June 3-4, 3200 - AMIR

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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#81 Post by Mister-Kent »

Two of the tails are men. They look to be native Amiri in very fine clothing.

The third is a veiled woman in dyed-red robes. From what little flesh you see, her skin is dark brown like moist soil. Her eyes are the color of honey.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#82 Post by kmbll »

Guy leans in and whispers to Killdozer, "Don't worry and enjoy the show." He hands him a grenade. "If it seems like I'm in trouble then feel free to help liberate your friend."

Guys heads over to confront the tails.

Does he recognize them.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#83 Post by Coleridge »

Michael, troublemaker, Xenobiologist

If there is a question and answer portion, Michael will raise his hand and upon his turn do the following. If not, he will shout to make himself heard.

Michael fidgets in his chair as the presentation goes on, recording the proceedings with his techvest to review again later. He’s especially interested in the footage of the seeder.
Once the main presentation is concluded, he can contain himself no longer. He rises and addresses the speakers.

“Excuse me Ms. five thousand dollar pantsuit, but who the f—k are you to be creating biological designs? Nature didn’t create the creatures on this planet for their aesthetics. You just need to look at your butt in a mirror to figure that one out. How about you allow a real scientist to join the expansion effort to see what you’re really ‘contributing’ to Amir?”

Hoping the distraction will throw her off her guard, Michael will use the moment to see if he can scan any relevant information from the presentation.

Should I make some kind of science roll? I know this is stretching the rules, but can any of my equipment monitor her vital signs to determine her honesty as she speaks? I’ve been watching a lot of Daredevil lately…
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#84 Post by Mister-Kent »

Guy the Savage
The tail-men stay at a distance--you keenly observe their long coats. Overcoats? In this weather? You immediately know they're concealing weapons.

The red cloaked woman approaches. You don't recognize her--at first. She unwraps her face, golden eyes staring you down all the while. She reveals herself, a familiar dark beauty, brightly-painted lips drawn taught in a slight frown.

"Welcome back," Amiel Reissayar greets you with a pointed emphasis on the K-sound on "bacK". "I was alerted to the Cradle's arrival an hour ago, so I dropped everything to give you a proper greeting."

"Honestly, I didn't expect to see you return, Savage. But then…much like my dearly departed brother, you must really not know what's good for you…"

Kleinsmith takes a deep breath as the crowd audibly gasps at your words. "Who am I--? Surely I could answer you, but I think my work speaks for itself!" She raises her hand to the hologram and gives the audience a nod, trying to get the people on her side. There are increasing murmurs of support from the crowd. The Menagerie's guards are poised to act, but stand still by the door.

"And as for nature--I'll tell you what NATURE created," she spits as she grows more agitated. "NATURE created a harsh world of ice, with predatory beasts and snow-drifts that swallow villages whole. That the first Caliphs even survived Amir was nothing short of miraculous. The fact that they left us with such technology…for further generations to adapt their own world…it's astounding."

Her physical demeanor remains restrained, though her voice is clearly showing her frustration. "To customize the biosphere in every beneficial way imaginable--why, we would be spitting on the Caliphs' legacy if we did NOT use every available tech, and that includes gene-engineering…"

The Director looks towards the guards, who nod in response, but make no move.

(Oh, you gone done it now. As for scanning for her truthiness…certainly not possible from the back of the room. I'll think about if you have anything that would work up-close however…)
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#85 Post by Marullus »


Malachi remains in the crowd, curious at this development. He expected some ingratiation... the inflamatory approach certainly draws attention, but is it going to get him the science we need on the location of the seeders? He keeps a wary eye on Guy, as long as the guards stay back he is safe enough talking to the consort.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#86 Post by kmbll »

Guy, "the Savage"

Guy raises his hands in a slight gesture as though to indicate 'Hey, I'm unarmed - as far as the general populace can see, I'm just an unarmed person standing in the middle of a heavily populated area.' "Mademoiselle, I could not have asked for a better welcoming party. It is good to see that not only Amir grows more beautiful with time, in this otherwise dark and desolate universe." He winks and continues. "How can I know good when I've yet to see it?"

He pauses and looks around to see what's going on. If she's after revenge a bounty hunter would've been so much easier and the irony would not have been lost of Guy. The notification to his arrival is peculiar as well - bounty hunting isn't illegal by any means so he hasn't tried to stay hidden. What's her game?

"Your brother was an unfortunate misunderstanding but I played my part. He - or what was left of him - was returned to you. You never indicated that the bounty was for him to be returned alive, non? And besides, I was generous enough to waive my fee..."
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#87 Post by Coleridge »

Michael, still causing trouble, xenobiologist

Unperturbed by Kleinsmith’s rhetoric, Michael shrugs, and lights up a fresh cigarette, gazing at the floor for a moment before again focusing on the bright stage. This isn’t the first time he’s faced down a bully.

“YOUR work?”

“Ah, I see. The Caliph’s legacy. Still building your success on the backs of the pioneers who really changed this world. You think that makes you special? Sister, by the time my father was your age he had made first contact and mapped the genomes of over 100 species. The unique abilities of each one preserved, adapted, and integrated into a larger body of human genetics to make a richer universe-wide ecology.”

He nods at the ready to react guards, hoping to disarm the situation with his sarcasm.

“Nice goons, you have there doc. Hope tweedle dee and dumb let me finish my point. I mean, if you aren’t afraid to hear it…”

With his arms raised, Michael carefully moves into the aisle, his posture clearly nonthreatening to avoid provoking the guards.

“What have you done other than take the gifts of the Caliph’s and use them as a child would mashing her toys together at the kitchen table?”

As his rhetoric increases, Michael will slowly approach the stage, hoping to get a better view at the holograms and the speaker, mining the area for usable data while moving into a position where the crowd can clearly see if he is forcibly shut up.

“How have you taken the caliph’s gifts and not corrupted them to fit your vision and not the people’s? This world birthed them as it is. You think any of these people would be here if an aesthetic “purist” like yourself was the one deciding which colors made it into the box of crayons?”

In case you can’t tell, Michael is using his words to distract from his actions. He’s trying to get a true read on the nature of her work by getting closer.

“May I examine your methods? Surely my ‘impartial view’ could lend weight to your ‘achievements,’ if I find that’s what they are?”

Hope I'm not about to get Michael killed so quickly into the campaign...
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#88 Post by Mister-Kent »

The crowd is really chattering now, with some mixed reactions--some people calling for you to sit down, and some slowly coming around to your side, insisting you be allowed to speak.

Kleinsmith is frazzled, but has the determined look of someone completely convinced of her beliefs. She looks to the Director, who waves for her men to stay back and let you talk.

The doctor takes a deep breath, and clears her throat. "Surely…if you'd like to accompany the expedition on a volunteer basis, that can be arranged. I hope I can change your mind." She turns to the crowd.

"The sign-ups for the volunteer roster for my trip to the Zone's edge are still open. I hope that…I can alleviate any doubts you might have. Now, any other questions? From…anyone else?"

Several of the lecture attendees seem very interested in taking that trip.

Amiel seems in about the same mood as you left her--as you recall, her reaction to the accidental death of her brother was mixed grief, relief, shame, and rage. Today her demeanor is businesslike.

"I have a proposition for you. Not here. We could go somewhere else, or…my place tonight."

"Trust me…it will benefit us both. I'm not…I won't try anything. The past is the past."
She shifts uncomfortably in place.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#89 Post by kmbll »

Guy, "the Savage," Bounty Hunter

"But of course. Let's do now - time is of the essence. Let me gather my crew - you understand of course."

Guy triggers his integral comm and says to Malachai and Killdozer, "I need one of you to come with me for an impromptu meeting."
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#90 Post by Coleridge »

Michael, Xenobiologist

Hearing Guy's message, Michael responds.

"Maybe whoever doesn't go with gee will accompany me on the expedition? Good chance there will be lots of fuzzy animals to pet and/or eat..."
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#91 Post by Marullus »

"I will join the expedition," answers Malachi. "We should bring Mister Miagi,too. I'd be glad to examine some of these results first hand. KD is imposing enough to disuade... Better delicacies in the palace, too."
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#92 Post by Mister-Kent »

4:45 PM

Guy and his partner for the meeting with Amiel

Amiel and her men head to the Menagerie's cafeteria, where a flash of her loaded credstick buys her way into one of the separate dining rooms reserved for private parties.

Michael and those Expedition-Bound
The rest of the lecture isn't nearly as exciting, but it remains uncomfortable after the little verbal conflagration. The bio-artist has the unfortunate job of speaking next, and the pale girl does her best to keep the mood light. She shows holograms of her art pieces that exemplify her craft--namely taxidermy.

The Vizier of Cultivation speaks last, and directs everyone to a few exhibits of his own design. He also mentions that he and Kleinsmith will be leaving for a seeder site tomorrow.

Sign-up for the "expedition" (more like a guided walkabout of the Zone's edge) is taking place at the Information Desk in the Menagerie's lobby. There is a bit of paperwork to fill out, and a fee of 10 credits to go along. The group leaves in the morning.

As you sit in the back of the room and Michael causes his ruckus against Kleinsmith's rhetoric, you realize that the population you've encountered so far, whether natives or offworlders, seems very baseline-human. It's been a long time since you've seen another mutant, or someone who has been altered other than cybernetically.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#93 Post by Marullus »

Malachi files into the line behind amidst the townsfolk behind Michael, signing up for the expedition.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#94 Post by Coleridge »

Michael will sign up for the expedition, paying attention to the crowd and listening for any fellow scientists that may be on his wavelength. If the bioartist or the Vizier is around, he will approach whichever he can. He intends to apologize to the artist for catching her up in the fight, and he'd like to press the Vizier for a seat on the seeder run. That's where the real story is, he thinks.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#95 Post by Pulpatoon »

Kildozer lumbers over to Guy, ready to follow him to his meeting. "You need me, Boss?"

Eying the crowd, warily, he adds, "I'm kinda stickin' out like an extra thumb, 'round here. Only muties I'm seein' are inna cages."
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#96 Post by kmbll »

Guy, "the Savage," Bounty Hunter

"As always, I appreciate your having my back." Guy looks warily at Amiel's bodyguards. "I have no love for this planet either. Let's do our business then find us a world more to our style."
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#97 Post by Marullus »

After paying his credits and joining the crowd, Malachi makes small talk with others until the trip departs, mostly asking others what they are excited to see on this trip. Once settled in, he preps some routines on his Survey Scanner, still concealed in his bag. The Edge is a better place for gaseous and particulate samples to shed more light on these Seeders and he wants to collect them discreetly.

-10 credits. Ouch!
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#98 Post by Mister-Kent »

Guy and Killdozer
"Please, have a seat," Amiel greets you both (though Killdozer…she's not entirely sure just what to make of you.) "You may not know this, Mr. Savage, but my father was absolutely devastated by Rashad's death," she explains, taking a seat across from you. "Rashad may have been a drunk and a womanizer, and many other things, but he was the eldest son, and therefore father's favorite."

"Father took a long holiday in the Solar Republic--on Bergthora, specifically. Resigned his post with the Caliph, and in the meantime left me to manage his affairs. I just received word that he is on his way home."

"Rashad passed away before coming into his full inheritance, and when father arrives he intends to redistribute my brother's trust. Being his next oldest child, I am poised to receive the lion's share. However, dear daddy has a little caveat…"

"I'll not receive a single credit…unless I'm married within the month. Well, this is where you come in, Mr. Savage."

Michael and Malachi
The trip leaves in the morning--is there anything you'd like to do in the meantime?
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#99 Post by kmbll »

Guy "the Savage," Bounty Hunter

"I'm flattered you'd think of me." Guy winks. "I'm interested; continue."

I want to do a perception check - mainly to see if she's actually upset at her brothers' passing since it seems to be a positive turn of events for her.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#100 Post by Marullus »

Malachi will continue to blend and browse - perhaps there is other science or pretech of interest on this world...

He keeps an eye on Michael, in case his antics arouse post-seminar response.

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