Day 1

Mr Stereo1
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Re: Day 1

#41 Post by Mr Stereo1 »

"Well I'm not going in there, even if it's gone." Hans states firmly. "You want to wait for it to come back again?"
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Re: Day 1

#42 Post by Leitz »

Alaric sees a faint trace of dew on the leaves near the opening. Whatever covered things up did so yesterday.

What sort of snares?
What does the group do next?
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Re: Day 1

#43 Post by tibbius »

"So it covered the door last night after we left," says Mateusz. "Maybe it watched us and waited til we left. Maybe it was in the hole while we were out here, left the hole after we left, and anyway it still must be out somewhere. This would be a good time to build a fire in the hole, I think. Burn out its nest."

Unless he's dissuaded, he starts gathering fuel for a fire, piling it next to the concealed door.
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Re: Day 1

#44 Post by cybersavant »

Alarik, Visigoth hunter

"Very good. Unfortunately i can't find any tracks. They've covered them well. I suspect we are in the ambush instead of setting it."

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Re: Day 1

#45 Post by Leitz »

Flint and steel work well, and within a short time a small fire is going. Dry leaves are in abundance, and a fallen branch can be found to push the gorwing fire, and more leaves, into the small tunnel. Something of a slight draft pulls the smoke inward, and soon armfuls of dried leaves are pressed into the tunnel and set alight. The only difficult is not blocking the air flow completely, and that is easily fixed with a longer branch.

The fire has been going for several minutes, and much smoke has been produced. No one is surprised when terrified rat screeches are heard.

Then there are visceral snarls of anger and high pitched pleas for help.
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Re: Day 1

#46 Post by tibbius »

"I didn't think there'd be a person in there," says Mateusz to Hans and Alaric, "and it sickens me to think of a person who would live amid rotting flesh."

"Name yourself!" he yells through the smoke and flames. He makes no move to put the fire out.

Keeping in mind the casual disregard for human life that typified the era ...
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Day 1

#47 Post by Mr Stereo1 »

"Could be our friends in there." Hans points out helpfully, picking up his club and putting his back against the wall. "Broken legs maybe, or stuck under something. Be a shame if we killed 'em after coming all this way, wouldn't it?"

"Stay low friend! And breathe through a wet rag!" He shouts into the tunnel with a barking laugh. "We're here to help!"
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Re: Day 1

#48 Post by Leitz »

A deep voiced curse, and a weak "help, please".

Sounds of movement can be heard, and for a moment it seems as if they are becoming more distant.
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Re: Day 1

#49 Post by tibbius »

"Ah, snails," says Mateusz. "Someone in sounds like no threat, anyway. It turns my stomach to think what they might have suffered already. Let's see can we put the fire out - at least for now. Probably if we shut this door the flames will starve." He yanks out the branch that props open the stone slab, which swings to seal the tunnel with a clunking thump.

"Also," he adds momentarily, "if there's another exit they'll be climbing out there now. We should go take a look!"
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Re: Day 1

#50 Post by cybersavant »

Alarik, Visigoth hunter

"I don't think whoever it is is friendly. Just trying to trick us into entering, so they have the advantage."

Alarik heads for higher ground, looking for smoke.
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Re: Day 1

#51 Post by Leitz »

Who is going where?
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Re: Day 1

#52 Post by tibbius »

Mateusz follows Alaric.
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Re: Day 1

#53 Post by Mr Stereo1 »

"It's what I'd do." Hans agrees with Alarik. "Thing's smart enough to figure out this contraption on the door, it's smart enough to trick us. But we're here to rescue the adventurers, so what can we do?" He asks with a heavy shrug and a bash of his club against the walls for luck. "Let's go find that entrance!"

Hans followed Alarik.
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Re: Day 1

#54 Post by Leitz »

The group heads uphill, wary of an ambush. In less than a minute Alaric hears scraping and wheezing up, and to the right. He caught a glimpse of fog, there, too. But it was not fog. Rats spew from underneath, but they are not yet attacking.

A man claws his way out of the ground. For a moment, grandmother's tales of the living dead spring to mind; the man's skin is splotchy and discolored. His dark clothes are rotted and torn, and he seems to run half bent over. Run he does, with a quick glimpse back at the party.

The trees are not too thick, but the man will quickly be hidden if the party does not act.

Alaric has two regular shots as the man flees. A third shot will be at -1, there's too much cover for a fourth shot.
Mateusz thinks he is healthier than the other man, and can likely catch him. The man is 2 "distances" ahead of Mateusz, who would have to win contested Morale rolls to catch him. Each win reduces the distances. Each loss increases it. At 4 "distances" it becomes a matter of tracking.
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Re: Day 1

#55 Post by tibbius »

Mateusz pursues.

Not quite sure how opposed Morale rolls work. Here's a few rolls. [2d6] = 3 [2d6] = 5 [2d6] = 9 Can you explain how they'll be used?
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Day 1

#56 Post by cybersavant »

Alarik, Visigoth hunter

arrow 1: [2d6+1] = 7+1 = 8 [1d6] = 3
arrow 2: [2d6+1] = 9+1 = 10 [1d6] = 5
aerrow 3:[2d6] = 9 [1d6] = 1
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Re: Day 1

#57 Post by Leitz »

The creature, as 'man' seems an ill fit for such a beast, scurries away as best it can. However, it's best is not very good, the sunlight seems to offend it and whatever fear is fueling the body has taken a toll on what might be left of the mind.

Alaric, twice, places arrows into the mass of the creature. It screams in pain but shuffles on. Mateusz, seeing the skillful archery, knows to give Alaric a clear shot. Pushing himself against his own revulsion, he sprints to one side and catches up to his prey.

The...thing...turns to face Mateusz. Rotted teeth snarl, festering pustules leak, and unnaturally long fingernails reach out. Mateusz can see no sign of humanity in the creatures eyes, just rabid hatred. As it prepared to attack, a third arrow finds it's mark. Yet is seems crazed by the pain, and rushes Mateusz.

OOC: Mateusz has initiative. Decide on your action, and if it is to attack, roll to hit and damage.
On contested rolls, see the new thread in this forum.
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Re: Day 1

#58 Post by tibbius »

Mateusz jabs the creature with his spear [2d6] = 5 while using his shield [1d6] = 5 damage - a mighty miss.

Mateusz recognizes there will be no reasoning with this creature. He plants his feet, presents his shield, and jabs his spear toward the creature's arrow-fletched torso. Unfortunately, his opponent twists aside from the thrust.
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Day 1

#59 Post by Mr Stereo1 »

Hans wheezes and tries to keep up with the others in pursuit of the monster, as much to not be left alone out here as to help.

Opposed Morale Check to Pursue vs 5 Morale [2d6] = 7 [2d6] = 4 [2d6] = 4

He falls behind the others before finding his stride and coming up behind Mateusz as he confronts the beast.

Two distances to catch, with 1 failure and 2 successes I think I'm one distance away now?
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Re: Day 1

#60 Post by Leitz »

Mr Stereo1 wrote:Two distances to catch, with 1 failure and 2 successes I think I'm one distance away now?
You'll have closed the distance after the first round of melee, and will be available for engaging in the second.

The creature throws itself at Mateusz, snarling and clawing. For several moments it gnaws Mateusz' thick baldric, but the protection afforded by armor keeps Mateusz safe. For the moment.

Declare Actions for Round 2, and roll initiative, to hit, and damage if you are attacking. Mateusz and Hans are at point blank. Alaric is two moves away, no need to roll vs Morale to get there.
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