Character Creation (OOC)

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Character Creation (OOC)

#1 Post by Starbeard »

Hi all, this is where we'll discuss and create our characters. Usually the process is really quick, but since we're already starting out as the senior crew of a ship, all of the characters are starting at a higher rank, which includes some extra skill picking and die rolling.

I've tried to keep the creation process as streamlined as possible; the skill list is the only truly cumbersome thing, since there are 36 'special skills' in the game (plus hand-to-hand, which is the only skill everyone has). However, almost all of the skills are just a reflection of how much of a specialist you are in that field, and have no rules associated with them. As such, don't get too hung up about what you do or don't have as a skill—you will literally get no penalty for trying to do something without a skill, they only count as a bonus if you're trying to do something within your speciality.

I've linked the three character creation posts here. The process should go like this:
  1. Pick your officer roles. Fight it out if you have to.
  2. Roll up your character scores, then pick skills. The skill list is here.
  3. Write up a name, a sentence or two in description (or more, if you find yourself really getting into it), and post your sheet into to crew roster.
  4. Get ready to go where no man has gone before!
Here's an example character I've put together, using the Unseen Servant character sheet (note that I've put skills in the Notes section, but you can do whatever you want).
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#2 Post by Starbeard »

Character assignments
The available senior officer positions are listed below. Please fight over who gets what position here in this thread. None of the positions are absolutely necessary to fill, so anything you don't choose will be handed over to an NPC. I've listed the positions in order of the rank I rolled up for each.
  • Captain (commander)
  • Executive Officer (commander)—may be taken as a single position, or doubled with another Commander-rank position (for example, Spock was simultaneously the science officer and executive officer)
  • Science officer (commander)
  • Navigation officer (commander)
  • Security officer (commander)
  • Engineering officer (lieutenant commander)
  • Helm (lieutenant commander)
  • Communications officer (lieutenant commander)
  • Medical officer (lieutenant)—not considered part of the chain of command
  • Ordnance officer (lieutenant)—put here just for completeness; effectively the XO to the engineering officer, and so almost always stays on ship. During battles he does weapons energy management, but the helmsman typically does the actual arming and firing
You are absolutely free to choose your race and sex, but if you like rolling it up randomly, here are the tables for that (the XO can choose which position to roll under if he occupies two positions). The races of the United Federation of Planets are: Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, Edoans, Caitens, Tellarites and Skorr).

Race—50% chance of being Human, otherwise, roll on this table:
  • Captain (1-70 Human; 71-80 Vulcan; 81-88 Andorian; 89-91 Caiten; 92-94 Edoan; 95 Tellarite; 96-100 Skorr)
  • Executive (1-60 Human; 61-75 Vulcan; 76-85 Andorian; 86-88 Caiten; 89-91 Edoan; 92-93 Tellarite; 94-100 Skorr)
  • Science (1-60 Human; 61-82 Vulcan; 84-90 Andorian; 91-93 Caiten; 94-96 Edoan; 97 Tellarite; 98-100 Skorr)
  • Engineering (1-60 Human; 61-70 Vulcan; 71-80 Andorian; 81-85 Caiten; 86-90 Edoan; 91-95 Tellarite; 96-100 Skorr)
  • Medical (1-50 Human; 51-75 Vulcan; 76-83 Andorian; 84-88 Caiten; 89-93 Edoan; 94-95 Tellarite; 96-100 Skorr)
  • Helsman (1-45 Human; 46-55 Vulcan; 56-65 Andorian; 66-75 Caiten; 76-85 Edoan; 86-90 Tellarite; 91-100 Skorr)
  • Navigator (1-40 Human; 41-50 Vulcan; 51-60 Andorian; 61-70 Caiten; 71-80 Edoan; 81-90 Tellarite; 91-100 Skorr)
  • Communications (1-50 Human; 51-60 Vulcan; 61-70 Andorian; 71-80 Caiten; 81-90 Edoan; 91-95 Tellarite; 96-100 Skorr)
  • Security (1-40 Human; 41-45 Vulcan; 46-65 Andorian; 66-70 Caiten; 71-75 Edoan; 76-85 Tellarite; 86-100 Skorr)
  • Ordnance (1-60 Human; 61-70 Vulcan; 71-80 Andorian; 81-85 Caiten; 86-90 Edoan; 91-95 Tellarite; 96-100 Skorr)
  • All races: 1-50 Male; 51-100 Female
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#3 Post by Starbeard »

Rolling up your character
Campaign ID: 258

This worksheet is for producing experienced officers who have all received at least one promotion. When creating a fresh cadet or ensign the process is much simpler (I will post that worksheet if/when we create any new ensign PCs).

I. Primary Attributes
The six attributes are almost parallel to D&D traits: Strength (ST), Mentality (MN), Dexterity (DX), Luck (LK), Constitution (CT) and Charisma (CH)
  1. In the US die roller, roll 3D6 six times and arrange them as you see fit—technically it should be 3D6 straight down the list, but we'll be lenient with this round of PCs, assuming that they're among the best and brightest.
  2. The character's 'attribute modifier' is ±1 for each point above 12/below 9 for each attribute (for example, if I had ST 14, my ST modifier would be +2).
  3. If you're using the US character sheets, use WIS for LK, and INT for MN.
Racial modifiers (added to your 3d6 roll) are as follows:
  • Human: none
  • Vulcan: ST +3, DX +2, MN +3, CT +4
  • Andorian: ST +2, DX +3, CT +2
  • Caitian: DX +2
  • Edoan: DX +3
  • Skorr: none
  • Tellarite: CH -2
II. Size
  1. Find the racial base Size from the list below.
  2. Roll 1d4: on a 1, subtract 1d6 x5 cm; on a 4, add 1d6 x5 cm. Otherwise the base Size remains the same.
Racial Base Sizes:
  • Human: 175cm
  • Vulcan: 200cm
  • Andorian: 175cm
  • Caitian: 150cm
  • Edoan: 150cm
  • Skorr: 200cm
  • Tellarite: 175cm
III. Movement
  1. Find the racial base Move below.
  2. Add 1m for every ST +2 modifier, or subtract -1 for every -1 ST modifier.
Racial Base Moves:
  • Human: 10m
  • Vulcan: 11m
  • Andorian: 11m
  • Caitian: 10m
  • Edoan: 10m
  • Skorr: 9m (x3 in flight)
  • Tellarite: 10m
IV. Current Level/Rank
  1. Players begin with EP equal to their current rank.
  2. Roll 2d6 to see how much extra EP the character has: 2-6 = 0 EP; 7-9 = 25% to next rank; 10-11 = 50% to next rank; 12 = 75% to next rank
Ranks and Experience Points
  • Ensign—0 EP
  • Lieutenant—1000 EP
  • Lt. Commander—10,000 EP
  • Commander—25,000 EP
  • Captain—50,000 EP
V. Hand-to-Hand class rating
  1. Your starting hand-to-hand rank is 1d6-3 (min. 0).
  2. For each rank you've attained (including ensign), roll 1d10: on a 10, gain 1 rank.
VI. Skills and Career Attribute Bonuses
Star Fleet focuses on a 'jack of all trades' approach to education: most officers are cross-trained in several roles. Thus, there aren't really any penalties for not knowing a skill—these just show what specialist expertise your character has developed over the years. Most skills are entirely arbitrary and self-explanatory, but where they have a specific use, I'll mark it next to the skill name.
  1. For every MN, roll once on the Special Skills Table and gain one rank in that skill.
  2. For each rank you've achieved (including ensign) roll its skill dice, shown as below (but don't add the numbers, keep each die separate!)
  3. For each die you roll, you may EITHER: put exactly that many points into a single skill of your choice from the Special Skills Table, or toward Hand-to-Hand (every 6 points in the skill gains +1 rank); OR: put exactly that many points into a chance to roll for a random skill on the table (every 4 points gains 1 roll).
  4. Finally, for every rank you gain, there is a small chance that some of skills you already know will be improved by a rank. I'll handle this once your character is complete and ready to go.
Skill dice per rank:
  • Ensign: d6 + d6
  • Lieutenant: d10
  • Lt. Commander: d8
  • Commander: d8
  • Captain: d6
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#4 Post by Starbeard »

Special Skills Table
Roll 2D6 on this table, using the first die for skill category, and the second die for the specific skill.

There are no penalties for not having a skill, since Star Fleet ensures that all officers are cross-trained in many areas of operation. The ranks you have in each skill are rather a reflection of what you happen to do best, and are generally just taken into account by the Mission Master when you attempt actions.

Some skills, however, are closely tied to specific ship or equipment operations, and where these are not immediately apparent I have mentioned its use in italics.

The categories are organized generally by station. Here is a list of which officer stations will probably benefit most from each category:
  • Captain: command
  • Executive: command
  • Science: science (operations)
  • Engineering: engineering (power sources)
  • Medical: science (research), social sciences
  • Helsman: engineering (operations)
  • Navigator: command, engineering (power sources)
  • Communications: sciences (operations), social sciences
  • Security: command
  • Ordnance: engineering (operations)
Special Skill Table: roll 2D6
  1. Tactics (used by CO/XO when issuing combat orders)
  2. Strategy
  3. Logistics
  4. Contact Theory
  5. Navigation (used by navigation officer to plot courses)
  6. Exotic Survival
2—Engineering (operations)
  1. Electronics (used by engineering to repair systems)
  2. Computer
  3. Ship Design
  4. Life Support
  5. Weaponry (for operating a starship's weapon systems)
  6. Instrumentation (used for piloting the ship)
3—Engineering (power sources)
  1. Sensor Theory (used for operating sensors in & out of combat)
  2. Antimatter Theory (for general energy management)
  3. Deflector Generator Theory (for deflector screens)
  4. Warp Drive Theory
  5. Impulse Drive Theory
  6. Transporter Theory
4—Sciences (operations)
  1. Astronomy (for charting courses in unexplored space)
  2. Physics
  3. Ecology
  4. Communications (used by Communications officer)
  5. Information Theory (used for general scanning)
  6. Planetology
5—Sciences (research)
  1. Biology
  2. Chemistry
  3. Bacteriology
  4. Metallurgy
  5. Psychology
  6. Sociology
6—Social Sciences
  1. Political Science
  2. Diplomacy
  3. Anthropology
  4. History
  5. Economics
  6. Linguistics
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#5 Post by rredmond »

Okay I'll take Engineering Officer, if someone else wants that, then I'll take Security.
Race: [1d100] = 72 looks like we have an Andoran Engineer... nice. Dang, no faux Scottish brogue for me, drat! :D
I'll take Male as sex though.
Attributes: [3d6] = 10 [3d6] = 9 [3d6] = 10 [3d6] = 13 [3d6] = 13 [3d6] = 9 I'm supposed to be old school, so I'm just going to do 3d6 in order:
Strength (ST) -- 10 (+2 Andoran) = 12
Mentality (MN) -- 9
Dexterity (DX) -- 10 (+3 Andoran) = 13 +1
Luck (LK) -- 13 +1
Constitution (CT) -- 13 (+2 Andoran) = 15 +3
Charisma (CH) -- 9
Size: [1d4] = 2 175 cm
Movement: 11 m
EP: [2d6] = 10 17,500
Hand to hand: [1d6-3] = 6-3 = 3 [1d10] = 7 [1d10] = 2 [1d10] = 2 3 + 1 (see Skills) = 4
Ens [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 6
Lt [1d10] = 3
Lt Com [1d8] = 7
Let's use then as follows:
Antimatter Theory (seems a good one :) ): 6
Boost my Hand to hand (see above): 6
Sensory Theory: 3
Warp Drive Theory: 7

How's it look thus far?
This is a game about killing things and taking their stuff so you can become more powerful in order to kill bigger things and take even better stuff.
Alethan: I'm good with NOT pressing our luck this time.
mjulius: That's how I know I'm home.
Pulpatoon: The whole point of PbP is to take the scheduling pressure off the game. We're just chatty because we're so eager!
Scott308: ...everyone should be reminded of just how wonderful the people they play games with here can be in real life.
Leitz: Quality and quantity wise, I think US is the best I've seen.
Paladin: I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
Inferno: Come on! That's was Vicar's Head, a completely different doomed village!
Rex: I can move to the wait list to let someone else into the game.
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#6 Post by Starbeard »

Looks great, Ron. When you list your skills, make sure you put each full rank, plus the remainder (for tracking during level-ups). So:

Hand-to-Hand IV (the game book goes back and forth about whether it uses Roman or Arabic numerals)
Antimatter Theory I
Sensor Theory 0 (3)
Warp Drive Theory I (1)

Also, since the Janus is an Earth-staffed ship you could've first rolled a 50%/50% chance of seeing whether you were human anyway, and then rolled on the race chart to see if you were something else. Doesn't bother me one way or another.

Actually, that reminds me: any alien who wants to be part human (like Spock), that's perfectly fine. I'll make a rule and say that you can be as human or alien looking as you want, be raised in either or both cultures (yes, that means you can have your faux Scottish accent!), and one of your racial stat modifiers must be cut in half (your choice).
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#7 Post by rredmond »

Actually I did roll the human roll first, it was a 56%! :) I just forgot to copy the link.

I'm not sure I understand the ranks... so is a 6 equal to 1 rank?

I'll get it.

PS: Just kidding about the Scottish accent... though methinks an Andoran accent sounds a bit Scottish! :lol:
This is a game about killing things and taking their stuff so you can become more powerful in order to kill bigger things and take even better stuff.
Alethan: I'm good with NOT pressing our luck this time.
mjulius: That's how I know I'm home.
Pulpatoon: The whole point of PbP is to take the scheduling pressure off the game. We're just chatty because we're so eager!
Scott308: ...everyone should be reminded of just how wonderful the people they play games with here can be in real life.
Leitz: Quality and quantity wise, I think US is the best I've seen.
Paladin: I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
Inferno: Come on! That's was Vicar's Head, a completely different doomed village!
Rex: I can move to the wait list to let someone else into the game.
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#8 Post by Starbeard »

rredmond wrote:I'm not sure I understand the ranks... so is a 6 equal to 1 rank?
Exactly. The 'skill rank' (or 'skill class' as it's sometimes called) is the only number that actually matters in play; the number of 'promotion skill dice' pips you put into the skill only help it to reach the next rank (at 6 points = +1 rank).

For example, the basic attack mechanic is to a die and add your Hand-to-Hand class. If I have Hand-to-Hand 3 (4), then when I attack I roll a die and add my Hand-to-Hand rank (3). Over time, let's say I get the opportunity to dedicate lots of my off-time to combat training—after a while the Mission Master determines that I've gained another point toward Hand-to-Hand, so now I'm at HtH 3 (5). A short while later I get promoted and get an extra promotion skill die: I roll a 4 and decide to put that into HtH as well, which would put me at HtH 3 (8), but now that I've reached 6 points I get bumped up to HtH 4 (2).
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#9 Post by Grognardsw »

"The door is stuck! How do we get it open? I hear dice rolling up there."

My ensigns have utterly average stats and mediocre skills determined by the GM when really needed. This will be like a DCC 0-level funnel. :lol:
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#10 Post by rredmond »

So it begins...
This is a game about killing things and taking their stuff so you can become more powerful in order to kill bigger things and take even better stuff.
Alethan: I'm good with NOT pressing our luck this time.
mjulius: That's how I know I'm home.
Pulpatoon: The whole point of PbP is to take the scheduling pressure off the game. We're just chatty because we're so eager!
Scott308: ...everyone should be reminded of just how wonderful the people they play games with here can be in real life.
Leitz: Quality and quantity wise, I think US is the best I've seen.
Paladin: I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
Inferno: Come on! That's was Vicar's Head, a completely different doomed village!
Rex: I can move to the wait list to let someone else into the game.
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#11 Post by Starbeard »

Haha! Yeah, whenever random ensigns show up, I'll just roll up their stats as a brand new character (I've got a spreadsheet that does it all with a click!) and hand it over to you, Grog. You can also opt to carry over any surviving redshirts into future 'scenes' if you want, too—build up some emotional investment with the audience before Ensign Uvdaweek finally dies horribly. :)
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#12 Post by max_vale »

Hey there; sorry for my delay....been feeling really lousy these past few days....okay; here's my rolls (I had to do them myself as I can't seem to access the Dice roller here on my stupid computer for some reason)

Helm: LCDR* Something-Something-To-Be-Named-Later

50-50 roll to determine race: 52
2nd percentile roll to determine race: 43 (Human)
3rd percentile roll to determine gender: 38 (Male)

Attribute rolls: 3d6, six times and arranged to taste:

ST: 11
MN: 12
DX: 14 (+2)
LK: 16 (+4)
CT: 11
CH: 7 (-2)

(An Agile, Lucky, no-where-near-Kirk-level Charmer)

Size: 1d4 roll: 4; add 1d6 (3) x5: 15 cm to 175 cm size: 190 cm (6'2")

Base Move: 10 meters

Rank/extra EPs: LCDR (10,000 base EP) + 2d6 roll (4): +0 EP for 10,000 EP

Hand to Hand Ranks: 1d6 roll (5) -3: 2 (+ d10 rolls for each rank: 3, 10, 8: +1) +1 for a final total of: 3


Ensign: d6 (1) + d6 (6)
LT: d10 (4)
LCDR: d8 (7)

Put into Engineering Operations Skills:

1 and 6 from Ensign rank both put into Instrumentation for a final of I (1)
4 from LT rank thrown into a Random Roll on a d6 (4) for Ship Design: 0
7 from LCDR rank put into Weaponry for a final of I (1)

Does that seem correct? If I haven't made any major mistakes; I'll make a cleaned-up Character Sheet with some background and put it on the Roster Page.

*Quick note; the United States Navy uses the following abbreviations for Naval officer ranks:

ENS: Ensign
LTJG (Lieutenant Junior Grade)
LT (Lieutenant)
LCDR (Lieutenant Commander)
CDR (Commander)
CAPT (Captain)
COMM (Commodore) Note: This is no longer a rank in the U.S. Navy, but it is Star Trek and WAS in the USN of the past

RADM (Rear Admiral)
VADM (Vice Admiral

I only bring this up because I've always been baffled by why seemingly no military/sci-fi show I can think of EVER seems to use the abbreviations for LCDR and CDR. Now other nations (the U.K. comes to mind) DO use LT. Commander; but this has always struck me as unwieldy to use and write....but obviously, this is your game Starbeard; use whatever you fancy!

(On the same note; in the U.S. military, female officers are always addressed as "Ma'am"....where this calling women "Sir" stuff comes from, I have no clue!)
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#13 Post by DadsAngry »

Medical officer:
Lieutenant Dr. Ned "Needles" Ryerson


ST: 11
MN: 7 -2
DX: 13 +1
LK: 12
CT: 12
CH: 8 -1

Size 175cm

Base Move: 10 meters

25% to next rank
1000 EP

Hand to Hand Ranks: 3

Biology 4
Chemistry 3
Bacteriology 4

Ensign skills [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 3
Lieutenant: [1d10] = 4
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#14 Post by max_vale »

"NED RYERSON?!!! I have missed you SO much....(hugs awkwardly).....I don't know where you're headed....but can you call in sick?"


(The above is from Groundhog Day....and if you just chose the name Ned Ryerson in some kind of freak coincidence, my apologies!)
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#15 Post by DadsAngry »

You got it right. Ned needed a career change. He was tired of selling insurance.
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#16 Post by Starbeard »

max_vale wrote:Hey there; sorry for my delay....been feeling really lousy these past few days....okay; here's my rolls (I had to do them myself as I can't seem to access the Dice roller here on my stupid computer for some reason)

(On the same note; in the U.S. military, female officers are always addressed as "Ma'am"....where this calling women "Sir" stuff comes from, I have no clue!)
No worries, hope you're feeling better soon.

As for 'Sir', no idea, but it always makes me think of Marcie! :)

I definitely hear you about the ranking conventions. When I think of putting together a retroclone clean-up of STAGFF, I might include that as optional nomenclature, actually. For this game I'll think about what to do—I'll probably stick to British conventions, but I don't care who else does or doesn't.
Last edited by Starbeard on Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#17 Post by Starbeard »

Both of your characters look good.
  • max_vale, when you put up your clean character sheet, just make sure Ship Design is at rank I, not 0.
  • DadsAngry, when you post your finished character sheet to the roster, be sure to pick Dr. Ryerson's specific skills (great name, by the way, we just watched that again a couple of week ago). Bacteriology & Biology are the two main medical doctor skills, by the way.
I have to admit, I'm not particularly happy with the skill list that was published in the rules additions. For being a list that mostly isn't tied to any specific mechanics, they seem too detailed to me. We'll play with them for this adventure, but in the long run I'm going to put together a revised list that seriously reduces the number of skills available. One of my ultimate goals with this game is to write up an OGL-compliant retroclone of the game, but cleaned up a bit, and the new skill list will go in that.
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#18 Post by Starbeard »

Alright, so far we have:

rredmond: Engineering Officer
max_vale: Helmsman
DadsAngry: Medical Officer
Grognardsw: The rabble

That leaves ybn1197. Do you want to take the role of the ship's captain?

Also, assuming ybn doesn't take the first officer role, rredmond has the option of adding that position to his engineer.
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#19 Post by rredmond »

Starbeard wrote:...Also, assuming ybn doesn't take the first officer role, rredmond has the option of adding that position to his engineer.
Cool beans, I don't have the full beard of Riker, but I got a goatee (or go-teek as my 4yo and 7yo daughters like to say) going on. :D
I think you can see a (terrible) pic of me here:
I think I have a bit more hair on the top than it looks, but the gray is all me... I admit it now. ;)
This is a game about killing things and taking their stuff so you can become more powerful in order to kill bigger things and take even better stuff.
Alethan: I'm good with NOT pressing our luck this time.
mjulius: That's how I know I'm home.
Pulpatoon: The whole point of PbP is to take the scheduling pressure off the game. We're just chatty because we're so eager!
Scott308: ...everyone should be reminded of just how wonderful the people they play games with here can be in real life.
Leitz: Quality and quantity wise, I think US is the best I've seen.
Paladin: I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
Inferno: Come on! That's was Vicar's Head, a completely different doomed village!
Rex: I can move to the wait list to let someone else into the game.
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Re: Character Creation (OOC)

#20 Post by Starbeard »

Nice whiskers, as every truly conscientious XO would sport!
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