June 3-4, 3200 - AMIR

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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#41 Post by Pulpatoon »

Killdozer, whispering out of the side of his sideways mouth to Guy, "Dark glasses could be hiding an optical maser array. An'... an' that blue smoke could be nerve-spinner, jacking up his strength and reflexes. An' his clothes could be hiding... uh, well, you name it. Bombs, razorlines, skittlefields, daisycutters...

"I really think we should back away, and head back to the ship. There's jus' too many people, and they all look really dangerous. Yeah, back to the ship is a good idea, huh?"
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#42 Post by kmbll »

Guy looks the stuffed animals up and done and grows impatient at the clerk's meandering off. He glances at the newcomer. To Killdozer, he whispers, "I appreciate your sense of caution as always, Master Chef, but if you've got something to hide then you don't put on that much of a show of yourself. The really dangerous ones are the ones who look completely ordinary." He looks ahead. "A menagerie? That has to smell fantastic. You might be right about getting back to the ship - let's finish our business so we don't have to dwindle."

Guy continues to head looking for someone who might know something at all.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#43 Post by Pulpatoon »

Killdozer shifts uncomfortably, and then follows Guy. "Geez, Boss, I can't even remember what our business here is. Other'n, you know, the stuff with th' fish tanks. What's th' plan, here?"
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#44 Post by kmbll »

Guy responds calmly, "We have two targets. We're hunting down the Xiao Brothers and we're after some sort of seeder." Guy looks around, looking for the rest of the crew, "We might need a couple new crewmembers too..."
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#45 Post by Mister-Kent »

Coleridge wrote:Michael A. Hilkowitz, Jr.
Expert, Xenobiologist, Punk

“To be honest lady, I don’t want any of this crap. I just wanted to see a few preview examples of what now passes for “native” biology on this dirt heap."
The vendor looks at you incredulously. "Excuse me! The native biology of this 'dirt heap' as you call it was not suited to the Caliph's design." She taps her foot impatiently, and accidentally drops a doll on the paved sidewalk. She bends to pick it up, and when she stands she seems even more flustered.

"If you're looking for the old animals, there's a few of them in the Menagerie too. Or, since you seem to be into that sort of thing, go out into the Gray and find some of the natives yourself," she notes. She walks to a nearby infobooth--with real paper flyers, how rustic!--and returns to you. She hands you a little pamphlet about the Gray Zone. It explains what and where it is (namely, the un-terraformed part of Amir outside the Green Zone) and how no one should ever go there ever, especially unattended by official Bureau of Tourism guides.

The vendor goes on to look for more enthusiastic customers. "Everything is green," she chants quietly as she leaves. "Everything is green..."

The Crew
Near the town's entrance (and presumably located at each main gate) you find a little infobooth with directions for various places, including Oasis's public municipal office, the nightlife district, and the Bureau of Tourism. The doll vendor passes you in a huff, and retrieves a pamphlet for the punk in the sunglasses.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#46 Post by Coleridge »

Michael, Xenobiologist
Wait, did that guy with the dandy have two mouths? Michael thinks to himself as he takes the pamphlet.

He tucks it into a pocket and lights a new cigarette. Dames. So easy to fluster. So hard to get out of your apartment in the morning,

He smiles to himself at how easy that was. She’s given him exactly what he wanted – directions to the Gray Zone – but he realizes that it would be prudent to observe the local wildlife before heading out half-cocked into a restricted zone. He decides to make his way towards the menagerie, wondering if everything really is green on the vendor…
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#47 Post by Marullus »

Malachi Lykos

Malachi fades inconspicuously among the throngs shifting around Guy and Killdozer. He smirks at Guy's comment, "The really dangerous ones are the ones who look completely ordinary." This is precisely true, as he ensures his freedom of movement and watches the crowd.

He listens with interest to the exchanges about the native biology, marking Michael as someone of personal interest. Native biology has no relevance to their current assignment, though, as they need to pursue the tasks at hand. Right now, it is a security mission to keep an eye on Guy while he makes his underworld connections to ask around about the Xiao brothers. Regarding the seeders, though, what is the plan without Raquel? We are fresh out of psychics to give an edge... perhaps gaining an entrance as scientists with interest in the impact of seeders on native fauna after all. Guy and Dozer are good at the underworld, maybe we can get Mr. Roboto close enough to examine the Seeder Tech by putting on the visiting scientist motif.

Malachi does a brush past Guy when he is looking at a vendor's wares, suggesting that idea and pointing out Michael.

(Blending with the local culture, watching for threats and opportunities.)
Culture (Traveller) [2d6+1] = 7+1 = 8

(I sent Rhal and Glintwine PMs to check in seven days ago and neither have been read. We might have to designate them as missing in action, or "stayed on board ship"... I hope they come back.)
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#48 Post by kmbll »


Guy looks discontentedly at the surrounding opulence and longs to be done on this world.

I'd like to use culture criminal to see if I can glean any information of where I might talk to someone for illicit information.

At Malachi's suggestion, Guy glances at Michael and considers the plan, acknowledging subterfuge is the best option without Raquel. After overhearing Michael conversation with the vendor, he wanders over, taps him on the shoulder, and inquires, "What do you seek in the grey zone?"
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#49 Post by Coleridge »

Michael, not comfortable with personal space, Hilkowitz

As Michael wonders which way it is to the menagerie, he feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns to regard the fellow who produced said tap, and as he does, covertly accesses his techvest for a quick bioscan on the man, reading the data as it displays on the external display behind his dark glasses.

The xenobiologist reflexively brushes the shoulder where the olive-skinned gentleman touched him.

“Hey, hey, guy, easy on the jacket. You might bugger up the leather with your inherent ruggedness.”

OOC: This is my first time with SWN. Do I roll something here? The bioscan description says it can determine a full DNA scan in a few minutes, so not sure what perfunctory info it could give in just a few seconds.Not looking to do the full DNA sequence and all that jazz.

Stalling for time as the bioscan runs, Michael puffs on his cigarette and regards the man. Is this a local Amir officer, or thug, or an offworlder with another agenda like himself? He’s been expecting someone taking notice of his interest, but was doing his best to be nonchalant about it.

“This an interesting world, with lots of zones. Not all of them gray. What makes you think that’s where I want to go? Maybe I’m just into creepy, unnatural dolls.”

Growing up on Port Richmond, Michael had learned to be wary of strangers that would approach with a smile to distract from the vibroblade humming behind their back.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#50 Post by Mister-Kent »

A tour group from offworld walks by, and a few exciteable young women (and a pale-skinned older gentleman) cast flirty glances your way. It may may not dawn on you immediately, but your bronzed skin and darkly handsome Mediterranean looks make you look quite Amiri, and the touristas are taking you for a local. As you scan the native populace, their looks range from olive-skinned to golden brown, and some even darker. If you take a moment to try, you can even adopt the natives' proud, almost bird-like posture, and really complete the look.

Observing the movements of the people, you see a great swath of visitors heading to a large, three-tiered dome-like structure to the north, it's exterior colored white and gold with accents in sky-blue. A great golden elephant adorns the top-most dome. To be sure, this is the Caliph's Menagerie.

To see it in person, Amir is not unlike Agamemnon climate-wise. At least, this version of Amir is similar--who knows what the true Amir is like, the world outside the Green?

Everyone you overhear on the street seems unanimously approving of the Caliph's vision for terraforming the planet. Everyone, except whoever that is shouting her head off at the far edge of the square. You hear a high-pitched female voice chanting a slogan over and over. "Not my planet, not my Caliph! Harmony or death, I say--!" she shouts, to the crowd's dismay.

The nightlife district stands out to you as the most likely for criminal connection, though you do realize that such things may be more subtle on Amir--even moreso than on Raboud, where piracy was a matter of fact. The Caliphate surely keeps their seedy underbelly beneath a veneer of polished gold and exotic photo-ops.

The Hot Valley Casbah is a huge nightclub in the south of the city of Oasis, and it serves as the burning neon heart of the nightclub district. A very overweight man is handing out flyers for the establishment, his paper advertisements soaked by his sweaty hands.

All signs point to baseline human at the moment...bioscan still in progress...
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#51 Post by kmbll »


Guy tilts his head at Michael's response, "Well the peddler of cheap goods did say, ' you seem to be into that sort of thing, go out into the Gray' and on such a blatantly stratified I took that to mean you sought other zones rather than moral ambiguity." He glances the man up and down before continuing warily, "my associates and I have several vested interests on this world - with a pressing one in another zone than this. I thought perhaps our interests might collide amicably."
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#52 Post by Pulpatoon »

Killdozer, feeling beside himself with nerves, nibbles anxiously on on of his ciabatta handles/
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#53 Post by Coleridge »

Michael, Expert Xenobiologist

Michael considers the stranger from behind his dark glasses. Should he just be honest? This guy could be another spacer looking to run a con, but he could definitely use a few friends on this new planet. He guesses he has nothing to lose, but will take it slow. He still has the ol’ raygun under his coat if the man isn’t on the level.

The xenobiologist shifts his cigarette into his left hand and extends his right to Guy in friendship.

“Well, guy, my name is Michael Hilkowitz and I want to go to the gray zone to see what the f--k these people have done to the local wildlife in the name of what passes for science here.”

“I can tell you more, but I’ll need to hear your story first.”

Michael cocks his head to the mutant standing behind Guy.

“And maybe your friend will give me a piece of that bread? Standing around here judging the locals really gives me an appetite.”

<Still running that scan.>
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#54 Post by kmbll »

Guy, "the Savage," Bounty Hunter

Guy considers the peculiar man with sunglasses. He's trusted shadier people to have his back. And if their travels together don't prove to be fruitful then they can simply part ways. If he proves useful, there's always safety in numbers. "Well, you're not far off. The name's Guy - pronounced 'Gee' but it gets bastardized a lot so you can just call me guy if its easier." He gives his easy smile, "I'm a bounty hunter by trade - I'm after a couple of punk kids but there's some vested interest in the work being done on the terraforming so we're doing reconnaissance. Seems as though you could help us out there." Guy takes his left hand and shakes.

He gestures toward Killdozer, "This here is Killdozer. He's the finest chef I've ever met. I doubt you'll want that bread - he doesn't like crowds so he's been chewing on it as a nervous habit. If things go well then maybe he'll whip you up a meal back on the Cradle." Guy scans the crowd for Malachi and signals that there's been a change in plan. "Shall we?"
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#55 Post by Pulpatoon »

Killdozer, looking cornered by interest in his bread, shakes his head. "You, uh... you don' wan' this bread. 'Cuzza... uh, allergies?"
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#56 Post by Marullus »

Mister-Kent wrote:Everyone you overhear on the street seems unanimously approving of the Caliph's vision for terraforming the planet. Everyone, except whoever that is shouting her head off at the far edge of the square. You hear a high-pitched female voice chanting a slogan over and over. "Not my planet, not my Caliph! Harmony or death, I say--!" she shouts, to the crowd's dismay.
Malachi blends as seamlessly as possible with the locals, taking the opportunity to get closer to, and hear, the dissident. Firebrands are dangerous to conscript, but they are pretty free-flowing with the information they are putting out against these seeders and their operation, he thinks. He takes his time tsking and loitering with the others, fiddling in his satchel with his equipment so that it takes an atmospheric sample. Within the green zone, the evidence of this tech should be ubiquitous in the air... best to capture and process some samples.
kmbll wrote: Guy scans the crowd for Malachi and signals that there's been a change in plan.
At first he has a hard time spotting him... when he does, Malachi nods to the dissident, then circles back towards the ship as directed.

[OOC: Is it feasible to plant a transmitting mike near the preacher so we can eavesdrop from the ship?]
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#57 Post by Mister-Kent »

(Sure, digital eavesdropping is possible, and such a simple listening/speaker device can easily be acquired in the market, commonly used by young touristas speakers for impromptu hotel parties. You can purchase one in the market for 10 credits, or have a successful Luck Save to scrounge one up in Madoshi's accumulated collection of stuff (so, roll 1d20, and get higher than your character's Luck Save score. Since its Malachi's plan, I'll have you roll for Luck if you want to try it, Marullus…)

The dissident waves her arms, trying to catch the enthusiasm of the crowd, but they seem more focused on other things, like buying souvenirs and visiting expensive restaurants.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#58 Post by Marullus »

[1d20] = 2

(As I have an array of electronics in my bag, I hoped it was a thing that came along with it.)

Also, for the air samples with my survey scanner:

: science [2d6+1] = 8+1 = 9
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#59 Post by Coleridge »

Michael, Expert Xenobiologist
“Nice to meet you Gee.”

Michael nods at the mutant,

“Kildozer. Hmm. Reminds me of a brand of condom that was big on Tranteon 6. Or was that a band?”

Michael shakes his head before dropping his cigarette and stomping it out.

“Anyway,…so, are we heading back to the ship then? I was really hoping to get a look at the menagerie before dinner.”

Michael will follow his new pals whichever direction they are heading next.
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Re: June 3, 3200 - AMIR

#60 Post by Mister-Kent »

Good point Marullus--I'll let you have a Luck Save, succeed and you dig an appropriate device from your bag...
DMing DUNGEONESQUE, LL AEC Gothic-weird fantasy
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