The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#81 Post by Grognardsw »

The wino nods his head. "Nothin pal."

Seeing the wino reminds Baines of the wino they have yet to interview back in Boston. The one with three heads in a bag. Baines sees the trash can where he stashed his wallet and Carver's notebook.

The BOI agent wonders how his partner Ezy is doing interviewing Carver's roommate. The thought is a memory, a construct encysted within much larger Yr Nhhngr in which Baines is in the room talking with Ezy.
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#82 Post by thesniperknight1 »

"Thank you kind sir, you are a good person. I hope someone finds you and gives you a home", he thinks of Ezy, poor Ezy doesn't understand, "I will have to go help him now" Baines thinks to himself. He takes a cab and heads for Carver's apartment.

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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#83 Post by Grognardsw »

Baines transacuitic awareness subsumes the mundane, sluices time. For the drunk has a home - he needs to calm the wife who just threw him out; Angell's interview already happened this morning; his wallet and notebook are still in the trash, forgotten.

What is really important: All events are time roses, clenched couplings into a life as the species folds back to true ancestors. There lies our Dho-Hna: a meaning bestowed retro-actively by forms as yet unachievable but implicit.

Baines finds his car, its front windshield eye blinking balefully at him. The BOI agent drives to Carver's apartment.
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#84 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Baines spends his way in the car half awake and half daydreaming, or would calling it remembering be more accurate? He was going slowly, rushing things felt like a waste of time, he felt as if he lived for an eternity or was it someone else....something else? So a few hours didn't really bothered him at all. He was Even though his whole world has just been turned around, he was calm, too calm, strangely calm.

He remembered his encounter with Carver, he tried to remember the words he has spoken and try to make sense of them now. While he remembered the interrogation, he remembered what he himself said to Carver and strangely started somewhat to believe the lies he said. He tried to clear his head and focus on solving the case, but somehow it was different now.
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#85 Post by Grognardsw »

Baines drives to Carver's former apartment to meet his partner Ezy Smith, who is interviewing Carver's roommate Robert Angel.

Baines ponders. He sees the lloigor are simply ourselves, yet unfolded in time to an utter condition beyond the fthagn of our usual perceptions. Time being a function of matter, this freeing of ultimate forms may be hastened by pertinent sculpture. Ezy will need assistance with this.

The BOI agent looks back down the stairs from Carver's apartment door. He sees himself walking up them, glancing out the window to where his car pulls up to the curb. Baines gets out, realizing then the sun is in a different place than before the Carcosa visit. How much time has gone by?

Baines knocks on Carcosa's door. He knocks on Carver's door. He closes his eyes and opens them again, congealing Wzay'ei into non-linear perspective.

No one answers the door.
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#86 Post by thesniperknight1 »

He stands there thinking for a few seconds, or minutes? It didn't matter to him. He knocks again, harder this time, if there is no reply he will go back to the office to see if Ezy is there.
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#87 Post by Grognardsw »

"I'll be right there!" shouts someone from inside. Baines hears a fumbling at the door and it opens. He sees a young man in his twenties; Robert Angell, Baines assumes.

"What do you want?" he says sleepily.
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#88 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Baines looks at the man and smiles, "Robert Angell? I am detective Gwen BainesMind if I ask you a few questions? I know my partner have already came here but I would like to be thorough"
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#89 Post by Grognardsw »

"Again?" say Robert sleepily. "There have been two of you today, besides the police."

He opens the door for Baines to come in. "Well go ahead."
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#90 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Baines comes in and looks over the place to see if tit has changed in any way since he was last here, "You say two came here? Do you remember their names?"
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#91 Post by Grognardsw »

The apartment looks much the same, but has been cleaned and dusted some.

"A reporter from Arkham, Massachusetts, Edward Sharpe," answers Robert. "And your partner Ezekiel Smith."
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#92 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Baines takes a mental note of the reporter's name, he goes inside and sits on the couch, "Do you mind?".

He takes out a cigarette and offers him one, he lights it up "Tell me, do you like flowers Mr.Angell? Of course you do, who wouldn't? The symbol of beauty in this world, but they symbolise something else, change, salvation, freedom........blossoming. It's beautiful, isn't it? The moment when a flower blossoms, the transformation from nothing into something of wonder. It's almost magical, it is magical.....the unfolding", he smirks and looks at Angell's reaction, then follows his speech with, "Golonac glaaki to lloigor". He looks carefully to see if it's a look of confusion or disbelief on Angell's face.

He stands up, "Mr.Angell, you are an artist aren't you?", he stands and walks up to the room with Angell's artwork and looks at it, "Do you at certain times feel ummm", he waves his hand around then raises an eyebrow, "Uninspired? Do you feel like you need that little kick to give you some muse? Oh by the way, this isn't an advertisement Mr.Angell", he laughs a little, "Does the name Carcosa mean anything to you?"

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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#93 Post by Grognardsw »

Robert looks nervously at Baines. "Uh, I'm not sure what you mean. Those words, they seems familiar. Did Timothy says those?"

The art student moves back and to the kitchen, turning on a tea kettle of water. His hand rests on a kitchen knife. "Inspired? I don't know, sometimes I suppose. Carcosa... it seems familiar. What types of questions are these? You said you're an agent? Do you have some identification?"
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#94 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Baines laughs the awkwardness away, "I was just joking around, nothing more. Now if you don't mind, I would like to ask you a few questions about Timothy", he tried to bypass his question.

"Did Timothy meet any strange people recently? The changes in his behaviour, do you know what caused them? Did he tell you anything that might be related to......harming or freeing others? Did he talk about a certain band that he started following? And do you by any chance have some of his belongings that seem a bit odd? I realize that I am asking a lot of questions but any help you can provide Mr.Angell would help a great deal"
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#95 Post by Grognardsw »

"Well -" Robert Angell is about to answer Baines when there is a knock at the door.

The story continues in The Language at the Threshold, viewtopic.php?f=168&t=3908
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Re: The Descent - The Statements of Gwen Baines

#96 Post by Grognardsw »

It appears Reginald is going with you, which makes three of you. I actually think it will be easier now to stay in one thread, instead of jumping back and forth, so let's stay in "The Language..." thread. Sorry for the confusion. I'll move Baines and Isaiah's posts from "The Descent..." into "The Language..." and we can continue there.

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