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Scene Requests

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:43 pm
by Marullus
Post requests for scenes here, following the guidelines from this post.
Marullus wrote:Scene Request Thread- This thread is where you as a player propose future scenes that you'd like to see play out. These are usually for multiple characters, but can be individual for your character or proposed for another's character (i.e. "Boy, I'd really like to see how Trombey handles THAT revelation with his wife!"). Proposed scenes should be be designated as Action, Color, or Interstitial. This is borrowing some of the scene economy concepts from the Burning Empires game and will help us to be clear to each other as players about the intention of a given scene. All Scene Request posts should be clearly related to at least one current Belief.
  • Action scenes are major events in the story. This is where beliefs will be challenged and resolved or refuted (ala Moldbreaker). They are the scenes that merit multiple tests or use of Fight! or Duel of Wits rules. It is a signal to the other players that it is something you want to be a focus of shared-play.
  • Interstitial scenes are minor events in the story. They are things that need to happen for the story to progress but which will likely resolve quickly. They are scenes that usually contain only one test. Examples include using Resources to get needed materials, Circling up a contact who is going to do something off-camera, handling some form of practice/activity while camping for the night which is important to only a single character.
  • Color scenes are opportunities to roleplay and interact between multiple PCs without it being a driving (i.e. test-driven) thing. Examples include things like, "I'd like Fred to sit down and talk to Donna tonight by the campfire about how scared she was during that encounter with the wights. He's worried about her, and it will give her a chance to expound on her past with her parent's transformation." Color scenes can evolve to include tests, but are explorational rather than directed.

Re: Scene Requests

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:57 am
by Marullus
I encourage players to begin posting initial scene requests as soon as their sheets are final.

How I'm imagining this right now:

I see us opening in an impromptu refugee camp along Long Lake. Smaug is still present and eating people regularly, so the longer you stay, the greater the risk. Based on beliefs expressed so far, I see our initial chapter being played-out there, with discussion of where people will go and the eventual setting-out of some-sized caravan. This is true as long as some folks' beliefs still center on getting people to safety.

Once a (mobile or settled) home-base is then established (based on successful execution of whatever plan is arrived at along the lake), I can see multiple action groups spurring off as scenes are run. We've gotten a lot of interest, and several players desiring to not be in every scene. So, if you have a large caravan it creates more flexibility as people's PCs and their relationship NPCs come in and out of a larger population.

Does that make sense? What other expectations do people have?

Re: Scene Requests

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:57 pm
by Spectreman17
I was thinking the first scene should probably include everybody, it should be chaos and we're trying to bring it order. It would probably be all of us trying to convince the others of our plans of action, most likely culminating in a duel of wits.

perhaps the refugee camp is holding an official "what should we do meeting, and our band of misfits all show up to share our opinions. but we all agree before hand to go through with whatever plan the caravan as a whole agrees to, since we have safety in numbers. (a.k.a. don't split the party that soon)

opinions? minor alterations? major complaints? hit me!

Re: Scene Requests

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:54 pm
by Marullus
Precisely. Using the terms above, I see the initial chaos as a Color scene to let everyone get a feel for each other and establish first impressions. That can be followed by any Interstitial scenes at the Long Lake, if requested by players here, then culminate in the Action scene where the "town meeting" will have a Duel of Wits.

The GM boundaries will be that: 1) All PCs are currently in the Long Lake refugee camp, and 2) All PCs will be bound by the fate of the Duel of Wits about the game's direction. We can do splits sometime later, if needed.

Re: Scene Requests

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:48 pm
by Spectreman17
Ok, so as far my Characters interest for pre meeting buttering up,

I'd like to meet with Drumrin and hopefully convince him to use his favor to call on troops from another dwarf hold like the iron mountains, as one of the more influential members of our remaining society.

I would probably also try the on Ireth, and see if her Elves woul be willing to come to our aid.

Both of those would be color

Re: Scene Requests

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:20 pm
by Spectreman17
Before I do either of those things, I would want to track down Enoch's character and ask him about history, how heroes of old slew dragons. Need some info for when I go beg for allies in my quest.

Also Color.

Re: Scene Requests

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 3:26 am
by Marullus
Color scene for Chapter 1 is wrapping up. We need to identify actions to-occur before the meeting that night.
  • Niping and Glaiz need to use Circles to try to find Lan, or someone who can lead to Lan, before the group breaks up.
  • Favrick wants to speak with Hagatha, and/or pursue interaction with other PCs.

Re: Scene Requests

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 12:17 pm
by Fulci
Color/Action (?) scene
I'd be happy to continue the scene with Durgar, Whitfield and Ilreth by the campfire, to get my character, Favrick, acquainted with them... and hopefully introduce the prophecy theme.

Re: Scene Requests

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 7:15 pm
by Spectreman17
I'm all for continueing that dialog. perhaps at this point we should break the group into their current actions. like ilreth, durgar, whitfield, and favrick in a seperate thread.

Re: Scene Requests

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:49 pm
by Starbeard
Niping's search for Lann seems to be at least temporarily breaking away from the other scene, but I'm happy continuing that on its own so it gets resolved and he can move back to a larger group scene.

Re: Scene Requests

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 2:38 am
by Marullus
I'll break these up tomorrow.

Re: Scene Requests

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 1:30 am
by Marullus
This thread starts over here with the reboot.