Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24 May

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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#201 Post by Marullus »

Got it - I didn't realize you were advancing rooms.

You move forward past the sludgy remains and look clearly at the next room. You are on the left end of a long wall - the chamber extends 40' to your right and is 20' across. You see two other doors. One is directly across from you and the other is adjacent to it on the left-hand wall. Both appear to be simple wood without a visible lock. The room has three stone slab tables spaced within it and most of the walls have shelves. The floors are littered with broken glassware and loose, embalmed body parts, many of the shelves having been haphazardly smashed. The items are clearly of wizardly use and thus a mystery to Tyrrell. A longer inspection may turn up more detail, but will take at least 30 minutes.

You could indeed move the three bodies to the tables and you check all of their bandages. Such movement, though, would cause some harm to Dorath and Carchannoi, and you are pretty sure Dorath won't survive much more. Do you take the risk?

Tog shakes her head at Tyrrell. "Goblins not come here. They dump things in the hole. Elf Master expert on dwarven menace."
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#202 Post by Stirling »


Miss Tog, do you have medicine, bandages or Tormentil herbs, healing moss or fungi? Elfmaster Charchannoi and his sla..his servitor won't survive without further attention."

Tyrrell checks Charchannois' pockets looking for anything potion like and if he has a map or notebook of his previous visit here. I guess he takes the time to search bodies and the room for useful stuff, especially healing stuff.

Did the trog bits look important? ( If Tyrrell could figure out how the metal rods supported the heart and kept it beating, I could do a little scientific methodology of my own and cut Gaerons chest open and prime his heart back up).ve hav vays of making you talk
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#203 Post by Marullus »

Tyrrell requests magical healing supplies from the goblin matron. She looks at him inscrutably.
WTF.jpg (7.27 KiB) Viewed 691 times
"They rot and die or they live. Maybe we get their stuff?" she says hopefully, nodding repeatedly to help Tyrrell know the sign of agreement, her fingers extending towards the ring on Carchannoi's hand. "invincible..." she whispers hungrily to herself.
Excited.jpg (9.89 KiB) Viewed 691 times
Tyrrell looks through Carchannoi's belongings (See private thread).

Tyrrell searches the once well-equipped magical laboratory, finding about half of its belongings are smashed and in ruins on the ground. All of the pickled body parts of past subjects are among those items smashed, adding to the reek of the room, which remains eye-watering even after the troglodyte's death. He finds a number of items still intact, however, though their use in the healing arts is questionable:
- 40 lbs of silver medical tools, easily sterilized and resistant to rust. They fill 2/3 of a sack.
- A three foot rod of polished limestone rod engraved circularly along its whole length with dwarven runes.
- A worn wooden staff
- Two dwarven-crafted steel knives with razor-sharp blades
- Two large braziers / furnaces (floor-standing)
- An glass alembic
- Three mortar and pestles
- A table-sized still with array of distillation tubes
- A dozen medium sized, hermetically-sealed jars
- Eight large sized, hermetically-sealed jars

Date: 2:30 pm, 24 May 2021
Light Source: Torch in sconce (3:00pm)
Injuries: Tyrrell (moderately injured);Gaeron (currently dead); Dorath (near death); Carchannoi (near death)

Stirling wrote:Did the trog bits look important? ( If Tyrrell could figure out how the metal rods supported the heart and kept it beating, I could do a little scientific methodology of my own and cut Gaerons chest open and prime his heart back up).ve hav vays of making you talk
They look like surgical pins and clamps.
Sorry, examining the items doesn't let you cast spells that are eight to fourteen levels above your character. ;) Good try, though.
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#204 Post by Stirling »


"Let me keep that in my pouch, better not let any greedy dwarves know about such gold trinkets Miss Tog or they might carve you up as the next Toglodyte."

Tyrrell removed the temptation from her sight pocketing Charchannoi's ring.

"These look a great pair of bloodletters, you should belt them and check through this door opposite. Master relies on your eyes and ears now."

Tyrrell pushes the dwarven daggers in her direction. We also need to get the bodies off the floor and comfortable on the stone tables. If moving them is a risk, leaving them where they live is more so.

Can the braziers be lit using any of the distilled liquid,oil, alcohol as fuel. If not we can fill the braziers with broken wood and shelf fittings, the desk and books from the library.

And burn these body parts.
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#205 Post by Marullus »

Sure - the braziers can be lit with your oil flasks. They will burn for two hours and light a 15' radius.

Tog bristles at the removal of the ring, giving Tyrrell an evil glare. She is quickly mollified by the gift of the razored daggers, however, snatching them up swiftly and scampering back out of Tyrrell's reach before he change his mind. She goes to the far door and touches it experimentally. She shakes her head back at Tyrrell. "It's stuck."

Tyrrell clears off the tables, being careful not to break any more of the glass instruments and brushing the trash onto the ground so as to not leave shards on the "bed" beneath them. Tyrrell's strong arms are sufficient to lift the first of the unconscious elves - Carchannoi. His wounds re-open in the transit, but he is able to arrange Carchannoi on the table and re-stabilize him. Tog watches warily.

He then returns for Dorath, lifting his pale frame out of the blood pool and carrying him to the table. He seizes, his body convulsing, the blood coming from his reopened wounds barely a trickle. He exhales a final rattling breath as Tyrrell tries to restabilize him - the trauma is too much for him to continue. His limp body lies dead on the table, Tyrrell unable to save him. Tyrrell returns and gathers up Gaeron as well, placing his corpse on the third table, each of the three companions lying in state.

With the brazier fueled with oil, the room flickers with ruddy light. The pickled body parts burn readily, blue flames licking off them eerily.

Date: 3:00 pm, 24 May 2021
Light Source: Floor furnace (5:00pm)
Injuries: Tyrrell (moderately injured);Gaeron (currently dead); Dorath (currently dead); Carchannoi (near death)

Unsafe movement - Carchannoi [1d2] = 2
Unsafe movement - Dorath [1d2] = 2
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#206 Post by Stirling »


"Thy soul shall not see corruption, though flesh is just a mortal tent, our Spirit is clothed in the righteousness of Baudh, blessed be His Name." Tyrrell takes his holy symbol and absolves Dorath fleeting spirit, sprinkling his head with some anointing oil.

"I guess that is another pack we can go through Tog."

I would rather save my oil and burn other stuff if I can. I guess my intention, until I can renew spells is to make the room safe. Tyrrell will check the other door, will Tog get burnable wood from the libray
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#207 Post by Marullus »

You send Tog, who goes to her task this time. You check the second door - it also is wooden and stuck. You check Dorath's pack - you already gathered his candles and he has no other light sources. He has his spellbook and the scroll found in the earlier room with the shadow, as expected. Beyond that he has some writing materials in a scroll case, food, and a bedroll - a poor traveler indeed.

You hear a terrible crash from the other room - Tog has upended the desk, creating a snowstorm of paper fragments as she gleefully finishes off the desk's will to live by chopping it into fragments with her longsword. Arriving with armsful of ancient, dried timber that once was elegant furniture, she shoves the furnace full. She stands mesmerized by the glowing coals and metal housing.

Burning the whole desk, you have enough wood to last eight hours, if you wish to go to sleep. The furnace isn't designed for a wood fire, but contains it simply enough, though it may be damaged in the process.

Date: 3:15 pm, 24 May 2021
Light Source: Floor furnace (5:00pm)
Injuries: Tyrrell (moderately injured);Gaeron (currently dead); Dorath (currently dead); Carchannoi (near death)
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#208 Post by Stirling »


"Well done Miss Tog, the fire warmth and bedrolls will keep our last charge more comfortable."

Tyrrell will create a couple of door wedges from the furniture to hinder the doors opening, ( I presume they open in wards), then we must set a watch and rest.

Tyrrell needs to regain healing spells as a priority. He will pray and meditate for 2x CLW and one Command spell.
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#209 Post by Marullus »

Tyrrell goes through the belongings of Dorath and Gaeron to secure their valuables. From Dorath he takes the nine candles (per previous), seven days preserved rations, a full waterskin and a full wineskin, two spellbooks and a scroll, 11gp, 6sp, and 15cp, leaving the other items. From Gaeron he takes 1gp, 7sp, six days preserved rations, a full waterskin, one spellbook, and chainmail armor which fits suitably well. He also takes the sack with the potion and gemstones taken from the Shadow's chamber.

Tyrrell wedges the doors, leaves Tog with the furnace fire, and asks her to watch over them all while he gets some sleep. Curling up under his own bedroll, he manages to finally drift off, his nose becoming numb to the horrid smells of burning rotted and preserved flesh.

He gets about a half hour of rest when he becomes aware of scurrying and munching sounds. The air is stiflingly hot and his eyes snap open. The furnace fire rages within, the metal casing of it glowing red, the enameling cracked and fallen from the superheated metal. The feather-light bits of paper ash float in the air of the room, soot covering the ceiling over the furnace. Tog herself is passed out in front of the fire, Dorath's wineskin empty besides her as she drools onto the stone floor. Then he sees the source of the munching - At least two dozen rats scurry in and out of the shadows of the room, pulling rations from Tyrrell's bags and running back to the dark end of the chamber with them one after another.

Date: 3:40 pm, 24 May 2021
Light Source: Ruined floor furnace (6:00pm)
Injuries: Tyrrell (moderately injured);Gaeron (currently dead); Dorath (currently dead); Carchannoi (near death)
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#210 Post by Stirling »


It is not do much seeing the rats that disturb him, more that he sleeps trusting in a goblin not to slice his throat while he nods. Just as well Dorath wine is a better lure.

"Get up, get up!" Tyrrell orders, waking her with a not too gentle kick of a glossed black boot.

"Smirk died because he was careless, you care to go the same way then dream on."

He brandishes a flaming ember to scatter these rats into further corners."You should earn your keep, and earn it you shall. A silver piece for every rat you kill...and do it quietly." Tyrrell fishes a few silver coins out the purse and flicks one for the groggy Tog to catch.

"At least chase them off to where the old goblins and stirge remains are. They can feast on those bird bones."

Tyrrell has changed from his studded armour into the chainmail.
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#211 Post by Marullus »

Rat Morale [2d6] = 6
Tog - wake or not [1d2] = 2

Tyrrell's attempts to wake Tog only elicit louder snore rumbles; she is not responsive to his exhortations.

Tyrrell opens the door to the study and then grabs a firebrand and begins swiping at the rats with it - they squeal and scatter before him, regrouping to try and rescue their purloined rations. After chasing the skittish creatures around the room, he manages to get them herded out and slams the door behind them, re-inserting the door wedge. Quiet resumes and he catches his breath.

Date: 3:50 pm, 24 May 2021
Light Source: Ruined floor furnace (6:00pm)
Injuries: Tyrrell (moderately injured);Gaeron (currently dead); Dorath (currently dead); Carchannoi (near death)
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#212 Post by Stirling »


Prays and rests, fitfully. The important thing is to recover spells.
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#213 Post by Marullus »

(You need eight hours of sleep then one hour of prayer to regain spells.)

The rats shooed off, Tyrrell tries to secure his bedroll as best he can and get the needed rest to recover divine favor. He finally begins to drift off. He dreams of the steam baths of the great Baudh houses in the south, of being clean and not in this dirty hole. He scrubs his skin in the hot water and soaps, scrubbing, scrubbing. But then he slips and the sharp pain of drawn blood shocks him awake. In his disorientation he finds he is once again swarmed by rats - lean, hungry rats with hostile eyes, running over his bedroll and now digging their sharp teeth into his exposed skin. He is buried in two dozen furry bodies, struggling to get free of his blankets and their assault. Their snouts tear open his previous wounds - blinding-white searing pain arcing through his brain. He is dimly aware of Tog's yelling, now awake, she swats away the rats assaulting her as well.

He is overcome by the pain, passing out as he struggles against the furry horde. Trapped in his mind but unable to assert his will on his body, he screams silently as he feels chunks of his flesh -- beginning with the mortifying flesh of his wounds and then moving to fingers, cheeks, and bits of his limbs -- being torn away by sharp miniscule teeth. The coming of death seems a blessing after being eaten alive.

Date: 4:20 pm, 24 May 2021
Light Source: Ruined floor furnace (6:00pm)
Injuries: Tyrrell (dying);Gaeron (currently dead); Dorath (currently dead); Carchannoi (near death)

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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#214 Post by Stirling »

Didn't we shut all the doors?
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#215 Post by Marullus »

Yes. Rats seldom use doors. Dungeons are full of other bolt holes. This is a series of bad rolls - not much you can do against a turn of bad luck. I will follow up on this post by tomorrow morning.
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#216 Post by Marullus »

Other things transpire in the darkness....
Per previous post, Tog faces 10 rats and Tyrrell faces 21. Tog survived surprise round uninjured, Tyrrell fell to his wounds.

Round 2: On Tyrrell: [1d20] = 18 [1d6] = 1 [1d20] = 18 [1d6] = 2 (-5hp)
Tog firebrand: [1d20] = 20 [1d6] = 2 Rat Morale [2d6] = 7
Tog grabs a torch, burns two rats alive, the other eight on her scatter.

Round 3:
Tog firebrand: [1d20] = 10 [1d6] = 1 Morale [2d6] = 7
On Tyrrell: [1d20] = 9 [1d6] = 5 [1d20] = 5 [1d6] = 2 (-12, Dead)
Initiative: Tog [1d6] = 3 Rats [1d6] = 2

Doesn't burn any of the rats, but scares the 21 off of Tyrrell to also scatter before the flame.
Tog win initiative. Tog saves Tyrrell at -5hp before the rats finish him off.

Second encounter Combat ends: Tyrrell and Carchannoi stable at -5 and -4hp.

Tog doesn't wait for them to heal for safe movement. It is about 120' back to the entrance which is two turns of movement.

Third encounter: One insane goblin interdicts the movement. Tog bargains with him. He takes Carchannoi's golden ring and half the coins which Tog has taken from the bodies and flees.

Tog gets them up into the tower where they lay to live or die.
[url=http://www.unseenservant.com/default.as ... 76&macid=0]Unsafe movement [2d2] = 2 Tyrrell [2d2] = 4
[url=http://www.unseenservant.com/default.as ... 77&macid=0]Healing to 25 May [1d3] = 1 Tyrrell [1d3] = 3
[url=http://www.unseenservant.com/default.as ... 78&macid=0]Healing to 26 May [1d3] = 2 Tyrrell [1d3] = 3
[url=http://www.unseenservant.com/default.as ... 79&macid=0]Healing to 27 May [1d3] = 1 Tyrrell [1d3] = 1
[url=http://www.unseenservant.com/default.as ... 80&macid=0]Healing to 28 May [1d3] = 3 Tyrrell [1d3] = 1
[url=http://www.unseenservant.com/default.as ... 81&macid=0]Healing to 29 May [1d3] = 3 Tyrrell [1d3] = 2
Both awaken on 29 May.
Tyrrell and Carchannoi groan, both groggily regaining consciousness. They see dust motes in a beam of light above them, streaming through a narrow slit-window. Their heads pound, they are starving and parched. They look around confused, finding themselves lying in a barren stone room with just some old straw on the floor. All their belongings are gone except for their tattered undergarments, bloodied with the brown crust of their wounds. But they are above ground.

Then they see Tog, asleep by the door, her body holding it closed. She still has her own pack and longsword, the latter unsheathed next to her.

Date: 5:00 pm, 29 May 2021
Light Source: Sunlight through arrow slits on the wall
Injuries: Tyrrell (seriously wounded); Carchannoi (seriously wounded)

You both have a -4 to hit currently for starvation and thirst.

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#217 Post by sirravd »

"Ugh," gasps the elf. "My kingdom...my kingdom...Ah, Tog, what happened?"
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#218 Post by Marullus »

Carchannoi wakes Tog. She yawns and stretches, then seems pleased to see Carchannoi awake, grinning broadly and showing all her pointy teeth.

"You fall, fighting monster. -I- save you." she says proudly, looking pointedly at Tyrrell.

"Then he got eaten by rats. -I- saved him." she indicates Tyrrell. "I drag you both back to hatch. You're heavy," she says disapprovingly. "They haul you up, dump you here. The others take all your stuff. But I not let them kill you, no. Not slit your throats." She puffs her chest out, holding her longsword.

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#219 Post by sirravd »

"Well, you have done commendably, my dear servant," says the elf. "But perhaps you could remonstrate with 'them'? If we are to explore the hell-pits further, we must needs have our 'stuff'."
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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

#220 Post by Marullus »

She shakes her head, looking chastened. "I am not of their band. I hold no sway, or I would have saved more than your throats. You must show your own power."

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