The Final Fun Facts to Find

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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#361 Post by Cauchy »


The ranger gives a clumsy looking bow/curtsy, "Your Mayorness, some magical chain mail would be most appreciated."
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#362 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The extremely grateful Lady April smiles politely at your many requests and questions. She eventually develops a confused look on her face, almost as if to say, is that really it? She disappears for a time and then returns with a strong aide and an armful of stuff. She responds with great poise and all of the grace you would expect from a noblewoman.

Friends, it is my absolute pleasure to give you the little trinkets that you desire. Please remember that without your help and multiple acts of bravery, I would not be here today. My ring may have saved me from falling into despair over all of the indecencies I have witnessed but, it was the five of you who saved my hide. These gifts are the least I could offer you for giving me back my life and the ability to do what I love, which is to run this town.

Epi. To you I give this trusty suit of elvin chainmail. (+2) May it protect you and the goodly deeds you do for many more years to come. Brother Tomas tells me that you do not hail from too far away? Then you should know that you will always be welcome here in Brotherton my dear. You should come and visit me often and be honored, always sitting at the head of my table.

Angella. I looked around for the cloak that you wanted to no avail. However, I did find this huge thing though. It is a relic from the old goblin wars and was used by one of the fiercest guards that ever served the kingdom. It is enchanted with magic. May it always help you in your ongoing fight against chaos. (+2 Halberd)

Father Dowling. The good Brother tells me that you had a small epiphany during the investigation? You learned that following the deeds of another just for the sake of doing so isn’t always the best course of action, yes? I find your calling to be a noble cause and appreciate the help you and your order have provided me. It will not be forgotten. You can have the rope that you’ve requested, as well as this small bag of 100 platinum coins. Please do with them what you will to make life better for the common people that you serve.

Ozwaldous the Magnificent is it then? Well I have never heard of you before but, you probably already know the reason why, right? Being a friend to my friend Stew makes us friends by default, yes? I will give you this Ring of Invisibility that you ask for and more. It pleases me that you would give up your prized possession, hoping that it is something that you no longer need. As a trade for your magnificent Decanter, I will also give you this wand. It doesn’t exactly contain the magic that you asked for but, it should still come in handy in a fight. (Wand of Magic Missiles) Please come back to entertain us anytime, friend.

Goodly Sir Ugghra. The person that Brother Tomas thought would never stop hounding him for information that he didn’t have. Your persistence is commendable good sir and I for one appreciate it. We noble’s are easily misunderstood, isn’t that right big guy? As I am sure that you need no monetary compensation due to your standing, I will offer you exactly what you asked for. This magic shield (+2) belonged to my uncle and it served him well over his many years of fighting.

As far as your inquiries go, I'm afraid that I must be a little vague with my answers. As far as your friend Orando is concerned, I am not exactly sure what will be done with him......her.......Orando. Elves live a long time so, I am not sure that incarceration is really the answer. I don't think he is the type that would be bothered too much by chains, gags, or any type of torture. However, I am not certain that execution is really necessary either, despite what my love has told me. If it were up to Brother Tomas, we wouldn't even need to be having this conversation. However, luckily for Orando, I am still in charge here. I don't think what he did was all that serious and it pains me to think that someone who helped to find me should be put to death for it. I will need a little more time to think on that one but, I think the elf deserves a little better than simply ending his life.

Secondly, I am a lady and would never presume to speak publicly about my love life. Lets just say that after what has happened to me, I am not going to let anything......or anyone slip through my fingers again. Brother Tomas and I will be together again, even if it has to remain behind closed doors for the time being.

We will be having a feast in your honor this very night. I sure hope that you can all stay around town for it. You will all be treated as my special guests of honor. Another small reward for all of your help. If there are no other questions, I will see you all at dinner.
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#363 Post by Scott308 »

Father Dowling

Thank you, my lady! I was afraid I may have asked for too much, so I am thrilled that you not only fulfilled my request, but saw fit to add coins, as well! As I wander, when I see someone who is downtrodden, I will give them a platinum coin so they may eat and drink, clean themselves up, purchase some new clothes, perhaps. Most importantly, it will let them know that somebody does not see them as a filthy beggar, though others might, but as someone who is a valued member of society, someone who has a place and should never lose hope and faith in their fellow man. Your largesse will allow me to change the lives of many people, many families. On the behalf of all those good people, I thank you. Though they may never know the identity of their true benefactor, know that you will be a positive influence on the lives of many. With this, the priest bows deeply, before continuing. I will be honored to join you for dinner this evening. In fact, were I to decline the offer, I am sure my fellow investigators would begin trying to determine what was wrong with me! Laughing, he pats his ample belly to ensure she understood his meaning.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#364 Post by Cauchy »


"Many thanks. While I certainly prefer the woods to towns I'm sure I can handle another evening here. They tell me there are places with even more people then here. I wonder if I could even breath with so many people around."
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#365 Post by Inferno »

Sir Ugghra, half-orc aristocrat:

"Madam, I Should Be Delighted To Dine With You At Table. It Has Been Far Too Long, I Dare Say, Since Last I Enjoyed the Company of My Fellow Nobles. Whilst Slumming With Foreigners and Commoners Has Its...Unique Entertainments, I Must Say It Can Become Tiresome In Large Doses."

The holy horror blessed and consecrated his new shield that it would protect him from the iniquity and immorality of this base, worsening world.

Actually he's casting Detect Evil. Once he's done, he gazes upon the Mayor, just to ensure that the shapeshifting Demoness that masqueraded as Her Honour all those terrible years hadn't fooled them all one last time.
Last edited by Inferno on Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#366 Post by Storm11 »

Angella accepts the Halberd gracefully. Thank you your ladyship. I would be honoured to share a meal with you tonight to celebrate. If I may, a plan of action to protect you from a further demonic attack might be in order, we may have banished the creatures of darkness now but who is to say that they will stay away without some incentive?"

The monk will attend the meal in the evening and celebrate their victory with the mayoress.

just for shits and giggles, what XP would we have gotten should things have been continuing? If it's not a complete hassle.
Greys Campaign.
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#367 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Ozwaldus accepts his gifts with delight. "Madame! You really are too kind," he says, then, unable to resist, he dons the ring and blinks in and out a few times, reappearing in stages like the Cheshire Cat. He then bows deeply. "I would be honored if you would allow me to perform at your dinner this evening. I have a new bit entitled 'The Lonliest Centaur' that I think your guests would enjoy. I can remove the parts with full frontal nudity to render it more appropriate for a dinner crowd, if you so desire."
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#368 Post by Cauchy »

"I can remove the parts with full frontal nudity to render it more appropriate for a dinner crowd"
"Well you could just turn invisible during your full frontal nudity segments," says Epi with a grin.
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#369 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The feast turns out to be quite the to do for such a small, backwater town. Even Orando is invited. He did help save the place from utter destruction after all, even if it was done in his own peculiar style. He stays to himself for the most part, seated at a fair distance from the mayor. There are a few large guards that keep a close watch on his actions, just in case. Angella also watches him closely, giving the guards some sound advice as to how to prevent the possibility of this horrible situation from ever happening again.

As the celebration commences, the brave Sir Ugghra decides it is better to be safe than sorry. He casts a detection spell as an evening prayer. He then looks around the room, especially at the Lady April. He only sees one person at the party that registers as evil and it isn't the Mayor or Brother Tomas. ;) (see first paragraph) :D

The mayor smiles wickedly at the half-orc noble as he finishes his blessings.That was very nice of you master Ugghra. Thank you very much! But, if I was still the demoness, don't you think I would be able to use some form of protection to your detection, good Sir? Brother Tomas also gives the half-orc a smile, knowing that he meant well by his gesture. He winks at the noble, indicating that everything is perfectly all right......... or is it?

Ozwaldous is allowed to put on a little show for the groups enjoyment. He misses one cue halfway into his performance and Epi briefly catches a shot of him in all of his full frontal glory.
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#370 Post by Cauchy »


Epi blushes at the revelation. But politely applauds at the completion of his act.
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