Greystone > Epilogue

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Rider of Rohan
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Greystone > Epilogue

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

Leaving the camp of the Stag elves on a cloudy morning, Greystone heads into the deep woods, returning to the north and to his homelands. The woods are alive or so they seem, and he feels even more connected to them than ever before. His entire arm from hand to shoulder is green and has the feel and texture of a sapling, fresh sprung from the earth.
As he travels, he "talks" with the trees and plants, and even befriends a large squirrel who stays with him for several days. The squirrel, which goes by the name "Tuffnutt" tells Greystone about all the weird happenings in the woods lately. About the hag and her minions, about strange sounds and carvings in trees and along cliffs. The squirrel leads Greystone to a crude altar fashioned of stone and bone...and caked with dried blood and gore.
Tuffnutt follows Greystone all the way to the northern woods, chittering on about all sorts of things, and for the first time in a long while, Greystone is able to forget about barbarians, werewolves, dark robed figures, and about Lianalee. That is, until a patrol of elves meets them on the edge of Lynx territory and she is leading the group.

"Welcome home, Cerulean,"
she coos. "Elder Summer has been hoping you would show up."

Greystone follows the patrol into the main camp which is very usual. Many elves call out to Greystone as he passes by but none interrupt his passage to the great tree and the meeting with Elder Summer.

Elder Winter, however, is the first to greet him, with a loud whoop and a bone-crushing hug. Greystone is amazed to see the young elf having already grown several inches in the past month since the final battle at the archway. "I've been practicing my bow and sword work! I'll show you later, okay?"

And then he is greeted by Elder Summer, looking a little more aged herself. Over tea they talk of his adventures in the Wood and she tells him he just missed Darkstar and Min; the pair came for a visit, hoping to find him and talk him into going with them on their way to the High Forest.
"There are more pressing needs, Cerulean." Elder Summer says, sitting her tea cup aside and folding her hands in her lap. "The hag and her minions...they are planning something in the Crags. Our patrols have noticed more and more humanoids gathering in the region and there have been disappearances among even our people.
"The Elders are considering a large force to invade the Crags and burn them out, but we are torn as to whether this is the best course of action. You have traveled these woods from one end to the other...and you carry the Lady's favor,"
she says, indicating Greystone's arm. "What is your thinking on the matter? Should we go to war? Or is this situation best left to you and your friends?"
Winter is coming...
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