Action Thread 1: The Meeting/Encounter on the Coast Trail

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Re: Action Thread 1

#241 Post by SocraticLawyer »

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Re: Action Thread 1

#242 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna continues to run, planning on splitting the difference between the two heroes battling the evil beast. Having a decent idea of it's range, she plans on slowing and stalking as she nears the outer edge of the danger zone.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#243 Post by tkrexx »

She lost her spear, she lost her captive and she lost her eyesight. Emm knows she should be grateful to be alive, but still considers her first foray into combat thusfar a failure. With a groan of frustration and regret, she lifts the clinging child and follows as best as she can the blurry images of her fellow pilgrims, all the while wanting desperately to return to unfinished business.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#244 Post by dmw71 »

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Re: Action Thread 1

#245 Post by Xaxyx »

Throwing worried glances in the direction that his cousin disappeared, Hartnid continues to lumber along, straining under the weight of the human slumped over his shoulders. Meeting up with the group, he nods once to Emm and to the female gnome, and begins to assist them both in guiding the survivors to safety.
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Re: Encounter on the Coast Trail: Round 24

#246 Post by Argennian »

Day 1: Coast Trail (TOD: after midnight)

Round 24

~ The beast in the swirling green fog faces off with the glowing red armored dwarf and his massive hammer. The dwarf’s bellowed challenge is heard above the rumbling din emanating from the unworldly vocals of the demon as they assess each other momentarily. The stare down is interrupted by a massive bolt of greenish-yellow energy that originates from somewhere south of the trail and slams into the side of the beast with a sizzling crackle and booming clap. The creature seems to barely react to the blast and merely turns its massive horned head to the left to see where the attack came from. The armored dwarf needs no more of an opportunity and with what must take a herculean effort, swings the massive two-handed war hammer in an upward stroke that connects with the bottom of the demon’s chin. Another harsh crack of stone on stone and flash of bright red light precedes another ear-splitting roar of infuriation as the creature stumbles backward from the blow. The dwarf makes to swing his mighty bright red weapon again but the demon strikes out quicker with one of its massive and muscular front claws and connects. The glowing red armored champion of Moradin goes flying back westward along the trail from the blow.

Meanwhile, behind the beast on the trail, something happens that cannot be readily understood. From the area where the old knight was felled and crushed beneath the previously-flailing demon, two bright flashes of light fly over to where the elven wizard and his angry red and still popping staff lie upon the trail. The two lights then suddenly and incredibly transform into the shimmering and glowing blue forms of what looks to be, for lack of any other possible explanation, angelic warrior maidens! They both reach down, take up the fallen mage and lift him to his feet. One of them places its hand upon the wizard’s chest and after an even brighter bluish glow, he can be seen beginning to stir with life once again. The elven mage then positions his ever-faithful rubric staff to hold up his weight as he shakes his head in an apparent attempt to clear his focus. The beautiful softly-glowing angels then shimmer and disappear, leaving the wizard, his vengeful staff and the massive still-glowing red gem dangling about his neck, standing upon the trail facing the rear of the demon…

Further back up the trail, Hartnid joins Emm and the remaining group of party members as they begin to again shamble eastward. The druidess scoops up the petrified child clinging desperately to her leg and with her vision now finally coming back more tangibly, she turns to follow suit with an angry yet concerned look upon her visage. The cleric of Moradin, still carrying the unconscious young nobleman, falls in behind her. He shifts his cargo and looks back longingly over his shoulder southwest towards where the group behind the stand of trees and dense thicket are, hoping to see some sign of his dwarven cousin. Sheba continues to bark as she moves alongside the gnome carrying her fallen master.

To the south of the trail, the High elf Lauranna, who had suddenly pulled up short in her approach of the battle transpiring with the demon, apparently makes the decision to turn around and sprints back towards the dense thicket and stand of trees. She calls out in what must be her native tongue as she approaches her previous position and disappears into the flora cover.

There is still no sign of Thalion, Bog, the younger burly guard, Griffo, Caelvanna, the half-elf archer, the cloaked halfling or Ulrich. There continues to be no sign of the old knight that was felled and apparently crushed under the demon previously.


Gentleman Billy: still unconscious (stabilized; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward.
Burly Guard#1: lying unconscious on the trail (felled by bolt/arrow); apparently KIAed
Old Man in colorful robes: still unconscious (felled by bolt/arrow; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward.
Old Half-elf Man: still unconscious (felled by bolt/arrow; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward
Armored soldier: KIA
Elven wizard: now standing back up on the trail (with the help of two angels?); status unknown
Young nobleman: still unconscious and being carried back eastward along the trail by Hartnid

**** PMs already out to PCs off the trail prior to Round 25! ****


Initiative, Round 24: tied initiative - SocraticLawyer rolled a 3 for the party; the baddies rolled a 3 as well. (The unknown single d20 and both d100 rolls again notated and accounted for)


Initiative, Round 25: I need Xaxyx to roll a d6 and a d20 for the party!

Enemy Disposition at the end of Round 24:

~ The battling demon in the swirling green fog is the only remaining enemy seen at present. There are no other humanoid warriors left alive as far as any can tell.

HPs/Status: Bog* 6/9 ; Caelvanna 2/8 ; Emm 6/6 ; Griffo* 2/10 ; *Hartnid 1/9 ; *Ulrich 1/8 ; Lauranna 3/3 ; Thalion* 5/5
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword* (1st spear thrown); Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-13, silver arrows fired-8); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Hartnid – flail/SC; Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
MO(basically from first to last on trail): 1: Lauranna (moving back out of view south of the trail) 2: Griffo and Caelvanna (out of sight and off the trail to south), 3: Ulrich (still out of sight and off the trail to south), 4: Bog/Thalion (still out of sight; last seen moving south of trail into brush), 4: Hartnid and Emm (furthest east on and just off the trail)
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Re: Action Thread 1

#248 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Another PM sent!
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Re: Action Thread 1

#249 Post by dmw71 »

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Re: Action Thread 1

#250 Post by Alethan »

I sent one, as well!
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Re: Action Thread 1

#251 Post by tkrexx »

Sheba! Quiet! Emm hisses at the doglike creature, worried that this small band of refugees will be tracked by sound. She looks back to the battle area, still blinking and squinting, and marvels at the sturdy Dwarf carrying the limp Human form and also looking back, obviously concerned. Your Brother? she whispers over her shoulder.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#252 Post by Xaxyx »

"Cousin," Hartnid replies, in-between puffing for air. "He's (huff) got good sense (huff) about him. (pant) He knows (huff) what he's doing."

Hartnid continues to carry his burden eastward along the trail, trying to keep pace with the tallfolk, still giving occasional, hopeful looks in the direction in which Ulrich disappeared.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#253 Post by Nyctos »

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Re: Encounter on the Coast Trail: Round 25

#254 Post by Argennian »

Day 1: Coast Trail (TOD: after midnight)

Round 25

~ After doing away with the persistently troublesome duo of glowing red armored dwarf and his mighty two-handed war hammer, the beast lifts its horned head, shakes it twice and lets off a mighty roar. All those that suffer the rumbling yet screeching account are chilled to the core and feel every nerve tingle with terrible fright. The swirling fog about the creature then suddenly shimmers and blinks off, revealing its true physical nature in horrible detail. Its giant quadruped form is a muscular yet misshapen form of both a wolf and great cat, with massive and wickedly clawed feet and a broad stub of tail. Its head, certainly the worst part of the nightmarish graphic, is what could only be described as part goat and part humanoid. It flexes its powerful-looking yet disgusting physique and with what could be construed as a kind of echoing laughter, spins around casually to deal with the remaining survivors.

Standing in its way, however, is the just arisen elven wizard and his undeniably-angry rubric staff. The demon smiles and licks its gory lips in anticipation as it begins to move forward for the treat. It opens its horrid maw and closes within mere feet of the mage before suddenly checking up with a look of surprise. A brilliant red flash shoots forth from the ancient staff and slams into the previously unsuspecting beast, followed by a glowing red sphere of magic that appears instantly about the demon. It lets out another wail, this one much more muffled, and throws its gargantuan force and weight against the sphere in an attempt to both break free and obviously crush the wizard. The sphere holds firm against the out-worldly creature’s might. The wizard lets go of the staff and it seems to float in the frozen night air on its own, only really connected by a small tether of bright red energy to the sphere. The staff then begins to spin and seems to respond with an excited kind of popping laughter of its own. The demon lowers it horned head as close as it can to the mage and begins shaking it with a blurry, dizzying speed. The wizard, somehow still standing without the aid of the staff, lifts the massive, brilliant red gem from about his neck. He holds it up in front of him with both hands and it begins glowing and flashing in unison with the now spinning staff…

Further back up the trail, the group of evacuees continue their progressive, eastward plight. Still carrying the clinging young child, Emm follows bitterly and seeks to query the dwarven cleric Hartnid about his cousin’s fate, just as the dwarf’s previously-limp human cargo begins to stir and murmur. "Wha… what… Lathalamas…" Sheba leaves the side of her fallen master long enough to look back west and south of the trail, towards where that now famous stand of trees and dense thicket are.

As if on cue, the Wild elf Caelvanna springs into sight from the thick flora in a full run heading back towards where the druid, cleric and the others are retreating eastward up the trail. A few moments later, the halfling Griffo appears and follows suit and course with his fellow archer. Next, the High elf Lauranna appears, followed closely by Ulrich the cleric and Thalion the Grey. The dwarf helps the Wood elf along, as it appears he is either injured, groggy or both. The duo heads back towards the others as well but the High elf moves back to the trail at a particular spot west of the others and begins looking about for something. Finally, Bog the half-orc emerges from the brush and heads back towards where the others are going as well.

There is still no sign of the younger burly guard, the half-elf archer, the cloaked halfling or the old knight.


Gentleman Billy: still unconscious (stabilized; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward.
Burly Guard#1: lying unconscious on the trail (felled by bolt/arrow); apparently KIAed
Old Man in colorful robes: still unconscious (felled by bolt/arrow; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward.
Old Half-elf Man: still unconscious (felled by bolt/arrow; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward
Armored soldier: KIA
Young nobleman: still being carried by Hartnid but regaining consciousness.


Declared Actions for Round 26?


**** A few PMs will need to go out but the party members are all now visible and almost back together! ****

OOC: By the end of the round, Caelvanna and Griffo will have almost made it back to the main group of surviving party members. Ulrich, Thalion and Bog will make it about halfway. Lauranna will have stopped and knelt down in the brush just off the trail where her and the druidess fought the assassin.

Initiative, Round 25: party loses initiative - Xaxyx rolled a 4 for the party; the baddies rolled a 5. (The unknown d20 roll notated and accounted for)


Initiative, Round 26: I need Alethan to roll a d6, a d20 and a d100 for the party!

Enemy Disposition at the end of Round 25:

~ The demon trapped yet fighting in the red sphere is the only remaining enemy seen at present. There are no other humanoid warriors left alive as far as any can tell.

HPs/Status: Bog* 6/9 ; Caelvanna 2/8 ; Emm 6/6 ; Griffo* 5/10 ; *Hartnid 1/9 ; *Ulrich 1/8 ; Lauranna 3/3 ; Thalion* 5/5
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword* (1st spear thrown); Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-13, silver arrows fired-8); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Hartnid – flail/SC; Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
MO(basically from furthest west to farthest east on trail): 1: Lauranna (just off the trail west of the others) 2: Bog, Thalion and Ulrich (headed back northeastward towards the others), 3: Griffo (heading back towards the others as well), 4: Caelvanna (also heading back and only @ 30 feet away), 5:Hartnid and Emm (furthest east on the trail)
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Re: Action Thread 1

#255 Post by Alethan »

Sir's D6... Initiative [1d6] = 6

Sir's D20... [1d20] = 16

And, finally, Sir's (last?) D100... [1d100] = 63
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Re: Action Thread 1

#256 Post by Xaxyx »

"Ulrich!" Hartnid exclaims. "Thank the All-Father."

Noticing that the human he carries has begun to awaken, Hartnid carefully sets him onto his feet, though still provides him with support with one arm. "Come on, snap out of it," he says to the young man, gently slapping his cheek with his free hand. "We've got to keep moving."
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Re: Action Thread 1

#257 Post by tkrexx »

Hearing the Dwarf behind her call out, Emm turns to see most of the rest of their rag-tag band following up the trail. Straining her eyes, she catches a glimpse of the Elfmaid who saved her and her heart swells knowing she is safe. She turns her attention to the child, trying to use her moment of joy to console her. Look at that silly Sheba! she whispers. Running back and forth and dancing like that!
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Re: Action Thread 1

#258 Post by Alethan »

Holding on to the items in his hand tightly, Bog runs at his fastest speed, trying to catch up with the rest of the party and get as far away from the wizard with the glowing staff as he can.
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Re: Encounter on the Coast Trail: Round 25

#259 Post by dmw71 »

Argennian wrote: By the end of the round, Caelvanna and Griffo will have almost made it back to the main group of surviving party members.
Caelvanna continues her pursuit of the group of party members, hoping to make an expeditious retreat.
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Re: Encounter on the Coast Trail: Round 26

#260 Post by Argennian »

Day 1: Coast Trail (TOD: after midnight)

Round 26

~ Back up the trail Sheba, the gnome couple with their respective, still-unconscious cargoes, the older half-elf woman and hers, the druidess Emm carrying the young child and the dwarven cleric Hartnid and his now-conscious noble cargo are joined by the others. The Wild elf Caelvanna arrives first, with her bow in hand, and quickly takes up a position in the group. The halfling Griffo arrives next and follows suit with his archer counterpart. After a few moments, the big half-orc Bog joins them, sword at the ready and other gear also to hand. A few seconds later, the other dwarven cleric Ulrich arrives, helping the still-woozy Wood elf Thalion along.

The almost entirely reunited party continues to move further back up the trail eastward and away. The gnomes both strain terribly with their heavy human cargo, and look to be about ready to halt from fatigue at any moment. The elderly half-elf woman continues to drag her still unconscious mate with obvious desperation, and appears to silently mouthing a prayer of sorts. Emm continues to do her best to console and reassure the still very much in shock young child, a blank look upon her visage as she clings to her new protector. Hartnid finally sets down the again conscious young nobleman with noticeable relief and proceeds to give him a gentle attention-garnering slap accross the face accompanied with a few words of instruction. The young nobleman shakes his head and appears to be in confusion. He looks back down the trail and sees the huge glowing reddish sphere trapping the very angry-looking demon within it. He sees the angry red staff floating and spinning in the air nearby, popping and crackling like it never had before with a noticeable tentacle of bright red energy coming forth from it and attached to the giant reddish sphere. Within the magical red prison, the gigantic demon begins throwing its massive, muscled weight against the barrier with unworldly rapidity and screaming in a most unnerving and chilling manner. He then sees the elven wizard with the glowing and pulsing pomegranate-sized jewel in his hands out in front of him, and instantly his face takes on a look of extreme shock and terror. The young man moves with a sudden burst of adrenaline and somehow pushes the unsuspecting armored dwarf to the side. He screams out, "NO!! LATHALAMAS!!" as he makes to run back towards his former protector.

It is at that exact point that the High elf Lauranna, having been out of sight in the bushes farther back near where she felled the assassin, suddenly appears and begins sprinting eastward towards the party as fast as a High elf can.

The elven wizard Lathalamas turns his head at his young charge’s desperate and horror-filled cries. He smiles silently yet broadly in response, looking back tenderly through tear-filled eyes of no longer pain and defeat but of joy, relief and reckoning. The former archmage to King Amstillion himself and the High elf royal court and a living legend from the Great War admired by the not just all elves but the many human soldiers he saved and served with, steps over to the floating spinning staff and holds the massive, now glowing brilliantly-blue gem above his head. It instantly glows much brighter and begins pulsing with infinite speed. The ground, the trees, the brush and very air around you becomes still, as if time itself has stopped. For what seems like a great span of mere seconds, everyone remains conscious but momentarily immobilized by a force of magic and nature not experienced nor understood since ancient times. The only one not frozen in time is the elven archmage. He slams the pomegranate-sized magical star sapphire down upon the spinning staff where the tentacle emerges from it. A brilliant light and mighty force explodes forth from the contact. All are blinded and hit with a invisible force that feels like the impact of a giant tree being swung like a toy. Blinding light and force rip the hearing from your ears, the sight from your eyes and the very breath from your lungs. You feel yourself fly backwards, end over end into the dark oblivion of the very void itself…

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