Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 2021

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Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 2021

#1 Post by Marullus »

Early on the morning of 08 May 2021, Carchannoi rides out the southern gate of town on his riding horse, heading into the distance.
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#2 Post by Marullus »

Anxious for return, you set off just after sunrise, mounting up and heading out of town at 6:00am before most of the town has risen or broken their fast, especially given the weather. It has poured rain all night and is at its worst at 6:00am when you depart. The rain is falling in buckets, a strong wind coming 13-22mph out of the south-southeast. The only saving grace being that it has warmed a bit, now 50 degrees at dawn compared to the near-freezing mornings you endured when you last set out.

Travel is much faster atop your horse and unencumbered as you were by your travelling companions. In fact, the two-day's journey to the wagon site is a short morning's ride and you arrive at the hillside about 11:20am, your memory of the route proving correct. The cave entrance is just as you remember it, partially concealed from the untrained eye but revealed as it was by Guhnk on your last exchange you couldn't miss it. The hilltop lies up the slope above you to the north, the wagons are not visible from this angle but you know they are there. Around the hillside to the east is the stream where the beer-barrels were found, which you crossed on the way here.

The day has warmed to about 60 degrees, the gusting of the wind having subsided, the direction shifted, and the rain lessened to a steady, soaking drizzle.

Date: 08 May 2021
Time: 11:20am
Temp: 60 F
Wind: 12-15 mph SSW
Light source: Overcast skies

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#3 Post by sirravd »

Carchannoi, water-logged and miserable, notes unhappily that it neglected to buy rope to tie up its horse. He'll have to come inside with me, it thinks.

It dismounts before the gate entrance, knocks (out of habit) on the side of the stone cavern, and calls in Chaotic: Hello?
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#4 Post by Marullus »

You part the curtain of hanging honeysuckle vines and rap on the stone. Leading your horse through the narrow, low entryway is a difficult proposition. While it can fit, the smell of nesting goblins and ogres within the cramped hole makes the beast shy away. After considerable coaxing, you get the horse inside.

Your actions have woken Guhnk, who greets you cheerfully and informs you the ogres are sleeping closer to the cave rear. You know from your previous inspection that the cave is about 6' to 8' high (too short for the ogres comfort), extends back 90' and is roughly circular, and has no other passages within. The Ogres deposited their deceased family member's bodies in a different dank cave, then came here as you asked. The barrel of salted fish donated by Baxtaw is open, resting next to the brackish cave pool that bubbles up from a spring on the left side of the cave. They have consumed as much as they could and then went to sleep; a considerable amount still in the barrel.

You see the other goods left by your party still remain intact, packed in crates and piles on the right side of the cave.
- 4 barrels of dried, salted fish.
- 18 sacks (50 lbs each) of plaster.
- 13 crates of wrought iron goods.

Date: 08 May 2021
Time: 11:45am
Temp: 60 F
Wind: 12-15 mph SSW
Light source: Overcast skies (small fire in the cave near the entrance, 2/3 of cave is dark)

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#5 Post by sirravd »

Since Carchannoi never had rope, how was it that the horse didn't run off at camp, etc? Should we just say that Carchannoi has a "special bond" with the horse, such that it won't flee? Or ret-con some rope in its inventory?

Also, should I roll up an additional character?

"Wake the ogres!" grins Carchannoi. "We still have three goblin holes to destroy! Kindly lead me to the next."
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#6 Post by Marullus »

I assume the horses are hobbled - https://youtu.be/UuLjYRy3ad4. Only takes a short strap. I assume you have small wares with you in most situations.

I'd love for you to make another character. :) You're okay keeping up with two threads at a time?

The ogres are woken. They complain of the short ceiling, as they need to crawl. They are glad you're back and ask to go somewhere... Bigger.

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#7 Post by sirravd »

Ah, ok re the horses. I doubt I have time to roll up another character, since you ask –– I thought it was mandatory!

"All right", says Carchannoi. "Now here's the plan. Guhnk, translate for me. You, Guhnk will lead me, in turn, to the additional goblin holes. He will engage the goblins in conversation, during which time I will weave certain enchantments that cause the goblins to understand the true nobility of our hearts. Should they prove recalcitrant, we will kill them. Then, we will bring their assorted goods to this cave. In the meantime, the two ogresses will guard this hole, and kill any intruders. Any questions?"
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#8 Post by Marullus »

Not mandatory, just a perk. ;)

Guhnk shakes his head. "You are mighty! You just want the sleep holes? I can take you, then."

He leads you around to the north slope of the hill. Tucked into an alcove, it is likewise easy to miss. This entryway is taller and broader, more akin to a human archway. You follow Guhnk in, wary, but do not note any traps.

Five goblins nest here, surprised and awakened by you and by Guhnk's greeting. They hustle to rise and grab up spears. Their words in goblin are harsh but their intent unmistakable - they are angry, resentful of Guhnk, and likely to quickly get violent.

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#9 Post by sirravd »

I cast Charm, twice, expending my full allotment of Charms, on the two strongest-looking and/or best-armed goblins.

OOC: Do the words and gestures of Charm spells make it likely that non-Charmed creatures will be alerted to my status as a spell caster, or their Charmed companions being in magical thrall?
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#10 Post by Marullus »

A spellcaster spellcasting is generally an obvious act, however it doesn't mean they know what spell it is. Your idiom allows a charm to be pretty innocuous. Whether a charm gives itself away depends on the actions the person takes.

The chaos of the cave is immediate. The anger of the goblins boils over at Guhnk as he tries to placate them and tell them of your greatness. The word "traitor!" is heard in common amongst the commotion. You begin your incantation as the mob surges towards Guhnk, spears in hand. You select the largest, a clear leader - a massive (for a goblin) warrior with bone-piercings in his ears. He leads the charge, but falters as your spell comes over him. Guhnk releases a war-cry, knowing that five-against-one is likely his end, and strikes outward with his shortsword, spilling the entrails of the largest goblin onto the floor. The other four goblins continue in their surge forward as their leader falls. Guhnk dodges two blows, a third glancing across his arm drawing a trickle of blood as he rotates towards you. It is just in time for you to see a spear emerge from his mouth from behind, lifting him off the ground a moment, then dropping him unceremoniously on the floor. Behind him stands a large matron goblin, grinning with her kill.

There is a moment of confusion, you still chanting your second incantation. This matron who landed the killing blow upon Guhnk is your second target, clearly the next-most viable among them. The goblins see their dead leader and you chanting -- a spellcaster -- and they panic. The four remaining goblins dive for cover behind columns and crates rather than charging against you.

The matron peers slowly around her crate, looking at you curiously as you finish your incantation and they are not immolated in flame. She looks intrigued rather than frightened; it appears your spell was successful.
Bad luck on the rolls there... Guhnk turned out to be a mighty fighter, but hit the worst choice of guy for you. Both are at 0 hit points - you could patch them up to stabilize them or let them die.

Date: 08 May 2021
Time: noon
Temp: 60 F
Wind: 12-15 mph SSW
Light source: Overcast skies (small fire in the cave near the entrance, 2/3 of cave is dark)

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#11 Post by sirravd »

"Woman", I say, looking toward the goblin matron. "You can see my friend is dying, as is your warrior. Do you have any healing agents?"

It turns out I do not actually speak Goblin. :oops: I'm speaking in Hobgoblin above, or, if I can communicate elaborate concepts in Chaotic, in that.
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#12 Post by Marullus »

Nope. Nor do you speak Ogre. :) Guhnk was speaking to you in Common. Language is clear clue to intelligence - if they are smarter, they speak more languages (Common being foremost) but are then harder to charm. If they are easier to charm, they don't speak Common. You can always communicate simply in Chaotic.

There is no reaction to Hobgoblin, but the matron responds when you repeat your request in Common. She bobs her head, barking orders to some of her fellows, who pop out and proceed to stitch up their leader's wounded abdomen. She glances back to you, pointing at Guhnk, "Him too?"

Looking around the cavern, you see it has some distinct differences. First, it is about 10' high, like a standard human ceiling. It was definitely natural originally, but has been modified with masonry. The archway you passed through was widened and smoothed and columns (not stalagmites) support the ceiling. The room is about 60' square. A large round door eight feet in diameter appears sealed and untouched on the back wall.

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#13 Post by sirravd »

"Him too", I say. "Make sure they don't die. And tell your goblins that I am now their king."

I squint into the room. "Interesting. It doesn't seem like you've touched that door there. Why not?"
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#14 Post by Marullus »

She turns, relaying his message in their own tongue, then wraps Guhnk's head with bandages as well. She replies to Carchannoi's question by pointing to the dessicated remains of what might once have been a goblin, now lying off to the right side. "He touched it."

The two wounded goblins are carried to wolf-pelt bed-nests on the left side of the cave and made comfortable. The other goblins then get into a spirited discussion with the matron.

I need a 4d6 CHA check, please.

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#15 Post by sirravd »

[4d6] = 12

I nod, and watch the conversation between the matron and goblins, listening as intently as I can, my hand on my sword.
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#16 Post by Marullus »

The goblins argue with the matron, but she eventually prevails pointing repeatedly to you as you stand and look authoritatively at them. They are dubious, giving you uncertain glances, but fall into line as the Matron gives orders. The wounded are resting unconscious and the goblins are about their business, at least no longer threatening, for the moment.

The matron comes over to you and introduces herself as Tog, asking how they should call you. "This a proud warband, warriors loyal to Goblin King. They follow Smurk," she indicates the leader felled by Guhnk, "but recognize you as powerful. They listen, but you are not King."

(The wounded need to rest for at least a full day to gain 1d3hp and be able to get up and get around. It may be two to four days of rest before they are full strength.)

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#17 Post by sirravd »

"Tog, let me speak to you outside", I say, and draw her outside the cavern mouth. There, I whisper: "I am a true friend to goblin-kind, and –– as a wizard of no small renown –– I recognize this Smurk for what he is. He is no goblin! He is a disgusting, repulsive dwarf, who has shifted his shape into that of a goblin, so as to conquer and exploit your noble people!

Now, when we go back inside, I will make a short speech to your tribesmen. Then, I shall cut off the head of this Smurk before their eyes, so that they recognize me for what I am –– their true king. If they balk, or rise up to fight me, kindly kill them. Are we agreed?
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#18 Post by Marullus »

The charmed matron's eyes go wide as she accepts your words. "I -knew- there were dwarves! He wants the tower back! No... the silver mine!" She looks angry. "We will do this, as you say. They still won't think you're king, of course, but they cannot deny your power!"

(Go make your speech, give me another 4d6 roll.)

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#19 Post by sirravd »

Wait, I think. This is foolish. There's no need to terrorize the goblins: Smurk is charmed! When he wakes, he will yield his power to me.

"My friend", I say softly to the matron, "there are dwarves among your kind, those who have shifted their shapes. But...now I realize: when I read the omens in the stars this morning, before the dawn, I neglected a crucial constellation. Now that I remember the true shape of the stars, I see: Smurk cannot be a shape-shifted dwarf. Let him rest and heal.

"But tell me: where is this tower? Or this silver mine?"
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#20 Post by Marullus »

She looks confused, but believes your words at face value.

She points due south to the mountain base. "The dwarven watchtower. Guhra has a powerful warband; she claims the tower and from there her warg riders watch the caravans."

She points southwest, as Guhnk did earlier. "The Goblin King lives in the old dwarves' silver mine. When all goblins run off by the bigguns, this chosen as his power-seat."

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