The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#141 Post by Grognardsw »

As Marius and Eddie walk into tent, Eddie whispers. "The pentagram with the eye in it on that sign, that's like the symbols found in the murder investigation!"

Marius recognizes the tent from before when he was in it in Innsmouth.


"Yes, I am well versed in palmistry. You are troubled and seek answers," says the Seeress, lighting yet another pungent incense. Marius figures this must be her script.

“Mysterious are the ways of fate,” she continues, raising her hand to her forehead.“But the seeing eye within knows all. For a small donation I shall peer into the mysteries of your palm and read the lines."

Marius observes the table cloth has an eye staring out from a stylized pentagram. He sees two skulls with holes in the top for candles.

The Seeress grasps Marius' hand, studies it, and speaks. “…you have experienced pain in life, yet maintain hope… you have concern for your family and would help them more… a difficult time lies ahead of you…”

Marius' skepticism remains high as he listens to her generalities. She continues: "You carry a great weight upon you, which you yearn to set free. You have always been curious, and sometimes this curiosity has led to misfortune. You would be wise to leave some things alone, and appreciate what good fortune you have. I see this line leads to tragedy for... for... a loved one...."

As she speaks Eddie keeps an eye out for threats from hidden locations. In back of the Seeress are curtains to what may be a back area. The tent room here is filled with a hodge-podge of Egyptian and gypsy paraphernalia.
Marius notices the Seeress is no longer wearing a necklace of rings.

"...There is more, and of some specifics, but I require a donation of .50 cents."
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#142 Post by Starbeard »

Marius decides he is made of sterner stuff than to be shaken by underhanded threats. He hands her then money, making sure not to take his eyes off of her.

'Well, if it looks that bad, I guess I better know as much about it as I can, right?'
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#143 Post by Grognardsw »

The Seeress smiles as she receives Marius' money. She graps his palm again and traces her finger along it.


"These lines here represent your lifeline. You see it crossed at several points, here and here. This means you will come close to dying... perhaps a car accident, or hunting mishap."

Marius wonders how she knows he's a hunter.

"Or your life may be altered in a disturbing way, perhaps sickness, bodily harm, or even madness."

"This line represents your wealth. It is a strong and deep set line, indicating you will be successful in matters of finance."

"This line represents your virility. You will have more children."

She pauses in concentration.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#144 Post by Starbeard »

Marius has had enough of these games. He's absolutely sure she knows some pretty dark things, and he's intent on getting to the bottom of it.

Turns the Seeress' hand over and reversing their roles, he brazenly attempts to bluff his way to some answers, intimidating her with whatever exaggerations and half-truths he can think of and hoping she'll somehow slip.

'I see, those are interesting observations. Well worth the cost. But if I may: I know I don't look it, but I've had a bit of practice in this sort of thing myself. Let's see if I can't do better.' He drags his finger across a line below her thumb. 'See this crease here? It cuts across your lifeline, showing that you have made some very poor decisions in your past, which you have tried to keep secret. This other line follows it: apparently you have not been aware that others already know these secrets… many others. '

After a brief glance to gauge her reaction, Marius continues, pointing along the side of her palm. 'This line is broken, I see… people you once trusted must have been separated from you quite recently, and have now turned their backs to you. Your secret places you once thought were safe are safe no longer. Wait—this curve here… do you enjoy music? Such a shame, that's broken too… I'm afraid you will never hear your favourite musicians play again.'

The hunter glares at the Seeress, making sure he holds her palm in a firm grip. 'I'm afraid your lifeline shows great misfortune for you and your closest friends in the future. But I see some hope for you: the grooves of your lifeline are cut deep, so I know that you would be willing to do whatever is necessary to escape the fate of your poor decisions… even selling out those you once thought were your friends, since they would do the same to you.'
Desperate, I know, but Marius has to get things moving somehow!
Some rolls in case they're needed:
Fast talk (5%): [1d100] = 6
Persuade (15%): [1d100] = 43
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#145 Post by Grognardsw »

Marius' bold gambit seems to make the Seeress very nervous. With a shocked look on her face she tries to pull away, unsuccessfully. Marius continues his veiled threats as she struggles.

Eddie looks on with a mix of bemusement and concern, peeking out the front flap of the tent to see if anyone is nearby.

"This is outrageous!" she exclaims. Marius notes her middle eastern "accent" has slipped into a New Jersey one. "Stop this - You are crazy - How dare you!" Her stuttering utterances fade as Marius brings up that she should start squelling. Marius sees a look of uncertainty cross her face.

"What do you mean?" she asks hesitantly.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#146 Post by Starbeard »

Seeing that he's at least bought some time, he points to the strange symbol with the eye that Eddie said he recognized from his other investigations. 'Your little club, it's falling apart. People talk when under pressure; how do you think we tracked this place down?'

After a brief pause Marius lets out a sigh, as though he too used to this sort of thing. 'The truth is, I'm a bit of a softie, lady. I hate to see dames get hurt. All we want is information on how this outfit fits into your little club, and we'll move on, no harm done. But, if I don't get the juice, the Bureau may decide to send someone who'd just as soon see you stricken from the list of possible informants—if you know what I mean.' He leans forward, letting the holster of his gun peek out from under his coat.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#147 Post by Grognardsw »

The Seeress shifts nervously. "Esthu farthig oynin! Dark Pharaoh curse you!" She spits at Marius.

There's a sudden flash of light as Eddie Sharp takes a photo. "Seeress, I'll write an expose on this place and all our theories. Think what that will mean. You better talk!"

The Seeress struggles ineffectually against Marius. "Alright, we're just carnies. We chisel, dip, derrick and grift just like them all. And we run hooch and hop. Dark Pharaoh, he's our butter and egg man."
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#148 Post by Starbeard »

Marius rides with it. 'Figures. All I need is Dark Pharoah's calling card, and you're on your way. How do you carnies keep in touch with him?'
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#149 Post by Grognardsw »

"He lives is the black gypsy wagon, though few see him," the Seeress responds.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#150 Post by Starbeard »

Marius looks at Eddie and thinks, Finally, we're getting somewhere! He gives the Seeress a nod to show that they've got what they need, and makes a motion to stand up.

'Thanks. Don't worry, he won't know how we found out about him. Will he be there now? And who else will be with him?'
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#151 Post by Grognardsw »

"I do not know the Dark Pharoah's coming-and-goings," says the Seeress. "He keeps his own company."
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#152 Post by Starbeard »

'Well, I guess we've all we're going to get. Here, have a tip for the fortune telling. From now on stay out of trouble,' says Marius as he tosses another 50 cents on the table.

After leaving the tent Marius pulls his companion aside. 'Whatcha think, Eddie? I don't think we've got much time before she spills the beans that we're snooping around. I think we ought to take a look at that Dark Pharoah fella's wagon now while we've got the chance, and all the carnies are still out working. And what was all that about the symbol with the eye, where'd you see it before?' He takes a casual look over to the living tents and wagons to see if he can spot the one she marked as the Dark Pharoah's wagon.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#153 Post by Grognardsw »

The Seeress snatches up the money as Marius and Eddie leave the tent.

"Yes, let's go for it," says Eddie. "The eye symbol - it was in the apartment of Carcosa, who investigators say is at the center of the cult."

The hunter and newspaperman make their way to the back of the tents where they have a view of the carnies' trucks, trailers and tents. In the back middle they see a large black wagon with Egyptian symbols.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#154 Post by Starbeard »

Being mindful of the comings and goings of people in the vicinity, Marius briskly walks up to the wagon at the first opportunity. He examines the windows to see if anything can be seen within, and then knocks quietly but assuredly at the door.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#155 Post by Grognardsw »

Marius and Eddie approach the large black wagon as if they work at the freak show. No one stops them. It has shuttered windows which prevent a view inside. They knock and the door opens an inch from the force. It is dark within.

"Enter bearing knowledge I value," a preternaturally deep voices rumbles from inside.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#156 Post by Starbeard »

Marius stops short at the cryptic greeting, and gives Eddie a quizzical look. '…Well you mean to ask if we have information of interest to you, then the answer is yes—but I'm sure you already knew that. May we come in?'
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#157 Post by Grognardsw »

"Enter," they hear, and Marius and Eddie do so.

The inside of the gypsy wagon is well appointed, with thick rugs, wall hangings and tapestries. The ceiling beams are festooned with much Egyptiana. The place is lit only by several candles, casting gloomy light and flickering shadows. There is a strange smell about. Marius glimpses the seated man across the way and sucks in his breath in shock...

"Speak," he says.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#158 Post by Starbeard »

Marius feels his body grow cold with shivers, and for a moment is pretty terrified of the whole scene. Thinking back on the night he lost his goat, and the eerie, unnatural howl of the creature, he takes a quick look at the Dark Pharoah's feet—not that it would matter, anyway, he thinks, there weren't any tracks.. Within a second or two he regains his composure, realizing that the Pharoah's monstrous form is obviously some silly mask used to add shock value to his show, like most of the freak shows in this weird place.

He clears his throat. 'Ahem. Mr, ah, Pharoah…' he feels absolutely silly addressing this guy by some mumbo jumbo moniker, but realizes he doesn't know what to call him. He decides not to press it, and gets to business. 'You've got quite the set up in here, D.P. Kitschy,' he motions around the room to the Egyptiana. 'Did you get these decorations from Carcosa?' He looks at the Dark Pharoah askance, to see if his name dropping gets any reaction.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#159 Post by Grognardsw »

The man takes off the goat head mask to reveal a powerfully built bald man with jet skin. The black of deepest Africa. His eyes are penetrating. He smiles, showing filed sharp incisor teeth. He has a short, square-cut beard from his chin, like ancient Egyptians.

"Carcosa you say," his voice is almost too deep. "I have heard of that mystic place, from the writings of Bierce and Chambers. But the artifacts you see about you come from Egypt. Many are ancient, passed down from generations of ancestors. They speak of mysteries old, of gods who once held sway."

He gets up and opens the grate of a small wood-burning stove to the left. He tosses something in, which ignites with a burst sending puffs of black smoke up the flue.

"You would not be here unless you coerced one of my followers." He holds up his right index finger; upon the inner tip is a white moon symbol that glows against his jet skin. "Tell me, who is that?"

Marius sees Eddie shake his head."I... The Seeress."

"Your motivation for doing so must be strong indeed." He holds up his right middle finger; upon the inner tip is a white star symbol that glows against his jet skin. "Tell me, what moved you to come?"

Marius feels a pull of sleep, as if he is nodding off. He tries to snap back. (Please roll 1d100.) Is that a snake twining about the man's leg?

"You hold suspicions and accusations in your heart." Now a third finger joins the other two. He holds up his right ring finger; upon the inner tip is a white sun symbol that glows against his jet skin. "Open your heart to me."

Marius feels a strange compulsion (please roll 1d100.) A warm wind caresses him, carrying the sound of a distant... coyote?

"You killed the... girl...cultists," mutters Eddie."Conspiracy, beheadings, Carver, Providence..." The reporter is unsteady on his feet. Is there something in the air?

"Such deceptions spring from minds influenced by disbelievers." He holds up his right little finger; upon the inner tip is a white comet symbol that glows against his jet skin. "Who has planted such thoughts, has fed your delusions? Who is your guilty party? They shall reap what they sow."

"Something is wrong Marius," says Eddie, grasping the hunter's forearm to steady himself. Marius can see Eddie is sweating profusely. There is a twinkle from above. Is the ceiling a starry night sky?

The Dark Pharaoh's hand is fully open as he holds up his right thumb; upon the inner tip is a white skull that glows against his jet skin. All five fingers form a glowing constellation pressing upon the investigators' minds.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#160 Post by Starbeard »

Marius feels a pull of sleep, as if he is nodding off. He tries to snap back. (Please roll 1d100.) Is that a snake twining about the man's leg?
Trying to snap back: [1d100] = 53
Marius feels a strange compulsion (please roll 1d100.) A warm wind caresses him, carrying the sound of a distant... coyote?
Feeling a strange compulsion: [1d100] = 92
Marius clutches against Eddie to help steady the both of them. His mind muddy and unsure of what it's seeing, he assumes there must have been something sinister in the stuff their adversary tossed into the fire. "What was in that stuff?! Eddie, he gassed us! Beat it, run!"

He fishes desperately through his coat pocket for his handkerchief and attempts to hold it over his face for protection. As he turns to run out the door he takes a wild swing with his free hand, hoping to clock the Pharoah in the jaw.

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