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House Rules

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:53 pm
by Tamerlaine
** Updated 03/14/2016 **

Rolling for Ability Scores
Players roll 4d6 seven times, rerolling any rolls of ‘1’ (so the lowest score that a starting character can have in any ability score is ‘6’).  Players assign the six results to their characters’ abilities (strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, and charisma) as they choose.  If a player thinks his/her character is ‘hopeless’ he/she can ask the DM to reroll another set.

Additional Ability Score Modifiers
Only fighters get more than +1/+1 damage due to STR (+2/+2 AT 18)
Clerics get a bonus first level spell if they have a WIS >15.
Str bonus applies to both HtH and ranged for fighters.
All characters receive maximum HP at first level.

Critical Hits
If a character rolls a natural ‘20’ he rolls again to see if he scores a critical hit.  If the second roll is also a hit, the character does maximum damage plus an additional damage roll.  (For instance, say a fighter wielding a broadsword scores a critical hit.  He does 8 points of damage + 1d8 + any applicable modifiers.)
A natural '20' is always a hit, regardless of the opponent's AC.

If a character rolls a natural 1 in an attack roll he must make a saving throw (modified by his dexterity bonus/penalty).  If he fails, he drops his weapon.

Binding Wounds

Characters can bind 1d3 HP worth of wounds after a battle. This is not stackable. Healing is per Core rules, modified by Constitution.

Shattered Shields
Any damage from a single attack can be ignored by being absorbed by a shield, including a critical hit. When used this way, the shield immediately becomes unusable, shattered by the blow. Magic shields, on the other hand, don’t get destroyed, but are unusable until repaired by an armor smith.

Firing Missile Weapons into Melee
If a character is using a ranged weapon (bow, sling, etc.) and fires into a melee combat involving an ally, he suffers a -2 to his roll to hit his target (this penalty is due to the character being careful not to hit his ally).