Balding Platypus Inn

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Balding Platypus Inn

#1 Post by Synthalus »

The Balding Platypus Inn

The inn is located in the Foreign Quarter of the City. There aren't very many guests here. The Company has almost booked the Inn completely except for a small handful of rooms.

Each room is 280 Square feet and includes the following.
1. King Sized bed
2. Gnomish Craft steel Chest with Masterwork lock + Key
3. x2 Candelabrum w/3 Candles each
4. Fireplace & wood
5. Desk with chair
6. Table, Small W/2 Chairs
7. Wall Basin & font (for washing face and hands)
8. Armoire for clothes and armor
9. x2 Nightstands w/1 drawer each
10. Rug (Small-Medium) Gnomish make and design.
Last edited by Synthalus on Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#2 Post by Synthalus »


1. Wine (Gnomish,Elvish,Human)
2. Ale (Gnomish,Dwarvish,Elvish,Human)
3. Stout ( Gnomish,Dwarvish,Human)
4. Brandy (Gnomish,Halfling,Human)
5. Lager (Dwarven,Human)
6. Porter (Human)
7. Whiskey (Human,Dwarven)
8. Fuzzy Navel (Torwin Cocktail/potion)
9. Metropolitan (Torwin Cocktail/potion)
10. Water / Milk / Juice
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#3 Post by Synthalus »


The group is able to eat and drink here for free for the duration of the adventure. This is why there are no listed prices for the drinks. Food here is typical medieval fare. I leave it up the players to decide what they want to eat and describe it. The food is of an upper quality and is very satisfying what ever you choose to eat. Characters can fill their wine or water skins here with quality water/wine as much as they like. The Tab for the inn will be paid in full by the Mages college of Pandathaway. As each member of the company of the Jagged rose is of mid-high lvl they are considered professional adventurers, in fact the best money can buy. So eat drink and be merry as much as you like well at the Balding Platypus INN!
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#4 Post by Inferno »

Ulfang the Chainbreaker:

Ulfang the barbarian had come to Gnome Vale. The ridiculous, soft cities of men had always filled him with contempt, but the gnome city was another experience entire.

He ate and drank his fill, which took some time. When his thirst was finally slaked, the Chainbreaker wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and asked the innkeeper darkly, "Does this city have a slave market?"
Though Ulfang's stomach was filled, his soul still hungered.
Ulfang the Chainbreaker.jpg
Ulfang the Chainbreaker.jpg (379.11 KiB) Viewed 1034 times
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#5 Post by Synthalus »

(Finally someone talks to Black Adder!)


Black adder stops cleaning the counter top for a minute and looks up at the large human Barbarian and says;

" Lost your family or clan to slavers ill wager? In answer to your question there is not, but I've heard tell that there is an Orc Tribe a weeks walk west of the city that practices in the black art of slavery. I wouldn't go there by myself if I was you, even with that fancy armor the wizard gave you as the members of this tribe are many and organized. They don't like outsiders much coming into their valley especially those bent on vendetta.

Black Adder Reaches under to counter and produces a Clear bottle of Elvish Vodka he had been saving and gives it to the Barbarian.

" I've was going to drink this on a special occasion but it looks to me that you need it now. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but not one man alone can take down that many Orc's by himself. Drink deep and contemplate your next move friend Barbarian.
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#6 Post by Inferno »

Ulfang the Chainbreaker:

The barbarian's face grew dark. He pulled the cork out with his teeth and sniffed the bottle's mouth as a wolf might smell fresh meat.
When Ulfang was 20 he was shanghaied into piracy by a smiling city man with a bottle.

OOC: Detect poison? :)
Regardless of the result...

The sullen giant refilled his empty glass with the Elvish vodka and offered it to Black. Then he raised the bottle in a toast with the innkeeper. "Death to slavers." Once Black drank deep, so did Ulfang.

OOC: Assuming Black Adder hasn't spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocaine...
Ulfang made short work of the bottle. He stood, thanked Black, threw 10 platinum pieces onto the bar, and made his way back to the wizard. (see that thread)
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#7 Post by Synthalus »


Black enjoys sharing a drink with the large Barbarian and accepts the 10pp as payment for his information and advice, the Elvish Vodka was on the house.

" Good luck out there young one! I truly hope you find your tribe. I know that Barbarians are suspicious of magic but I would like for you to have this as a gift from me to you. If you are ever surrounded without hope of escape or wounded and separated from everyone. Brake this tablet in half and it will transport you to the safety of the Inn's Taproom.

Black Adder hands the Barbarian a Tablet of Recall before he leaves.
"that is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons death may die"

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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#8 Post by Inferno »

Ulfang the Chainbreaker:

Ulfang took the gift and thought, what madness is this?!
"Friend elf, if I am ever surrounded without hope of escape, I'll die alongside my friends with my sword in my hand, slaying until my last breath.
"But perhaps there will be a woman, a child, or an old man who will have need of this. I will keep this for them, and I thank you on their behalf. Fare well."
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#9 Post by Synthalus »


Black adder thinks to himself as he watches the Ulfang leave;

"That one is going to be more then a handful for Sotha to reign in. I only hope my old friend can handle such a brash unadulterated soul like him and be his voice of reason in the dark. Its a real pity that he would look a gift horse in the mouth, take the gift but then in turn then insult that gift. He will never free his family if he does not live long enough to put aside his pride and learn to flee when necessity demands it. I will have to watch this Ulfang carefully to make sure he doesn't cause more trouble then Sotha can handle alone."

Black Adder Greets a customer;

"Sten ! What brings scum like you to my fair inn? And what can I get you tonight? the Usual mug of goose droppings or would you like a pint of elvish or dwarven ale?


Sten sneers at the Innkeeper and says;

" I want to know about this group that comes to my city without my knowledge. What is their purpose here?"


"Its not my place to say such things o' lord of the bottom dwellers! but if you must know then you can talk to my old friend Sotha Sil. Im sure he will be happy to fill you in on all of the juicy details of the visit here. He is the Human wizard in the green hat right over there.

Black points to wizard siting at a table reading a map.


Sten sneer's at the Innkeepers insults again and then walks over to the green wizard;

" I don't know why you are here or what you are doing in my city, but if you or your men screw up what I have here so help me i will make you regret ever coming here. Make sure you tell the rest of your men to stay out of my business. The elf and the dwarf my prove useful to me but make no mistake if they double-cross me you will be the one that pays the price!

With that Sten turns and sneer's at Black one more time before exiting the inn.


"Oi Black what was that all about? and who was that scrawny little twerp? I don't take kind to open threats like that especially when I am doing research!"


"Never mind him Sotha he's harmless, more bark then bite as you humans say! Fancies himself the local king of thieves. But really he's just a pimp and gambling den proprietor nothing more. You let me worry about him old friend. Go back to your studies and ill fetch you another Spiced Ale!
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#10 Post by Synthalus »


Sotha Sil and Black suddenly feel a very powerful ripple in the Weave of magic. Both being Disciples of Azuth the god of magic they have a sixth sense for magical disturbances. Sotha Stands abruptly knocking over the table in so doing and Black Adder side jumps the Bar counter rushing over to his old friend.

Black Says;
" You felt it too? Something very bad is happening very close to here. We must go investigate now before it is too late!"
Sotha Says;
" I have, and I agree, as this is your city lead the way."

Black Adder and Sotha Sil rush out of the Inn following their magical sixth sense to the epicenter of the disturbance with all due haste. (They head in the Direction of the city Dump)
Sotha Sil.jpg
Sotha Sil.jpg (97.69 KiB) Viewed 997 times
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Black Adder.jpg (57.23 KiB) Viewed 997 times
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#11 Post by Synthalus »


Black Adder and Sotha return to the Inn without any incidents and have that drink. Sotha is approached by a fancy robe clad Gnome and his human ranger protector.

Seebonfarien Jebbeddo Guildersleeves

" Sotha! Did you forget something? I told you I was doing some research in the college library and that once I was finished I had to fetch my friend Stefan Golovin from the fighters guild before we left! How could you leave without us? I had to purchase a teleport scroll in order to get us here! Your paying me back for my out of pocket expenses for leaving me, or ill see to it that the guild finds out about this.

Stefan Golovin

"Seebonfarien is right, explain yourself?"


"Seebonfarien right! damn I did forget you didn't I? I am very sorry my small friend, in my haste to organize the party for teleport I left you and your man behind. of course I will pay you back for your out of pocket expenses once the mission is complete. But until then please feel free to check into your room and eat an drink as much as you like. The others are at the city arena competing in prize fights to pass the time until tomorrow nights feast before we set of for the temple."
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#12 Post by Dogma »


The gnome illusionist is slightly taken aback at Sotho Sil's quick agreement to his demands for payment. "Humph! And do not think I won't be keeping detailed records of those expenses, Sotha." Seebo smoothes the front of his robes before continuing in a more settled tone. "Now, you say the others are at the arena? Well, I guess we should go meet them, though why at such a place as the arena is beyond me. Barbarism it is!"He shakes his head, a moue of distaste on his lips. "I will go settle my baggage in my suite and then travel to athe arean if I must."
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#13 Post by saalaria »

Stefan shakes his head and hides a smile from his gnome companion.

"The arena? Hmmm I have never been one much for the gladiatorial arts but if our erstwhile companions are involved it would be good to see what they have got. Certainly before we travel with them and put our trust in them."
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#14 Post by saalaria »

"So Seebo shall we go to the arena?"
Stefan gets redy to leave the Inn.
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#15 Post by saalaria »

Stefan heads to the arena, dragging Seebo if necessary . Hopefully the companions are in time to catch the Battle Royale
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#16 Post by Dogma »

Seeba scurries from his room and down the stairs as Stefan heads out the door to the arena. "I just had to sort out my clothes. If I leave them in the trunk they are just ruined from the wrinkles.," he says as he smooths the front of a new fuchsia and lime green robe.
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#17 Post by saalaria »

"Don't worry - you look radiant as ever Seebo, i am sure the town will agree!"

Once at the arena we will select seats
I m assuming Seebo would go expensive, Dog? Stefan definitely would be a cheapskate!
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#18 Post by Synthalus »


The witty banter between seebo and Stefan is priceless! I am laughing my butt off over you too! thanks for that.
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#19 Post by Synthalus »


Black Adder waits until the minstrel finishes his last set for the night and then rings a gallon jug sized bronze bell located behind the bar attached to the wall. This bell is rung to signal that it is last call in the pub for drinks. The balding Platypus Inn will be closing for the night in one hour. Dont worry, all Guests of the Inn will be able to get into the Inn after hours. The Inn's guest ledger is magical and all confirmed guests of the Inn who have signed in can open any of the locked doors into the inn after hours magically.

" Last call has been sounded everyone, If you would like to purchase one last drink now is the time to do it. In one hour the doors will be locked and only offical guests of the in may stay. Thank you for coming out to my establishment tonight and i look forward to seeing you all again."
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Re: Balding Platypus Inn

#20 Post by Inferno »

Ulfang Chainbreaker, barbarian:

Coming from the arena, Ulfang burst in to the ale house with his friends."By the gods, serving as this city's executioner AND entertainer is thirsty work! First round is on us!"

The Company of the Jagged Rose already get free drinks here, but Ulfang will buy everyone else in here a drink, on behalf of the Company, to get this party properly started!
"Easy come, easy go" was the barbarian way of life. Except it hadn't exactly been "easy come" this time. ;)
In any event, Ulfang was happy to give Black Adder business after the barkeep went out of his way to help and befriend the barbarian.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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