chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#121 Post by coil23 »

Salt Peter

Applejack nods thoughtfully. I'd have to see and handle the items to give you a price but I am interested. The size of those opals sounds nice though price could vary significantly depending on the quality and type. Do come back with the items and I believe we can do business.

The boy returns with the requested items and hands them to Silring. On your account, madam. I'm sure the two of you have business to attend to today.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#122 Post by hedgeknight »

Graela Windborn

Graela thanks Verde for the information and decides to head back to "town" and find her other companions.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#123 Post by Mant72 »


Turning to Travix, "Aye, let us return to the tavern for more food and drink. I'm feeling a little peckish. I'm sure the others will return there to look for us. We can then deliver their coin." Tip thanks Unburr for his employment and turns to leave.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#124 Post by coil23 »

Salt Peter
You follow Silring away from the river to a house not too far away (42). There is no sign outside and it looks like someone’s home. An older man eventually answers the door. He seems distracted, lost in thought, though his eyes light briefly upon seeing Silring. Good day, my dear. How may I help you?

She smiles and walks inside at his gesture, motioning for you to follow. This is Salt Peter, Feregrine, with a group who are helping out Mom. They recently came upon this. She hands the old man the map fragment. He begins to introduce himself, Good day, sir, I am Feregrine Tolmeen, a… and then stops talking altogether as his attention is riveted to the map.

All niceties forgotten, he waves distractedly which Silring takes as a request to shut the door and follow him as he walks toward another room. The two of you follow Feregrine into a larger room beyond a small living room and kitchen. Here is a desk, a larger table, and several crude book shelves full of books.

He finally looks up at the two of you. The parts I can read make reference to Torisssithiel. This looks genuine. I haven’t seen this language in…so long. Where is the rest of the map?, he asks hungrily.

Tip, Travix, and Graela

Tip and Travix find their way back to the inn. Boudraine, the owner, greets you as you enter. He instinctively looks down at your feet to see if anything is being tracked in and then back up to your faces to smile. Welcome back, gentlemen. Can I get you something to eat and drink? The common room looks as it did before. Two people at a far table talk quietly. Otherwise you are the only other customers. Almost as if on cue, Graela enters the inn. Her guess to try here first paid off as she smiles at running into her companions. Boudraine smiles and nods at Graela too, Ma’am. Same goes- food and drink while you rest yourselves?
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#125 Post by hedgeknight »

Graela Windborn

"Yes, please! I'm thirsty and could eat a small boar!" Graela gushes as she finds a chair. "So, what have you two been up to since I left? And where's Salty?"
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#126 Post by Mant72 »


Responding to the barkeep, "Yes, my good man! Food and drinks for me and my friends, please. Do you have any rabbit and honeyed carrots? Oh, a nice sheperd's pie sounds excellent..." He trails off in thought, pats his satchel containing the silver, and looks at Graela. "We have something for you, and there is no courier fee attached," he jests. "Let us have a seat over there," he gestures to a table away from prying eyes.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#127 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Travix follows Tips lead and moves to the table.

Boudraine! Send you wench around when the halfling is about half done with his meal. I will order then so we may all finish together.

He sits with his back to the wall and listens to what the others have to say.

What do you think we should do next? Maybe we could do some herb collection for Sirling? I wonder what they found out about that map.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#128 Post by Pulpatoon »

coil23 wrote:The parts I can read make reference to Torisssithiel. This looks genuine. I haven’t seen this language in…so long. Where is the rest of the map?
Salt Peter: "An' what's this 'Tory-shittel,' then? An' what's ther language? Kin ye place there map atall?

"Thar mote o' scrap be all be 'ave o' it. Found it inna ruin, along wit' a few few other items."
Looking around at the books in the room, he digs his purloined book out of his pack and says, "Found this 'ere book inna same place. S'not inna same language, an' it ain't related, far as I kin reckon, but yer seems ter me a feller as might be innerested in sucha thing." He holds the book out for inspection, hoping he has found a potential customer.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#129 Post by coil23 »

Tip, Travix, and Graela

Boudraine takes in the flurry of requests, nods once, and departs to begin. When he returns with the first round the proprietor mentions, your same rooms are still available if you wish and of course storage is available whether or not you retain rooms. Just let me know. Anything else right now?

As before the common room is quiet and comfortable. The fire is going strong. Three men walk in and take a table, talking among themselves about their travel to Goat's Plum. You see the dog is lying on the floor almost in the same spot as last time you were here.

Salt Peter

The man squints his eyes and looks at Salt Peter a moment at his pronunciation. Torisssithiel, he enunciates distinctly, was a naga oracle who would be sought for wisdom by leaders and a few brave others. These days she is considered just another myth but I know better. I can get the gist of parts of this but would need to work for a fuller translation. It looks like parts of this give instructions for missing parts of the map. I presume another piece would refer to this section of the map. So we would need the entire thing to fully understand. I would love to work on this if you would allow. This is fascinating.

Seeing the book, he looks at you anew. Aren't you full of surprises? This is a delight. He begins to slowly turn the pages. And remarkably well-preserved considering its age. I'll give you fifteen gold for this book, young man. Are you selling the map as well?
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#130 Post by hedgeknight »

Graela Windborn

"I'm up for anything that pays good," Graela says sipping on her beer. "Probably ought to wait on Salty before planning anything outright. What does Sirling need herbs for?"
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#131 Post by Pulpatoon »

Salt Peter: "Fiffteen gob fer a book? Er, I mean... aye, tha' seems 'bout fair. I ain't torn nunna ther pages out, neither. As fer ther map... Me mates an I'll be headin' back ter ther spot we foun' it, and I reckon we'll wanna be on ther look-out fer ther rest o' it. As such, les make a deal. You make us a copy o' ther map, fer reference, like. An' you kin be ther... er, whaddaye call it? Custoady-anne o' ther map, 'till we get back wi' more o' it, gods-willing. We kin talk about a change o' ownership later along, if'n ye like."
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#132 Post by Mant72 »


In between mouthfuls of food and drink, Tip reaches into the satchel and delivers Graela her share of the silver with a smile. "Well deserved, I say." He then returns to voraciously consume his meal(s).
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#133 Post by coil23 »

Salt Peter

It is worth that much to me but most people would not agree. This is rare and may incidentally help me with the map text but that remains to be seen. I can have a map copy by the end of the day for you. I'll let Silring know when I have translated the rest. And I will hold onto the map until you come to get it or we make other arrangements. Acceptable? Here is your coin.

The man counts out 15 gold from a drawer and hands it to the halfling. Now, let me work in peace.

Silring offers, I can have Hennoth come by to pick up the copy and bring it to your group. She then gestures for Salt Peter to exit with her, the old man absorbed with the book he just bought and ignoring that the two of you are still here.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#134 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Travix nods at the idea of waiting for Salty to rejoin the group before deciding the next course of action.

He stands and stretches, then begins to nonchalantly walk around the room. He tries to eavesdrop on the conversation between the three men as best he can without them noticing.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#135 Post by Pulpatoon »

Having concluded the business of the map, Salt Peter takes his leave of Sirling and goes in search of the others. Assuming he finds them, he relates the days events. "I think I found a fair buyer fer ther gold box an' thar opals, an' I fleeced a poor sap fer that book I hauled outta ther ruin. If'n we head back thar, let's take a cart. I'd like ter empty those shelves. Oh, an' it seems like we might wanter poke aroun' fer more bits o' tha' map. Seems like ther map itself could end up being worth a pretty copper, ter say nuthin' of where it might lead us. Somethin' ter do with a naga. Ain't we heard something else 'bout nagas since we blew inna this 'ere town?"
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#136 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Travix nearly chokes when Salty tells them he sold the book.

Oh, no. I would have liked to get a closer look at that first. Did the buyer at least tell you what the book was about?

Naga you say? Where have we heard of such a creature around here before?
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#137 Post by Mant72 »


Tip digs into his satchel and retrieves Salty his share of the silver. The parched halfling then asks the barmaid if they have any halfling brandy on hand. If so he will order a flask and four glasses.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#138 Post by coil23 »

The barmaid (a shy, tentative boy named Miyo) blushes and says they do not have halfling brandy but offers to send someone to see if they can get some in town. Though we do have some blueberry brandy, sir. We recently got in some more of the Madame’s blood sausage- famous in this region. And I’ve been told to tell you your meal is on the house, sirs and ma’am.

It is midday with the sun shining brightly through the few windows.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#139 Post by Mant72 »


"Thank you kindly, lad. No need to bother over the halfling brandy. The blueberry sounds superb, and I think the sausages will accompany the libations quite nicely. Thank you very much!" Tip gives the boy a silver for his efforts.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#140 Post by Pulpatoon »

Salt Peter sniffs suspiciously at the blueberry brandy, swishes it around like mouthwash, and grins at the others with blue-stained teeth. "Not bad."

To Travix: "What was ther book abou'? Oh, abou' this big." He holds his hands apart to show the size of the book.

He gratefully accepts the silver (was that 25 silver?), and distributes shares of the gold from the book. "Three gob fer each o' us, includin' Graela an' Hennoth.

"After a few hunnert sausages an' some more brandy, ye want ter drop by Appljack's and sell off ther gold box an ther opals?"
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