My party went to Hell and all I got was this damned T-shirt.

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My party went to Hell and all I got was this damned T-shirt.

#1 Post by Rhourk »

Xaltotun unleashed wave after wave of green and black fire. Kitz howled in pain as necrotic power surged through his body, engulfed first in the black flames. Blue energy flared around his small lupine form restoring his vitality. The ground before him sizzled and the very stone evaporated in a hiss of molten steam under the green beam. Searing pain exploded and his physical form strained to follow as the beam found it's mark. Again and again he drew from the well-sping of life that is Yggdrasil. His body reassembled itself as quickly as it was blasted apart. Paws and legs regrew as others were blasted off in a grotesque dance of power. But Kitz grey weary, and his mind struggled to focus. Xaltotun required no focus. He had madly given himself to whatever powers he was drawing from. His was a conduit of destruction, without limits and without control.

My Demons will break through soon enough to deal with your friends, but you are mine!

He raised his hands again; power screamed in them.

Across the courtyard, Lycia knelt beside Aurora, trying to force a potion down the dying clerics throat. The body of the Captain tumbled from the battlements, literally hacked to pieces by Crazy Wolf's unrelenting assault.

The burning green mist bubbled over the Black Paladin and the Futurist where the party had bested them, instantly cremating their bodies in place as it rolled towards Phylo. He sprang back into the closest tower to avoid the hungry mist.

Zildjin steped between shadows and emerged back in the courtyard. He looked back through the closed portcullis where Fukisan swung his great Holy Avenger in a massive arch, straining against the futility of trying to hold back the hordes of Hell amassed on the plains where proud Belverus, the capitol of Nemedia once stood.

Whatever you are going to do, you had better do it now!

He swung again, a great arc, clearing a small space around him. Blood flowed freely from several infernal wounds, his faced was white as death. He raised the great Blade of Heaven above his head and drove the point of it into the ground. At the last moment he twisted his body with all his remaining strength, the blade snapped!

Celestial fire fire burned forth all around him, claiming his body and spirit. Then it exploded outward towards the hoard. The fires of Heaven burned with retribution and hundreds of devils perished in an instant. The rest faltered and watched a thin wisp of flame dance toward the sky, soon lost in the great black clouds of the Hell-Storm that covered the lands in darkness.

Then Corvis Grave appeared before the gates. He rallied the devils and again they surged forward. They brought forth materials to cover the bridge ruined in Fukisan's retributive strike. Once across they would make short work of the gate.

Xaltotun, briefly stunned by the unfolding events, turned back toward Kitz.

Now you die!

The arrow made no sound as it pierced his throat. Crazy Wolf, from atop the tower fired again. This time his arrow drove its full length through the sorcerers heart. Xaltotun crumpled to the ground.

Zildjin looked at his arm where the golden warrior still perched on top of his hand. It continued to chirp in ancient Asgardian, translated by Kitz through Lycia's telepathic link.

Uplink established...
All batteries online...
Acquiring target...
Acquiring target...
Acquiring target...
Acquiring target...
Acquiring target...
Acquiring target...

The rest of the party looked at Zil, and with one voice shouted.


He sprinted for the stairs.

The devils dragged a broken section of castle wall towards the gap to serve as a bridge. Corvis Grave appreared at the gate. He pulled back his hood and mask. His face was a ruin of dead flesh and bone.

Soon we are coming in. You will pay for this affront. You have achieved nothing. I will take up Xaltotun's command and with his army I'll rule this world. You have changed nothing, and I promise that your deaths with be legends of suffering and anguish for all eternity. Nothing can save you now.

Zildjin stepped through the doorway at the top of the tower and beheld the host below him. Devils stretched as far as he could see. They had devoured the city, there was no other word for it. Bones littered the streets and blood ran in every gutter. He knew then that the entire population of Belverus, over a million souls had suffered and been devoured. This was to be the fate of the world.

He raised his hand toward the center of the great host of devils.

Target Acquired...

Firing Sequence Initiated...

A tiny golden spear sped from the little golden figure. It streaked half a mile through the air and struck on of the devils in the chest. It was almost comical, the tiny golden needle poking out of his great scales. They stopped for a moment and erupted in howling laughter. Nothing else appeared to happen.

Then Gungnir struck the earth.

Golden light flared in the sky forming cracks in the ominous black cloud cover. A deafening roar, unheard for 10,000 years shattered the air, the clouds blew apart.
Zildjin covered his ears and dropped to his knees on the top of the tower.

A beam of pure white light, it's heat and power searing the very color from the air around it, stabbed forth from the sky impacting dead center of the infernal host. Those closet to or directly stuck by the beam simply ceased to exist. The ground in all directions warped and rolled like liquid, absorbing anything on it. The beam burned for less than and instant but the image persisted, burned into the eyes of anyone bearing witness to it.

A great shockwave blasted outward from the impact location. In its wake a maelstrom cosmic light spread forth, all consuming.

Zildjin watched as the power rushed toward the keep. In the instant before it arrived he looked down at Corvis Grave, at least I got you, you son of a bitch.

Seconds after the beam appeared the event washed over the keep, obliterating it, Belverus, and the threat of the infernal army forever. But a moment before...

Black pockets to nowhere (but sometimes nowhere will do in a pinch) opened next to each member of the party, a slender feminine hand, of surprising strength darted out and snatched them in. After the briefest slide through nowhere they are dropped to the ground on the side of a mountain miles away. A great column of fire and dust rises in the sky in the distance.

Loki the Trickster regarded them from the shadows.

Well done mortals. And I thank you for releasing me from Hell. That debt is now paid. If we meet again, I shall look on you fondly at best, but owe you nothing. Farewell...

This Concludes "To Hell and Back Again" Act II of Bloodlines. Thank you for playing. Next up the third and final act, "The Battle for Tomorrow".

Side note: Act three will play a story arch that I wrote ten years ago. I called it the "Battle on the Edge of Tomorrow" Eight years before they adapted the Japanese novel "All you need is kill" into the movie "The Edge of Tomorrow". So the title was totally mine first. But, despite starring #1 fuck-nut Tom Cruise, it's still a pretty good movie and I recommend it. Stolen fucking title and all.
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Re: My party went to Hell and all I got was this damned T-sh

#2 Post by Agnati »

Rhourk wrote:But, despite starring #1 fuck-nut Tom Cruise, it's still a pretty good movie and I recommend it. Stolen fucking title and all.
I second that. With low expectations, I was surprised at how good a movie it turned out to be.

That's a pretty epic end to Chapter II. Lycia is adding "don't piss off Crazy Wolf" to her to-do list.
"Friends, we have accomplished much as of late. We have fought our way through nine levels of hell, resisting temptations lesser men and women would have embraced, and we have prevailed against the armies thereof and their leaders who underestimated our will and determination.... and the fact that for us to fail is not an option.... but we are not done yet.
I'm sure it would be far too much of a coincidence, but if you'll remember, Morningstar told us to "seek our enemy on Mount Carmel" after we emerged from Hell's gate. Does anyone recognize these mountains that Loki deposited us on?
While it's possible that the Lord of the Morning intended for us to find Xaltotun there... I would wager that, with his timeless knowledge, he was telling us where to find Sur-Oltchak..... our old friend, Vis.
She looks out over the landscape with a heavy weighted sigh. They have done the once-thought impossible against hoards without number with the aid of friends and allies and those they looked up to, now lost to them. A single tear rolls down her cheek as she watches the dust cloud settle over the keep they were just saved from.
"I believe this world is far from safe... and the stakes are now higher than when we entered Hell and the odds are stacked against us many-fold... "
She stows the Wand of the War Mage, realizing how tightly she was squeezing it as if she would forget Galius' sacrifice if she were to turn it lose.
"... but we have a date with destiny and I do love seeing old friends."

"It's okay to be afraid. There is no courage without fear."
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Re: My party went to Hell and all I got was this damned T-sh

#3 Post by Rhourk »

Sorry I wrote "Story arch" above, obviously I meant "story arc".
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Re: My party went to Hell and all I got was this damned T-sh

#4 Post by Tungsten »

Movie beat expectations because:
A) Emily is hot
B) We enjoyed seeing Tom getting beat up and killed repeatedly
C) Cool story
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Re: My party went to Hell and all I got was this damned T-sh

#5 Post by Agnati »

Tungsten wrote:Movie beat expectations because:
A) Emily is hot
B) We enjoyed seeing Tom getting beat up and killed repeatedly
C) Cool story
You sir.
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Re: My party went to Hell and all I got was this damned T-sh

#6 Post by KitzGreywood »

( yeah i hate how movies and games these days take a lot of the thunder that GM's made good and well years before. My example of this is a campaign that i wrote and played out for over 5 years out of game towards the end of high school. It consisted of a world constructed literally out of imagination and a cosmic mystery. It was populated by many iconic characters from many popular games and movies including most of the cast of early disney cartoons as the royals... the game ended in 2001 and by march of 2002....Kingdom Hearts came out. :P So yes screw them :P i feel your pain)

In the aftermath Kitz stands in disarray. His now greyish fur smokes and his right ear still harbors a small flickering flame as he struggles to shake of bits of what had to have at one time been him. At Loki's words Kitz looks slightly down then back up again quickly.
"Well I guess its still Loki...None the less. Even still, i will always remember what you have done for us here Loki! You could have let us die in that blast, we were back in the mortal world as soon as we arrived at that horrid bloodbath...but you didn't. So Call upon me if you have need!" Kitz's voice trails off then almost speaking under his breath.
"Or if you need a discrete place to hide when you prank the wrong god or other such legendary beast...perhaps a root to hide behind...yeah....more likely i guess..."
Kitz flicks his tail and wiggles his feet in the slight motion of a cantrip, he uses the minor trick to clean his grey fur of ash and dust then to dye an artistic colorful decoration of roots circling his body 3 times. Once starting at the tip of his tail and ending with a short circle around his right eye. He also adds a symbol of Loki to the display hiding cleverly slightly stretched behind the roots that cross his left flank.

At that, Kitz looks up and lays down still looking shocked and stares blinking a few times at the party. "Break time" The small fire on his right ear finally goes out leaving a blacken tip.
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Re: My party went to Hell and all I got was this damned T-sh

#7 Post by Rhourk »

Agnati wrote:
Rhourk wrote:But, despite starring #1 fuck-nut Tom Cruise, it's still a pretty good movie and I recommend it. Stolen fucking title and all.
I second that. With low expectations, I was surprised at how good a movie it turned out to be.

That's a pretty epic end to Chapter II. Lycia is adding "don't piss off Crazy Wolf" to her to-do list.
"Friends, we have accomplished much as of late. We have fought our way through nine levels of hell, resisting temptations lesser men and women would have embraced, and we have prevailed against the armies thereof and their leaders who underestimated our will and determination.... and the fact that for us to fail is not an option.... but we are not done yet.
I'm sure it would be far too much of a coincidence, but if you'll remember, Morningstar told us to "seek our enemy on Mount Carmel" after we emerged from Hell's gate. Does anyone recognize these mountains that Loki deposited us on?

You do not know the name, but it is a common stretch of mountains and hills well traveled, forming the boarder between Nemedia and Aquilonia. You have no knowledge of Mount Carmel.

While it's possible that the Lord of the Morning intended for us to find Xaltotun there... I would wager that, with his timeless knowledge, he was telling us where to find Sur-Oltchak..... our old friend, Vis.
She looks out over the landscape with a heavy weighted sigh. They have done the once-thought impossible against hoards without number with the aid of friends and allies and those they looked up to, now lost to them. A single tear rolls down her cheek as she watches the dust cloud settle over the keep they were just saved from.
"I believe this world is far from safe... and the stakes are now higher than when we entered Hell and the odds are stacked against us many-fold... "
She stows the Wand of the War Mage, realizing how tightly she was squeezing it as if she would forget Galius' sacrifice if she were to turn it lose.
"... but we have a date with destiny and I do love seeing old friends."

"It's okay to be afraid. There is no courage without fear."
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