Known Villians and NPC's

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Known Villians and NPC's

#1 Post by Synthalus »

Jocasta the Black
by Mike Stewart

Class: Magic-User
Race: Human (Vampire)
Sex: Female
Level: 16
Hit Points: 50
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Sec. Skill: Alchemy

Strength 9 (18/76 as Vampire)
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 15
Dexterity 17
Constitution 13
Charisma 7
Comeliness 17

Height 5'11"
Weight 130lb
Armor Class 1/0
Languages: Common, Chaotic Evil, Goblin, Orc,
Dwarvish, Ettin, Elvish, Dragon

Vampire Abilities:

1. +1 or better weapon to hit
2. 18/76 Strength
3. 5-10 hp damage with blow plus 2 level energy drain
4. Regenerate 3 hp per melee round
5. Immune to sleep, charm, hold person, paralyzation, and poison, One-half damage from cold or electricity
6. Change to bat or gaseous form at will
7. Gaze charms victims who save at –2
8. Summon 10-100 bats or rats in underground
9. Summon 3-18 wolves in wilderness
10. Repelled by mirror, garlic, or holy item
11. Sunlight kills permanently in 1 turn
12. Loses 1/3rd hps in running water per round, with 3 rounds causing death
13.Wooden stake kills for as long as vampire is staked
14. Decapitation kills instantly

The woman known as Jocasta was born in a small farming village in Leeshire, a petty lordship on
the Wild Coast. Throughout her life, she was drawn to the arcane arts, and by the age of 12 had
outstripped the minor mage of the village. She was then sent to the bustling (for the Wild Coast)
metropolis of Isenflow to the Mage Guild tower for further study. Her skill and intelligence were
matched only by her beauty, but the other apprentices noted her coldness to others and an
utter disinterest in making friends. For Jocasta, magic was power and power was all.
She was apprenticed to the Archmage Malkoris, whom was quite pleased with his latest
apprentice. Her studies continued, and Malkoris took great pleasure at the innuendos and sly
smiles he received from the other Mages of Isenflow at his good fortune to have such a lovely
apprentice serving him.
But this joy was short lived. Malkoris caught Jocasta one evening using stolen texts on
necromancy to speak with undead creatures and demons! The Archmage tried to stop Jocasta
and bring her to the justice of the Guild, but his pupil was far more skilled than he reckoned with.
Jocasta strode over the burned corpse of her Master and quickly killed the other apprentices in
residence in the tower. Once this was done, she animated the bodies to act as porters to take
all of Malkoris’s magic tomes and equipment from the tower. With this cache of power, she fled
into the wild northlands.
Jocasta continued her studies and grew in both power and evil. Her study of necromancy
continued, and soon wraiths and specters did her bidding. With these minions, she built a small
tower in the wilds and began to raid local communities for the dead bodies and live victims she
needed to continue her foul arts. Soon, the name “Jocasta the Black” was whispered with fear
and terror from Leeshire to the Grand Duchy of Tys Ygithir. The Mage Guild sent several Incanters
to deal with this renegade, but none ever returned…
But age was slowly beginning to take its toll. Jocasta cared not for her beauty for any carnal or
vain reasons. To her, maintaining her physical appearance was no more or less important than
maintaining the wards of her tower or the numbers of her minions. The cold sorceress could only
see her appearance as another mark of power and status.
But one day her minions brought her a fabled artifact, a black wand with a skull upon the tip.
During her investigation of this relic, the demon lord Orcus appeared before her and offered a
bargain. He would make her a Vampire, maintaining her life and beauty into eternity… if she
would only serve him as the Vicarix of his church on Kattegat. She readily agreed, and now the
Vampiress Jocasta the Black plots even greater evil in the north for Orcus’ glory… and especially
her own.

Jocasta is not an overbearing villain, and does not make grandiose speeches of the
infallibility of her plans. She feels that there is no point in belaboring the obvious, and will speak
in clipped tones to issue orders or vague responses. Her beauty is important to her, but she has
little interests in romance or the attraction of the opposite sex. To her, the maintenance of her
beauty is similar to maintaining a magnificent painting or sculpture in her collection. Even when
angered she never loses her temper in public, but will order the deaths of innocents and those
that thwart her without a second thought. Due to her low Charisma, she prefers the company of
undead and those whose only function is to obey her orders.
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Last edited by Synthalus on Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"that is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons death may die"

-H.P. Lovecraft
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Re: Known Villians and NPC's

#2 Post by Synthalus »

by Quinn Davis (Dave) Munnerlyn III

aka “Lothar”
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/Thief (8/10)
Age: 38
Alignment: NE

Str: 15
Int: 11
Wis: 10
Dex: 17
Con: 13
Cha: 12
HP: 60

Weapon Proficiencies:
Bow, Longsword, Morning Star

Common, Gnome, Elvish

Background / details:
Delorn was your typical adventurer, perhaps a
bit more successful than some. A little too good
at finding adventure as it turned out.
He began his career as a young Neutral Good fighter, advancing through a few years of
dungeons and catacombs filled with all kinds of horrors. He eventually decided to undertake a
more cushy profession, and joined up with another band of young adventurers as a thief (i.e.
security bypass and inventory redistribution specialist).
More years passed, and the group became skilled and well known, not to mention
overconfident. They decided to undertake an adventure into the Abyss itself, to retrieve some
lost artifact.
The details are sketchy; Delorn can't recall most of his life before that final adventure, nor can he
remember anything that happened in the Abyss. Not that he'd want to. The group was
ambushed. They had been fed false information by a demon in human form on the Prime
Material. Out of a group of six only he was spared... if that's what you want to call it. The others were
promptly eaten, but the demons had a game to play with Delorn. They twisted his mind, turning
him into a selfish, bitter man, willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants.
They let Delorn go then, and gave him passage back to the Prime Material. Unknown to him
however, they sent out the first Hunter. This was their game: A hunter demon would be let lose
upon the world to search for Delorn, to hunt him down and kill him and anyone near him.
The first catch was easy; Delorn never suspected he was under pursuit. He was out with a lady
he fancied, taking her home by a different way than usual... for he had plans of his own. The
Hunter was waiting for them in the dark alley Delorn had chosen. Their screams pierced the dark
night as the Hunter ended both of their lives. By the time the city guard arrived, the Demon was
gone. They found only the body of Delorn's lady escort.
Delorn reawoke, naked in a land far away. He knew now that he was the hunted. He's tried to
hide everywhere he can think of, but the Hunter always finds him eventually. He doesn't try to
seclude himself, not caring if anyone else gets hurt. He hopes that maybe someday the Hunter
will choose the wrong place to attack, and someone in the vicinity will be able to defeat the
demon. In the meantime he searches for a way to finally win the game himself.
Delorn has few possessions of his own. A year at most passes between the times when the
demon catches up to him, not long enough for him to rise himself up from destitution in a
strange land. Every now and then he does steal himself something helpful.
Despite his age, Delorn remains in excellent health. The demons have elongated his lifespan, in
hopes of extending their little game. He doesn't dare commit suicide, or otherwise have his life
naturally ended for fear that doing so will send his soul right back to the Abyss for an eternity of
torture. He believes that the only way to save his soul is to win the game.
He continues his search for a way to foil the demon. He suspects that if he can kill the Hunter, or
have it killed, that the hunt will end and he will be left in peace. Or maybe the trick is to elude
the demon for a certain period of time.
A different demon is sent with each conclusion of the hunt. Eventually the demons may tire of
their sport; but so long as the hunt continues, neither Delorn nor anyone around him can ever be
The actual rules of the Demon's Hunt game are left up to the DM. It's assumed the PC's will be
tasked somehow to free this wretched person from his curse one way or the other. Of course
they may have to deal with Delorn's twisted and dangerous personality in order to discover his
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"that is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons death may die"

-H.P. Lovecraft
Posts: 886
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Re: Known Villians and NPC's

#3 Post by Synthalus »

Zoron, Thief of Lives
by Chris Gonnerman

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Race: Human (originally, see below)
Class: Thief / 12
Age: Centuries (variable, see below)

Strength: variable
Intelligence: 17
Wisdom: 15
Dexterity: 18 (may vary)
Constitution: variable
Charisma: 12 or more
HP: 42 + Con bonus

Weapon Proficiency:
Longsword, Dagger, Sling


Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Halfling,
Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orcish

Background / details:

Zoron was an uncommonly successful thief who
eventually became guildmaster in the largest city in
the known world. His exploits were the stuff of
legend. Eventually, as time took its toll on him,
Zoron retired to a castle in the country.
He could have faded away into oblivion, his eventual funeral attended by a few old thieves. But
one day, sitting in his study, Zoron looked upon the supposedly indestructible jewel known as the
Eye of Grax-Nur and devised a plan.
Taking a few choice items from his personal treasury, Zoron traveled to a nearby town and
rented a room in the small inn there. For several days the aged thief looked over the
townspeople as he honed his plan. Finally, he was ready to act.
The maid knocked at his door one morning, and he did not answer; so she entered, intending to
make up the room as she always did. She found him in bed, apparently dead, with a large red
jewel lying on his chest. Curiosity overcame fear, and she approached...
Later, the young and pretty maid boldly approached the eldest son of the stable-owner. He
was a strapping youth, in excellent condition and health, and handsome besides. Her
approach was bolder than he remembered, and he was a bit alarmed, but she promised him
forbidden pleasures if he would only follow her to a private place...
He left town on his father's finest horse without a word to anyone. The maid was half-mad, but
eventually the town cleric discovered what had happened. Zoron had used a scroll of Magic
Jar and the indestructible jewel to possess her, and then in her body he took the jewel to the
stableman's son and took over his body.

Zoron's exploits from that point on are the stuff of nightmares, as he descended deeper and
deeper into evil with each twisted game he played. People became his playthings. He kept
the jewel always on his person, ready to move into it at a moment's notice so as to avoid death.
At last a team of adventurers, chosen by a powerful high priest, tricked Zoron into moving into
the jewel. As he did so, one of the adventurers cast a Protection from Evil spell on the now-freed
host body; all the adventurers present were already protected in this way. Using tongs, they
retrieved the jewel and placed it into an enchanted box from which Zoron could not escape.
The box was engraved with an accounting of his acts, to deter anyone from opening it.
Time passed, and the box lay forgotten in the archives of the great temple, until one day an
archivist noticed it was missing...

the DM will have to adjust the variable stats above to account for whichever body Zoron
is using at the moment. His thief abilities are not given above to save space but can easily be
looked up as needed. They must be adjusted to account for the dexterity of the body he
currently inhabits.
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"that is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons death may die"

-H.P. Lovecraft
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Re: Known Villians and NPC's

#4 Post by Synthalus »

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"that is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons death may die"

-H.P. Lovecraft
Posts: 886
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Re: Known Villians and NPC's

#5 Post by Synthalus »

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"that is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons death may die"

-H.P. Lovecraft
Posts: 886
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Re: Known Villians and NPC's

#6 Post by Synthalus »

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"that is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons death may die"

-H.P. Lovecraft
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