Fifth Expedition

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Re: Fifth Expedition

#61 Post by Dogma »

No sledgehammer but I do have a crowbar if that will help. If not, both Jonas and Willem will take up a position guarding the passageway in case the noise of breaking the wall brings unwantd guests.
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#62 Post by Raven Crowking »

As you begin to work at the bricked up section of the wall, the dog begins to whine. A twinkle of torches can be seen to the south.
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#63 Post by Dogma »

"Hey, stop all the racket", Willem says in a loud whisper, trying to get the attention of the Darryl and HP. "We gots company comin'."
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#64 Post by beermotor »

"Torchlight?!" whispers Gunnar, his eyes wide and incredulous.

"Best get ready," Daryll says. "Prolly some guys like us. Might be a fight."

Daryll and HP cease with the sledgehammering, and the party takes up its former order.

"Depending on who it is," Cisneros says, "let me do the talking first." He draws his mithril two handed sword and rests it on his shoulder.
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#65 Post by Raven Crowking »

The figures resolve themselves into three bald men in dark robes, each carrying a torch. By this time, the dog is barking fiercely, and straining at his leash. You can make out a pattern on their robes, dark green vines against dark grey cloth, with dark red rose buds and sharp thorns.

"Ho, sojourners!" calls one in a deep basso voice. "Curb thy beast and send forth the heretic!"
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#66 Post by beermotor »

"What's he mean, the heretic?" Gunnar whispers.

"Prolly talkin' 'bout Jed here," Daryll whispers, poking Jed in the back with a finger. Then he tries to quiet Fang. "Easy boy, quiet for now..."

Cisneros shushes them, and calls out. "We'll not send forth anyone yet, though in truth, we don't know the heretic of whom you speak. But who are you, who dare to walk where the dead dwell?"

Does HP or Cisneros have any idea of what the markings might refer to? Jed probably would, from the book ...
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#67 Post by Raven Crowking »

beermotor wrote:"What's he mean, the heretic?" Gunnar whispers.

"Prolly talkin' 'bout Jed here," Daryll whispers, poking Jed in the back with a finger. Then he tries to quiet Fang. "Easy boy, quiet for now..."
But Fang, if anything, is straining at the rope, on his hind legs in his attempt to move forward, barking viciously.
Cisneros shushes them, and calls out. "We'll not send forth anyone yet, though in truth, we don't know the heretic of whom you speak. But who are you, who dare to walk where the dead dwell?"
"Dare you ask? We, who are the true followers of the Dead God, can sense the miasma that walks among you. Send him out, or we shall slay you and take him naytheless. Why should those who follow the Divine wait upon the choices of mortal men? Therefore, I give you no time. Give him to us now, or die."
Does HP or Cisneros have any idea of what the markings might refer to? Jed probably would, from the book ...
Nothing in the book that Jed recalls. If HP or Cisneros recognize these signs, they will have to do so through player agency.
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#68 Post by beermotor »

I THINK these guys are Nergalites, like Jed. We got the book from a place that was marked with the rose and thorns motif. Why it would be hidden there if that burial place was for Orcus or Set? Dunno. But, they act like they are aggro to Jed, so... not sure what to make of it. Will try to stall them some, or something.

Cisneros scowls a bit. "It is true that there is one among us who is a servant of the Lord of the Dead. But we do not know you, and will not give him up to you to be killed, without knowing what his crime is, for we can't say whether he's a heretic." He then lets his blade catch the light a bit. "And you speak not with a man, but a Servant of the Star of Morning. Deal with us honesty, and you will find us faithful and fair. Deal falsely or threaten us, and you will meet a quick end."
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#69 Post by Raven Crowking »

Dropping their torches, they come at you with outstretched hands. Fang is barking frantically. None of the torches goes out.
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#70 Post by beermotor »

Cisneros readies a Color Spray incantation. Unless Hearth of the Gloaming or Invoke Patron would be more useful/helpful in this situation? He'd like to keep these guys talking, rather than fighting...

Should we roll for initiative?
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#71 Post by Dogma »

Both Willem and Jonas level their spears at the approaching hooded figures.

"You be walkin' far enough," says Willem, "I don' wan' ta have to be pokin no one full of holes if i don' have ta."

"Yeah," adds Jonas, his spear tip quivering ever so slightly. 'What he says!"
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#72 Post by Raven Crowking »

The three men are now 15 feet away. They do not reply to you, but walk forward with grim faces, hands in front of them as if to grapple. The dog is frantic on his leash.

Cisneros may certainly attempt to invoke his patron, although he has no idea (yet) what help his patron will bring. However, he still owes a gem to have access to his first patron spell, and another gem to have access to his second.

Should you roll initiative? If you intend on taking any actions where initiative is important.
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#73 Post by beermotor »

Screw it, let's dance... if they turn out to be friendlies, maybe Jed can persuade 'em. Or animate their corpses. :twisted:

Initiative: 12+1 = 13.

Cisneros calls upon the unpredictable magic that forms the fabric of reality, blasting the oncoming robed men with his outstretched palm... a spray of colored arrows (d8 = 1) flies forth striking the men in their faces! Natural 20, (FINALLY A SUCCESSFUL SPELL CHECK) + 2 for caster level (1 from crit) +1 Int = 23. If you want me to roll the effects, let me know... up to 3 targets affected, less than 2HD = blinded/unconscious for 2d4+1 rounds, greater than 2HD = 2 Will saves to avoid, DC 23. Whee, that was nice for a change.

Daryll will keep a firm grip on Fang and prepare to throw a dagger. The others will hold their action until the men reach melee range, and fight back if attacked (esp. Gunnar, w/ warhammer).
Last edited by beermotor on Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#74 Post by Dumnbunny »

Initiative 17

Murq attempts to find a spot in the front line, shield held in front of him, spear leveled at the approaching figures. There he holds his ground, ready to strike if the figures get to close. Jed takes up a position loosely behind Murq, putting his skull mace back on his belt and readying his sling to fire over the dwarf's head. If someone with a weapon ready to attack from behind Murq jockeys for position, Jed will step back.

"Nergal himself chose me to be his humble servant!" Jed yells out. "Who are you to gainsay Him?"

If it comes to it, Murq's attacks are to drive his spear at one foe, bashing another with his shield:
Spear: 17 + 1 (Str) + 2 (Deed Die) = 20 To Hit, 4 + 1 (Str) + 2 (Deed Die) = 7 Damage
Shield Bash: 4 + 1 (Str) + 2 (Deed Die) = 7 To Hit, 2 + 1 (Str) + 2 (Deed Die) = 5 Damage

I'm just going to assume, if it comes to blows, Jed's swapping his holy symbol for his sling will take up at least this round.
Jed [AC: 14, HP: 9/10, Deity Disapproval: 1-2], Murq [AC: 13, 8/8]
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#75 Post by Raven Crowking »

Murq moves to the front, shield held in front of him, spear leveled at the approaching figures. There he holds his ground, ready to strike if the figures get to close.

Jed takes up a position loosely behind Murq, putting his skull mace back on his belt and readying his sling to fire over the dwarf's head. "Nergal himself chose me to be his humble servant!" Jed yells out. "Who are you to gainsay Him?"

Cisneros calls upon the unpredictable magic that forms the fabric of reality, blasting the oncoming robed men with his outstretched palm... a spray of colored arrows flies forth striking the men in their faces! They stagger for a second, then turn blind eyes in your direction once more. "Foul, foul folk art thou!" says one of them angrily. "For this, thou shalt die!"

Daryll throws his dagger (base roll 10), cutting the robe of one of the men, and possibly the flesh beneath, but Daryll sees no sign of blood.

When Murq's spear enters the foremost of the men, though, he can feel it grate against bone, and he knows that he has done damage, for the man hisses in anger. From their motions it seems, though blinded, that in some way they can sense that you are there.

Fang strains at his leash, trying to break free. As one of the men reaches out to touch Cisneros, Fang tries to bite him (natural 1, sorry; 2 fumble die), the leash almost pulling him off his feet as he lunges forward.

The man now touches Cisneros (18 + 1), and the elf feels his vitality drained away at the touch....he takes 5 hp of damage, and must make a Fort save.

The other two men both attack Murq, clearly trying to get through to Jed. One rolls a 7 (+1 for 8), the other a 10 (+1 for 11). Murq's AC is higher than that (I assume), so both miss.

Willem and Jonas get attacks with their spears - a 10 and an 11, neither of which seems to cause the men any pain at all, though both are certain that they pricked flesh. The heads of their spears do not seem to be blooded.

Next round.
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#76 Post by beermotor »

Daryll leans down and hisses into HP's ear. "Get ready to run." The cowardly farmer nods and the two of them back up slightly, Daryll struggling to maintain control over the dog.

Cisneros fortitude save: 17 + 1 = 18. Do you have any idea how bad it sucks to finally make a spell check and have them be immune ?!?!?! siiiiiiiiiiigh...

In the cramped quarters, it's probably not possible to use the two-handed sword to full effect, and Cisneros is painfully aware that this thing's about drain the very life right out of him. Can he flee without incurring an attack? If so, he will back away from the things... let Jed defend his own life for a moment! If not, does the sympathetic magic MM mean he cannot cast Invoke Patron without a physical object, or only the granted patron spells? B/c I rolled the sympathetic magic MM for Invoke Patron... just wondering, grasping at straws here. If he CAN cast Invoke Patron, he may do it, b/c his need is dire, indeed...

"What are these bloodless things?!" Gunnar roars. "Can't you repel them, priest?!" He attacks with his warhammer the one that touched Cisneros... 15 + 2 = 17 to hit, 4 + 2 = 6 damage.
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#77 Post by Dogma »

Willem continues to attack with his spear. "Get'on back and get yer oil from yer pack. Let's see iff'n these scallywags'll burn since pokin em don' seem to be hurten em none" he says to Jonas

Willem: to hit [1d20+1] = 13+1 = 14, damage [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4

Jonas will move back and get a flask of oil ready.
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#78 Post by Dumnbunny »

Jed notes the bloodless spears being withdrawn from the bodies of his foes, drops his sling to the ground as he takes his skull-topped mace, a symbol of his god, in hand. Murq again thrusts his spear at the foe-man he previously struck, then bashes at either the same foe or, if he's fallen, the foe next to his, with his shield, focusing on his knee.

Murq's attacks:
Spear: 19 (so close!) + 1 (Str) + 3 (Deed Die) = 23 To Hit, 4 + 1 (Str) + 3 (Deed Die) = 8 Damage
Shield Bash: 14 + 1 (Str) + 3 (Deed Die) = 17 To Hit, 3 + 1 (Str) + 3 (Deed Die) = 7 Damage
Going for a sheild-bash mighty deed, specifically to knock his ass down (trips and throws). Deed Die 3.

My assumption is that dropping his sling while grabbing his holy symbol will again take up Jed's round.
Jed [AC: 14, HP: 9/10, Deity Disapproval: 1-2], Murq [AC: 13, 8/8]
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#79 Post by beermotor »

Dumnbunny wrote:Jed notes the bloodless spears being withdrawn from the bodies of his foes, drops his sling to the ground as he takes his skull-topped mace, a symbol of his god, in hand. ...
My assumption is that dropping his sling while grabbing his holy symbol will again take up Jed's round.[/ooc]
According to the DCC rules as written, you basically get two "move equivalent" actions / round. So, pulling out the mace is one... now he could move, attack, cast a spell, invoke his deity, OR perhaps attempt to turn these things... but no more than one of those.
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fifth Expedition

#80 Post by Raven Crowking »

beermotor wrote:According to the DCC rules as written, you basically get two "move equivalent" actions / round. So, pulling out the mace is one... now he could move, attack, cast a spell, invoke his deity, OR perhaps attempt to turn these things... but no more than one of those.
To be a little more clear, you can draw a weapon while moving, and dropping something doesn't normally constitute an action. You can move and act, or gain a double move, or simply act if you do not want to move. You do not gain two moves and an action.

So, by the RAW, you can draw a weapon while moving and attack, for example. This assumes, though, that the weapon is easy to reach and can be drawn. Something in a backpack, for example, would not count.
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