Library Data/Character Knowledge Thread

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Library Data/Character Knowledge Thread

#1 Post by Keven »

This is for infodumps that characters would know.

Example: Money.

Reavers Deep is mostly outside the Imperium, and local currencies are different from the Imperial Credit (aka 'Imperials'). Here is a listing of local currencies and their values 001-1120 and 001-1125 compared to the Imperial Credit:
money.png (63.33 KiB) Viewed 845 times
1. Economy influenced by Rebellion[p]

2. Destroyed as a political entity, 1124[p]

3. Worthless outside current Solomani Occupied Zone[p]

4. In recession due to drop off of trade ("Hard Times")[p]

5. Increasing in value due to technology transfers.[p]

6. Warring with Soloman.[p]

7. Internal only currency. Illegal to export by local law.[p]

8. Conquistador state.[p]

9. Recession caused by recent military activity[p]
Candles Against The Night:
Game Janitor, ZZZZZZ, Everything, 10 Terms
JOT-90, Admin-90, Fast Talk-90
In The Marches:
Carlos Matsumi, 79AAA7, Scouts, 33, 3.5 terms,
Gunnery-1, JOAT-1, Mechanical-1, Navigation-3, Pilot-1, Slug Pistol-1, Vacc Suit-2. Blade.
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Re: Library Data/Character Knowledge Thread

#2 Post by Keven »

Carellines Ltd.

A ruthless and aggressive trading firm well known for its determination to turn a profit, no matter what the legality or cost in human or ethical terms. Though their operations often border on piracy, the loose political structure of the Reavers' Deep has allowed them to continue thriving. The 'home office' at Carrill is presumed destroyed in Chin's Raid in 1124, the various pieces/parts went their own way.

Chin's Raid

In 1124, the Solomani 47th Task Group under Admiral Chin attacked and destroyed the government and Naval centers of the Carrill System (Reavers Deep 2330), effectively destroying the Carrillian Assembly as an interstellar state. Followup attacks removed all Assembly naval bases within a few months, to 'clear the backfield' for Chin's pending campaign against the Spinward border of the Federation of Daibei. Several hundred thousand refugees from Carrill migrated to other polities such as Grendal, Rinntarna, and the Gralyn Union.

Church of the Future Man

A small church, the 'Effems' believe that the destiny of humaniti is self-ordained, that technologies that influence evolution, such as genetic engineering, are desirable technologies and should be used to create the 'Ultimate Man'. Believing in the eventual (and in their opinion, inevitable) union of organics with cybernetics, the Effems are considered to be somewhat harmless nutcases, however several of their members are at the forefront of cybernetic, cyborganic, medical, and computer research. Originating from the Magyar Sector of the Solomani Rim, they were driven out due to their complete disinterest in politics other than as a tool to further human evolution. They found a willing home in Reavers Deep, outside the borders of the Imperium.

Federation of Daibei

Name given to the Daibei Sector and some surrounding territory in Reavers' Deep following Duke Craig's sessession from the Shattered Imperium in 1120 after being ordered by Archduke Dulinor to support his campaign against the Core Worlds held by Emperor Lucan.


Genetically mutated coffee, originally created at Carrill (Reavers' Deep 2330, zapana has spread wherever Carrillian expatriates have gone since the fall of the Assembly. Naturally sweet, Zapana's genetic inheritence was improved by the addition of genes modified and spliced in from Terran sugar cane.
Candles Against The Night:
Game Janitor, ZZZZZZ, Everything, 10 Terms
JOT-90, Admin-90, Fast Talk-90
In The Marches:
Carlos Matsumi, 79AAA7, Scouts, 33, 3.5 terms,
Gunnery-1, JOAT-1, Mechanical-1, Navigation-3, Pilot-1, Slug Pistol-1, Vacc Suit-2. Blade.
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Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2016 12:33 am

Re: Library Data/Character Knowledge Thread

#3 Post by ottarrus »

Keven, include or edit any of this at your discretion. Just including it for completeness' sake.

From Keven and my discussions on Uplifted Apes and their source materials...
Bold text is the actual library data entry.
Subsequent text is the rules Keven and I worked out and the source material from MgT Aliens Book 6: Solomani. Rules refer to Mongoose Traveller [MgT].
Ivan was generated using MgT UPP adjustments with LBB career advancement [Belter career from GDW's Beltstrike].

Uplifted Apes:
Uplifted great apes - chimpanzees and gorillas - are the second most common genetically engineered intelligent animals [after dolphins] created by the Terran Confederation [note: the Terran Confederation that preceded the Rule of Man]. Like Humans, ordinary gorillas and chimps are hominids. Although routinely referred to as 'upApes' due to their appearance most uplifted apes are neither gorilla nor chimpanzee but a new species, Troglodyte sapiens. This artificial species is a transgenic hybrid of gorilla, chimpanzee and human genes first developed in the late Interstellar Wars period. There were perfected by Old Earth Union genetic engineers on Terra.
There are currently several million uplifted apes living on Solomani worlds [note: ca. 1105]. They resemble a cross between chimps and gorillas with some slight Human features. They are larger than chimps with a more bipedal posture. They are larger and heavier than natural chimpanzees, but somewhat smaller and lighter of build than gorillas. Average height and mass are 1.6 meters and 100 kilos.
The most important genetic augmentation involved transgenic alterations to the vocal cords and brain based on Human genetic material to improve speech and linguistic ability. This gives them the same linguistic capabilities as an ordinary Human although their voices have a somewhat more guttural pitch than an average person. Bred for heavy work, the brachiating shoulder girdle was retained, as was the working thumb on the foot. This has necessitated some alterations in equipment issued to UpApes.
A triumph of Solomani science and ingenuity, the Uplifted Ape program has produced valued partners to their fully Solomani brothers as The Race seeks to rise to its destiny among the stars. Often found in strenth-intensive employment, upApes are not considered full Solomani but rather a client species, although there are some voices in the General Assembly calling for full integration. UpApes are not considered suitable recruits for the Confederation's militaries, governmental, nor security services.

Statistics: Uplifted apes have +2 STR and END but -2 to all other characteristics. They have the Uplifted trait.
Careers: Uplifted apes may join any careers that Solomani Humans can. They suffer the same character generation penalties that are suffered by non-Solomani Humans.
[note: May not enlist in Solomani Party, Navy, or Marine careers. -2 Promotion in any career except Drifter, Rogue, or Citizen [Worker]. +1 Enlistment to Rogue career.]

From pg. 27-28:
Races in the Solomani Confederation
Uplifted Apes: Similar attitudes to uplifted dolphins apply to uplifted apes, but Apes tend to be stereotyped as a loyal, hardworking, but mentally inferior worker class who can never, ever be the equal of a Human and who should stay out of polite society. Only a few radically liberal Solomani advocate otherwise. Provided the Ape knows his place, Solomani tend to like them. But there is a mild undercurrent of unease that Apes can somehow 'revert' to a dangerous animal if provoked; police and armed citizens faced with an angry Ape tend to shoot first and ask questions later; they rarely get in trouble for excessive force in this case. This overreaction has been fanned in recent years by persistent rumors of secret experiments to create 'super-Apes' or to enhance the intelligence of other great ape species. Such 'genetic war' stories are dismissed as nonsense by most authorities.
-- Carl Hicks Jr.
Price of Freedom:
Yojiro 'Yo' Akiyama
DEX: 2d+2 [Guns 4d, Dodge 3d]; KNOW: 2d+2 [Survival 4d]
MECH: 3d+2 [Drive 4d, Navig 5d, Commo 5d]; PER: 3d+2 [Search 5d, Hide/Sneak 4d]
STR: 2d+2 [Brawl 3d, Stamina 3d] TECH: 2d+2 [Electronics 4d, Computer Opn 3d]

Ivan Erwin, Uplifted Ape UPP C7A895
Belter /Free Trader
Skills: Brawling 2, JoT 2, Navigation 2, Pilot 2, Vacc Suit 2, Computer 1, Engineer 1, Gun [Rifleman] 1, ZG Environment 1
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Re: Library Data/Character Knowledge Thread

#4 Post by Keven »

The campaign ID for those using the dice roller here is 496.
Candles Against The Night:
Game Janitor, ZZZZZZ, Everything, 10 Terms
JOT-90, Admin-90, Fast Talk-90
In The Marches:
Carlos Matsumi, 79AAA7, Scouts, 33, 3.5 terms,
Gunnery-1, JOAT-1, Mechanical-1, Navigation-3, Pilot-1, Slug Pistol-1, Vacc Suit-2. Blade.

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