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Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:59 pm
by rredmond
I just wanted to set this up so you could start talking about characters you want to play. And any other out of character stuff.


Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:10 pm
by leebrown1990
I'm already involved in games as a Druid, Illusionist and Theif. Also having control over a MU and fighter as secondary characters....

So I think I'd like to try my hands at a Cleric or Paladin, stat roll providing.



Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:44 pm
by Nuke66
Well, with a 2-4th level starting point. Exp of 5k+1d4?

I have this ideal of a thief/MU, with a spell selection the primarily that enhances the thieving.


Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:33 pm
by leebrown1990
7 PC's or 3rd level (as it stands now) or 8 PC's of 2nd level you said right Rredmond?



Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:56 pm
by rredmond
Correct. I'll figure out XPs for multiclassing too in a bit. But generally for singe class those levels should hold true.


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:06 am
by Norjax
Norjax checking in. :)

I'd prefer to play a fighter, cleric or thief.


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:01 am
by Computer +1
I am going with some magic this time!


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:50 am
by dmw71
I would prefer to play a cleric or fighter. I'd also consider a paladin as well if I get the rolls to qualify for the class.


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:54 am
by Nuke66
Just a strange thought, and a way to slow down chargen even more.....

But do you guys want to kinda do it like a FtF game would be? Roll stats, post, discuss? or am I just being nostalgic?


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:10 am
by dmw71
Nuke66 wrote:But do you guys want to kinda do it like a FtF game would be? Roll stats, post, discuss? or am I just being nostalgic?
I'd be fine with that. I just generated my rolls and, well, I can be pretty much any class that doesn't require attribute minimums.

Stats: CHR:11, STR:12, WIS:12, DEX:12, INT:6, CON:11

I shifted the ability scores around slightly with the idea of creating a cleric or fighter, but I'd be willing to float that 6 around to another ability if someone really wants me to play a magic-user. :D

By the way, does anyone know the Campaign ID for this adventure?


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:28 am
by Argennian
Howdy all!

Just checking in to say hey and see what's cooking. I'm happy to play any character and class on this one and am also willing to wait and see what the party looks like before choosing, in the interest of group balance! :ugeek:

... or could just pick something like a druid! :)


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:39 am
by Alethan
Mysterious Player #8 checking in.

My playing style, and thus my characters, tends to be of the "leading" sort. I'm an Alpha personality. It's difficult to hide. But for this campaign, I'm going with a supporting class (MU) and will play more of a background role. I will still be an active participant, of course, but it definitely won't be a party leading role. Or second in command, even.

So my biggest personal challenge in this game is going to be taking a step back and letting others pick up the lead. ;)

That said, here are some of my rolls...

Stats: DEX:16, INT:17, WIS:14, STR:13, CON:12, CHR:14
Starting Hit Points [2d4] = 8
Starting Money [2d4x10] = 2x10 = 20

I lucked out in my HP roll but crapped out with my starting money. Thank goodness this isn't a gear-dependent character!


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:45 am
by rredmond
I'm going to 2550 as the experience point total. That gives a thief third level, but paladins (if you get the rolls) are in play and multi-class folks will have options. You've got to up with your gold, you can have the clothes on your back and a weeks worth of rations from mommy. But I'm going to add something fun, never done this before but might yield interesting results. Everyone gets a 20% chance to roll for a magic item on sub table one in the OSRIC manual on page 167. If you roll 20 or under on percentile then you roll once on the table. What you get is yours, no re-rolling though swapping may be in order - if more than one person gets that lucky.
I'll set up PC thread and campaign ID later today.
All classes except Assassin are in from OSRIC, As are class combos, no evil, and single class fighters can have single specialization.


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:06 pm
by rredmond
New threads are up! Please take a peek.

My normal "three posts a week please" stands. Let us know if you are going to be away for any length of time. If someone is AFK for three or more days, the party can NPC them, and I'll PM them, if it continues for say another week without response, then we'll move from there to remove the player, and figure out what to do with the character.

My DM style is "let the dice fall where they may" but also flexibility in the name of fun. If you can figure out a creative way for your character to avoid that imminent death, I'm all ears for a plan and the (DM decided) applicable dice rolls. I say have fun! Of course character death doesn't mean you are out of the game either, but that's a bridge we'll cross when we come to it.

Let me know if there are any further questions. Here or in PM. Start building your characters and we'll get redy to enter the caverns! :D


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:11 pm
by rredmond
Another thing. I want to put some of the record keeping on you all. For two reasons, some of us are more active in the forums than others, so it's a good idea for them to keep records. Also, it makes more sense to assign it to you guys as it really impacts you. What I'd like to do is assign folks to keep up the following posts (I'll assign it to you, then you keep it up by editing it so it'll stay at the top of the thread):
In the Party Treasure and Kills thread:
the rest of this thread can be for reminders when something is forgotten, or for more details, but I'd like one person to track treasure in the first post and one to track kills in the second.

In the Action TOP/SOP Thread:
Marching Order:
Watch Schedule:
SOPs (for whatever you'd like to set up):
NPCs: (maybe... I can take this on if need be):

So any takers?


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:37 pm
by Norjax
Here are my character stats. I didn't rearrange the stats before I accepted, so I'm "stuck" with these results:

Stats: STR:16, INT:17, WIS:14, DEX:15, CON:12, CHR:16


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:27 pm
by Nuke66
Norjax wrote:Here are my character stats. I didn't rearrange the stats before I accepted, so I'm "stuck" with these results:

Stats: STR:16, INT:17, WIS:14, DEX:15, CON:12, CHR:16

Not really, the dice roller is's not really linked to a character sheet.


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:01 pm
by Alethan
Nuke66 wrote:
Norjax wrote:Here are my character stats. I didn't rearrange the stats before I accepted, so I'm "stuck" with these results:

Stats: STR:16, INT:17, WIS:14, DEX:15, CON:12, CHR:16

Not really, the dice roller is's not really linked to a character sheet.

Yeah, feel free to rearrange as necessary, Norjax.


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:08 pm
by Alethan
rredmond wrote:But I'm going to add something fun, never done this before but might yield interesting results. Everyone gets a 20% chance to roll for a magic item on sub table one in the OSRIC manual on page 167. If you roll 20 or under on percentile then you roll once on the table. What you get is yours, no re-rolling though swapping may be in order - if more than one person gets that lucky.

Ilhalevar's chance for a magical item [1d100] = 28

So close! :(


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:10 pm
by Norjax
Alethan wrote:Yeah, feel free to rearrange as necessary, Norjax.
Thanks. A rookie mistake. :oops:

Norjax Thall's chance for magic:

[1d100] = 39
