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Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:37 am
by Vargr1105
Day 2 - Early Morning - The Icy Valley

Musical Theme: Descent into Icy Valley

After breakfast and ablutions the group readies itself for the last segment of the journey taking them to the icy valley below. Braving the ledges proves much easier than one might have assumed under the low light of evening when the party first came upon them. With the many handholds available the descent takes little over an hour and the adventurers finally set foot upon the valley without incident or trouble. At last, flat terrain without danger of slip and fall.

The floor of the valley that can be seen around the party is mostly snow-covered with occasional patches of bare rock or though grass, looking like a bleak wilderness of ice, snow and rock.

Directly to the southeast and half a mile distant stands the ice lake, the sunlight fleeting through the clouds shimmers on its surface indicating liquid water and a shore. From what was seen when the PCs traveled the face of the mountain most of its edges are mired in ice and it extended some 3-4 miles to the other side.

Several opportunities present themselves. The party could approach the lake or skirt along the edges of the cliffs Southwest-bound until the cliffs turn south after a mile or so. Or they could travel towards the Northeast where over twice that distance separates them from the irregular mountainous barrier of the valley's NE cliff face.

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:15 am
by Ra the monk
Scanning the options Oz pipes up "Well I don't know about the rest of you but I am thirsty and that lake seems like a nice place to get a drink. Might even be a nice place to catch some fish. Some of you seem to have more experience with the outdoors than and I will leave the final call to your judgment."

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:22 am
by Buzz
"I think we should take the chance to refill our water supply now." Malone nods. "As for our route, I defer again to your two's expertise."

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:55 am
by Sir Clarence
Andrin nods. "I agree. That lake is clearly a place we should not pass by without taking a closer look first. And I also wouldn't object against some fresh fish...."

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:21 am
by zebediah
"To the lake then."

Ogirdor will scout ahead again, this time with his bow in hand, keeping an eye for tracks specially as they approach the lake.

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:37 pm
by Vargr1105
Day 2 - Early Morning - The Icy Valley

With Ogirdor leading the way in front of the party, distant enough to make good use of his ranger skills, the companions approach the lake.

After the trek along the dizzying heights of the mountain cliffs and the uneven climbs down leaned ledges, treading the flat terrain of the valley is like child play, the snowy ground being little more than a nuisance and the party makes it to the shore in good time. Walking in the valley, with its flat white expanse and the silvery lake contrasting starkly with the dark cliff faces that surround it in a rough circle, gives the adventurers the impression of being inside a gigantic bowl; which in a sense is exactly true.

By the lake shore the waters prove to be cold, very cold. Their frigid embrace would doom anyone falling into them to a quick death by hypothermia. But they appear clean, unsullied and drinkable. A fair number of fish can be seen swimming near the surface. Close to the southwest and further west-northwest the surface of the waters is covered in ice. How thick exactly is hard to determine from the shore. From what was observed when the group was in higher reaches it did not seem certain there would be a solid ground passage around the lake in either direction. Crossing the valley to the other side will surely require walking on frozen waters. That, or miraculously building a boat out of non-existent wood.

Party Idea Roll: [1d100] = 14

With the knowledge provided by both druid and ranger several other factors about the lake can be determined. The nature of its waters, the amount of fish, the movement of the water and undulation, all point to existence of both an inflow and outflow of current. There is likely a nascent somewhere on the valley feeding the lake and well as a river or rivulet leading out and, obviously, down. This fact increases the chance of there being an exit off the valley somewhere on the other side and at lower heights.

Forgot to account the natural healing for a night's rest. Malone's hit points updated for full recovery.

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:54 pm
by Sir Clarence
Andrin kneels down at the lakeshore and skims up a handful of the water. Despite the cold air, he uses it to clean his hands first and then his face, his skin immediately turning red due to the cold. Viewably satisfied, he then drinks two mouthful of it and fills his empty waterskin to the brim.

"I do have some fishing skills, but lack hook and line to catch any." With a doubtful face, he looks up to the others. "I suppose, no one of you has thought of bringing one along, or did you?"

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:54 pm
by zebediah
"No need for line if one is skilled with spear or arrow, though I wonder if it is in our best interest to spend time catching fish here. If we all have rations I would suggest spending as little time here as possible." The ranger looks around for any sign of movement or disturbance as he refills his waterskins.

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:43 am
by Vargr1105
Day 2 - Early Morning - The Icy Valley/Lake Shore

Musical Theme: A Hole in the Sky

While the party replenishes its water supply and debates what to do about the fishes swimming in the lake a hidden force or instinct makes all four adventurers turn their gaze upwards, in unison, to a point in the air some 30-40 feet high and perhaps a hundred feet into the lake.

Is it a trick of the early morning light? Or is something, a distortion, a shimmering, a glittering taking form there?

Verily, no trick of luminiscence or illusion is this. An irridiscent, irregular and bulbous sphere of white light is forming out of nothingness in the open sky right in front of the companion's eyes, and growing rapidly. Before any can make a comment there is rapid flash, not unlike a burst of lighting (in broad daylight?), but accompanied by no sound. A seemingly solid humanoid shape can now be seen edged on the nexus of light. It stays there for a few moments...then, it falls. It plummets down to the surface of the lake's waters with the grace of a boulder, emitting what sounds like a very male and human (demihuman?) cry of surprise and despair.

The person, whoever he is, crashes into the waters sending spray flying in all directions. Above, the nexus of light weaves and wanes and rapidly begins to loos form and size. It is again but a small distortion when a bearded head bobs up the surface of the waters near where the body sunk, sputtering and flailing. Whoever the new arrival is, and whatever supernatural reason led to this impressive arrival, and regardless of his swimming proficiency, it is clear unless he is made of whale blubber the fellow will soon be in dire straights in the unforgiving cold waters.

Round 1

Time is now passign in a round-by-round basis, like in combat. At the end of each round Stonjuz will have to make a Constitution Check or loose 1d4 Hit Points due to the cold waters.

Thank heavens for the Wilderness Survival Guide, I couldn't find swimming rules anywhere in OSRIC. Stonjuz can swim at a 30ft/round movement rate. So it will take him 3 rounds to get to the shore on his own.

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:21 am
by Stonjuz
con [1d20] = 12
1st round (premature but i couldnt resist actually doing something)

Any break in the mono tone scream during descent was undetectable ....... "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo" .......sploooosh

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:52 am
by Ra the monk
Oz quickly throws his rope to creature when it gets in range. After pulling the sopping dwarf to shore Oz looks down at the wet wreck and says "Well now that was an interesting entrance. How about we start a fire and warm you up."

OOC: So start a fire catch some fish and warm up, then try and find where this lake drains off to. Sorry for the short post but I am quite busy right now.

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:54 am
by zebediah
"Let me take care of the fish while you friends help the unfortunate fella warming up." Ogirdor says smiling as he walks to the water.

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:03 pm
by Sir Clarence
"Dwarves that fall from the sky.... I wonder what will happen next. The gods have led us to an unusual and unique place", Andrin mumbles to himself as he walks over to Oz and helps him pulling. "Not exactly the kind of fish I was intent on catching", he says to the warrior, "but an interesting catch nonetheless."

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:14 pm
by Vargr1105
Day 2 - Early Morning - The Icy Valley/Lake Shore

The figure in the waters swims desperately in the direction of the shore where the party is standing. Ozborn tosses a rope to the swimmer when he is within reach, which he manages to grasp, and with a few pulls by Oz and Andrin he is hauled out of the lake.

The "catch" is indeed a dwarf, and a curiously tall specimen at that. He dresses in unkempt (and now thoroughly soaked) priestly vestments and has a turtle(!) strapped to the top of a flat leather helm which covers his head.

Stonjuz Cold Damage: [1d4] = 1

The dwarf, as would be expected, is shivering. But at least he is not gaining a blue tinge. Perhaps there is some true in all that vaunted dwarvish resilience.

Roleplay away gentlemen. Stonjuz is not hypothermic but he better get out of those wet and cold clothes soon.

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:28 pm
by Ra the monk
"Sir do you know that you have a turtle on your head? Why don't you have a seat and we will get you sorted out." Oz looks sideways at the new arrival as he goes about collecting fire wood for the fire. Once he gets the fire going he begins to dry his rope as he chats with the strange dwarf "Names Ozborn Greynight, but you can call me Oz. So tell us how did you end up falling out of the sky one this fine day, and with a turtle on your head of all things?"

Starting a fire roll :lol: [1d20] = 10

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:05 pm
by Buzz
"Yes, do tell. Where do you herald from, dwarf." Malone drops his pack and gets his skillet ready. "Will someone catch some fish already. This ma- dwarf needs a hot meal."

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:41 pm
by Stonjuz
con 2nd [1d20] = 18
Stonjuz lets out a biting growl over the slight pain of the cold finally reaching home.
The pain is an eye-opener and his survival instincts kick in, shruggin off further damage.
With the assistance he will make it to the shore only a little worse for wear.

Once ashore, shivering a bit, the stranger is trying to form syllables.

"B-By-B-Bo-cco-b-b-'s b-b-butt !!! Tha-b-bones are a b-b-bit-ter b-b-bitin'"

Trying to gather his wits, he begins to scan his thoughts.....then his eyes grow big and ...
"Of course, how could I have b-b-been so b-b-blind? First earth, then wind, then FIRE, yes, F-FIRE should have b-b-been third, THEN water." Ha-ha, those elemental warded runes wont f-f-fool me next t-t-time. " He looks about at the party as if finally aware of their presence.
"What? Oh yes, my turtle." He begins to undo the amphibian and let the turtle loose on the ground and starts to remove his wet belongings, and begin the process of drying his gear, adding..."He's my pet, gotten me out of a few jams in the past too. It looks like he's going to be fine, thank you all. Careful, he bites. My name is Stonjuz D'Eyeurnhed of Irongate but w-w-where in tarnation am I?"

After careful seperation of delicate items for drying the party notices a fairly large net with many hooks just vying for a chance to satisfy the groups desire for fresh fish.

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:07 pm
by Vargr1105
Day 2 - Early Morning - The Icy Valley/Lake Shore

There is no real wood to be found here, but the terrain around this shores is mostly bereft of snow so a few stubborn grasses and small bushes grow here and there. In a matter of minutes Ozborn has gathered enough vegetable matter to make a small fire. With a little bit of aid from lantern oil he manages to light it. The minute conflagration will not last long but it may aid the dwarf escape the effect of his frigid plunge. Mercifully, there is no real wind to speak of so the fire will hold until all the "wood" is consumed. If need be, a thorough and longer scavenging of the wereabouts might produce enough fuel for a real bonfire.

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:08 pm
by zebediah
Ogirdor thanks Stonjuz for the net and in a short while returns to the rest of the group with sufficient fish to fill their bellies.
"This mountain seems to be a busier location than one would assume. Care to share with us the story the forces that brought you here master Stonjuz?"

Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:01 pm
by Stonjuz
The dwarf breathes a sigh of relief when noticing that his 'writ of passage' is still readable and gingerly makes certain that it is well dried before beginning to stow it.
"I got this here from Cobb Darg, mayor of Irongate. See? That's his seal thar'. He ...uh, suggested that I may find some of the answers to my ah,...studies on the road. It seems the rest of the 'tight pants,high and mighty' in Irongate think it is a waste of time to devote oneself to being a follower of Boccob, such as I. Darg's different somehow. I really do think he understands. Fine chap, just needs to watch the company he keeps. How I came to be here? Well, not sure where here is, but I was messing...uh, I mean studying, some magical runes around what could have been an old wizard's tower or something when the blasted things zapped me into oblivion. Hehe, thought I was a goner for sure. Good thing you boys were about. Thanks again for the hand with me stuff. Hells Bells, it's gonna take awhile for these boots to dry."

He pulls out some standard rations and mixes todays catch with some herbs and such to make the meal more enjoyable. "This salt is gonna rock up, so try and sprinkle it to taste fellas." Making sure that the turtle is just as well fed as the rest.