Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June 2021

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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#81 Post by Spearmint »

Blackjack Amistad

"We should have a couple each. We can also use the saddle bags and trunk from Pingu. Ditch the block and tackle and waste rations, though not in the river to feed predators). It us ferrying it all up to the surface that bothers me. One in the cave, one hauling on land, two in the water."

Amistad will volunteer for being in the river as he feels that is most dangerous. "Start with items and jewels, then the coins pp, gp, sp."
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#82 Post by Alethan »

Earc Orctongue

There are no jewels. Just a sword, a shield, and ten potions. I think we should figure out precisely how many sacks we brought because that will matter. Marullus, each potion sip is an hour of time under water, correct? With six turns in an hour? If that is the case, then as a group we can move 12 bags in 10 minutes. That would be two trips for 3 of us and one trip for 1 of us if we just got the gold and silver. is the total weight of this haul? I don't think we can conceivably take all of this back to town without a wagon, enough bags or not! So leave the copper for now. It is safe where it is.

Once the first trip is made, we should make sure the horse is still there. And there isn't an ambush waiting. If it is and there isn't, then Earc can wait with the horse and first haul while the other three return with the remaining silver. Then we cover traces of activity and head back to town. Coin is easy to divide. Amistad gets sword and shield. Earc can study the potions and try to determine what they are.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#83 Post by Spearmint »


Is fine with that, cost in sword and shield value as we divide plunder. I think the retainers will want a potion share though. Better wait until you discover what they do.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#84 Post by Alethan »

Spearmint wrote:Amistad

Is fine with that, cost in sword and shield value as we divide plunder. I think the retainers will want a potion share though. Better wait until you discover what they do.
We will have to estimate the value of the sword and shield. Potions generally range from 50gp to 150gp in the town threads, so it might be easier to assign a value to them than the sword and shield. I suspect, though, that they would each be valued at about 30x that (1500gp-4000gp, depending on power and such). The only thing of the two Earc could use would be the sword, which he could use along with a Shield spell to be somewhat effective in fighting in a Gandalf sort of way, but both are much better suited to go to Alcide.

By the by, once Amistad straps on the shield and wields the sword, he should pick up a general understanding of their base benefits. If they are extra special in any way, we wouldn't know that without further research.

Yes, definitely don't want to just hand off potions without knowing what they are or what they do.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#85 Post by Marullus »

You are correct - I defined a turn as 10 minutes in the house rules but have been treating them as 15 minutes. The potion actually lasts a fraction more than an hour, so you have six safe turns of action.

Pingu is a draft horse so can haul quite a bit (see mount rules). He can carry 900lbs (9,000 coins) at half speed or pull a sledge with 1,800 lbs (18,000 coins) at 1/4 speed. Even at 1/4 speed, you'll be back at town in less than a day, as you're only at the river.

It is a magical shortsword. The shield can't be used by Earc, but a shortsword can. (Amistad also fights two-handed with his axe, so will need a different fighting style to make use of a shield.)

With six individual unknown potions and three of another, that's seven research checks. To even try to identify them all by research will take Earc weeks (supposing all checks succeed). The retainers will want a share of the potions (they are entitled to two each) but will accept one each if they don't have to sip them to try them out themselves.

(P. 107) Potions may be identified by sipping them...

Alethan wrote:Earc collects the yellow liquid gathering in the stone basin. He tries to assess the rate at which it collects, based on how much was in there initially and how much is in there after two days.
The drips are painfully slow, it would take at least a week to fill a flask. In two days you have enough for a single sip.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#86 Post by Alethan »

OOC: I'm fine with taking Earc out of the rotation for a few weeks in order to get the potions studied and only give one each to the retainers.

Spearmint, it's up to you for the weapon/shield. If you don't want either, then take the shield and maybe you can trade it for something else in town and Earc will take the sword and I can always make sure and have a Shield spell memorized to make him useful in a battle at least once a day if necessary.

We should haul as much as possible if the draft horse can take it and we have the ability to haul it all. I only know what bags Earc has on him; I don't know what a trunk can hold or what other bags are in the party. Per the previously linked post where Amistad indicated what additional supplies he picked up for the last venture, he got another 3 sacks. At that point, we only have 8 large sacks. If Amistad has more on his person, then please indicate that number so we can total it up. Right now, though, it's just enough bags for all the gold and a little over half the silver. I guess adding coins to saddle bags and the chest and then taking the bags back would mean being able to get maybe the rest of the silver.

We should have all four bringing stuff out the first trip and then three going back and getting more stuff with one standing guard over the horse and loot. Earc can memorize some useful offensive spells and stand watch if you want.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#87 Post by Spearmint »

Amistad, Alcide and Achaedany each have a large sack. There are 2 more large sacks on Pingu and 1 empty saddle bag, which can take 30lbs of gear. The saddle trunk operate as a large chest each, but carries all the feed, equipment, etc.

Earc earned the sword in dealing with the troll as we all fell. Amistad will take the shield. Earc on guard above us fine, let's get the chain gang going.

And be wary of eels, wugs, grumpbears and big one eye sniffing around.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#88 Post by Alethan »

Spearmint wrote: And be wary of eels... sniffing around.
"You know what those are, highness? Those are the shrieking eels!"
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#89 Post by Alethan »

Spearmint wrote:Amistad, Alcide and Achaedany each have a large sack. There are 2 more large sacks on Pingu and 1 empty saddle bag, which can take 30lbs of gear. The saddle trunk operate as a large chest each, but carries all the feed, equipment, etc.

Earc earned the sword in dealing with the troll as we all fell. Amistad will take the shield. Earc on guard above us fine, let's get the chain gang going.

OOC: That works. We'll just see what we can carry! We could cache supplies in the cave, maybe? Instead of just dumping them haphazardly about by the riverside. Find the safest and driest part of the cave, neatly stack torches and oil and trail rations and blankets and whatever. We don't need it right now; better to haul silver with the bags and backpacks. Earc's backpack doesn't have a huge amount of room, but the dry bag should be able to take some. At the very least, we can bring the potions up with the dry bag and then someone can take it back down to fill with coins.

In preparation for their leave, Earc rests and memorizes some spells from his spell book before stowing it in the drysack. He removes his old but serviceable shortsword he's carried around for a year and replaces it with the magical one they found.

Then Earc makes a cache of the gear they might want to hold on to for later:
- 10 days of trail rations (I'll assume he's used all of his fresh rations at this point)
- 6 flasks of oil
- 1 Lantern (that he doesn't need anymore anyway since they have continual light driftwood)
- 1 shortsword

And finally helps everyone get coins bagged until they are out of bags and the rest ready and set up for easy bagging later.

Before he leaves, he collects all of the yellow liquid he can from the basin and stows it in one of his empty flasks for later study.

There are two water breathing potions with one dose each left and one potion with four doses left. When they are ready to go, Earc passes the full bottle around for everyone to take a sip from. Then he grabs his dry bag and two extra sacks and enters the water and makes his way to the surface.

Once there, he does a check of the area to make sure they aren't being watched while the others load up the chest and saddle bags with coins so the bags can be re-used. He transfers the potions and such from the drybag to his backpack and then gives the drybag to Amistad to use for hauling of coins.

When the others go back down, he keeps the horse near the rocks and stands alert, hoping there is no trouble from anyone or anything.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#90 Post by Marullus »

You pack the potions in your oilsack and strap on the sword and shield. Using your eight sacks, you bag up as many coins as they hold. Everyone takes one sip of the potion and swims out. Carrying two sacks each, you can make it to the bottom then use the rope to get them to the surface. (one turn total with four people, five turns left)

When you reach the riverbank, you find a mess. There are remains of a campfire and a well-trampled campsite. Ashes lie dark and cold in a huge firepit, cracked and roasted horse-bones lying among them. You partially-eaten rations lie strewn about and spoiled, what was once your bedroll now heavily soiled and you do not wish to know by what.

Alcide carefully examines the campsite looking forlornly at the tracks. "Ogres. Looks like they got Pingu first. Hobbled here, didn't stand a chance. Roasted him up, too," he nods to the firepit. "Goblins enjoyed the rest a day later, at least a dozen of them." He kicks the remains of a torn wineskin. "They carried off or ruined everything else." He points to some tracks to and from the south. "Boots. Looks like the guards got here last. Probably figure we're all dead, with this mess."

Bagged: 1,700gp, 3,100sp.
Left: 6,900sp, 8,000cp.

Day: 4 June 2021
Time: 5:00 pm
Light source: Sun
Spells in Effect: Water breathing potions (until 5:50pm)
Injuries: Amistad (severely wounded),Alcide (severely wounded),Achaedany (severely wounded)
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#91 Post by Alethan »

Earc Orctongue

"Damned ogres... poor Pigue," Earc says, shaking his head.

"We're in no shape to hang around and get caught out in the open by the likes of ogres and goblins. Let's make our way down to the ford with what we have. We can come back with another pack animal and enough sacks and get the rest. And then when we're better, we can go hunt some ogres..."

If the others agree, then he first covers their tracks coming out of the river and then begins heading down to the Ford and the Frogmorton homestead.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#92 Post by Alethan »

OOC: Will have to adjust my treasure distribution notes now...

Magical Shield
3 identified potions

Magical Sword
2 identified potions

2 identified potions

Achaedany :
2 identified potions

This sound OK?
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#93 Post by Marullus »

That's fine for unidentified potions. If you're identifying them, you can shift one more each to Earc and Blackjack.

Are you going to sip them or study them?
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#94 Post by Alethan »

Marullus wrote:That's fine for unidentified potions. If you're identifying them, you can shift one more each to Earc and Blackjack.

Are you going to sip them or study them?
If you promise he won't die from poison, Earc will sip them. Otherwise, study. And then yeah, we'll just give them one each and keep the rest.

I'm nervous because in the long-running Hinterlands game on Immersive Ink, in 5 years we've come across something like 4 potions. And all of them have been poison! What kind of terrible luck is that???
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#95 Post by Marullus »

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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#96 Post by Spearmint »

Blackjack Amistad

"Ah, Pingu, my faithfully cantankerous old friend."

Amistad will take off the horseshoes, he will smelt a tribute to his horse later. With no equipment or horse, it is a further blow to his finances.

"Best carry what we can, make haste and keep going until we hit town." Amistad will adjust his pack to enable carrying the 120lbs of loot and then set off for the ford following the well worn trail.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#97 Post by Marullus »

With each person carrying an extra 120lbs in sacks, the group makes slow time, arriving at the watchtower and Frogmorton House as the sun is dropping towards the sunset. The walk back to town will take eight hours thus-laden and everyone is still injured, so you are grateful when Menegilda Frogmorton makes a fuss at your arrival.

"Thought you were all gone for sure, with the ogre and goblin incursions," says the guardsmen dolefully. The relief at your appearance is shared by all. The guardsmen let you stay once more in the adjacent bunkhouse to their tower and Ms. Frogmorton invites you all in for a wholesome meal. "Tell me, where were you? Why didn't they find you with the horse?" she asks with interest.

If you continue on, you can get back to town mid-afternoon on 05 June and end the expedition. If you do something else, let me know. Either way, you can RP here at the ford until the other groups get out of town and I can advance the clock.

Day: 4 June 2021
Time: 7:00 pm
Light source: Sun
Spells in Effect: Water breathing potions (until 5:50pm)
Injuries: Amistad (severely wounded),Alcide (severely wounded),Achaedany (severely wounded)
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#98 Post by Alethan »

Earc Orctongue
Day: 4 June 2021
Time: 7:00 pm

Earc thanks Mrs. Frogmorton for the much needed sustenance.

With more silver and copper waiting for them below, Earc skirts the issue with his reply...

"We... Well, we were exploring where Pigue couldn't go. We got caught in an area we couldn't easily leave and then ended up fighting another troll, evidenced by the wounds Blackjack and Alcide and Achaedany have endured. The last troll, larger and uglier than all the others, is now gone as well. We were hoping that would be the end of such dangers in the immediate area, but..."

Then he tries to change the subject to something more pressing, "...it appears we have a band of ogres and a tribe of goblins that need dealing with, as well! After these three heal up a bit, that is. What can you tell us about them? Any ideas where they base out of or where they were headed?"
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#99 Post by Alethan »

OOC: I'm fine with ending the expedition at this point and everyone getting what amounts to about 500gp and some potions and two magic items. We can plan a trip back for the rest later. Likely it is pretty safe where it is.

That also gives us some XP, which might be useful, depending on how much it is (Earc isn't far from level). And Earc will need some time to study potions and magic items (he can study the shield if Amistad wants). I suspect Alcide and Achaedany might want a rest and a chance to enjoy their spoils before we drag them out again...

... and "then" could be to go ogre and goblin hunting, a waiting period while the canoe is being built.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Facing the Final Troll - 02 June

#100 Post by Spearmint »

Blackjack Amistad

Thanks the Frogmortons and the Captain for their hospitality once again. "Yes, Pingu we gobbled in our camp. Was safe the many days before. Thus ogre party caught him unawares. My guess is just a raiding party, I think some guards reported sightings of such crossing further south days ago. Should be glad in the end that little one here didn't get dragged along too, he might have been dessert."

Amistad tries to make light of his loss, ruffling the head if the younger Frogmorton. "Still the River Ranger, the Reiver', trap mistress Dany' and Orctongue slew bug old lumpy. He's ashes to ashes now."

Amistad will need to heal up, riverboat will take three weeks to build. I do want to go upriver but we could also delve into the Morlock tunnels. Some dwarves about and other folk yet to commit to an expedition. The linguist should have 1st report too.

Amistad is happy to end the troll expedition here.

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