First Adventure - DCC #67 Sailors on the Starless Sea Part 1

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First Adventure - DCC #67 Sailors on the Starless Sea Part 1

#1 Post by AQuebman »

The sleepy village of Cinton is normally a quiet place where the good people live out their lives in relative peace and harmony. That is until the last few months. People have been disappearing in droves with no word or evidence of what has happened. There are rumors abound of monsters taking people into the keep up on the hill but townsfolk have always been afraid of that ruined keep. The keep on the hill has long been a source of fearsome tales and terrible legends. Never more then now that the townsfolk are fearful that they too may disappear.

All of you are different. You all belong to a Guild of more adventurous people seeking more in their daily lives. What started as a small club searching caves and old wives tales has now turned into the last hope for this sleepy town. Sixteen of you, neighbors, friends, husbands & wives, sons & daughters, have gathered to investigate the keep.

It's a cold but temperate fall morning as you gather. The wind is very light and the sun is out on what otherwise seems like a calm and peaceful day.

OOC: Feel free to come up with a name for your guild if you all want to. I purposely left it vague.

Also look at your PM's I have sent you each a message.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#2 Post by AQuebman »

OOC: Since I havent seen any introductions or any business in town i'm assuming the party will start trekking to the keep

You stand before the ruined keep, which squats atop a low, craggy hill, its walls of toppled stone and massive granite blocks hinting at forgotten battles and the clash of mighty armies. Now the ruins seem host only to creeping vines and the foul miasma that drifts down from the keep.

The air is overrun with pestilence. Fat flies bite at you incessantly, and clouds of small black insects choke your every breath. The long abandoned land is choked with thorny vines that drape the sickly trees and hang from the ruined walls. There is an odor of rot and decay, as if the hill itself were decomposing from within.

A sign gives you pause: a ragged banner, depicting a crimson skull on a black field, stand high atop the ruined walls. Whatever lurks within has terrorized you and your village for far too long.

You turn to your companions and ready your meager weapons. The time for retribution has come.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#3 Post by Slighted »

As Burt shuffles discreetly to the rear of the group, Rolfo slaps his pig on the backside and moves toward the keep. Come on old girl, let's see what kind of fight we can pick in here. You sallies a'comin?

Heltel inspects the area around the entrance, looking for signs of recent activity. Boog eyes Rolfo's sow with a curious look and follows behind, an odd skip in his walk.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#5 Post by Slighted »

Ah, sorry. I was thinking more of him following Rolfo and Boog at a measured pace and inspecting the area as he went. I didn't realize they were so far away from the keep. Rolfo and Boog are still up front.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#6 Post by Vargr1105 »

Landural, Eldarial and Goratrix start chatting all scholarly-like among themselves when the ruins come into view. Young Kunno stands around and pretends to be interested in their erudite diatribes.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#7 Post by NJWilliam »

Crow lights a torch with his flint and steel, hoping the flame will keep some of the insects away from him.

Bronn watches as they walk for rocks and stones that would serve as ammunition for his sling, swatting the insects from his face all the while.

Darvin sighs and says,"I wish I felt more lucky,"his knuckles turning white as he grasps his crowbar tighter.

Aengus makes sure his grappling hook is tied fast to his rope.

All four of them cautiously move forward toward the gate with the other dozen from their guild.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#8 Post by sparkles »

Tilmar is really flustered, and is muttering to himself near the back of the group. "Oh dear, Oh dear. We really should have a plan. We can't just go about knocking on ruined doors now can we. What if Miltida becomes dirty?.... and these flies! Tilmar continuously swats at the flies.

Mugbert hears all of the erudite speaking and tries to walk with the group of fellow scholars, thoughtfully listening to the conversation. Nodding at particular points in the debate.

Gully, being a wood cutter and accustomed to going to woods for supplies, is trying to remember if he has ever been near the keep or has known anyone who might have told him stories about the keep or the strange crimson skull. Particularly if any off those stories involved turtles (which are his favorite). He is also scanning the area (you never know when you might find a turtle).

Filmarth is approaching with caution scanning the sight of the keep, and is walking near the front with Heltel. He is wondering how many entry points into the ruined keep can be seen from his vantage point. How much of the walls remain intact? Does there appear to have been any recent foot traffic on the road to the keep? Is there cover so that we might move with some stealth up to the keep, or is our only option to move openly towards the ruin?
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#9 Post by AQuebman »

Assumed Marching Order
Rolfo & Boog
Heltel, Filmarth
Landural, Eldarial Goratrix & Mugbert
Crow Bronn Darvin & Aengus
Burt - last

The party sets out on their journey towards the keep. Crow gets his torch lit which helps to kill some of the insects but a few are also drawn to the flame. Bronn finds 4 good stones to use as ammunition while Aengus successfully ties the grappling hook to his rope. Gullys only recollection of the keep are a few rumors, everyone in town avoids the keep for fear of what lies within.

Filmarth notices they could approach from the east or west where it appears part of the walls are collapsed. The hill isn't very steep and could possibly be approached from a different angle. He'd need a closer look to confirm. The hill is rather barren it looks like cover wouldn't be easy to come by until the keep is reached.

Ooc : want to confirm that marching order is ok before we proceed. Ill wait until tonight or tomorrow if I don't hear calls for another direction I will assume north up the hill to the front gate is the selected route.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#10 Post by NJWilliam »

Aengus slings his rope with grappling hook over his shoulder, and grasps his shovel at the ready.

Darvin continues mumbling something about luck.

Bronn loads his sling, and says to the others,"Point out any stones fer me sling you might see!"

Crow moves his torch to his left hand, and grasps his club in his right.

All four of them also have their eye out for any fist sized rocks.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#11 Post by sparkles »

OOC: The order sounds fine. Would it be possible to have some sort of crude map to note the layout of the keep, access points, and our position

Filmarth: Stops moving forward and address the group. "Friends, I see that there are 2 possible access point to the keep. If some manner of beast, who has been devouring our fellow townsfolk, truly inhabits this keep, would in not be prudent to assume he may be watching for intruders to his domain? Maybe we should attempt the less obvious access point, in hopes of coming upon the beast in surprise? And what of these strange crimson banners, perhaps some of our more erudite colleagues might have come upon such symbols in their vast learning?"

Gully: Notes he should keep an eye out for rocks. Takes out his axe, moves up to walk along side with Kunno. Scanning the path around to the side and up ahead for any movement, he asks Kuno in a low whisper, "Hey, do you think there will be any turtles in that keep?"

Mugbert: Thinks upon his past researches if he has ever come upon the banner image.

Tilmar: Get his axe out. Moves closer to Crow in order to benefit from his torch.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#12 Post by Vargr1105 »

Ooc: marching order is fine, we are all going to die anyway. ;)

While the elven brother and sister continue chattering, this time on their racial language, the alchemist Goratrix turns to his ward Kunno.

"Now, my boy. You have a lantern with you, correct? Be ready to light it once we go in."

The young man says nothing but nods at his foster father's request while getting the lantern ready.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#13 Post by AQuebman »

Sailors on the Starless Sea Keep Map 1
Sailors on the Starless Sea Keep Map 1
Sailors on the Starless Sea Map.png (175.41 KiB) Viewed 3030 times
Rolfo & Boog gain +1 permanent point of luck for going first as the gods and goddesses of luck favor the brave and the bold!

Aengus, Bronn, Darvin & Crow come across 3 more stones. Gully comes across 2 that should suffice.

Mugbert thinks hard as they travel up the hill and finally recalls a story where this banner was referenced.
OOC: PM sent

Filmarth suggests possible other routes but his cries are unheeded as the rest of the party travels onward up the hill.

An old dirt road, now overrun
with weeds and sickly vines, rises towards the ruined citadel. A
grisly sight bars your way: a pair of bodies, secured to poles by long
ropey vines. The wicked vines have wormed their way inside the bod-
ies’ eyes, ears, and mouths. To your horror, you realize the bodies are
still moving.
Bodies on Vines.png
Bodies on Vines.png (234.78 KiB) Viewed 3030 times

OOC: I need everyone to roll initiative for their group. Also I forgot to put this into the rules initially so I just added it but please declare actions and include damage rolls with all attacks so I can keep a fast pace throughout the game.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#14 Post by NJWilliam »

Aengus, Bronn, Crow, and Darvin roll initiative! (ooc: the best agility modifier among them is +0)
Aengus, Bronn, Crow, Darvin Initiative: [1d20] = 20

Aengus attacks the wicked vines with his shovel! Aengus shovel attack: [1d20] = 2 damage: [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2

Bronn attacks the wicked vines with his sling! Bronn sling attack: [1d20] = 18 damage: [1d4-1] = 1-1 = 0

Crow attacks the wicked vines with his club! Crow club attack: [1d20] = 3 damage: [1d4] = 2

Darvin attacks the wicked vines with his crowbar! Darvin crowbar attack: [1d20] = 10 damage: [1d4] = 3

If the bodies make furtive movements and the vines do not, all will attack the bodies instead of the vines.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#15 Post by AQuebman »

As you near the vines they begin to unfurl and shamble towards you.

OOC: Note that a successful attack always does a minimum of 1 point of damage regardless of the strength modifier
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#16 Post by sparkles »

Filmart: Strikes the shambling vines with his crowbar!
To hit (crowbar): [1d20] = 15 damage: [1d4] = 4

Gully: Gives a battle cry as he moves in to take out overgrown plants the only way he know how!
To hit (handaxe): [1d20] = 17 Damage: [1d6] = 5

Mugbert: Throws his dagger at the shambling beast, then takes out his grappling hook.
To hit (dagger): [1d20] = 2 Damage: [1d4-1] = 3-1 = 2

Tilmar: Screams! Looks around for a way to move safely around to the back of the plant beast so that he can flank.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#17 Post by Slighted »

Group Initiative (I didn't add modifiers, two characters with +1 agility); Group initiative [1d20] = 8

Boog leaps at the vines with a wild look in his eye. To Hit [1d20] = 18; Damage [1d6] = 1 (-1 damage, but not applicable since a one was rolled)

Rolfo steadily whacks at the tendrils with determination. To Hit [1d20] = 2; Damage [1d4] = 4 +1= 5

Burt observes from the rear.

Heltel spits and loudly curses,Die you miserable abominations!!, while smashing at the plant with his mace. To Hit [1d20] = 9; Damage [1d6] = 2 +1= 3
Last edited by Slighted on Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#18 Post by Vargr1105 »

Group Initiative: [1d20] = 15

Landural: 16
Goratrix: 15
Kunno: 15
Eldarial: 16

Without even exchanging words Goratrix and Kunno advance to hack at the vines with staff and club. The elves remain behind, but Eldarial takes hold of her dagger, just in case.

Goratrix to hit w/ staff: [1d20] = 18, Damage: [1d4] = 3

Kunno to hit w/ club: [1d20] = 19, Damage: [1d4] = 4
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#19 Post by AQuebman »

Round 1
  • Marching Order
    Rolfo & Boog
    Heltel, Filmarth
    Landural, Eldarial Goratrix & Mugbert
    Crow Bronn Darvin & Aengus
    Burt - last
  • Initiative
    Vine B: 21
    NJWilliam: 20
    Vargr1105: 15
    Sparkles: 14
    Vine A: 09
    Slighted: 08
The first vine shambles off the pole it was wrapped around and flails with two of it's long vines at Boog who deftly dodges both attacks. Aengus swings and wildly misses with his shovel, Crow finds only open air when he swings with his club. Darvin takes a hack with his crowbar but his attack is narrowly knocked away before he can get a solid hit. Bronn loads up a stone into his sling and his rock zings through his companions and lands true for [1 damage]forming a crack along one of the flailing vines

Goratrix smacks a vine with a heavy staff strike for [3 damage]. Kunno moves up with him and smashes through a few more vines for [4 damage].

Filmart steps up and smacks the vines with a heavy crowbar strike for [4 damage]. The blow causes the vine monster to fall limp. When it does the corpse it's wrapped inside of splits open, spilling out thousands of small seeds slick with mucus. Gully steps up to the remaining spiny vined monstrosity and hacks a vine in half for [5 damage].
Mugbert slings his dagger into the melee and badly misses the vines but its coming straight towards his companion Gully!

Boog leaps into the fray and cracks into one of the vines with his handaxe for [1 damage]. The vines wrap around Rolfo's staff and come close to knocking the dwarf off balance but he manages to hold. Burt sits quietly unmolested watching the battle that has ensued. Heltel spits and loudly curses,Die you miserable abominations!!, while smashing at the plant with his mace but his mace only finds air.

As Gully is trying to dodge his companions dagger the remaining vines lash out at him. He narrowly dodges the first vine but the second one smacks him across the face for [2 damage]. It attempts to wrap around his throat but can't seem to fully grab a hold.

I didn't see an initiative Roll for sparkles so I made it myself [1d20] = 14

Mugbert must make a new attack roll at Gully for missing his ranged attack into melee.

Other than Mugberts attack on Gully, Round 2 has started. I need actions for this round.
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Re: First Adventure - Sailors on the Starless Sea

#20 Post by sparkles »

sorry for not rolling initiative, here is a roll:
Initiative: [1d20] = 2

Mugberts dagger throw and Gully:
To hit (dagger): [1d20] = 18 Damage: [1d4-1] = 2-1 = 1

Filmarth attacks with crowbar at the next vine creature:
To hit (crowbar): [1d20] = 1 Damage: [1d4] = 1

Gully strikes at plants:
To Hit (axe): [1d20] = 20 Damage: [1d6] = 5

Assuming Tilmar has managed to move around to flank the plants, he swings with his axe:
To Hit (axe): [1d20] = 12 Damage: [1d6] = 4

Mugbert: with his grappling rope he waits for the a vine monster to wraparound someone, then he will run up and use the hook to try and pry the vine monster loose.
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