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Operation Overlord

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 4:33 pm
by Demilich
This is the current mission for Team 1

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:42 pm
by Demilich
After the plane lands at Heathrow outside of London, a gray limousine pulls up to the plane the driver
gets out and opens the backdoor inside you can see a small table with a laptop and a printer

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:43 pm
by Demilich
Andres Richter, Agent of Icon
grabs his bag, bids the crew goodbye and heads for the limo.

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:48 pm
by Demilich
On the seat inside the Limo is a manila folder with pictures and papers Outline of the mission
Current date August 15, 2019
On August 9, 2019, Dr. Vadim Sokolov and his daughter, Anna was kidnapped by a team of FSB agents.
The FSB agents killed the security the Professor had for himself and his daughter.

Professor Sokolov had been teaching at the University of Edinburgh since he defected from Russia in 2015
Professor Sokolov is the leading expert in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, he has been working
with members of NATO Intelligence on expanding their capabilities in AI technology

The timing of the kidnapping seems to indicate that Sokolov has made a breakthrough in his research and
is being interrogated in order for the FSB to make use of his knowledge.

Sokolov cannot be allowed to give his knowledge to the Russians, as doing so will seriously affect the
balance of power in a bad way for NATO as well as the rest of the world.

Sokolov must be brought back to NATO alive. We believe that Sokolov will not want to leave without his
daughter Anna Sokolov is autistic, so her actions will be unpredictable. We believe that Sokolov and Anna
were taken to a secret facility near Sochi. Agents must get them out and take them to an airstrip about
10km North of Sochi, where a local NATO Intel Agent with an Ultralight Aircraft will take them to a NATO
Intel safehouse.

The Agents will be given airline tickets to fly to Paris France after the mission is completed. If for some
reason, you are not able to get Sokolov to the airstrip, then you will have to get him to a NATO country
by whatever means possible

The Agents will be met at their hotel by a NATO Intel Agent to give them as much aid as possible without revealing themselves

We believe a good way to find out where Sokolov is is by attending the quarterly grandmaster baccarat
tournament at Casino Sochi, Local Agents have got invitations for you, there you will meet Lt Andrei
Kariska We think he has first-hand knowledge of the kidnapping. He cannot be killed or held for any length
of time, as doing so would alert the FSB to a problem and probably result in Sokolov being killed
Good Luck Agents Local Agents can fill you in on any particular details

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:49 pm
by Demilich
Andreas Richter, Agent of Icon
Andreas looks to his team members, "The key is the daughter. If we can find her first, the
father will follow." Andreas leans over the seat to get the driver's attention. "Do you know
anything about this mission? I'm wondering how we get our weapons through airport

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:50 pm
by Demilich
Driver half turns "You dont, you get weapons at the hotel as well as most other equipment."

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:52 pm
by Demilich
Leon Culpepper - Secret Agent
Leon, uses the laptop to view plane flight and hotel information.
Says, "I'll need to buy me a change of clothing and a suitcase for the trip."

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:52 pm
by Demilich
Driver to Leon "I would suggest that you buy them when you get to your location, as I was told that it is
very important that you move quickly."
Natalia gets in the limo, looks over the pictures and documents. "Alright, let's go, If time is short, Let's
get going."

Brandon gets into the limo and starts reading the outline. the Driver closes the door then drives the limo
to an isolated part of the airport, beeps the car horn twice, a door pops open, a Woman waves for you to
come inside as the driver opens the door. it only took a few minutes to drive here.

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:54 pm
by Demilich
Andreas Richter, Agent of Icon
gets out of the limo and heads over to the woman.

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:55 pm
by Demilich
Natalia gets out grabs her bag and heads for the open door

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:56 pm
by Demilich
Leon Culpepper - Secret Agent
Leon, hops out of the car, quickly checks he has everything on him, secures his gun and heads over to
the woman in the new car, to get inside.

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:57 pm
by Demilich
Brandon grabs his bag and follows the others inside the open door
It looks like you all came in behind a ticket counter that is set up in a storeroom along with other tables
chairs and counters.

The Woman gives you all a smile, she is a blonde woman dressed as a ticket counter worker
Woman "Who wants to start? I need a name to type on your ticket so that you can get on the plane, it is
a Lufthansa flight."

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:01 pm
by Demilich
Andreas Richter, Agent of Icon
steps forward. "Josef Lars." Andreas takes out his gun and places it on the counter.

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:02 pm
by Demilich
The Woman takes the gun and puts it in a metal case, stands back up "Thank you, Yes, please surrender
your weapons to me, you will get them back at the hotel in Sochi, please go to the girl at the front desk
of the grand Sochi hotel. You will get a knock on your door from room service. It is then you will get what
they can provide you with, which may not be a full arsenal, as well as your guns as you will not get
through security with them and it would be bad to draw undue attention." starts typing up a plane ticket,
prints it out, offers it to Josef.

"Your ticket to Sochi, Mr. Lars, one moment as I type up your ticket to Paris." types that up, prints it,
offers it to him, then types up a passport, offers that to him.
"Who is next?"

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:03 pm
by Demilich
Andreas Richter, Agent of Icon
Thank you.
Andreas steps back to allow room for the others.

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:03 pm
by Demilich
Leon Culpepper - Secret Agent
Leon, removes his gun holster with the gun in it, places it on the counter, gives the name, Petre
Clouseau, for the plane ticket.

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:05 pm
by Demilich
The Woman types up the tickets and passport offer them "Mr. Clouseau"

She then takes the gun and case off the counter and sets them on a shelf.

Natalia steps up, sets both of her guns and knife on the counter "Sarah Conner," she is another blonde
with a heavier Russian accent.

The woman looks at Natalia for a moment with a raised eyebrow at the name sighs and types it up
offering her the tickets and passport "Miss Conner."

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:06 pm
by Demilich
When its Brandon's turn, he says "Make mine, Saran R. Conners" and sets his gun on the counter
Woman types up the two plane tickets and passport hands them to Saran "Mr. Conners, Now then, you go
out the door behind you, turn right and follow the signs to Lufthansa, gate four, you have about an hour
before they start boarding."

Takes the gun off of the counter, bends down, opens up a padded suitcase, puts all the weapons in it,
puts a tag on it, then follows the agents out the door and turns left while carrying the suitcase.

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:07 pm
by Demilich
Andreas Richter, Agent of Icon, a.k.a. Josef Lars

Andreas heads out to the gate and finds a good spot to sit where he can watch the arrival of
the rest of passengers, hopefully with his back to a wall.

Re: Operation Overlord

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:08 pm
by Demilich
Natalia (Sarah Conner) looks around the gate area then sees a bar not far from the gate, goes off to the
bar with her bag