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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:15 pm
by tibbius
Ordinary Belthaar Guardsman
Civilized Susrahnite Fighter (level 1)
Armor Class 15 (leather armor + Defense + shield)
Hit Points 12
Speed 30
STR 11 Save +2
CON 11 Save +2 disadv poison and disease
Feats Tough
Skills and Save Proficiencies STR, CON; Athletics +2, Intimidation +2, Investigation +2; Fighting Style: Defense, Second Wind.
Background Soldier
Languages Susrahnite
Spellcasting none
Combat Actions Shortsword [1d20+2] / [1d6]; club [1d20+2] / [1d4]
Trappings - shortsword, shield, club, grey uniform
Coins / gems - [4d6] sp
Brief description of physique and personality Moderate height, broad shoulders, long and thickly curled dark hair, bronze/olive skin, big nose. Calm, cheerful, and considerate. Plain grey uniform over leather armor.

Re: NPCs

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 7:12 pm
by tibbius
Belthaar Guards Captain
Civilized Susrahnite Battle Master (level 3)
Armor Class 16 (leather armor + Defense + shield + helmet)
Hit Points 28
Speed 30
STR 11 Save +2
CON 11 Save +2 disadv poison and disease
Feats Tough
Skills and Save Proficiencies STR, CON; Athletics +2, Intimidation +2, Investigation +2; Fighting Style: Defense, Second Wind; Action Surge; 4 d8 superiority: Commander's Strike, Maneuvering Attack, Rally.
Background Soldier
Languages Susrahnite
Spellcasting none
Combat Actions Shortsword [1d20+2] / [1d6]; club [1d20+2] / [1d4]
Trappings - shortsword, shield, club, grey uniform with red sash
Coins / gems - [4d6] sp
Brief description of physique and personality Moderate height, broad shoulders, long and thickly curled dark hair, bronze/olive skin, big nose. Calm, cheerful, and considerate. Plain grey uniform over leather armor. Shield and helmet with nosepiece and red plume.[/quote]

Re: NPCs

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 2:22 am
by tibbius
Squatting Beggar
Degenerate Susrahnite Rogue (level 1)
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 9
Speed 30
CON 12
DEX 10 Save +2
INT 10 Save +2
Special Nocturnal, Ferocious, Unwholesome
Skills and Save Proficiencies DEX, INT; Deception +2, Intimidation +2, Perception +2, *Performance +4, Sleight of Hand +2, *Stealth +4; Expertise*, Sneak Attack [1d6], Thieves' Cant.
Background Urchin
Languages Susrahnite
Spellcasting none
Combat Actions Club [1d20] / [1d4]. Dagger [1d20] / [1d4].
Trappings - club or dagger
Coins / gems - [2d6] sp
Brief description of physique and personality Ragged, dirty, deformed. Walks with a gimp or shuffle or a hunch. Ill-mannered or obseqious.