The Urchin's Quill (15)

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The Urchin's Quill (15)

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Thank you for participating Mant!

The Quill is open for business at your command.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#2 Post by Mant72 »

The Urchin’s Quill: Old-world Manuscripts, New Translations

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Olinder Sprivey stood in the mirror trying to smooth down the few wisps of white hair that remained on his balding pate. Even though he had adopted the name “Jerrin Wirrlow” over a season ago, he still sometimes found himself slow to respond when called by this new alias. Some days were better than others.

His shop would be opening soon, and he had an appointment with a client who needed a deed translated from High Elvish into Common. Nothing of interest had shown up at the Urchin’s Quill of late, just those needs typically required of a scribing service: the penning of wills, translating legal documents from one language to the next, composing contracts, etc. Times certainly had become tedious here in Saltmarsh, and that was exactly the way Olinder preferred it.

Olinder’s thoughts swirled back to the night when he left Thistledale…

The day had begun just as any other, filled with monotonous hours of deciphering and interpreting; however, at around the mid-day bell, a document was brought into the shop that needed translating. The map’s owner had specifically asked for Olinder, for the scribe’s talents had become well-known throughout the area. Olinder grudgingly accepted the job, thinking that it was just another worthless piece of yellowed parchment inscribed with historical records, the meaningless orders of some dead king, or even worse, the poorly written love poetry of some love stricken bard.

He was gravely mistaken.

As he inspected the map, Olinder discovered that the script was that of some archaic language that no tongue had wagged in centuries. He told the client that it would require at least a day to translate the work and that it should be completed on the morrow or the day after. Olinder worked late into the night decrypting its mysteries before finally solving the enigma just before dawn. It was then that he decided that this was his break, his way out from under this hovel of a shop that struggled to barely make due. He was tired of reading about the coffers of jewels and leagues of land that others had at their disposal. The opportunity proved too enticing for the aging scribe. He packed a small bag, stuffed the map into the folds of his robe, and hastily left town.

He made his way to Saltmarsh and opened up The Urchin’s Quill under the name “Jerrin Wirrlow.” Being a coastal town, running a business that relied on languages was a fairly prosperous endeavor; however, like his previous shop in Thistledale, The Quill made just enough money to keep his stomach full and a roof over his head.

Olinder suddenly broke from his reverie as the bell hanging above the door to the shop chimed, marking the entrance of the morning’s first client. He took a deep breath, straightened his robes, fixed his best smile, and turned, “Welcome, welcome! I trust your evening proved restful! Now, let’s have a look at this deed shall we?”

Although it has been over a year ago since Olinder obtained the map, he has yet to find the means to pursue its contents. There are many nights when he wakes in the darkness, drenched in sweat, heart pounding like hooves, listening for the soft footfalls of an intruder, for he knows the map’s true owners are still seeking his whereabouts, still seeking his head. The scribe can only consul himself and try to return to a restless sleep.
Last edited by Mant72 on Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#3 Post by coil23 »

Doubtful heads to the north end of town looking for this translator he heard had set up shop. Finding The Quill he walks in with hat in hand. Annoyed with his sudden diffidence in this environment he straightens up and scowls. I know how to read and write, dammit! But looking around, smelling the papers and inks, thinking of all the languages, all the manuscripts that this person must know and have seen, well, he certainly feels out of his element…and maybe a little smaller.

Stepping to the counter he coughs quietly, nods his head respectfully, and begins.

Good day, sir. They call me Doubtful. I have a farm outside of town, only come to town on occasion. I have this packet of papers I need translated and I was hoping you could help me. I only have a little money though I can help out if you have animals with ailments or sometimes people too.

This is the packet of papers that Danny got from the house.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#4 Post by Mant72 »

Olinder Sprivey a.k.a Jerrin Wirrlow
Olinder Sprivey a.k.a Jerrin Wirrlow.jpg
Olinder Sprivey a.k.a Jerrin Wirrlow.jpg (86.61 KiB) Viewed 1138 times
The scribe looks up from his desk and wipes his ink stained fingers on his apron. He rises from his seat and winces in pain as his leg seems to be troubling him. “Damn knee! Seems to get worse every day. Especially if there’s a storm on the rise.” He walks gingerly over to Doubtful and extends his hand, “Jerrin Wirrlow, at your service my good man. What do you have for me today? We can discuss price and compensation afterwards.” He waves his hand as if dismissing the thought.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#5 Post by coil23 »

Doubtful hands over the packet of papers to the man.

What do you make of this? Is this a language known to you?

(Would have been inclined to trust the man until I saw that picture.)
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#6 Post by Mant72 »

Olinder Sprivey a.k.a Jerrin Wirrlow:

Olinder/Jerrin extends both of his hands and carefully accepts the papers. He treats the pieces of parchment delicately and with great caution, taking care not to rip, mar, or tear them. He slowly shuffles through the papers, scrutinizes their contents, and whistles through his teeth.

"Hmm...not quite certain because I can't read all the papers, but I'd have to say upon my initial inspection that this here is penned in a hand known as 'Old Sea Script.' Can't be quite certain though until I consult some of my tomes." He turns and gestures to the rows of books housed in the back of the shop. "It may take me a couple of days to decipher, so you'd have to leave them with me."

He looks up from the weathered parchment, and asks, "I know it's probably none of my business, but can I ask where you stumbled across this? I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty damn good at what I do, and what's writ here has me a little perplexed. Old Sea Script isn't a common tongue."
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#7 Post by coil23 »


The papers came from a coastal home in the area. A friend inherited them and was perplexed on what to do. I would be interested in knowing what they say- it may give my friend some comfort or closure.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#8 Post by Mant72 »

Olinder Sprivey a.k.a Jerrin Wirrlow:

"Hmmm...You say you don't have much coin to spend, but you're skilled with dealing with ailments that plague both men and beasts? Then I'll tell you what...I'll find out the contents of your Sea Script parchments for 3 gold, you take a look at my mare, she's about to foal, and you have a look at my damn knee. Then we'll call it a deal. What do you say?"
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#9 Post by coil23 »

Thinks for a moment and then nods. Yes, that works for me. And I would appreciate your discretion in this- my friend is rather sensitive to his family history. Doubtful reaches out to shake on the deal. His eyes search the other man's to try and gauge how much he can entrust this task to a stranger.

With a wry smile he thinks to himself, serves me right- this is what I get for not insisting on learning Old Sea Script as a young lad on the farm. Spent too much time with goats. He laughs, not really caring how this has no apparent cause for anyone else in the room.

Just one thing, do you know how soon you could have this ready? Time is something of a factor.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#10 Post by Mant72 »

coil23 wrote:(Would have been inclined to trust the man until I saw that picture.)

:lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah, the dude looks very shyster-like.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#11 Post by Mant72 »

Olinder Sprivey a.k.a Jerrin Wirrlow:

Olinder returns Doubtful’s handshake, and adds, “Then it’s a deal. To be completely honest with you, these papers are pretty dense and cryptic, and if I work alone, it will probably take me upwards to about a week to unravel their meaning; however, I do have a couple of contacts here in town that I can consult. If we decide to go that route, I could probably have them deciphered in about 3 days. I know you mentioned discretion, so I’ll comply with whatever you wish. After all, you are the customer.” He quizzically raises an eyebrow and awaits Doubtful’s response.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#12 Post by coil23 »

Doubtful's shoulders sag a bit at the thought of bringing in others on this matter. But not only was time an issue here, he knew so little that he could not be sure how urgent the time matter was. Discouraged by the thought of just how many sets of lips would need to be silenced if this went south but he felt he had no choice. Putting on a tight smile he nodded.

Not sure how much more I could afford to add others into the work but if that will make things faster. How much do you think? Hopefully these others are ones you trust? And while I need to go now, could I call on you later to see to your knee and mare?

While he meant the last remark he also thought that if things soured it would be useful to know where the man lived as well as worked.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#13 Post by Mant72 »

Olinder Sprivey a.k.a Jerrin Wirrlow:

"Aye, I trust them more than most men, which is enough. With their help, I would say three days would suffice to complete the work. I'll leave my apprentice, Teague, with taking care of the shop for now, and I'll call on one of my contacts directly. As far as seeing to my mare and my knee, I live just south from here, about halfway down Coral Street. It's the hovel with the yellow, peeling plaster. Can't miss such a palatial estate." He smiles at the farmer with the awkwardness of someone not use to such facial expressions.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#14 Post by coil23 »


All right, we'll do this. I hope to check back in with you in the next day or two. No offense to your knee but if it isn't too bad I would like to see to the mare first when I am next free to make sure she is ok to foal.

When they are done talking Doubtful will take his leave and head toward the council chambers to be able to speak with folks before the council meeting.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#15 Post by Mant72 »

"Aye, tend to the mare first. She's due any day. The knee can wait. Return in three days, and I'll have the job completed. Remember, I'm on Coral Street. Farewell, friend."
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#16 Post by coil23 »


Doubtful returns to the Quill a few days later. He nods and attempts a smile (though he is out of practice) when he sees Olinder Sprivey.

Sir. It seems my timing was good with your mare as soon after I arrived she was ready to foal. The birthing was a simple matter. That colt's a beauty and they are both doing fine. Left some oats for the mare. I'm happy to see to your knee now and I brought something along for that as well.

Doubtful asks to assess the man's knee. Upon inspection he casts succor.
(heals[1d2] = 2)

He then places two packets of folded waxed paper on the counter for the man. Pointing to the first, this one is an ointment for a few days- that's probably all you'll need. Just spread it on the knee and leave it on overnight each time. It's boswellian resin.
Pointing to the second, larger packet, and this is a white willow bark and ginger tea. Have a few cups of this a day. I can always get you more if you like. Both should help with the swelling and pain. And the ginger in the tea is great with a little honey.

I wanted to get these things to you now so you could get some relief and also to check on the progress with the translation.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#17 Post by Mant72 »

Olinder Sprivey a.k.a Jerrin Wirrlo:

Olinder awkwardly returns Doubtful's smile, for he is unaccustomed to the facial expression himself and stretches his knee without any pain. He looks amazed. "Thank for your services, getting old is a bitch," again, he shares an awkward smile, "and speaking of timing, I just finished up my end of the deal earlier this morning."

Olinder removes the old parchments from a leather binder in which he was storing them.

“First of all what you have here is very rare; they’re not from these parts of the world. They come from somewhere abroad, and they’re actually penned in what you might call a dead language. They’re old...real old. These here papers are scripted with powerful, arcane magicks, and I prefer not to meddle with the stuff myself. When I discovered their arcane properties, I seriously thought about recanting on our deal, but that’s bad for business, and I decided to press on. There is nothing evil here, mind you, it’s just I chose to stay away from witchery and such.

Well, I sorted through the papers and found that they are actually comprised of two separate manuscripts. The smaller of the two wasn’t as difficult to work through as that larger one there.”
He gestures to the two stacks of papers on the counter before him.

“This one,” he collects the smaller of the two stacks and hands them over to Doubtful,“is a manual on martial prowess. It instructs the reader on the art of combat and the use of weaponry. It describes in detail various stances, postures, and forms used for improving one’s competency in battle.

This other manual,”
he gathers the other, larger stack of parchments and hands them over, “I initially thought was a treatise on marine biology. It goes into great detail and length explaining the ecology of plants and animals that inhabit the sea; however, as I delved deeper into the work, I uncovered that it is actually a manuscript that instructs the reader on how to become an initiate into the Druidic Order.

Now, I will warn you about a few things concerning these papers. There are some requirements that must be met in order to maintain the abilities that they bestow upon the reader. The manuals must be kept and periodically studied in order for the reader to maintain their powers. Also, they can only be learned and owned by one person. If someone else tries to read them while another is already utilizing their magicks, the pages will go blank, and the manual will essentially become ruined.”

Fighter Manual: This manual is filled with secret styles and special moves designed to benefit one's fighting prowess. If the pages are studied extensively and then gone through periodically after that, they imbue the reader with a +1 to attack rolls and a +1 on damage rolls.

Druidic Manual: After reading this manual filled with secret rituals and forgotten lore, the power of the item magically raises the attributes of the reader to the class minimum. It will also bring the beliefs and alignment of the reader to the truest of neutral. It also bestows upon the reader the ability to identify all aquatic life forms, both plant and animal.
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#18 Post by coil23 »


Brow raised, Doubtful listens to the explanation, being both impressed and a little alarmed.

Thank you, thank you very much. Not sure what they will think of all this but thanks to you they will now have some answers. Here is your three gold. If I have need of translation in the future or know someone who does, this is the direction to steer.

Let me ask you something. I don't get into town much and I'm hearing all this talk of that old house way up on the hill and strange things going on. What do you think of all that? Out on the farms I've been dealing with spooked livestock. What does an educated man think?
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Re: The Urchin's Quill (15)

#19 Post by Mant72 »

Olinder Sprivey a.k.a Jerrin Wirrlo:

"Ahhh...the old manor-house. Been quite the center of interest of late. The council even posted an announcement looking for would-be explorers. I hear tales of strange lights in the night in and about the place, but I put no stock in such stories. Probably just a bunch of damned kids out there. Don't get me wrong, I've seen my share of the bizarre in this life, but my gut tells me it's nonsense. Anyway, thanks for the help with my mare and her foal, and thanks for the salve, powder, and tea. I'd also appreciate any future business you can send my way. You know, I don't say this to many folk, but you're a good man, Mr. Doubtful. Those are hard to find in such times. Take care."
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