The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#161 Post by Grognardsw »

Marius made his first roll against sleepiness, but not the second on the "compulsion"...
"You hold suspicions and accusations in your heart," says the Pharaoh. Now a third finger joins the other two. He holds up his right ring finger; upon the inner tip is a white sun symbol that glows against his jet skin. "Open your heart to me."

Marius feels a compulsion as he hears the sonorous, deep voice of the black man, and sees his outward-facing hand palm out with glowing symbols on his fingertips. The hunter feels he must open his heart and reveal the suspicions and accusations he holds...
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#162 Post by Starbeard »

Marius feels himself being compelled to heroic action and escape. He sees himself punching the Dark Pharoah and running out the door, over and over, but each time the scene ends right where it began, with him rooted to the spot. For a brief second he thinks he must be half asleep and day-dreaming. In his stupor, he vaguely recognizes that he is now talking to the Pharoah. Don't tell him anything! he thinks, but again, in his strange daze he cannot quite tell if he is thinking or doing, spilling the beans or running away…

'The girl… Miskatonic swimmer, we found her… no head… you had something to do with it, you carnies… you had something to do with all of them… Eddie's found more, he and his friends… you've been stealing from my house too, because you know I'm onto you… took my goat and everything… but no tracks, no tracks…' A look of unbridled horror slowly begins to spread across his mesmerized face, but it dies down after a short silence, and he continues.

'We found out you're all mixed up in drugs and murder… tied up to the jazz club, Zothique, that's probably where the drug ring is… Carcosa involved somehow, too, I don't know… it's some place, or a guy maybe, I'm not sure, but they know… we'll figure it all out, and then you'll be put away for good…'
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#163 Post by Grognardsw »


"How deluded you are," says the dark man. He kicks over a straw basket and the top topples off, releasing a cobra. The Dark Pharaoh points at Marius and Eddie. The snake lunges at Eddie but the reporter stumbles back and somehow avoids its bite!
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#164 Post by Starbeard »

Marius stumbles back and curses as the snake slithers out of the basket, but regains his footing when he sees that it is not heading straight for him. In desperation he attempts to stomp on the deadly animal's head.
Initiative order (= DEX):10
Kick (25%): [1d100] = 44
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#165 Post by Grognardsw »

"Jesus!" Eddie exclaims, falling back from the cobra.


The reporter picks up a chair and whacks it down on the snake, but the cobra darts aside and bites Eddie in the ankle!

Marius tries to crush the snake with his foot but misses.
- Cobra dex. 14+ [1d4] = 1 So 15, tied with Eddie for simultaneous action.
- Eddie chair attack (20) [1d100] = 92, damage [1d3] = 2 Miss.
- Cobra attack on Eddie [1d20] = 2, dam. [1d3] = 1 & poison :oops: Doh! Got my game rules confused. If I translate the d20 into d100, a 2 is a 10, which would hit. Should I roll again? 1-50 yes [1d100] = 97 No. So Eddie is bit, 1 point of damage and poison (15). Cobra poison 15 vs. Eddie Con. 10 = 75% die [1d100] = 94 No.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#166 Post by Starbeard »

"Ah, hell!" Marius shouts as he sees Eddie bitten by the snake. He draws his handgun from beneath his coat, but before he attempts to shoot at anything—that snake is too small of a moving target—he starts knocking whatever paraphernalia he can off of walls and furniture, hoping to scare the cobra away.
Rolls needed? Random 1D100 roll just in case:
[1d100] = 38
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#167 Post by Grognardsw »

Eddie scrambles back as the cobra continues to threaten the reporter. Marius knicks over what furniture and items he can, which seems to slow the snake. Then the hunter sees the Dark Pharaoh exit by a back door!
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#168 Post by Starbeard »

"Eddie, he's getting away!" Marius makes one more attempt to smash in the cobra's head with his foot, suddenly unsure of what else to do. "Come on, let's beat it!" He tries to get Eddie to move back to the door with him.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#169 Post by Grognardsw »

Marius and Eddie scramble out the door they came in as the cobra is finding its way through the tumbled furniture and Egyptian paraphernalia.

The sunlight is bright outside after the gloom inside the gypsy wagon. Marius and Eddie squint their eyes. The back door of the wagon is on the opposite side to them. They hear the cry "Intruders!" from that direction.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#170 Post by Starbeard »

"Ah, hell, Eddie! We better skidaddle," says Marius. He motions for his companion to follow him and breaks into a run toward the carnival, hoping to get lost in the crowd as they make a beeline for the exit. As he goes he glances over to Eddie to see if the snake bite is slowing him down.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#171 Post by Grognardsw »

Marius starts running with Eddie but then the reporter staggers and vomits. Marius helps him along as they make their way across the field separating the carnival trailers and the big tent and crowds.

From behind the gypsy wagon two men run in pursuit.

(Please average your Str. and Dex., and roll 1d100, to determine if you outrun them and reach the crowds.)
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#172 Post by Starbeard »

Average of Str 13 + Dex 10 = 11.5
D100 vs 11.5 average = [1d100] = 44
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#173 Post by Grognardsw »

Marius and Eddie race into the carnival crowd to the right of the big tent. They glimpse three pursuers coming across the field. The exit is in the front of the tent, some distance away.

There are several attractions including Olga the Headless Lady near Marius and Eddie. The reporter is clearly sick from the cobra bite. He breathes with difficulty, sweats profusely, and says: "I'll only slow you down."
11.5 with d100 is 56%, so your roll made it.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#174 Post by Starbeard »

"Lay off it, we're getting out of here and rushing you to the doc. Just keep moving."

Marius drags Eddie along to the exit, ready to whip out his pistol if necessary, then has a sudden realization.
"Aw, hooey! Where's that private eye?! Guess he's on his own, c'mon Eddie!"

As they run toward the exit he keeps an eye out for any taxis waiting to pick up passengers.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#175 Post by Grognardsw »

Marius and Eddie push through the crowds.

"Stop!" someone shouts behind.

Eddie staggers again. Marius hauls him along.

"Get them!" the voice is closer.

The hunter and reporter grab a waiting taxi. As it pulls away someone pounds the back of the car.

"What the hell?!" exclaims the driver.

Marius looks back and sees two carnies climb into another cab and give chase.

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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#176 Post by Starbeard »

"C'mon, driver, move it!" Marius yells. "These damn carnies let this man get bitten by a poisonous snake and now they won't let him see a doctor 'cause they're afraid it'll shut them down. We need to get him out of here, pronto!"
(Persuade 15%, Fast Talk 5%)

Convince the taxi driver: [1d100] = 28
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#177 Post by Grognardsw »

The cabbie nods his head at Marius. "I isn't gonna go too fast. Crash up my taxi. I'll take yous to the hospital."

The chasing cab speeds up and is firmly on the other's tail as the cabs drive through the streets of Worcester.


There is a red light up ahead and the taxi is slowing.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#178 Post by Starbeard »

As they speed out of the fairground and through town, Marius tries to recall what he knows about poisons and how he might try to slow it down, giving Eddie some more time.

"Hurry it up, cabbie, why are you driving so slow?! This man could die if we don't get him to the hospital!!"

And then to Eddie, "Don't worry Eddie, we'll get you to the doc soon. The goons are still on our tail, but I don't think they'll try anything now we're in town."
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#179 Post by Grognardsw »

Marius' cab slows and stops as it approaches the red light.

"You want me to run light!? Get ticket!?" the driver exclaims.

Eddie moans.

The chasing cab pulls up behind Marius' cab at the light. A carnie jumps out.

"Stop thief!" he yells, opening the door on Marius' side and reaching in!
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#180 Post by Starbeard »

Marius tries to hold the door shut and throw the lock, if there is one.

"Yes, run the damned light! This man could die, get it?! If the police come, they'll escort us anyway!" Then, to his partner, "Eddie, c'mon, toss him your reporter credentials or something. Get him moving!"

If things get any stickier, he thinks, I'll just have to toss the driver out and get us there myself! He takes a moment to recall if he even knows where the hospital is.
Holding the door closed…
Strength 13: [1d100] = 3

Idea 55, Luck 85, Know 65 (not sure which to use):
Where's the hospital: [1d100] = 71

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