Core D&D Classes

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Ranger Lord
Ranger Lord
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Core D&D Classes

#1 Post by Antman9 »


  • Prime Req: Wisdom
  • Exp Bonus: 3-5 (-20), 6-8 (-10), 13-15 (+5%), 16-18 (+10%)
  • Hit Die: 6 (+1 ≥ 10th lvl, CON modifier no longer applies)
  • Max Lvl: 36
  • Armor: Any, plus shield
  • Weapons: No edged or pointed weapons; all others permitted
  • Special Abilities:
    • Tuning undead
    • Clerical spells
Cleric Table

Cleric Saving Throw Table
Death Ray/Poison1197654322
Magic Wands12108765432
Paralysis/Turn to Stone141210865432
Dragon Breath1614121086432
Turning Undead Table (2d6)
Undead/Cleric's Level123456789-1011-1213-1415-1617-20
  • 7, 9, or 11 = number needed to turn successfully
  • T = automatic turn, 2d6 Hit Dice of undead
  • D = automatic Destroy, 2d6 Hit Dice of undead
  • D + = automatic Destroy, 3d6 Hit Dice of undead
  • D# = automatic Destroy, 4d6 Hit Dice of undead
Cleric Spellcasting
The cleric may know any clerical spell from the list of clerical spells so long as he is of a high enough experience level to know it and cast it, and so long as the DM has not banned the use of that particular spell in his campaign. The cleric cannot learn a spell from either the druidic spells list or the magical spells list.

To learn a spell, the cleric meditates, petitioning the power he serves. The memory and details of the spells appear in the cleric's mind. The cleric may cast the spells at any time thereafter. The cleric will remember each spell until it is cast, even if it is not used for days or weeks.
  • Clerics and Druids gain their spells through meditation
  • Clerics choose which spells they will memorize at the beginning of an adventure. They do not need to write them down, they simply meditate to rememorize them.
  • Prime Req: Strength
  • Exp Bonus: 3-5 (-20), 6-8 (-10), 13-15 (+5%), 16-18 (+10%)
  • Hit Die: 8 (+2 ≥ 10th lvl, CON modifier no longer applies)
  • Max Lvl: 36
  • Armor: Any, shields allowed
  • Weapons: Any
  • Special Abilities:
    • (1st) Lance Attack, Set vs. Charge, Fighter Combat Options
    • (12th) 2 attacks per round[/i]
    • (24th) 3 attacks per round[/i]
    • (30th) 4 attacks per round[/i]
Fighter Table
LevelXPHP # Attacks
108 +CON mod1
22,000+8 +CON mod1
34,000+8 +CON mod1
48,000+8 +CON mod1
516,000+8 +CON mod1
632,000+8 +CON mod1
764,000+8 +CON mod1
8120,000+8 +CON mod1
9240,000+8 +CON mod1
10360,000+8 +CON mod1
Fighter Saving Throws Table
Saving Throw/Level1-34-67-910-1212-1516-1819-21
Death Ray/Poison121086655
Magic Wands131197665
Paralysis/Turn to Stone1412108766
Breath Attack1513119876
  • Prime Req: Intelligence
  • Exp Bonus: 3-5 (-20), 6-8 (-10), 13-15 (+5%), 16-18 (+10%)
  • Hit Die: 4 (+1 ≥ 10th lvl, CON modifier no longer applies)
  • Max Lvl: 36
  • Armor: none, no shield permitted[/i]
  • Weapons: Dagger, staff, blowgun, flaming oil, holy water, net, thrown rock, sling, whip

  • Special Abilities:
    • Magical Spells

Magic-User Table
101--------4 +CON mod
22,5002--------+4 +CON mod
35,00021-------+4 +CON mod
410,00022-------+4 +CON mod
520,000221------+4 +CON mod
640,000222------+4 +CON mod
780,0003221-----+4 +CON mod
8150,0003322-----+4 +CON mod
9300,00033321----+4 +CON mod
Magic-User Saving Throws Table
Saving Throw / Level1-56-1011-1516-20
Death Ray/Poison131197
Magic Wands1412108
Paralysis/Turn to Stone131197
Breath Attack16141210
Spells & Spell Books
When a magic-user or elf begins play at first level, he starts with a spell book, given to him by his teacher. The spell book will contain two 1st level spells. The player may choose any two spells they wish to start with.

The spell book is large and bulky, and cannot be easily carried (about 2' square, 2-6 inches thick, weighing at least 20 pounds). It will not fit inside a normal sack of any size, but may be carried in a backpack or saddlebag. All spell books are written in magical words, and only their owners may read them without using the read magic spell (described later). As previously discussed, the magic-user or elf forgets each spell as he casts it. This is why he has a spell book: He can memorize the spell again later and have it available to him once more.

Lost Spell Books
A magic-user or elf whose spell book is lost or destroyed cannot regain spells until he replaces the spell book. He can't just read from somebody else's spell book. He can recreate the spells from memory and research . . . but it takes a lot of money and a lot of time. The method, amount of time, and cost it takes to recreate a spell book are for the DM to decide. Here's a rough guideline: 1,000 gold pieces and one week of study for each spell level replaced. (For example, each 3rd level spell would require 3,000 gp and three weeks to reconstruct). This reconstruction takes up all the character's time, leaving none for adventuring.

A character can make a second spell book to leave in a safe place in case his primary book is destroyed. This doesn't take all the time and money which reconstruction of spells requires; a magic-user or elf could copy four spells a day from his primary spell book to his "backup."

One magical treasure sometimes found in adventures is the magical scroll. Some scrolls have magic-user spells written upon them. A magic-user can use the scroll by casting the spell from it—in which case the written spell disappears as soon as it is cast. Or, he can transfer it to his spell book (during this process, the spell disappears from the scroll), and he will have gained a new spell.
  • Prime Req: Dexterity
  • Exp Bonus: 3-5 (-20), 6-8 (-10), 13-15 (+5%), 16-18 (+10%)
  • Hit Die: 4 (+2 ≥ 10th lvl, CON modifier no longer applies)
  • Max Lvl: 36
  • Armor: Leather armor only, shield not permitted
  • Weapons: Any missile weapon, any one-handed melee weapon
  • Special Abilities:
    • (1st lvl) Open Locks, Find Traps, Remove Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Pick Pockets, Hear Noise, and Backstab
      (4th lvl) Read any normal language 80%[/i]
      (10th lvl) Cast magic-user spells from scrolls – 10% chance backfire[/i]
Thief Table
104 +CON mod
21,200+4 +CON mod
32,400+4 +CON mod
44,800+4 +CON mod
59,600+4 +CON mod
620,000+4 +CON mod
740,000+4 +CON mod
880,000+4 +CON mod
9160,000+4 +CON mod
Thief Saving Throws Table
Saving Throw/Level1-45-89-1213-1617-20
Magic Wands14121086
Paralysis/Turn to Stone1311975
Breath Attack161412108
Thief Special Abilities Table (%)
LevelOpen LocksFind TrapsRemove TrapsClimb WallsMove SilentlyHide in ShadowsPick PocketsHear Noise
Open Locks (OL)
With successful use of this special ability, and with professional lockpicks (often called "thieves' tools"), the thief may open locks. The character may try to use this skill only once per lock. The thief may not try again with that particular lock until he gains another level of experience. Without lockpicks, he may not use this ability

Find Trap (FT)
With successful use of this special ability, the thief may examine a room or an object and determine whether it is rigged with traps. He may check only once per trap, and failure prevents the character from finding any trap in or on the object searched. (Since the DM actually does the rolling, the player doesn't know how many traps he's rolling to find.) If the thief finds a trap, he may use his Remove Traps ability to remove or deactivate it.

Remove Traps (RT)
With successful use of this special ability, the thief may remove or deactivate a trap. He may not roll this ability against a trap unless the trap has been found. The thief may try his ability only once per trap; failure to remove a trap triggers the trap.

Climb Walls (CW)
With successful use of this special ability, the thief can climb steep surfaces, such as sheer cliffs, walls, and so forth. The chances for success are good, but if failed, the thief slips at the halfway point and falls. The DM rolls for success once for every 100' climbed. If the roll is a failure, the thief takes 1-6 (Id6) points of damage per 10' fallen. Falling during a 10' climb will inflict 1 point of damage.

Move Silently (MS)
Successful use of this special ability allows the thief to move silently. When the thief tries to use this skill, he always believes he has been successful, but a failed roll means that someone can hear his passage. The DM, at his discretion, may modify the thief s roll at any time: When he tries moving silently across a field of dried leaves, his percentage chance would go down, while if he does so during a loud tournament, his chance will be greatly enhanced. Note that it doesn't do the thief any good to use this skill against someone who is already aware of him.

Hide in Shadows (HS)
Successful use of this special ability means that the thief moves into and remains in shadows, making him very hard to see. While the thief is in shadows, observers only get a chance to see him if they look directly at him, at which time he must roll again; success means that he remains unobserved. While in shadows, the thief may use his Move Silently ability, but attacking someone reveals the thief. If the thief tries to hide in shadows but fails, he will not know that his position of concealment is a failure until someone sees him and announces the fact. Note that if the thief is under direct observation, he can't hide in shadows against the people watching him; they'll be able to follow his progress with no problem.

Pick Pockets (PP)
This special ability allows the character to steal things from another character's person without him noticing. It's a very risky skill to use. If the attempt succeeds, the thief is able to pick the other's pockets without anyone noticing. If the roll is a simple failure, the thief fails to get his hands on what he's seeking. If the roll is greater than twice what the thief needs to succeed or an 00 in any case, the thief is caught in the act by his intended victim, and possibly others. When using the skill, subtract 5% per level or HD of victim. (Normal men—men and women who have no adventuring ability at all and do not belong to any adventuring character class— are treated as being 0 level.) Example: A 1st level thief tries to pick the pocket of a 1st level fighter walking along the street. His chance is 20% (normal) minus 5 (5 times 1), or 15%. The DM rolls the percentile dice and rolls a 41. This is over twice what he needed to roll, so the thief is caught in the act.

Hear Noise (HN)
This special ability gives the thief the ability to hear faint noises—such as breathing on the other side of the door, or the clatter of distant footsteps approaching fast. The DM can rule that any loud situation, such as a battle, prevents the thief from using this skill

Proper Use of Thief Abilities
Watch for opportunities to use special abilities, and simply tell your Dungeon Master when you want your thief to use one. A stuck or exceptionally difficult lock, carefully hidden trap, slippery wall, or very faint noise may cause a penalty to be applied to the normal chances of successful skill use. The DM could assign the task a penalty of - 5 % , - 10%, ~ 20%, or higher depending on the difficulty of the task. If, after applying such penalties, the chance of success remains 100% or greater, the DM should adjust it to 99%, allowing a 1% minimum chance of failure in all cases. However, the DM should not modify Move Silently or Hide in Shadows skill chances unless the thief is undertaking actions that are outside the ability's usual functions (trying to move silently while running at full speed or across a floor covered with peanut shells, hiding when very near to torchlight, etc.).

If a thief can sneak up on a victim, completely unnoticed, the thief may backstab—if he is using a one-handed melee weapon, he may strike at particularly vulnerable points of his target's body. (Though the ability is called "backstabbing," the weapon doesn't have to be a stabbing weapon. A thief can use this ability with a club, for example.) When backstabbing, the thief gains a bonus of +4 on the attack roll; if the target is hit, the damage done is twice normal (roll the damage for the weapon, multiply the result by two, and then add any pertinent modifiers). If the intended victim sees, hears, or is warned of the thief s approach, the thief s attack is not a backstab; it is an ordinary attack, doing the damage appropriate for the weapon used. When no battle is in progress, a backstab attempt may require a Move Silently ability check. The DM will make all the necessary decisions on that matter

Read Languages
When the thief reaches 4th level, he gains an 80% chance to read any normal writing or language (including simple codes, dead languages, treasure maps, and so on, but not magical writings). If he tries but fails to read a piece of writing, he must gain at least one experience level before trying to read it again.

Cast Spells from Magic-User Scrolls
At 10th level, a thief gains the ability to cast magic-user spells from spell scrolls. However, there is always a 10% chance that the spell will backfire, creating an unexpected result, because of the thief s imperfect understanding of magical writings. This ability only allows thieves to cast spells from existing magic scrolls, not to write their own.
  • Prime Req: Strength, Constitution (9)
  • Exp Bonus: 3-5 (-20), 6-8 (-10), 13-15 (+5%), 16-18 (+10%)
  • Hit Die: 8 (+3 ≥ 10th lvl, CON modifier no longer applies)
  • Max Lvl: 12
  • Armor: Any, shield permitted
  • Weapons: Any small or medium melee weapon, short bows and crossbows. Longbows forbidden.
  • Special Abilities:
    • Lance Attack, Set Spear vs. Charge
    • Infravision
    • Languages: Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
    • 1 in 3 chance to detect traps, sliding walls, sloping corriors, new construction
    • (12th lvl) Fighter Combat Options
    • (1,400,000 xp) Half damage form spells
Infravision is the ability to see heat (and the lack of heat). Dwarves have infravision in addition to normal sight and can see 60' in the dark. Infravision does not work in the presence of normal and magical light. With infravision, warm things appear red, and cold things appear blue. A creature could be seen as a red shape, leaving faint reddish footprints. A cold pool of water would seem a deep blue color. Characters with infravision can even see items or creatures the same temperature as the surrounding air (such as a table or a skeleton), since air flow will inevitably show the viewer their borders, outlining them in a faint lighter-blue tone. Until they move, they will be very faint to the

Dwarf Table
108 +CON mod
22,200+8 +CON mod
34,400+8 +CON mod
48,800+8 +CON mod
517,000+8 +CON mod
635,000+8 +CON mod
770,000+8 +CON mod
8140,000+8 +CON mod
9270,000+8 +CON mod
Dwarf Saving Throws Table
Saving Throw / Level1-34-67-910-12
Death Ray/Poison8642
Magic Wands9753
Paralysis/Turn to Stone10864
Dragon Breath131074
  • Prime Req: Strength, Intelligence (9)
  • Exp Bonus: STR 13-18 & INT 13-15 (+5%), STR 13-18 & INT 16-18 (+10%)
  • Hit Die: 6 (+1 ≥ 10th lvl, CON modifier no longer applies)
  • Max Lvl: 10
  • Armor: All, shields permitted
  • Weapons: Any
  • Special Abilities:
    • Lance Attack, Set Spear vs. Charge
    • Infravision; Languages: Elf, Gnoll, Hobgoblin, Orc
    • 1 in 3 chance to detect secret and hidden doors
    • Immunity to Ghoul paralysis; Magic spell casting
    • (850,000 xp) Fighter Combat Options
    • (1,600,000 xp) half damage form dragon breath
Infravision is the ability to see heat (and the lack of heat). Dwarves have infravision in addition to normal sight and can see 60' in the dark. Infravision does not work in the presence of normal and magical light. With infravision, warm things appear red, and cold things appear blue. A creature could be seen as a red shape, leaving faint reddish footprints. A cold pool of water would seem a deep blue color. Characters with infravision can even see items or creatures the same temperature as the surrounding air (such as a table or a skeleton), since air flow will inevitably show the viewer their borders, outlining them in a faint lighter-blue tone. Until they move, they will be very faint to the

Immunity to Ghoul Paralysis
All elves are naturally immune to the paralyzing attacks of ghouls. Other types of paralysis, such as attacks from a carrion crawler or gelatinous cube, do affect them normally

Spells & Spell Books
Elves can use magic-user spells just as magic-users can, though they receive fewer and lower level spells. When a magic-user or elf begins play at first level, he starts with a spell book, given to him by his teacher. The spell book will contain two 1st level spells. The player may choose any two spells they wish to start with.

The spell book is large and bulky, and cannot be easily carried (about 2' square, 2-6 inches thick, weighing at least 20 pounds). It will not fit inside a normal sack of any size, but may be carried in a backpack or saddlebag. All spell books are written in magical words, and only their owners may read them without using the read magic spell (described later). As previously discussed, the magic-user or elf forgets each spell as he casts it. This is why he has a spell book: He can memorize the spell again later and have it available to him once more.

Lost Spell Books
A magic-user or elf whose spell book is lost or destroyed cannot regain spells until he replaces the spell book. He can't just read from somebody else's spell book. He can recreate the spells from memory and research . . . but it takes a lot of money and a lot of time. The method, amount of time, and cost it takes to recreate a spell book are for the DM to decide. Here's a rough guideline: 1,000 gold pieces and one week of study for each spell level replaced. (For example, each 3rd level spell would require 3,000 gp and three weeks to reconstruct). This reconstruction takes up all the character's time, leaving none for adventuring.

A character can make a second spell book to leave in a safe place in case his primary book is destroyed. This doesn't take all the time and money which reconstruction of spells requires; a magic-user or elf could copy four spells a day from his primary spell book to his "backup."

One magical treasure sometimes found in adventures is the magical scroll. Some scrolls have magic-user spells written upon them. A magic-user can use the scroll by casting the spell from it—in which case the written spell disappears as soon as it is cast. Or, he can transfer it to his spell book (during this process, the spell disappears from the scroll), and he will have gained a new spell.

Elf Table
101----6 +CON mod
24,0002----+6 +CON mod
38,00021---+6 +CON mod
416,00022---+6 +CON mod
532,000221--+6 +CON mod
664,000222--+6 +CON mod
7120,0003221-+6 +CON mod
8250,0003322-+6 +CON mod
9400,00033321+6 +CON mod
Elf Saving Throws Table
Saving Throw / Level1-34-67-910-12
Death Ray/Poison12842
Magic Wands131074
Paralysis/Turn to Stone131074
Dragon Breath151173
  • Prime Req: Strength, Dexterity (9)
  • Exp Bonus: STR 13-18 or INT 16-18 (+5%), STR 13-18 & INT 16-18 (+10%)
  • Hit Die: 6 (up to 6th level)
  • Max Lvl: 8
  • Armor: Any, shield is permitted, armor must be designed specifically for Halflings
  • Weapons: Any small melee weapon, short bow, light crossbow
  • Special Abilities:
    • Set Spear vs. Charge
    • (300,000 XP) half damage from spells
    • (900,000 xp) Fighter Combat Option
    • Combat Bonuses: -2 AC vs. monsters larger than man sized, +1 to attacks with missile weapons
    • +1 individual initiative
    • (2, 100,000 xp) half damage from dragon breath
    • 90% chance hide motionless in woodlands
    • 33% chance to hide motionless in dimly lit building interiors
Woodland Abilities
Outdoors, halflings are difficult to spot, having the ability to hide in woods or underbrush. In such cover, they have a 90% chance to remain unseen (the DM will roll). Halflings can even hide in building interiors such as dungeons, though not with as much success. In such situations, if a halfling finds some deep shadows or cover to hide in, his chance drops to 33 %; if he cannot find shadows or cover, he has no chance at all. This ability is not the same as the thief s Move Silently or Hide in Shadows abilities. To use his ability, the halfling must stay motionless. If he tries to move to another site, anyone can see him. When your halfling uses this ability, inform the DM. He'll roll percentile dice (d%) for the halfling. On a roll of 90 or less, the halfling will remain unnoticed. On a 91 or greater, observers with a chance to detect the halfling will do so. In a dungeon or other building interior, the DM will roll d%. On a roll of 33 or less, the halfling remains undetected; on a 34 or greater, an observer who has a chance to detect him will do so. Indoors, a light bright enough to banish shadows and illuminate everything well (such as magical light) will ruin the hiding attempt. Naturally, if the halfling character is himself carrying a light, it will be impossible for him to hide.

Halfling Table
106 +CON mod
22,000+6 +CON mod
34,000+6 +CON mod
48,000+6 +CON mod
516,000+6 +CON mod
632,000+6 +CON mod
Halfling Saving Throws Table
Saving Throws/Level1-34-67-910
Death Ray/Poison12842
Magic Wands131074
Paralysis/Turn to Stone131074
Breath Attack151173
  • Prime Req: Wisdom, Neutral alignment
  • Exp Bonus: WIS 3-5 (-20%), WIS 6-8 (-10%), WIS 13-15 (+5%), WIS 16-18 (+10%)
  • Hit Die: +1 Starting at 10th level (no CON mod)
  • Max Lvl: 36
  • Armor: Leather armor, shield permitted if made of wood & leather
  • Weapons: Any non-edged/non-piercing made with no metal
  • Special Abilities:
    • Druidic & Clerical spells
    • Cannot use or wear metal items
Druid Table
9200,0003332---+6 +CON mod
Druid Spells
Druids can cast any spells that clerics can (except those which affect good or evil, as described below). Druids also have access to a special list of druid spells, which normal clerics cannot learn or cast. The druid is not able to cast mote spells per day than a cleric, but he can use spells from both cleric and druid spell lists. The principles of clerical and druidic magic and the lists of spells are found in Chapter 3.

A druid cannot cast any spell that affects good or evil (protection from evil or dispel evil, for example). He must live in a woodland home, rather than in a town or city. He may visit a city (though he won't feel comfortable there), and he will always prefer to sleep in the wilderness— in a cave or other natural shelter if the weather is bad.
  • Clerics and Druids gain their spells through meditation
  • Clerics choose which spells they will memorize at the beginning of an adventure. They do not need to write them down, they simply meditate to rememorize them.
  • Prime Req: Strength & Dexterity, WIS & DEX (13)
  • Exp Bonus: STR 3-5 (-10%), STR 6-8 (-5%), STR 13-15 (+5%), STR 16-18 (+10%)
  • Hit Die: 6 (+2 ≥ 10th lvl, CON modifier no longer applies)
  • Max Lvl: 16
  • Armor: None, Shield not permitted
  • Weapons: Any
  • Special Abilities:
    • AC Bonuses
    • Increased movement
    • Martial Arts
    • (9th level) Set Spear vs. Charge & Fighter Combat Options
    • Acrobatics
    • Thief abilities
    • Mystic abilities
  • Special Restriction:
    • May not use protective magical devices (such as rings, cloaks, etc).
    • All material goods (money, magical items, etc.) won, purchased, or acquired as reassure are owned by his cloyster
Mystic Table
LevelExperienceACMV# ATDamageAbilities
48,0006150'11d6+1Heal Self
632,0004170'21d8+1Speak with Animals
10360,0000210'32d10Speak with Anyone
12600,000-2240'33d8+1Mind Block
161,080,000-6320'43d12Gentle Touch
  • (AC): This column shows the mystic's armor class. Mystics cannot wear armor, but their ACs become lower as they gain in experience due to their skill in maneuvering.
  • (MV): This column shows the mystic's movement rate. First level mystics move as fast as any other unarmored characters, but higher level mystics learn to move very, very fast indeed.
  • Hand Attacks—(# AT): Mystics are very effective fighters; as they go up in levels, they are able to attack multiple times per round, and this column shows how many times per round they may attack. Mystics use this column when attacking either bare-handed or when using melee weapons.
  • Hand Attacks—(Damage): When mystics fight bare-handed, they use this column to find the amount of damage they do. They do add Strength bonuses to the amount of damage shown.
Mystic Saving Throws Table
Saving Throws/Level1-34-67-910-1213-1516
Death Ray/Poison12108665
Magic Wands13119766
Paralysis/Turn to Stone141210876
Breath Attack151311987
Mystic Unarmed Attack Equivelants Table
LevelMagical Weapon Equiv.
2Silver Weapon
5+1 Weapon
8+2 Weapon
11+3 Weapon
14+4 Weapon
16+5 Weapon
Martial Arts
Mystics are able to fight very effectively without using weapons or magic. They utilize a form of unarmed combat as part of their mystical training. They call this training "the discipline," but others often call it "martial arts." The discipline involves physical training, meditation, philosophy, and comprehension of the forces of the universe, and mystics are taught to resolve difficult situations peacefully whenever possible; for these reasons, mystics do not care to have their lifestyles referred to as "martial arts," as the term suggests that all they do is fight. The mystics' discipline is presumed to integrate and vastly improve upon the bare-handed combat techniques.

As you can see in the Mystic Special Abilities Table on the next page, mystics can strike more often than normal humans, elude attacks better (their enhanced AC), and deal more damage when fighting barehanded. They can also fight with weapons, and can use their multiple attacks per round with melee and thrown weapons (but not missile weapons).

In addition, when fighting unarmed, they can often hurt monsters which can ordinarily only be hit by magical weapons. Though a mystic's hands are not magical, an experienced mystic can use them effectively against creatures immune to normal weapons, as shown in the Mystic Unarmed Attack Equivalents Table.

These attacks don't gain the attack or damage bonuses of their magic-weapon equivalents, but can hit creatures as if the indicated weapon were used. For example, a 5th level mystic can hit and hurt a gargoyle when fighting barehanded.

Set Spear vs. Charge, Fighter Combat Options
Beginning mystics can utilize the fighter's Set Spear vs. Charge maneuver. They cannot utilize the Lance Attack maneuver.

At Name (9th) level, they get three of the Fighter Combat Options (smash, parry, and disarm, but not multiple attacks).

Some mystics may also possess a special ability called acrobatics. This specialized ability, while useful, detracts a mystic from fully focussing on his combat abilities; this is why acrobatic mystics have a —20% penalty on all earned experience. Acrobatics allows a mystic to perform the following actions:
  • Jumps/Leaps
  • Tumbles/Flips
  • Catches (to prevent oneself from falling)
  • Swings
  • Balancing

    The game effects of this ability are these:
    First, the mystic's acrobatics ability includes every feature of the Acrobatics general skill.

    Second, with a successful ability check, the mystic can cross rough, broken terrain at no modification to his movement rate: He flips over obstructions, leaps across trenches, handsprings over low fences, etc. This doesn't affect his longdistance movement rates; it only affects his encounter speed and running speed.

    Third, the mystic can cross a line of enemy warriors without having to go around or break through it. With a successful ability check, he can roll between the legs of one opponent, or handspring over the line, or pole-vault using his spear, and thus cross a distance equal to his encounter speed's movement rate. He suffers no AC penalty when he performs this action.

    The mystic's chance to perform any of these actions successfully is calculated this way: Three times the mystic's Dexterity score plus two times the mystic's experience level equals the mystic's percentile chance to perform the action.
    • Acrobatics Check = d% roll vs. ([3 x Dex] + [2 x Lvl])
    • For example, a 3rd level mystic with Dexterity 15 would have a 51% chance to perform an Acrobatics feat.
    The DM, if he prefers to make acrobatics an easier and more commonly useful ability, can decide to use some alternate means to check success. For example, he might have the player roll 1d20 against his Dexterity score, with any roll equal to or less than the Dexterity score indicating success.

    Whatever type of roll he uses, the DM is free to adjust any individual roll to reflect the difficulty of the action being attempted. Doing a backflip on the street to entertain a flock of children is much easier than doing one while walking on a wire ten stories in the air; the DM might wish to improve the mystic's chance to perform the former task and make the latter task harder.

    Thief Abilities
    Any mystic can use the following special abilities of thieves as if he were a thief of the same level: Find Traps, Remove Traps, Move Silently, Climb Walls, and Hide in Shadows.

    Mystic Abilities
    Mystics gain the following special abilities as they progress in experience levels:
    • 2nd Level: Awareness
    • 4th Level: Heal Self
    • 6th Level: Speak with Animals
    • 8th Level: Resistance
    • 10th Level: Speak with Anyone
    • [i]12th Level: Mind Block[i]
    • [i]14th Level: Blankout[i]
    • [i]16th Level: Gentle Touch[i]

    Explanations of Mystic Abilities
    • Awareness: The mystic is only surprised on a roll of 1 (on Id6).
    • Heal Self: The mystic may, once pet day, cure himself of 1 point of damage for each experience level he has. He does this simply by concentrating for 1 round. Example: a 10th level mystic can concentrate for one round and will heal (regain) 10 hit points of damage.
    • Speak with Animals: The mystic may speak with any normal or giant animal as often as desired; animals understand his speech and he understands theirs, though no animal is forced to talk to him.
    • Resistance: The mystic takes only half damage (round down) from all spells and breath weapons that inflict damage, or one-quarter damage (round down) if the saving throw is successful. Any attack that does him damage will do a minimum of 1 point of damage, even if rounding indicates 0 points of damage.
    • Speak with Anyone: The mystic may speak with any living creature that has a language of any sort, as often as desired. The creature being spoken to does not have to converse with him.
    • Mind Block: The mystic is immune to ESP, hold and slow spells, magical charms, quests, and geas spells.
    • Blankout: By concentrating for 1 round, the mystic causes his presence to "disappear." No living or undead creature can see him; there is no saving throw. The effect lasts for 1 round per level of the mystic; it is dispelled automatically if he attacks. He may only do this once per day.
    • Gentle Touch: Once per day, the mystic may use the Gentle Touch on any one living creature (it requires a normal roll to hit; if he fails to hit, he can try the Gentle Touch again). The mystic must declare he is using the Gentle Touch before he rolls to hit, and must declare which result (explained below) he is seeking. The victim does not get a saving throw, but a victim which has more Hit Dice than the mystic's experience level is not affected. The Touch will have one of the following results (the mystic decides and announces which before he rolls to hit): charm, cureall, death, quest, or paralysis. These effects mimic the same effects of the following spells in all respects except duration: charm person, cureall, death spell, quest, and hold person. The effect lasts for 24 hours—except for death, which is a permanent effect.
DM - Dragons Belch: A New Beginning (Custom D&D)
DM - Ying Huo Chóng – The Way of Things (Cortex Plus - Firefly)
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