Notes on Gothmoor: The City of Shadows

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Notes on Gothmoor: The City of Shadows

#1 Post by Shonuff »


Theft is important. It balances the economy. The four rules of Gothmoor are simple. You are never to steal from someone who has less than you, period. Breaking of this cardinal rule is punishable by loss of a hand for a first offense, then death after second time. Most that lose a hand to breaking the first rule, usually never get put to death, because there is a saying among the merchants of Gothmoor. “You can always spot a greedy thief, because he cannot clap.” This is true, and most who do become one handed, usually retire.

Second rule is: If you are stolen from, and you know who it is, you have full rights to reclaim your property, canceling rule number one. This rule is also unbreakable and must be fully proven, or else the loss of a hand, by inadvertently breaking rule number one. The third rule within the Black Dagger Guild is;
Once you steal enough that no one in the city has more than you, you have two choices, leave or retire. Breaking of this rule is also punishable as the first two are.
The final city wide rule of the Black Dagger Guild on thieving is: If you are caught, you forfeit everything to the Black Dagger Guild. So do not get caught.

The reason these rules are in place is to enforce order into a chaotic element of any civilization. If a rogue is given freedom within boundaries to steal throughout the city, and he has done a good haul on one night...he will go to the shops...buying new equipment, buying food, and buying services. This strengthens the economy for all (except he who just stole from). Once he uses his ill-gotten gains, his level of monetary status re-lowers to his original level, keeping him ‘in the game’. As long as any thief follows the four main rules of the Guild, he will live a long and fruitful life (as long as he’s not caught!).

On the record, thievery and roguish activities are illegal and are punishable by a night in jail up to five years hard labor and even up to death, depending on the severity. The City Watch has Psionicists in its ranks to ferret out those skulking in alleys and with theft on the mind. One successful uncaught rogue in Gothmoor is worth seven rogues in any other city on Thaaed.


Theft. It’s everywhere. There are hundreds of people who make their living of taking something rightfully earned by someone else. These people thrive in big cities. And Gothmoor is rife with them. Gothmoor has had rogues and thieves in its walls since there were walls to be inside of. They had no organization; they were mismanaged, stealing from each other, letting their greed go unchecked. Then, one day, a guild was created to bring order to this naturally chaotic genre of peoples. Thus begun the Black Dagger Guild’s run.

The Black Dagger Guild is not only a normal thief’s guild. It is the embodiment of everything that is shady or above the law in Gothmoor. From Slave trading, to assassinations, black market establishments as well as fencing and yes, even thieving, the Black Dagger Guild is actually a very orderly and well organized group that patrols and polices it’s members in a balance that prevents the greed of a few, destroying the livelihood of the many.

Run by an unknown triumvirate, the Black Dagger Guild has branches in every single ward of the city save for one, the Shield Ward. The Black Dagger Guild holds sway over anything in the city that has to do with underhanded or shady deals, and does it with such low key that even the Graycloaks leave them alone, as long as their order is kept. This doesn’t mean that other thieves guilds aren’t created on almost a weekly basis in the city of Gothmoor, but those either don’t make enough waves to alert the Black Dagger Guild, or if they do, the new guild is either swallowed and ‘acquired’ or it suddenly disbands, with their leader disappearing in the dead of night. Open theft in Gothmoor is looked down upon. Even by other thieves. If you come to Gothmoor to ply your trade, you’ll need to speak to the Black Dagger Guild.

The Black Dagger Guild also handles any and all assassinations requested within its walls. Some of the lesser assassinations slip through their fingers, but sometimes the victim may actually be working with or for the Black Dagger Guild, which inevitably brings them calling.

If someone wishes to have someone assassinated, they would need to find a member of the Guild. Once the target is described, the Guild member takes the request to the Black Dagger Guild to verify it is not a paid member of the guild, or someone of the public that they cannot lose.(i.e. currently owes money to the guild, or is paying protection). Once this is confirmed the member hires out an assassin and brings them to meet the client. Then the job is handled.

Failure to pay an assassin for a job of course, puts you on top of their “to do’ list.

One of the most well known and publicly rumored members of the Assassin’s branch of the Black Dagger Guild is Den “Silver” Sen’drivino. Den is a full elf but half dark elf on his father’s side. He claims to have one had the throat to ever royal member of Gothmoor’s court, save for the Shadow King himself. He claims to have done this on a paid bet. You know when the kill was done by “Silver” because of a pair of chained silver pieces put across their eyes; “Silver’s” telltale trademark for a personal kill.

When one hears this word, they think pain. They think chains, and sometimes it’s true. But for the most part the Black Dagger Guild is known publicly for being the official organization for hiring and purchasing of servants, slaves, agents and indentured servants. Anyone who wishes to pay for such a boon, would do so with the Slavers and Black Dagger Guildhall in the South Dock Ward.

Anything can be bought, from humans to dark elves, kobolds to orcs, and even animals and monsters. These all are legal prisoners of war or failed invaders that are captured and sold as servants or guards. These slaves are not used as fodder during combat as most Drow did in the Deepdark. These are used for gardening, door guards, serving drinks, or the city’s favorite; manual labor. Slaves go for a hefty price and they are not as disposable as people think. Once you purchase a slave or servant, you are responsible for them. You are held accountable for their actions, so many masters or owners work hard at training their slave before they even see daylight again.

Slaves and servants and beasts of burden that are not purchased end up being given a choice of freedom in the Arena. The Arena is a Gladiatorial Coliseum where public displays of combat are done for the pleasure of the citizens. It is also where the sales of the slaves happen so anyone who you know gets captured; you can eventually find them on sale at the Arena. “Good job Arena-bait!” is a local term for watching someone does something utterly stupid in Gothmoor’s Wards.

Battle captives and war prisoners are not the only beings that end up as slaves. Since the Black Dagger Guild runs the front operations of Slave trade, those who fail to pay for an assassination attempt, or those who are caught breaking the rules of thievery, are often found with a chain and collar on and on the auction block.
Often times the families of an assassinated person purchase the client who failed to pay and make them ‘work off’ their debt to the family. Thieves are purchased and forced to work off the debt of the money they stole. Regardless of whom they are, many useful bodies can be found in the Arena. Even hooded and disguised Necromancers go shopping there….

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Re: Notes on Gothmoor: The City of Shadows

#2 Post by Shonuff »

Magus Academica Lorica

On the corners of Jester Street and Falcon Avenue is the massive, multi-towered citadel of the Mages Academy of Gothmoor. It is the official school of Wizards, illusionsts, Warlocks and Sorcerers alike. The hallowed and even haunted halls of the great academy have taught some of the most renowned source-wielders across off of Thaaed. The main building was first established around 43AF, by a wizard architect by the name of Dandorius Dentrivessicus. Since then there have been two additions, seventeen towers and six spire add-ons. The entire academy grounds now controls the entire block and is currently looking to expand.

Hundred of classes, dozens of research libraries and even more hundreds of symposiums happen daily within the Mages Academy. Hundreds of students, research apprentices and aspiring teachers enter and swarm around the grounds of the Mages Academy hourly. Entrance into the academy is a cost per class, but many lectures and group gatherings are free to the public. Personal teaching and actual academic class work and learning comes at a cost of 4 gold per season, but a contract for 5 years of your life for training. many students who fail to finish their training, due to money problems or other problems return at a later date to finish their contract of time off by becoming free Apprentices (or as the apprentices call it "beard slaves") or Research volunteers. Many a student has left with a disfigurement or glowing facial tattoo or extreme body odor for the rest of their lives, due to a bad spell gone awry in the research libraries.

Those who keep the Academy in the gold, and study hard come out of the Academy full fledged wizards with more than a dozen spells in their spellbooks and ready for hiring, either from Courts or adventuring parties. Many Students of the Academy also spend their free time helping the Academy run smoothly by becoming an Aide or even giving free time to the library. Other more profitable students of the Academy send back monsters, flora and fauna back for research, dissecting or even component harvesting.

Some of the more famous alumni from the mages Academy are Rhodimus "Ragestick" Gronfillian - Owner of the Mages Tower in Scarsburg, Davinol "Dreadstorm" Williams - Captain of the Sea Mages for the Gothmyr Royal Navy, Melindia "Shadowfingers" Fessinhall - Proprietress of the Wandering Mages Carnival and Owner of the Book of Skeggoz.

First year students of the Mages Academy usually are seen by Gretchen Goldwater. Halfling Sorceress and Transmuter. She is in charge of assigning students their hall assignment and their resident Assisitant Mage. The assistant Mage is then in charge of the students in his Hall for the remainder of the year.

Once the student picks his classes, he is then left to his own devices, whether he attends or not. once his bill is sent to his room, it is paid, that is the extent of the administrations care. The rest of the students and teachers may see things differently, but that is up to each person. Some students come and pay their fee for entrance, and simply spend every day of their year in the research laboratories or get lost for the year in the massive libraries. These students usually become sages and head off to a far off village to be the highest knowledge wizard within miles.

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Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:26 am

Re: Notes on Gothmoor: The City of Shadows

#3 Post by Shonuff »

West Gate ward: Main gate, busy activity, shoppes and merchants
North "Castle" Ward: Main Castle, administrative buildings, Guild Halls
Coin Ward: Villas, Estates, "Rich neighborhood", High end Shoppes
Trades Ward: major Guildhalls, Feasthalls, Shoppes, non-shop trade buildings ( butcher, lumber, ore etc)
Dock Ward: Warehouses, Docks, Brothels, Flop houses, Shoppes, Fishmongers
South Ward: Common housing, temples, shoppes
Shield Ward: Southern gate, poor section, hovels, shoppes, military barracks

Posts: 353
Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:26 am

Re: Notes on Gothmoor: The City of Shadows

#4 Post by Shonuff »


Not much is known about the origin or the power level of this group. It is a secretive organization that some rumor is the true power behind the throne of Gothmoor. From slavery trade to investigations, or assassinations, the Graycloaks are in touch with it.

Imagine a group so secretive, that its members only know who is above them and below them in rank and no more. Imagine this group being rumored to hold all the decision making and final say on anything that happens beneath the streets of the slumbering Gothmoor is done by them and them alone. Then imagine this group being able to hold more authority than the Watch, the Shields or even the elite Order of the Chirok combined. Once you have such a group in mind, you are close to the level of suspected power of the Graycloaks.

The first mention of Graycloak authority was recorded years ago when in the month of Stonetem, the Year 8004 (4AE), when an outbreak of racial tensions exploded into riots. Self proclaimed leaders of two races (forgotten to legend now) rose up to lead ‘their people” against their enemies. Before the next sun hit, the leaders were found dead, naked and publicly hung next to each other and their hands were bound to symbolize the shaking of hands. Both men were covered with only a hanging gray cloak. This was the first recorded appearance of their authority. Up to present day, when something needs done that the Watch or the Shields cannot handle, a Graycloak usually appears and does it silently and efficiently. The wearing of gray cloaks is allowed, but you will see that many, who know of the true Graycloaks, make sure the interior of the gray cloak they wear is not lined with black velvet. Being called a Graycloak brings more anger and fear than awe and surprise.
The majority of Graycloaks have some power either divine, arcane or more common to their ranks; Psionics. The mental powers of the active Graycloaks make them even more imposing when flanked by city watch. They are used as lie detectors and can ferret out most information from any being within the walls of Gothmoor.

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