Action Thread 2: Boarding the Seahawk / Departing Karagonia

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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#62 Post by tkrexx »

Emm will say evening prayers & try to regain spells, then get what sleep she can.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#63 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich retires, praying to Moradin as he does so.

I want to switch out Detect Evil for another CLW
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#64 Post by Alethan »

Bog continues sleeping.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#65 Post by Thalion »

At the break of dawn, Thalion FINALLY wakes up and rises from the spot he collapsed in the day before just after boarding the ship.

He looks around, shakes his head and asks, "Where am I?"
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#66 Post by Nyctos »

Griffo finds a quiet, or at least as quiet as he can..... place on the deck and settles down. Before sleep however he takes out his tools and begins the work of crafting fresh arrows. His intent to craft an even dozen before sleeping. Or at least work on it until the light fades to far to work accurately.
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On the Seahawk: now headed northwest...

#67 Post by Argennian »

Day 1: On the Seahawk (TOD: at or just past midday)

~ The mystic rhythms and swaying motion of the large merchant ship plowing through the dark coastal waters steadies and eventually soothes the surviving party members into relaxation. After what happened, sleep would seem incredulously impossible, but mental fatigue smoothes out the rough edges. A strange wave of relief tinged with aspects of anger, grief, excitement and dread washes over you. The realization that you are very much alive sinks in and weighs heavily on your mind and your eyelids. Your arms, legs and head suddenly feel the weight of iron. The rhythm of the ship softly pulls consciousness away effortlessly and uncontested. You drift through a strange and almost alien sequence of dreaming images that make no sense as sleep pulls you all the way to her bosom...

You slowly awaken with the rhythm of the ship. It is different now, no longer rolling from left to the right but now front to back. Your head and limbs still feel heavy, but you are somewhat more rested and relaxed. You come to and find that sailors continue to move around above and below deck. For those sleeping in the hold, you wake to find the injured apparently as stabilized as they can be and their previous care-givers drifted off to much needed sleep themselves. Shanny is the only one awake and smiles blindly in your direction. A pot of fresh tea and fruit is nearby and smells incredible. For those above deck or lying outside the level of light indicates it is definitely daytime, perhaps somewhere near or just past midday. Although the fog has burned off, there are clouds in the sky enough to soften the warm brilliant rays of the great sun Hazara.

The captain sees Thalion emerge in a somewhat less shaky but more confused state from the stern castle. He calls out a quick order that sends a sailor scampering below. He then hands the wheel over to his first and makes his way down to greet the Wood elf and any others stumbling out onto the deck. The sailor returns with hot tea and fresh fruit and offers some to any interested party members. Some seagulls fly high above the ship and the westerly breeze feels cool and smells incredibly fresh and clean.

Billings smiles broadly with his hands on his hips and then gestures with a broad sweep of his arms. “We are on a smooth northwest tack and happy to report no longer being followed, friends. Although I am a superstitious one, I would venture to say that we have made our getaway, by Dagda’s grace! Please feel free to stretch out and walk the deck. Those of you in metal armor I suggest stay away from the rail. Please enjoy all the food and drink you desire. If you need any further healing, please see Shanny below.”

OOC: Ok gang! Everyone is considered well rested at this point and gets back 1hp if they were down after consuming some food and drink. Your character's health status will be considered normal and unaffected, regardless if not at current hit points.

~ Spell casters can go ahead and memorize/pray for spells. Please update your spell rosters on your character and battle sheets.

HPs/Status: Bog* 7/9 ; Caelvanna 8/8 ; Emm 6/6 ; Griffo* 6/10 ; *Ulrich 8/8 ; Lauranna 3/3 ; Thalion* 5/5
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword*; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location 1: Bog (in banquet room of stern castle), Thalion (standing on deck by stern castle), Ulrich (in banquet room) , Griffo (sitting among bags of supplies on deck near stern castle), Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna (down below in hold)
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#68 Post by tkrexx »

After morning prayers Emm will wake the child (If necessary) and take her to the aroma of tea. If nothing else this day, she will enjoy some tea! Seeing the fruit, she notices her belly talking to her and hastily grabs a pair of apples, handing one to the girl. 2 more she adds to her pocket, for she feels certain hunger will be strong this morn. The pair will go on deck as Emm would keep abreast of any happenings. Soundly assured by the Captain, she allows a slight smile at the source of his praise.

This is my very first sea voyage. Would you like to see the ship? The Priestess asks as she takes the child's hand and escorts her to the rail for a morning stroll. When the girl is fed and relaxed, and they are in relative private, Emm will gently question her about her presence here, her parents, and old Yorn. She will look for whatever charm the Old Man was trying to adorn the girl with during the previous evening's battle. She will also keep a ready eye for the slippery Elven Lass who helped her, tho her first concern is information from the child.

Updated spell list: Detect Magic, Faerie Fire , Entangle, Speak With Animals
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#69 Post by Alethan »

Bog wakes from his deep slumber that was, for once, free of his usual nightmares. He sits in relative silence for a moment, eyes closed, listening to the cry of the sea gulls and feeling the gentle sway of the boat under him. With a few deep breaths, he searches out his body with slight movements and flexes, testing to see where he might still have physical damage, and how much. The spiritual and emotional damage of what transcribed the previous night... well, that isn't for one of his breed to worry about much.

"No use keeping your behind in the past," his old dwarven mentor was fond of saying.

His alert brain catches most of Capt. Billings brief speech. He ponders the sentence on 'metal armour' and decides to forgo wearing it for now, at least while he's on the ship. And he can probably forgo seeing the hag, Shanny, for now. A few more days of rest on the boat should see him right as rain without the need to spend any time with the toothless old woman - for some reason, she gives him the creeps - in a way the toughest brawler on the back streets never did.

Standing to his feet, he grabs his gear and asks the captain where he might safely stow some of it while he's on board. He will just stow his armour and his own sword, wearing the masterwork sword and dagger and his belt with all belt pouches.

He grabs some fresh fruit and heads towards the front of the boat, er, ship. "The... bow? Is that what they called it?" There, he breaks his fast and sits in quiet, watching the ship cut through the waters, noting the dolphins leaping out of the water on either side.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#70 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna awakes. She pauses for a few moments to reach out with her other senses before opening her eyes. She waits in her bunk for a while before exiting to check on Master Ziller. If he is not yet awake, she will go topside to fetch some food and drink before returning to his side.

OOC: No change to spells, but I reserve the right to study one yet today if that becomes necessary.
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Re: On the Seahawk, sailing west...

#71 Post by Argennian »

Day 1: On the Seahawk (TOD: from early afternoon to the evening sunset…)

~ The Seahawk continues her mostly northwest course, cutting easily through the deep, dark waters of the Bay of Ghosts with a constant headway. The sailors and their captain remain vigilant on the sails and rigging any time the breeze changes direction, always making sure to maximize the wind as best they can. The clouds begin to thin out a bit and visibility becomes much better. It appears that there is always at least one sailor up high at the top of the main mast and nestled in a small enclosure. Other than a few whales and a very large fish that swam under the ship, he reports no vessel contacts.

The party all awaken and begin to eventually stir when they feel the need or desire. They are allowed to move about most of the ship freely, save into the captain’s quarters or the large locked chamber below the forecastle. Each is offered as much food and drink as they need. There is fresh fish, rice and beans, some cooked chicken and steak, stir-fried vegetables and a hearty clam chowder that is strange yet wonderful. There is also fresh water, mild wine and a somewhat weak but flavorful mead. The cook stays busy cooking below and helping to tend the wounded. The remaining sailors all stay on with their respective tasks and other than maybe a few times where they may consider some of the new passengers, they do not speak to or bother the party in any way.

Other than Captain Billings, Shanny the old blind witch and her big sailor bodyguard and helper, the crew of the merchant ship Seahawk appear to be made up of a half-easterner first officer named Arak, an old human seaman that’s always winking and wearing a not so toothy smile named Gramps, a fit and and official looking young human man named Bradley, a huge dark-skinned middle-aged southerner man bristling with muscles and weapons named Zimba, an older human that looks like he hails from Karagonia and is in charge of the other sailors and finally a shifty-looking but obviously talented cook named Cutler. There remaining crew of veteran sailors include 4 human men (2 young and 2 middle-aged), 1 middle-aged easterner human, 1 middle-aged half-elf easterner male, an older halfling male and a tough-looking young female adult half-orc.

The sea is relatively calm and the weather is mild and pleasant. Whether wishing to remain on deck soaking up Hazara’s warm rays, or moving inside or below deck to rest and find a bunk, cot or hammock of their own, the party goes about acclimating to their new environment.

The Wild elf archer Caelvanna continues to help herself to small amounts of fish and fruit from time to time, as well as Shanny’s calming tea. She is somewhat quiet and seems content to remain relegated to her cot behind the hanging heavy canvas, away from the others.

Not wanting to bump into the old witch Shanny below in the hold, Bog stashes his armor and some of his gear in a claimed bunk in the forecastle and strolls freely about the deck. The young half-orc female gives him rough looks and makes an effort to avoid him but most of the other sailors afford him no special scrutinization. He takes in the welcoming sea breeze at the bow of the Seahawk, occasionally capturing glimpses of dolphins and other strange sea creatures from time to time.

Emm awakens with the young child. The poor thing looks pale and hungry from the previous night's events, and after a few scattered tears, bites into the apple given her and seems to settle in. Once above deck, the young girl looks a bit more flush with color and breathes in the fresh westerly breeze. Although she still does not speak, she points to a few seagulls that still fly above and then watches the captain and the sailors move about from behind the protection of the druidess’ legs. When Emm believes her more settled down and relaxed, she brings her to the side and begins trying to question her. The child looks nervous and as soon as Yorn's name is mentioned, she breaks into tears and begins crying and shaking. It is obvious that the trauma of what happened has deeply affected her.

The halfling archer Griffo settles into making more arrows to replace ones that he spent during the melee encounter back on the coastal trail. He keeps to himself off to the side and none of the other sailors bother him. He does notice the older halfling considering him from time to time but whenever looked at, he merely nods and returns to his work.

The dwarven cleric Ulrich moves into the forecastle to find a bunk he likes, and then settles in to rest and pray to mighty Moradin. He is solemn and quiet and all of the sailors do their best to avoid disturbing him in any way.

The High elf Lauranna wakes to find the burned halfling sleeping comfortably. It appears that Shanny or one of the others must have washed him and changed his dressings again as he looks much better than he did before. She helps herself to some more food and makes her way up above deck for a spell, taking in the ship and her crew, as well as the surrounding watery environ all about. After breathing in the fresh air, she returns to her previous station in the infirmary below.

The Sylvan elf Thalion partakes of the food and drinks heartily, almost as if trying to eat himself back to health. He also finds a bunk in the forecastle to call his own for the voyage but eventually returns to the outer deck, choosing to lie down on some bags of gear where he was previously and look out over the passing sea. With stomach finally full and thirst at last quenched, the wood elf drifts in and out of sleep, remaining comfortably stretched out on the bags of gear and such.

~ The day goes by uneventfully and within a number of hours the sun starts to set in a beautiful blanket of orange, red and grey behind and off the starboard stern corner of the Seahawk. The winds change and the crew make their adjustments accordingly, taking on more of a westerly tack now. Some of the sailors take an early evening meal and retire to their bunks, cots and hammocks to get some rest. The now northwesterly breeze becomes a bit cooler as the mighty sun Hazara moves to set over the Totallan Mountains and the walled city of Karagonia now thankfully far to the east.

Captain Billings moves around and invites each of you to dine with him this evening. “There is much to discuss, my new friends and I would bring you all up to speed with things, as it were. Cutler is making us a grand meal this eve. I will open a bottle or two of my best spirits to honor not only those we left behind but to the new hope awaiting us in the west. I will do my best to answer your questions and fill you in on what I know of things. If there is anything you need or require, please let me or one of my officers know.”

The rest of the day fades away and the night will fall soon. The aroma of cooking fish, chicken, steak, fresh bread and other foreign but good-smelling foods fills the air with an inviting waft as you make your way to the captain’s quarters…

OOC: ok gang, go ahead and post with any responses you’d like but we will assume that the party will be heading in to share in the banquet with Captain Billings and a few of the other npcs. I will be detailing the items recovered from the encounter tonight after work and will then post what everyone’s base XP will be. We can then move on to having folks here roll their hit points for 2nd level and begin discussing training and reequipping with what is available here on the ship.

As always, please let me know if anyone has any questions. I still haven’t gotten all of the PMs out yet, so if you haven’t received yours yet, it will be coming later this evening.

tkrexx wrote:Updated spell list: Detect Magic, Faerie Fire , Entangle, Speak With Animals
SocraticLawyer wrote:Ulrich retires, praying to Moradin as he does so.

I want to switch out Detect Evil for another CLW
Nuke66 wrote:OOC: No change to spells, but I reserve the right to study one yet today if that becomes necessary.

Spell rosters so noted! Please update your battle sheets and character sheets with these as well as current hit points when can.

(Please advise of any changes to spells here if so desired for Day 2!)

HPs/Status: Bog* 7/9 ; Caelvanna 8/8 ; Emm 6/6 ; Griffo* 6/10 ; *Ulrich 8/8 ; Lauranna 3/3 ; Thalion* 5/5
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword*; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location 1: Bog, Thalion, Ulrich, Griffo, Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna (all on deck and heading in soon to sit down for the banquet in the Captain's quarters)
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#72 Post by Alethan »

OOC: Nothing further to add to Bog's agenda until the banquet.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#73 Post by Thalion »

Thalion will wander about the ship, making small talk with the passengers in an attempt to figure out what happened on the beach. At the appointed time, he'll head off and join the captain for the evening meal.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#74 Post by tkrexx »

Emm will not press the young girl hard. She will, of course, introduce herself and make sure the child has plenty to eat & drink. Noting her fascination with the seagulls, Emm gets an idea. If one of the gulls flies low enough, or better yet, alites somewhere on the ship, Emm will attempt a Speak With Animals on the bird, to amuse & relax the girl in attempt to open her up, but also to glean recon information about the ship's position, heading, and any other ships in the vicinity. The Druid resolves to replace her Entangle spell with a second Speak With Animals for the remainder of the voyage.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#75 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich meditates, both on his faith and on his cousin's parting words. At the appointed time, he will join the captain and the others for the meeting.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#76 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna hangs out in the infirmary until her boredom gets the better of her and then will seek out Troc to see if he will accept any help with the rigging. Before dinner, she will again check on the halfling before heading to the Captain's quarters. She will take a few moments to seek out the Druid, and make a formal introduction.

Extending her hand, she says "My name is Lauranna, I appreciate your help back on the shore. I know it did make a difference."
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#77 Post by SocraticLawyer »

PM sent
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#78 Post by tkrexx »

On Lauranna's greeting, Emm hesitates only for a moment before taking the woman's hand. Emm. I am sure I would have been killed if not for you. My own stupidity brought that on me. Did you get a look at it? What was it, galloping on all fours like a dog?
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#79 Post by Nuke66 »

"Aye, I got a look at her, she was human as you and me. She was attempting to escape, but did not." The elf continues, "I hope we will get to have a full debriefing of our meal."
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Re: Aboard the Seahawk headed west...

#80 Post by Argennian »

Thalion wrote:Thalion will wander about the ship, making small talk with the passengers in an attempt to figure out what happened on the beach. At the appointed time, he'll head off and join the captain for the evening meal.
The crew members that do interact with the Wood elf are curt but not unkindly. They all admit a lack of specific details other than what could be seen onshore by the landing party or from the ship. They mostly recommend asking Captain Billings about it or anything else for that matter.

tkrexx wrote:Emm will not press the young girl hard. She will, of course, introduce herself and make sure the child has plenty to eat & drink. Noting her fascination with the seagulls, Emm gets an idea. If one of the gulls flies low enough, or better yet, alights somewhere on the ship, Emm will attempt a Speak With Animals on the bird, to amuse & relax the girl in attempt to open her up, but also to glean recon information about the ship's position, heading, and any other ships in the vicinity. The Druid resolves to replace her Entangle spell with a second Speak With Animals for the remainder of the voyage.
Although there are still seagulls and even a sea eagle seen from time to time, none make their way close enough for Emm to cast her spell upon them. The child seems content to watch them and the sailors as they tend to the ship. As the day passes on, she appears to relax just a bit more in the druid's presence.

Nuke66 wrote:Lauranna hangs out in the infirmary until her boredom gets the better of her and then will seek out Troc to see if he will accept any help with the rigging. Before dinner, she will again check on the halfling before heading to the Captain's quarters...
When Lauranna approaches the grizzled old seaman, he takes her in quickly with an experienced, appraising eye. Although he appears momentarily taken aback at the offer, he nods his head and clears his throat. "Aye, we be down on crew with those men we lost back there on the beach. While the sky be clear and the sea calm, we can manage well enough but we'd be short if it turns rough. Come and see me on the morrow then lass, if that still be your wish then." he explains as he parts company to check the front sail.

Before dinner time is upon them, the High elf returns below deck to check on the burned halfling in the infirmary. He appears to be sleeping soundly and resting comfortably. Shanny looks over blindly with a reassuring nod to indicate she and the others there are keeping vigil and that all is well in hand.

~ As mighty Hazara sinks quickly beyond the western horizon, ushering in the cool, breezy night upon them, the party members begin to congregate upon the rear deck of the Seahawk, talking amongst themselves and taking in the wonderful smells that drift up the ramps from the galley below. When the time finally arrives, Captain Billings comes out of the stern castle and gives the word. “Alright then, friends. I would hope your appetites not fleeting on this eve!” He heads back in and bids you all follow him to his quarters.

You enter the warm, well-lit chamber to find it lavishly decorated on every wall with beautiful paintings, nautical maps and strange-looking artifacts that must hail from lands far away. The foreign-looking furniture appears quaint and expensive and would seem likely more appropriate residing in wealthy nobleman’s chamber than a sea captain's. At the far end of the room is a hanging silk partition, housing what appears to be a large bed and armoire. The big southerner Zimba is kneeling down near here and sifting carefully through a big chest. He removes a dark bottle and brings it forward to the great wooden table in the center of the room. Surrounding the already set, dark-colored table is a dozen chairs, three of which are occupied by Arak the half-easterner first officer, the old winking and smiling human seaman Gramps, and the official looking young third officer named Bradley. The captain takes his seat at the far end of the table and motions for you all to be seated. Zimba hands the bottle to Billings and he smiles. He hands it to Arak and the part-easterner begins to go about opening it. The shady looking cook named Cutler appears with the two young boys from the infirmary, all hauling platters of steaming food. They set the wonderful looking and smelling cuisine down upon the table and depart. There is fresh fish and crab with butter and cream sauce, large filets of juicy steak, whole roasted chickens and other smaller foul with seasonings, brown and white steamed rice, strange-looking stir-fried vegetables and loaves of freshly baked bread. There is also the wonderful seafood chowder and a sort of hot and sour soup as well as pitchers with wine, ale, honey tea, and fresh water.

Arak pours the sparkling bluish liquid into the dozen silver cups and passes them out to all before taking his seat to the right of the captain. “Corenthian Brandy, from the coasts of Zanzar, far to the south. Very rare, very expensive and very strong,” Billings explains as he lifts his in a toast. The smile departs his lips and with cold yet sad eyes he looks to each of you in turn as he speaks. “Let us honor the memory and sacrifice of those that were lost to us upon our path. May we carry on in their stead, and dare continue to brave our days in hope of a better future. With Dagda’s blessing, I propose this toast.” He closes his eyes and takes a deep sip of the wonderfully strong and sparkly bluish spirit. Satisfied thereafter, he again dons his smile and gestures to the waiting banquet. “I welcome you all to my table. Eat and drink all that you wish here, friends. As we do so, let us converse with each other. I will share what I know and answer what questions I am able. I am hopeful that Gentleman Billy will be able to join us in a few days to explain that which I cannot...”

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