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On the submersible!

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:39 am
by SpinwardMarch
Starting a new thread for your voyage.

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 5:32 pm
by Jernau35
Taking his cue from Ringar, Jrec tries to put himself to use wherever he can. If he can find a job where he can be a useful "assistant", he'll do his best to help out. To sweeten the deal, he's perfectly happy to "keep an eye on things for 10 minutes" if his "teacher" wants to take a break.

Jrec would also like to take a look at the diving suits if he can, to gain a bit of familiarity with them.

Jrec has Mechanical-1 and Vacc Suit-1

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 6:23 pm
by ybn1197
Taking a cue from Ringer AND Jrec Madox will make himself available to the other members of the crew in order to learn whatever he can from them.

Madox has Pilot-1 and Vacc Suit-1

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 3:16 am
by SpinwardMarch
On the sub...

The crew seems to be pleased about the characters' interest in the submersible. Most of their passengers spend travel time sitting around and complaining.

The sub has a small galley kitchen, so there is at least one hot meal per day. Three members of the crew rotate cooking duties, so the quality is varied. The submersibles have limited space, and as primarily cargo vessels, there is not enough space for an actual cook.

The group is able to get food for Chiree, under the pretense that the specimen needs to be kept healthy. With the distractions, Chiree is able to get around on the ship without being missed from his cage. He occasionally quietly asks a party member about the trip, mostly question like, "Are we there yet?" (He is a young chirper, after all.)

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 8:43 pm
by spanningtree

Not yet Chiree... it's going to be a bit. Be patient. If we do find others of your kind how will they react to us?

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:34 am
by SpinwardMarch

My people are peaceful. The humans came and killed many. Then they made us move away from our homes to live in far north. We just want to live. If you are nice to them, they will be nice to you. He looks sad, as he looks back at you.

Back from the dentist, then the Parental Units. Santa is giving me a crown (the dental kind).

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 5:41 pm
by spanningtree
Worry not little one, we will be there soon enough. Ringar mutters, grabbing a nip from his bottle.

SpinwardMarch wrote: Back from the dentist, then the Parental Units. Santa is giving me a crown (the dental kind).
At least it's not a canal.

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 3:36 am
by Jernau35
Jrec's tastebuds were lost in action many years ago so he makes no complaints about the food. He continues to help out where possible, though not in the galley. His cooking ability is limited to cups of coffee.

When not helping out somewhere, he sleeps as much as he can. His time in the marines taught him that it's best to take it when you can get it.

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:17 am
by SpinwardMarch
First refueling stop!

The ship rounds the peninsula south of Vanejen City (start) and heads for its first stop. Refueling takes a minimum of six hours, and includes the time needed to run a short safety checkup on the ship. Fuel stations can be nothing more than the classic lone gas station in the middle of nowhere, or can be located in a populated area. This one is next to a town of 30,000 inhabitants, so you can get out and do something.

You have about 6 hours to spend. What are you going to do?

This model of sub can go 4000km/5 hexes (10 days) before needing to be refueled.

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 3:33 am
by Jernau35
"If we do go ashore here", says Jrec, "does Chiree stay here? Or go with whoever leaves?"

"If he stays, who stays with him?"

"I guess it depends on what we need to do if we go ashore".

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 3:34 am
by spanningtree
I'll stay aboard with the little guy and continue to learn about the ships operations... maintenance and fuel on boarding. I don't think we have any needs but I have credits if you can convince me the mission would be furthered by spending them.

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 8:44 pm
by Jernau35
Jrec grins. "Money's not a problem. Poker game. Remember?" He pats his pocket.

"I think I'll go ashore. There might be something useful to learn out there. If not, at least I'll be able to breath some air that doesn't smell of sweat and old socks".

Jrec wraps up in some warm clothing waits for a moment to see if anyone else is coming along.

I think Jrec bought a handgun before they left port. If he did, he'll bring it along.

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:08 am
by SpinwardMarch
The captain encourages everyone to get some fresh air, while they can, even if it just means standing on the dock. He will try to let some fresh air into the sub, but there is only so much one can do about air quality. One of the crew mentions submersibles are less than lovingly known as "pig boats" because of the smell. He does take an air break. The refueling proceeds as normal.

Chiree looks disappointed that he can't go out, but he also does not want to be left behind. When no one from the crew is watching, he will sneak up to the hatch and just enjoy the clean air. He tells Ringar, I am happy to be away from the city. I hope my siblings are still alive. He looks plaintive when he says that.

Any grand adventures during refilling, or does everyone just "take the air?"

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:28 pm
by ffilz
Giotto will take the air, perhaps strolling around the dock area a bit, but no straying too far or going of on his own.

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 7:24 pm
by ybn1197
Madox just takes air.

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:02 pm
by spanningtree
I hope as well Chiree, only time will tell. Ringar will stay close to the little guy when he grabs some air.

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:05 pm
by Jernau35
Jrec heads up topside. Once he gets onto the deck, he takes a couple of deep breaths to clear out his lungs. Then he casts his eyes out over the town looking for any points of interest. Bars? Restaurants? Stores? Any other vessels in the docks?

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 6:44 am
by SpinwardMarch
This fueling station is located at the port of a small town. It is in a region of agriculture, so has fresh food available for sale to ships that stop. Your Captain will have the crew restock the galley supplies. The time for refueling is almost up, and everyone needs to get back on the ship.

Everyone boards the ship, and you all proceed to the next refueling stop, which will be much closer to the south pole of Vanegen, and much colder. Chiree will start to get somewhat anxious, now that the ship is getting closer to the Research Station. He is hoping his two siblings are still alive.

This next leg of the trip will be rougher, as the seas around the pole can be ... less than smooth.

What do you do on this leg of the trip (10 days)?

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 2:00 am
by Jernau35

Jrec carries on helping out the crew with mechanical issues and "keeping an eye on things" when sailors want a break.

If there are any particular crew members he spends a lot of time with, he'll try to casually pump them for information.

"So, how long have you worked on this particular route? I bet you've seen a few things eh? Are we the first bunch of scientists you've brought down here? I guess we must be a bit of a change of scene? You probably don't get many interesting passengers, just business-types and folks visiting family eh?"

Re: On the submersible!

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 4:13 pm
by spanningtree
Ringar will continue to get his hand "dirty" with the day to day operations of the ship. Given the chance he will ask the navigator if there are any patrols of any kind where they are headed.