Player Character Forum Sheet

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Player Character Forum Sheet

#1 Post by Omega1143 »

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Castien Larenthalryl

#2 Post by dmw71 »

Castien Larenthalryl.jpg
Castien Larenthalryl.jpg (16.19 KiB) Viewed 1112 times
Last Updated: Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Update Reason: Updated experience point total.

Name: Castien Larenthalryl
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: High Elf
Class: Mage (1)
Experience: 131 / 2,500 (+10% bonus)
Languages (Spoken): Common, Elf, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc
Languages (Read & Write): Common, Elf, Goblin, Orc

Gender: Male | Age: 126 | Height: 4'08" (56 inches) | Weight: 100 pounds | Hair: Black | Eyes: Brown

Family: Larenthalryl's | Clan: ??? | Home: Veluna | Patron: ??? | Religion: ??? | Birth Rank: 1 | # Siblings: 0
Social Class: ??? | Status: Single | Honor: ??? | Base Honor: ??? | Reaction Adjustment: 0

STR: 8 (To Hit: 0 | Dam: 0 | Weight: 35 | Max Press: 90 | Open Doors: 5 | Bend Bars/Gates: 1%)
DEX: 13 (Reaction Adj: 0 | Missile Attack Adj: 0 | Defensive Adj: 0)
CON: 4 (Hit Points: -1 | Sys Shock: 40% | Resurrection: 45% | Poison Save: 0 | Regeneration: Nil)
INT: 17 (#Languages: 6 | Spell Level: 8th | Know Spell: 75% | Max Spell/Lvl: 14 | Illusion Immunity: -)
WIS: 11 (Magic Defense Adj: 0 | Spell Bonus: 0 | Spell Failure: 10% | Spell Immunity: -)
CHA: 12 (Max Henchmen: 5 | Loyalty Base: 0 | Reaction Adj: 0)

HP: 2/2 (current/maximum) (-1 per level constitution penalty)

AC: 10 (No armor or bonus)
Rear AC: 10

THAC0: 20
Movement Rate: 12"

Saving Throws (pg 134)
Paralyze/Poison (): 14
Rod, Staff, or Wand (): 11
Petrification/Polymorph (): 13
Breath Weapon (): 15
Spells (): 12

Weapon Proficiencies: 1 (1/6 levels with -5 penalty)
- Quarterstaff

Non-weapon Proficiencies: 10 (4+6 Intelligence Bonus) (1/3 levels)
- Cartography | Int -2 (15)
- Etiquite | Cha 0 (12)
- Heraldry | Int 0 (17)
- Languages (Speak): Goblin | Int 0 (17)
- Languages (Speak): Hobgoblin | Int 0 (17)
- Languages (Speak): Orc | Int 0 (17)
- Languages (Read & Write): Common | Int +1 (18)
- Languages (Read & Write): Elf | Int +1 (18)
- Languages (Read & Write): Goblin | Int +1 (18)
- Languages (Read & Write): Orc | Int +1 (18)

Travelling Spellbook
1st: Charm Person
Charm Person (page 171) (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 120 yards
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 1 person
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell affects any single person it is cast upon. The term person includes any bipedal human, demihuman or humanoid of man-size or smaller, such as brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, lizard men, nixies, orcs, pixies, sprites, troglodytes, and others. Thus, a 10th level fighter could be charmed, but an ogre could not.

The person receives a saving throw vs. spells to avoid the effect, with any adjustment due to Wisdom (see Table 5). If the person receives damage from the caster's group in the same round the charm is cast, an additional bonus of +1 per hit point of damage received is added to the victim's saving throw.

If the spell recipient fails his saving throw, he regards the caster as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. The spell does not enable the caster to control the the charmed creature as if it were an automaton, but any word or action of the caster is viewed in the most favorable way. Thus, a charmed person would not obey a suicide command, but he might believe the caster if assured that the only chance to save the caster's life is for the person to hold back an onrushing red dragon for "just a minute or two." Note also that the spell does not endow the caster with the linguistic capabilities beyond those he normally possesses (i.e. he must speak the victim's language to communicate his commands).

The duration of the spell is a function of the charmed person's intelligence and is tied to the saving throw. The spell may be broken if a successful saving throw is rolled, and this saving throw is checked on a periodic basis, according to the creature's intelligence (see the following table). If the caster harms, or attempts to harm, the charmed person by some overt action, or if a dispel magic spell is successfully cast upon the charmed person, the charm spell is broken.

If two or more charm effects simultaneously affect a creature, the result is decided by the DM. This could range from one effect being clearly dominant, to the subject being torn by conflicting desires, to new saving throws that could negate both spells.

Note that the subject has full memory of the events that took place while he was charmed.

Intelligence Score [Time Between Checks]
3 or less [3 months]
4-6 [2 months]
7-9 [1 month]
10-12 [3 weeks]
13-14 [2 weeks]
15-16 [1 week]
17 [3 days]
18 [2 days]
19 or more [1 day]

Note: The period between checks is the time period during which the check occurs. When to roll the check during this time is determined (randomly or by selection) by the DM. The roll is made secretly.
1st: Identify
Identify (page 175) (Divination)
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: 1 item/level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: Special
Saving Throw: None

When an identify spell is cast, magical items subsequently touched by the wizard can be identified. The eight hours immediately preceding the casting of the spell must be spent purifying the items and removing influences that would corrupt and blur their magical auras. If this period is interrupted, it must be begun again. When the spell is case, each item must be handled in turn by the wizard. Any consequences of this handling fall fully upon the wizard and may end the spell, although the wizard is allowed any applicable saving throw.

The chance of learning a piece of information about an item is equal to 10% per level of the caster, to a maximum of 90%, rolled by the DM. Any roll of 96-100 indicates a false reading (91-95 reveals nothing). Only one function of a multi-function item is discovered per handling (i.e., a 5th-level wizard could attempt to determine the nature of five different items, five different functions of a single item, or any combination of the two). If any attempt at reading fails, the caster cannot learn any more about that item until he advances a level. Not that some items, such as special magical tomes, cannot be identified with this spell.

The item never reveals its exact attack or damage bonuses, although the fact that has few or many bonuses can be determined. If it has charges, only a general indication of the number of charges remaining is learned: powerful (81% - 100% of the total possible charges), strong (61% - 80%), moderate (41% - 60%), weak (6% - 40%), or faint (five charges or less). The faint result takes precedence, so a fully charged ring of three wishes always appears to be only faintly charged.

After casting the spell and determining what can be learned from it, the wizard loses 8 points of Constitution. He must rest for one hour to recover each point of Constitution. If the 8-point drop loss drops the spellcaster below a Constitution of 1, he falls unconscious. Consciousness is not regained until full Constitution is restored, which takes 24 hours (one point per three hours for an unconscious character).

The material components of this spell are a pearl (of at least 100gp value) and an owl feather steeped in wine; the infusion must be drunk prior to spellcasting. If a luckstone is powdered and added to the infusion, the divination becomes much more potent: Exact bonuses or charges can be determined, and the functions of a multi-functional item can be learned from a single reading. At the DM's option, certain properties of an artifact or relic might also be learned.
1st: Read Magic
Read Magic (page 178) (Divination)
Range: 0
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

By means of a read magic spell, the wizard is able to read magical inscriptions on objects -- books, scrolls, weapons, and the like -- that would otherwise be totally unintelligible. (The personal books of the wizard, and works already magically read, are intelligible.) This deciphering does not normally invoke the magic contained in the writing, although it may do so in the case of a cursed scroll. Furthermore, once the spell is case and the qizard has read the magical inscription, he is thereafter able to read that particular writing without recourse to the use of the read magic spell. The duration of the spell is two rounds per level of experience of the spellcaster; the wizard can read one page or its equivalent per round.

The wizard must have a clear crystal or mineral prism, which is not expended, to cast the spell.
1st: Sleep
Sleep (page 178) (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 30 yards
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: None

When a wizard casts a sleep spell, he causes a comatose slumber to come upon one or more creatures (other than undead and certain other creatures specifically excluded from the spell's effects). All creatures to be affected by the sleep spell must be within 30 feet of each other. The number of creatures that can be affected is a function of Hit Dice or levels. The spell affects 2d4 Hit Dice of monsters. Monsters with 4+3 Hit Dice or more are unaffected. The center of the area of affect is determined by the spell caster. The creatures with the least Hit Dice are affected first, and partial effects are ignored.

For example, a wizard casts sleep at three kobolds, two gnolls, and an ogre. The roll (2d4) result is a 4. All the kobolds and one gnoll are affected (0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 2.0 = 3.5 Hit Dice). Note that the remainder is not enough to affect the last gnoll or the ogre.
Current Spell(s) Memorized
1st: Sleep

Quarterstaff (#Attacks: 1 | Attack Adj: -2 | Damage Adj: -1 | Damage: 1d6 | Range: 0 | Weight: 4 | Size: L | Type: B | Speed: 4)

Equipment (Total Starting Cost: 27gp + 121sp + 0cp)

Armor --> (Cost/Weight): 0gp (0.0)

Clothing --> (Cost/Weight): 1gp, 19sp (5.0)
Belt (3sp/-)
Boots, soft (1gp/-)
Cloak (8sp/-)
Sash (2sp/-)
Surcoat (6sp/-)

Weapons --> (Cost/Weight): 0gp (4.0)
Quarterstaff (-/4)

Equipment --> (Cost/Weight): 26gp, 102sp, 0cp (8.5)
Belt (3sp/-)
Boots, soft (1gp/-)
Cloak (8sp/-)
Sash (2sp/-)
Surcoat (6sp/-)
Backpack (2gp/2)
- Travelling Spellbook (28 pages; 14 used) (-/1)
Belt pouch, large (1gp/1)
- Map or scroll case (8sp/0.5)
-> Paper (5 sheets) (2gp/-) each
- Map or scroll case (8sp/0.5)
-> Parchment (5 sheets) (1gp/-) each
- Map or scroll case (8sp/0.5)
-> Papyrus (5 sheets) (8sp/-) each
- Map or scroll case (8sp/0.5)
-> Empty
- Map or scroll case (8sp/0.5)
-> Empty
- Wineskin (8sp/1)
Belt pouch, small (7sp/0.5)
- Coins
Belt pouch, small (7sp/0.5)
- Spell components (-/-)
- Writing Ink (1 vial) (8gp/1)

Magic Items --> (Cost/Weight): 0 (0.0)

Coins/Treasure (starting gold: 50 gp) (1.1)
PP: 0
GP: 10
SP: 1
CP: 0
Gems: 0
Jewelry: 0
Other Valuables: 0

Expense Tracking
PP: 0
GP: 14 10
SP: 2 1
CP: 0
Other Valuables:

1sp | Beggar outside of Hommlet | 579 CY, Goodmonth 9 (7:30pm)
4gp | Inn of the Welcome Wench (room, beverage and tip) | 579 CY, Goodmonth 9 (10:00pm) link
Encumbrance(Strength Weight Allowance: 35)
Armor: 0.0
Clothing: 5.0
Weapons: 4.0
Equipment: 8.5
Magic: 0
Coin: 1.1
Total Encumbrance: 18.6

Special Abilities
- Infravision: 60'
- 90% resistance to sleep and charm spells *
- Any non-crossbow: +1 to hit
- Long or short sword: +1 to hit
- Detect Secret Doors: 1 in 6 when passing, 2 in 6 when searching
- Detect Concealed Doors: 3 in 6
- Opponents suffer a -4 penalty to their surprise die rolls when traveling in non-metal armor and alone (or with other elves or halflings), or more than 90 feet in advance of others.
===> Note: If a door must be opened (or some similar task), the surprise penalty is reduced to -2.

It has been 26 years since Ganuan and Tinees Larenthalryl sent their first and only child, Castien, off to the academy. It was apparent early on that Castien was gifted. Ganuan had hoped that Castien would follow in his footsteps and go on to become a proud elven warrior and Castien, not wanting to disappoint his father, spent most of his formative years training diligently in the ways of battle. While he was able to quickly embrace the concepts behind, and assimilate the actual techniques required of using many weapons of war, Castien struggled mightily with endurance. It wasn’t long before Castien collapsed during one of his training sessions and, upon recovering, it was discovered that he had legitimate issues with his lungs which made any form of cardiovascular activity difficult.

Ganuan was wise enough to realize pressing his son would not be in his best interest so he allowed Castien to pursue his own interests.

All the while he was training with his father, Castien knew he took after his mother, Tinees, a librarian in his birthplace, Veluna. Once freed from his battle training, Castien spent many hours absorbing the wealth of information in the library his mother worked in in addition to his regular schooling.

Castien realized had a natural aptitude for languages. He was speaking his native elven language and the common tongue at a very early age. His father, when he still harbored hopes that his son would someday turn into a battle tested warrior, encouraged him to learn the languages of some common enemies knowing first-hand how beneficial it can be to understand the spoken word of your foe.

In addition to learning to speak a handful of languages, Castien learned to read and write in them as well. He is proficient in reading and writing all of them but one of the languages he speaks, and this last language he is still studying with hopes of adding to his repertoire at some point as well.


It was on his centennial birthday that Ganuan and Tinees allowed Castien to enroll in a magic academy. Neither Ganuan nor Tinees had any magical aptitude, and it wasn’t easy for either of them to accept that their offspring may, but Castien was determined to prove them wrong. Many of the hours he spent in his mother’s library were spent trying to learn the ways of magic. On his 98th birthday, Castien was able to perform a since forgotten, but simple cantrip for his parents. Even after reproducing the cantrip on multiple occasions, it took his parents two years before they finally agreed to let their child go.


Upon arrival at the academy, Castien was placed in the apprenticeship of Ritoluin Pathmagus, a relatively accomplished mage. For 25 years Castien had been a hard-working and loyal subject of Ritoluin, learning much. In fact, he began to develop some actual power and Ritoluin knew it wouldn’t be long before it would be time for Castien to set off on his own.

Castien balked at the notion when Ritoluin first made the suggestion. “Go off, on my own.” Castien thought aloud. “To do what, exactly?” It was the latter question that troubled Castien the most.

What were Ritoluin’s expectations of him?

Ritoluin feared Castien would be perfectly happy to remain an apprentice for his entire life, or possibly a researcher of some kind. Ritoluin knew Castien was capable of so much more – more than he allowed himself to even consider – so, Ritoluin informed Castien that he would allow him one final year of apprenticeship before ending his tutelage. At least temporarily.

Convincing Castien of his capabilities was not easy. Castien was bright and he saw through many of Ritoluin’s rationalizations as to why it was so important for Castien to set off on his own. Finally, Ritoluin was able to reach him. Ritoluin had bestowed upon Castien a simple 28 page travelling spell book during his apprenticeship and, having already learned four simple spells, this travelling spell book was going to quickly become unsuitable for his needs.

He would need more.

He would need a standard spell book.

Castien knew that a non-travelling spell book would someday become a necessity, and it was the realization that this need was arriving sooner rather than later that convinced him that perhaps Ritoluin was right. He knew standard spell books were expensive and it would take him longer than he wanted to raise that money tutoring or performing other menial tasks.

There was also the issue of spell components. While serving as an apprentice Castien had access to all the components Ritoluin had acquired himself over the years. He realized, if Ritoluin actually did keep his word and release him from his apprenticeship, that these days of free supplies in exchange for services was quickly coming to an end.

It was time and, despite his initial reluctance, Castien was now fully committed.

After a quick return home to reunite with his parents after 26 long years, Castien was ready to finally embark upon his own, hoping to gain knowledge, experience and, maybe above all...

Miscellaneous Information (Magical Items, Command Words, Small Maps, Etc.)

Henchmen/Animal Companions

Roll Tracking
All Rolls

Hit points (1st level) [1d4] = 3 (-1 due to lowering my constitution to a 4 after the roll)
Starting money (x10): [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5

Damage Taken

Spell Memorization (PHB: 107 | PDF: 108)
Memorization is not a thing that happens immediately. The wizard must have a clear head gained from a restful night's sleep and then has to spend time studying his spell books. The amount of study time needed is 10 minutes per level of the spell being memorized. Thus, a 9th-level spell (the most powerful) would require 90 minutes of careful study. Clearly, high-level spellcasters do not lightly change their memorized spells.
Last edited by dmw71 on Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:18 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: Player Character Forum Sheet

#3 Post by Xaxyx »


Name: Ausus tuulo'Welkwood ("Ausus from Welkwood")
Race: Half-Elf
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Fighter 1
Exp: 0/2000

AC: 6
Hit points: 3/3
Hit points level 1: [1d10] = 3

Str: 13
Int: 9
Wis: 9
Dex: 12
Con: 13
Cha: 12

Saving throws:
PPDM: 14
RSW: 16
PP: 15
BW: 17
Spell: 17

Weapon proficiencies:
- Two-handed sword (specialized)
- Short bow
- Dagger

Non-weapon proficiencies:
- Leatherworking (9)
- Hunting (8)
- Animal Lore (9)
- Riding, Land-Based (12)
- Swimming (13)

- Two-handed sword (+1 to-hit, 1d10+2/3d6+2 damage, 3/2 attacks per round)
- Hide Armor

Money/Gems: 35g
Starting gold: [5d4] = 10 x 10
Last edited by Xaxyx on Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Character Forum Sheet

#4 Post by Alethan »


Name: Quoros Spiritforged
Race: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Class: Fighter 1/Cleric 1
Exp: 0/2000 0/1500

Hit points: 4/4
Hit points level 1: ([1d8] = 8 (Cleric HD) + [1d10] = 1 (Fighter HD))/2 = 4

STR: 12
DEX: 8
CON: 13
INT: 12
WIS: 14
CHA: 9

Saving throws:
PR/PN: 10/7
RSW: 11
PP: 13
BW: 16
Spell: 12

Prepared Spells:
1st Level:
Cure Light Wounds (x3)

Weapon proficiencies: Mace, Club, Staff, Sling

Non-weapon proficiencies:
- Healing (12/WIS)
- Heraldry (12/INT)
- Herbalism (10/INT)
- Local History (9/CHA)
- Religion (14/WIS)

Footman's Mace (1D6+1/1D6dmg)
Bronzewood Club (1D6/1D3dmg)
Quarterstaff (strapped to backpack) (1D6/1D6dmg)
Belt Pouch, large
- Sling (1d4+1/1d6+1dmg)
- Sling Bullets (7)
- Sling Bullets (17)
- Candle (5)
- Flint and Steel
- Mirror, small, metal
- Rope, 50', silk
- Sack, large
- Sack, small
- Wineskin
- Rations, Iron (1 week)
Shield, medium
Tartan hat
- Holy Symbol (Starburst Badge of St. Cuthbert pinned to hat)

Starting gold: [5d4x10] = 14x10 = 140 (gold)

PP: 0
GP: 0
SP: 3
CP: 4


Other Treasure:


“Yes, yes, I know,” he replies, shaking his head from side to side before taking a gulp of ale from an earthen mug. “I’ve heard these arguments before! Look, it is not a question of forgetting who I am. I am, and always will be, Dwur. I know my roots and the history of my people. I spent many a year praying to and swearing by Moradin and Clanggedin… and I still do, to this day. But dammit!” He slams the mug down on the table, rattling the fork resting on his tin plate and startling the other dwarves at the table.

He gestures to them with a wave of his arm. “Look what good it’s done us! Our northern families torn apart; wives, children, and friends missing – or dead – and the hearth fires of our ancestral homes no longer warming us against the chill of the cool fall evenings. These are hard times. The people need gods they can look to for support – moral, spiritual, and physical, should the need arise! They need gods of action!”

He leans back in his chair and removes a briar pipe and a worn leather pouch of longweed from the inside pocket of his kirtle. He takes his time filling the pipe, then lights a spill off of one of the table’s candles and puts it to the pipe bowl, puffing at the stem.

Using the flaming spill for emphasis, he points at one of the other dwarvess at the table, “But the Dwur gods have more important things on their mind these days, it seems…” He sets the spill onto the plate and lets out a long sigh, exhaling the sweet musky smoke of longweed through his bulbous nose at the same time. “Searching for gems… or more of their precious mithril…” He shakes his head again. “Who knows what they’re doing. It certainly isn’t helping us fight that blasted devil, Iuz.” He spits on the ground and his eyes are drawn to the chipped and worn edge of the wooden table for a moment.

“St. Cuthbert, now…”, he looks up and raises an eye brow. “Now there is a lad who gets behind his people.” His left hand reaches down to the floor by his side and picks up a stout bronzewood club, lofting it into the air. “He charges into battle, leading his faithful followers while swinging a cudgel (not unlike this one) in one hand and that great big mace of his in the other. He preaches of the virtues of a lawful and orderly society AND he isn’t afraid to roll up his sleeves and, by the gods, help us bring that society about!” He slams the club down onto the table in front of him, to thunderous effect, crumpling the tin plate in the process. The fork clatters to the floor and the ashes of the burnt spill scatter across the table.

“Errr… oops.” He says, catching the frown of the bartender out of the corner of his eye. “Sorry about that, Brennan,” and flashes him a smile. “Got a bit carried away, is all…” He reaches into a small pouch and pulls out a few coppers and tosses them onto the ruined plate. Then he stands up, picks up his club and dusts some crumbs off his large barrel-shaped chest.

“Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m headin’ north. I can’t just stand here, waiting to see if those northern armies can keep that devil at bay. By St. Cuthbert’s blessing, I’ve got to see what I can do to help.”

With that, the dwarf grabs an old worn traveling cloak from a lower wooden peg on the wall and throws it over his shoulders. Then he shoves a crumpled tartan hat onto his balding head and walks to the front door.

“I hear there’s trouble brewing up just north of the Kron Hills. I’m headed that way, if any of you lads wants to tag along.”
He pauses at the door, waiting to see if any of the others makes a move to join him. After a few seconds, it becomes obvious they won’t.

“Right, then. By the grace of St. Cuthbert, I’ll see you all later.” He opens the door and steps out into the street, closing the door behind him. After a few steps, he turns back and stares at the door of the pub. “Blast,” he mutters, “I guess I still need to work on my presentation.”

And, then, Quoros Spiritforged shoulders his pack and begins his long trek north.
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: Player Character Forum Sheet

#5 Post by Nuke66 »

Final, I do believe

Name: Karalquint Cavanethal (Karl)
Race: Elf
Alignment: NG
Class: Fighter 1
Exp: 0/2000

ARMOR CLASS (Armor Worn: Chain and Shield)
- Base: 2
- Shieldless: 3
- Rear: 5

Hit points: 3
[1d10] = 3 hit points

Str: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 12
Dex: 16 (+1,+1,-2)
Con: 9
Cha: 12

Saving throws:
PPDM: 14
RSW: 16
PP: 15
BW: 17
Spell: 17

Weapon proficiencies: Long Sword (specialized, +1,+2), Short Bow, Spear

Non-weapon proficiencies: Blind-fighting, Rope Use

Special Abilities
- Infravision: 60'
- 90% resistance to sleep and charm spells *
- Any non-crossbow: +1 to hit
- Long or short sword: +1 to hit
- Detect Concealed Doors: 1 in 6 when passing, 3 in 6 when searching
- Detect Secret Doors: 2 in 6
- Opponents suffer a -4 penalty to their surprise die rolls when traveling in non-metal armor and alone (or with other elves or halflings), or more than 90 feet in advance of others.

Chain Mail
Medium Shield
Long Sword
Boots, Riding
Large Belt pouch x2
Small Belt pouch
Flint and Steel

Money/Gems: 4gp, 1 sp
Starting gold: [5d4x10] = 11x10 = 110 starting gold

Karalquint was born to Laquesha and Thermode, both of who shared a commission the the Defense Brigade headquartered in Pitchfield, the Capital of Sunndi. It varied a bit, but typically, one parent would serve while the other was at home caring for their two offspring. The only real question out of most of the populace was how they were actually conceived.

Anyway, Karl and his younger sister, Aquina, both were raised in a strict military household. It didn't take long for them to pick up habits from their parents as they were so alike. In addition to chores, they were expected to spend some time daily in at least three areas, two of which were directly supervised by which ever parent was home at the time, exercise, and martial arts. Karl quickly gravitated to the Long Sword, and Aquina the Short Bow. The mental skills were taught as well by an Elder, Quintain, who showed them the basics, but sadly, neither one had the knack for any further arcane lessons.

As time went by, and the two were deemed 'old enough' both of their parents were promoted to full time commissions, resulting in limited supervision. Free from the leash, the two relaxed a bit, but were severely chastised by their Father upon a return visit, essentially resulting in their being kicked out from the only home they had ever known.

They traveled a bit together, but eventually went their separate ways, to seek, fame, fortune, and above all, vindication.
Last edited by Nuke66 on Thu May 31, 2012 1:54 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Player Character Forum Sheet

#6 Post by saalaria »


Name: Gandrel Fairburn
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Religion: Rudd
Race: High Elf
Class: Mage/Thief
Mage 61 / 2,500 (+10% bonus)
Thief 67 / 1,250

- Total: 4 / 4
-> Level 1/1
Damage: 0
url= ... ne&id=4657][1d4] = 3[/url]
highlight an entire string (more about this)
PbP Forum code: [1d6] = 6

ARMOR CLASS (Armor Worn: Leather)
- Base: 5
- Surprised: 5
- Shieldless: 5
- Rear: 8

- Base: 12
- Light ( )
- Moderate ( )
- Heavy ( )
- Severe ( )
- Jog (x2)
- Run (x3): Run (x4): Run (x5):

STR: 13 (To Hit: -, Dam: - Weight: 45, Max Press: 140, Open Doors: 7, Bend Bars/Gates: 4%)
DEX: 17 (Reaction Adj: +2, Missile Attack Adj: +2, Defensive Adj: -3)
CON: 13 (Hit Points: 0, Sys Shock: 85%, Resurrection: 90%, Poison Save: 0, Regeneration: Nil)
INT: 15 (#Languages: 4, Spell Level: 7th, Know Spell: 65%, Max Spell/Lvl: 11, Illusion Immunity: -)
WIS: 13 (Magic Defense Adj: 0, Spell Bonus: -, Spell Failure: -, Spell Immunity: -)
CHA: 10 (Max Henchmen: 4, Loyalty Base: 0, Reaction Adj: 0)

Paralyze/Poison (): 13
Rod, Staff, or Wand (): 11
Petrification/Polymorph (): 12
Breath Weapon (): 15
Spells (): 12

Weapon Proficiencies: 2 (1/4 levels with -3 penalty)
Short Bow

Non-weapon Proficiencies: 7 (3+4 Intelligence Bonus) (1/4 levels)
Blind fighting (-2 TH in Darkness, Starlight -1, No AC penalty, 1/2 move penalty in dark, -2 TH invisible
Jumping (Can Pole Vault)
Reading Lips (Common)
Tumbling (1/2 Dam fall <60')
Languages - Common, Elf, Orc

Starting Money: 100 GP

[2d6x10] = 10x10 = 100

Weapons: (#Attacks: , Attack Adj: , Damage Adj: , Damage (S/M): , Damage (L): , Range: , Weight: , Size: , Type: , Speed: )

Long Sword (#AT 1, TH +1, DAM 0, S/M 1-8, L 1-12, W 4, SZ M, T S, Sp 5)
Sheaf Arrow (#AT 2, TH +3, DAM 0, S/M 1-8, L 1-8, R 5/10/15, W 0, SZ M, T P, Sp 7 (S/Bow)
Flight Arrow (#AT 2, TH +3, DAM 0, S/M 1-6, L 1-6, R 5/10/15, W 0, SZ M, T P, Sp 7 (S/Bow)

Ammunition (Qty) Sheaf Arrow 12
Ammunition (Qty) Flight Arrow 12

Special Attacks
Travelling Spell Book (20 pages)
1st level
Audible Glamer (1 page)
Colour Spray (5 pages)
Read Magic (3 pages)
Magic Missile (4 pages)

Colour Spray

Special Abilities

- Infravision: 60'
- 90% resistance to sleep and charm spells *
- Any non-crossbow: +1 to hit
- Long or short sword: +1 to hit
- Detect Concealed Doors: 1 in 6 when passing, 3 in 6 when searching
- Detect Secret Doord: 2 in 6
- Opponents suffer a -4 penalty to their surprise die rolls when traveling in non-metal armor and alone (or with other elves or halflings), or more than 90 feet in advance of others.
===> Note: If a door must be opened (or some similar task), the surprise penalty is reduced to -2.

Gender: Male
Age: 115
Height: 5' 0''
Weight: 100lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green

Gear (Total Enc 40)
Item (Weight)

Long Sword (4)
Leather Armour (15)
Short Bow (2)
Backpack (2)
Quiver (1)
12 Sheaf Arrows (1)
12 Flight Arrows (1)
Dry Rations
Waterskin (1)
Thieves Picks (1)
6 Lamp Oil (6)
6 Torches (6)
Belt Pouch

Water/Wine... 1
Rations...... 1

GP: 1
SP: 5
CP: 58

Purple Gem

Other Valuables:

Miscellaneous Information (Magical Items, Command Words, Small Maps, Etc.)

Henchmen/Animal Companions

# Att


Gandrel was born to Elven merchant parents from Veluna. They made their living travelling the land and bringing back non-Elven items to sell in their home city. On one such trip abroad to Verbobonc, when Gandrel was but an infant, they were ambushed by orcs and the party slain. Gandrel was taken by the orcs in order that he could be used as a slave but fortunately a patrol of the Viscount's guard came upon the orcish band and slew them. They took Gandrel back to Verbobonc as he clearly had nowhere else to go.
He was placed in the care of an orphanage which, unbeknownst to most, had close links to the Thieves Guild. The thieves took the youngsters, once they had been deemed suitable, and apprenticed them as pickpockets or lookouts for their various schemes. Gandrel, having been hardened by the death of his parents and having sworn hatred and revenge against any orcs he met in future, took to this life like a duck to water and served a fair part of what would have been his teenage years (in human terms) honing his thieving abilities, his agility and dextrousness serving him particularly well.
One day he eventually was caught in the act of picking a pocket of a senior member of the Mage's Guild by the mage himself. Fortunately the mage, Adolphus Rufus, was a kindly soul, who had lost his wife to orc marauders. Once he had heard Gandrel's tale, Adolphus offered to teach him about all things orcish to aid him in his quest for revenge and it was during this time he learnt the orc’s tongue. During the course of these studies, Adolphus realised his pupil had a great intellect and would be a perfect pupil for the magical arts so he offered to become Gandrel’s teacher and mentor which was readily accepted.
Gandrel learnt spellcraft by day and burglary by night and eventually became too well known around Verbobonc to continue to operate successfully as a thief but by now he had also decided it was time to take his quest for revenge into the wider world; if he became rich in the process that was a happy bonus. So he bid farewell to Adolphus, swearing to return periodically to continue his studies, to seek out whatever orcs he could to slake his thirst for retribution….
Last edited by saalaria on Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Quoros Spiritforged Expenses Log

#7 Post by Alethan »

(I like to keep track of this, but I don't like muddling up my character sheet with the unnecessary list that eventually gets quite long, so I'm just grabbing another spot under the Character thread to track it all...)

Expense Tracking:
PP: 0
GP: 1
SP: 1953
CP: 64

2cp - to the beggar outside of Hommlet (Goodmonth 9)
2sp - an ale at the inn (Goodmonth 9)
4sp - donation to church of St. Cuthbert (Goodmonth 9)
2sp - common room for one night (Goodmonth 9)
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: Quoros Spiritforged Expenses Log

#8 Post by dmw71 »

Alethan wrote:(I like to keep track of this, but I don't like muddling up my character sheet with the unnecessary list that eventually gets quite long, so I'm just grabbing another spot under the Character thread to track it all...)
Oh, I like this!

I'll keep mine in my character sheet, however, wrapping it in 'spoiler' tags (like I started to do with my background information). I'd just assume have to update a single post instead of multiple, but this level of accountability and organization definitely appeals to me so thanks for the inspiration!
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Re: Player Character Forum Sheet

#9 Post by saalaria »

Me too... but I think I will be picking-pockets of the locals before too long..either that or starve!
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