roll the spells... I'll roll Wisdom of the Sages here (since it may matter). Let me know if you want a test for the mostly-cosmetic use of the Light spell...
Similar to known language (Ob1) or far removed from known language (Ob2)... not a Dead Language (Ob3).
Arcanist 5D +1D Fresh = 6D

Wisdom of the Sages 1/2 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 5
Wisdom of the Sages 2/2 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 1 [1d6] = 3
4 successes, Margin of Success is 2 or 3.
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#102 Post by Ludanto »

The gentlemen accompanying Shen don't seem to be anyone important, and kept their conversation low so as not to be rude, but you did catch a bit about a councilman being revealed as a "tide-cultist", and that it seems to "get worse every year".
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#103 Post by Marullus »

Ludanto wrote:Talk turns to matters dangerous and arcane, and when the gilded dwarven book is described, Shen shows extra interest.

"You know," he says hesitantly, the dirty business of trade making him uncomfortable, "were one to gift an item of that unique nature to an appreciative soul, it seems likely that they would share their secret techniques in return."
Allric's interest is also piqued, learning hints at the differing thoughts and techniques of an Imperial sorcerer. He produces a large, gilded, gem-encrusted book (pack 2) and slides it onto the table. "Knowledge is truly priceless, and prizes such as these can't be bought with mere coin." He offers it to the sorcerer in good will, a gesture of the group's trust on these matters.

Allric returns with the sorcerer after their conversations abate in the waning hours of the night, their talk about magic theories keeping them up to Dawn. They continue through the week that follows, learning from each other and growing in trust and friendship which deepens as they come to know each other through closer and closer association as they share quarters and study with each other. At the week's end, Allric has learned the imperial methods of Supernal Vision, parting as a friend from his new colleague, both promising future aid in the magical endeavors of this backwater hinterland.

Do we learn anything else about the spiral hill he seeks? Anything else of interest as the group finishes talking that first night, or the later ones?

Their stay in town coming to an end, Allric calls his companions together over dinner at the Inn. He speaks to them in a low tone. "What then, friends? Do we return to finish the course of the chapel? Investigate the witch not seen for a generation? Head onward to the Ashen Throne to ensure this dwarven knowledge is in proper hands?"
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#104 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

I vote to return to the monastery, and investigate what lies below the wolve's den. My feelin' is that we did na cleanse the place.

The witch's hut could be the next task, it's waited a generation so it could wait some more, and there seems to be no "missing children" here, so the wolves's lead might be a false one. As of now we have no connection between the hut and the sickness that is plaguing the region, nor to this dragon-snake-cat thing.

Let us go back to the monastery, examine the lower level, I'm sure friend Rabon would like the opportunity to examine anything of value there. Plus we could question the wolves further, if they will talk to us.
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#105 Post by Marullus »

- Can Rabon buy something (perhaps some preserved rations at Ob2) to get a second Resources test with his Wise?

With those upkeep costs added.... we are at lifestyle:
Thag: 3
Allric: 1
Rabon: 1
Berry: 1

- Purchase lamp oil (3D cash, +1D fresh, Ob2)
- Thag gets 4D cash (+1D Fresh) to pass an Ob3 lifestyle test
- Rabon, Berry and Allric get 2D cash (+1D Fresh) each to pass Ob1 lifestyle tests

Please update your sheets to match the inventory document. ... sp=sharing
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#106 Post by Ludanto »

Is that question for me? I don't see any reason why Rabon can't try to buy something.

Also, I've got (from the Log):
Thag: 3
Allric: 2
Rabon: 1

I'm assuming that Allric is shacking up with Shen (that moved fast!) and Rabon is staying with people he knows, but what about Berry? Is he staying in the stables with Thag?
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#107 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

Berry said he was staying at the flophouse.
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#108 Post by Marullus »

No, that question was for Rusty. :)

Crap, you're right. I forgot it was +1 Lifestyle for the Circles test. Allric is Ob2.

...Should we roll those now?
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#109 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Hey guys, I'm prolly trying my luck at the flophouse Berry states to the narrator and his associates. As much as I would love to go shopping, I don't think I have room for much else save some rations. Mr. Allric, should i pick some up before we head on our next adventure?

edit: I'll mess with my sheet tomorrow most likely, I'm at work and have a magic prerelease tonight so that kinda fills my time.
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#110 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

I'm not sure how to engage a purchase as a test wherein I can use my wise. I could BL haggling or try to manipulate a merchant again...

Rabon spends his days (and nights) with Merr Rhion. During that time he purchases preserved rations from the bazaar, using his cooking skills and shrewd appraisal-wise to wheedle a merchant into the best deal on superior/more exotic vittles. Foreign honey combs, garlic-jerked yak meat, chile-lime soda breads, roasted cocoa powder...
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#111 Post by Marullus »

It is a Resources test. You're spending cash to get the dice and the RP is establishing your rep as someone of means rather than a deadbeat murderhobo. :)

So, your 2D cash +1D local +1D Fresh against Ob2.
Activate your wises normally to reroll dice.
Success means you get the rations and also improve your rep, gaining 1D Resources rating.
If you fail, you waste your coin AND suffer consequences.

Up to Ludanto, but it seems you wise should help you add a helping die to others for resources tests (and protect you from tax).
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#112 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

thanks for the explanation. I still haven't read the town rules. :oops: Without Fresh, I don't like those odds, so I'll go for fresh rations.

Rabon spends his days (and nights) with Merr Rhion. During that time he purchases fresh rations from the bazaar, using his cooking skills and shrewd appraisal-wise to find the best ingredients he can find. Summer squashes, apples, flour and oats,and chanterelles.

[1d6] = 2, [1d6] = 3, [1d6] = 5
I'll add that to his inventory.
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#113 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Berry starts looking over his gear, realizing that maybe their merry band may need more food, so he wanders over to the market, flush with his gold from before his adventures, and decides to try and get some fresh food.

2D gold resource test to get ob1 fresh rations [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 5 wow look at me.

Getting very lucky, Berry runs into a shopkeep with too much meat that no one was buying, little tough, just not the highest quality. Thinking he got a deal, he happily hands over his bag of gold for fresh rabbit and some apples. emboldened by his good day at market, Berry finds a secluded corner of the town, spreads out his cloak on the ground and begins to intone to the Lords in a way he has never done before. Oh Great Lords of Light and Law, I humbly submit my request for the boon of your power. May you see fit to bless my prayers and reward my service.

theologian 4D +1D touched by the gods vs. ob3 (8-will) I am going to try use my trait, it if it is deemed not appropriate, it is the fifth die i will roll so it can be dropped off the end if it matters.
[1d6] = 1 [1d6] = 2 [1d6] = 4[1d6] = 3[1d6] = 4 well ass.

The Lords seem unhappy with Berry's offering. So Ludanto, do i get to choose my prayers and catch a condition, or do you want to choose my prayer for me?
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#114 Post by Ludanto »

Berry is graced with Grace of the Lords of Plenty.
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#115 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Upon receiving the power of the miracle Berry exclaims I thank you oh great and wondrous Lords. In his excitement to run and tell his friends that he was touched by the Lords he leaves his cloak on the ground, forgotten. RPing how I leave the cloak and have room for the rations and the gem.
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#116 Post by Marullus »

With no dissent on Thag's proposal that we go back and finish cleansing the monestary, Allric adds his own agreement. "It is likely those kobolds nicked a few more things into the basement... hopefully the additional gems we need. I also would hope to lend a... more discerning eye... to our investigation of the chapel. If it proves less harrowing than we expect, a trip to the hut would not be amiss." He smiles.
Allric gets 2D cash (+1D Fresh +1D Resources) to pass Ob2 lifestyle test.
With food purchased, let's get these started and see how our ending comes out...

Lifestyle [1d6] = 1 [1d6] = 2 [1d6] = 3 [1d6] = 3
Well... THAT'S not good.
"If you fail the lifestyle test, you are subject to a twist, condition or tax at the GM’s discretion (and do not start fresh or recover Nature)."
- If Ludanto is kind, he can apply the Tax. Since we spent 2D cash on the roll, it insulates from both tax, for no net effect (except blowing our 2D treasure and NOT advancing my Resources exponent).
- If he's cruel, he can apply a twist in addition to blowing our treasure and not advancing Resources.
- If he's downright despotic, he can apply a condition, take away Fresh at the same time, blow the 2D treasure, and not advance resources.

Also remember we get a new Adventure Hook (GM rolls [3d6] on page 97.)
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#117 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

On our final day in town, I waken early in the morning, in the hay mow of the stables.
Spitting out some straw I must have chewed on in my sleep, I head ot the water trough to wash my face.

i head over to the tavern where we'll all meeting before hitting the dusty road again.

Lifestyle test
Resource (0) + 4D (gems and treasure) for Lifestyle Obs 3

Lifestyle test Obs 3: [1d6] = 6[1d6] = 1[1d6] = 3[1d6] = 2

Like Allric, not the best result.

"If you fail the lifestyle test, you are subject to a twist, condition or tax at the GM’s discretion (and do not start fresh or recover Nature)."

But, I have two Fate points, so I could reroll that 6 and hope to get another 6. I don;t think my Traps-Wise would work for a Lifestyle test, so I can't spend the second Fate point to reroll a single failed die.

Rerolling the "6" ...

Reroll "6": [1d6] = 3

Nope, but at least I've spent a Fate point so I'm closer to reaching Level 3.
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#118 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Berry awakens on the last morning, packs his things and realizes that he somehow lost his cloak, confused and disappointed, he shoulders his pack, and tries to pay his debts

resources 1 + 2d treasure + 1D fresh vs. Ob1
[1d6] = 2 [1d6] = 3 [1d6] = 4[1d6] = 6 well looks like I paid my debts at least so we aren't all punished.
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#119 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Marullus wrote:No, I allocated group coin for getting out of town:
- Rabon... get 2D cash (+1D Fresh) each to pass Ob1 lifestyle tests
Rabon stayed with his friend, Merr Rhionn. (+0 Lifestyle)
Rabon had Personal Business, persuading Laurel, the Herbalist, to gain an extra sack of silver for the mushrooms. (+1 Lifestyle)
Rabon bought food from the market. (+0 Lifestyle)

Lifestyle - Ob1

Rabon has 2D (treasure) +1D (local) = 3D, correct? If not, the third die rolled will be considered his local bonus:
Rabon shoulders his satchel and stoops down to give Merr Rhionn a gentle kiss as he leaves her cottage. He shoulders his 10' pole and heads to the gates and settles his debts. He shuffles his feet awkwardly as two of his friends are unable to pay their debts. No good being associated with deadbeats, especially in his own town.

Ob1 vs 3D Resources: [1d6] = 6, [1d6] = 1, [1d6] = 3

1 success means he passes. Is he now Fresh!?
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Re: Session 4: Back to Falko

#120 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

We meet at the tavern.

Well comrades, are we be back to the monastery? I'd be thinkin' we should explore down them stairs we found in Greygrim's den. I'm a-hopin' he remembers us. Perhaps we should catch some fresh game on the way to sweetin' the relationship wi' him?

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