(IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

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(IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#1 Post by Q.Q Elf »

The map to the party leads to one place, where the map is exchanged with another by a wordless masked servant. The actual map leads you back to the school grounds, to the old chapel behind the school. The front of the chapel is lit by tiki torches, which do little but illuminate a settling mist.

At one side of the chapel is an old trailer, probably used to store the abandoned school equipment that had been in the chapel. The side of the trailer is emblazoned with the Price Inc logo.

The other side of the chapel has a winding path that leads off into the woods. An old sign by the path, hanging by one hook and twisting in the wind, reads: RECTOR

The lights from a house are barely visible down the path, through the mist, like an electric will-o-the-wisp.

mc voice: More to come...
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Re: Acrewood Chapel

#2 Post by Q.Q Elf »

The inside of the chapel has been mostly cleared out. Wooden pews, boxes of old sports equipment, piles of unwanted textbooks, broken and abused computer systems... All gone, and cleared away.

Someone has restored the altar, which now is covered with an offering of booze, drugs, and condoms. The smell of cigarettes, incense, and marijuana hang heavy in the air. Through the pulsing electric lights, it's like a second, more insidious fog settling over the inside of the chapel.

The crucifix has also been restored, but hanging in the inverse. In place of the corpus Christi hangs a large robotic Elmo, who sways and shimmies to the sounds around it.

The DJ has set up by the front door. The music is a driving electronic beat over Gregorian chant. It is somehow both loud enough to ring the ears, yet quiet enough to carry a conversation.

Everyone who is anyone is there. Your characters are also there.

mc voice: Done setting the scene. If you'd like to describe your party attire and who you are with, to set the mood, that would be cool with me. I have my ideas, but you can set up your character before I throw crap at you.

Note that I avoided mentioning costumes, clothing, or any theme other than the irreligious. So have at it.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#3 Post by Metal Fatigue »

For the first hour or so of the party, Lucinda had kept Summer on a short leash—literally. The bondage collar was just part of the debauched parody of Acrewood uniform Lucinda had inflicted on her "friend." Now, though, the leash was coiled and clipped onto Summer's belt, waiting for Lucinda to reclaim it, and Summer was hiding almost behind one of the speaker stacks, shadowed, ears ringing.

She was looking for someone, or sometwo—either Seth or Victoria, the ones her vision had shown her might be able to help against Mr. Finney. She was pretty sure she knew what was coming if they didn't or couldn't: a Black Mass required a virgin sacrifice, after all, real or symbolic, and she'd seen Finney taking a piece of her.

Once again she let her fear, and the pain in her ears, and the nausea she felt at the idea of being "sacrificed" by Finney on top of that altar, carry her away…

Gazing into the Abyss to see how she can get Seth's and Victoria's help: 2d6+2=12. Forgot to put in my +1 forward but it doesn't matter, I hit hard anyway. Picking two: visions are lucid and detailed, visions cure the condition "drained."

EDIT: MC, you may need MonkeyWrench's help to answer this one, given that Summer is asking in part about a fellow PC.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#4 Post by Rukellian »

Clarence Dufonte arrives at the party, much to his suprise and those who notice him there. He is no party animal and he cannot even fathom why he was invited in the first place. He finds an old, gnarly tree in the front lawn and decides to lean against it, taking in the night air. Dressed for the weather rather than the mood of the party, he is in a pair of blue jeans with a soft wool sweater on (halloween decorations are printed on it, childish in nature but somehow fitting) and a scarf draped around his neck. A backpack is slinged over his shoulder, the contents inside few and varied.

He wonders whether anyone else that he knows has been invited as well. Running a hand through his hair and adjusting his classes, he leans against the tree and watches the roadside entrance leading up to the chapel, taking note of every person he sees. Because he is caught up on his studies and does not have any part time work tonight, he decided that the party was worth checking out. Knowing that Lucinda was the one throwing the party, he knew there would be all sorts of nasty stuff inside, what was he thinking accepting that invitation? "Well, I guess it couldn't be helped," he mutters out loud. Summer was the one that gave him the invitation. The girl has never spoken more than two words to him. The invitation definitely threw him off guard, and with that, curiosity started seep in. Did he come here to enjoy himself, or to learn about something else...?

Clarence shrugs off the idea and folds his arms, keeping them crossed for warmth. He slips on his own set of ear buds and listens to his MP3 player, starting the playlist with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6UgZOpK7Jk followed by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTDDkbVFuh8
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#5 Post by Q.Q Elf »

For MonkeyWrench...
Instead of walking into the transformed chapel, Seth follows the path marked RECTOR into the woods. The animals and children of the night go silent as Seth stalks past, through the wooded path. The woods smell of pain, and the cycle of life and death... but not in a clean way. Not in the way of the hunt.

The old Rector's house was where she said to go. There is a tattered American flag on a pole in the front yard. Some vandal has hung it upside down. There is evidence of past raids upon the house, with eggshells and wads of dissolving toilet paper streams across the unkept yard.

At the front door, Seth waits after ringing the doorbell. There is a Marine Corps plaque where the Rector's name plate might be.

Mrs. Meecher opens the door and smiles faintly. The house within is overly warm, and smells like a hospital. Antiseptic, cleansers, pain and blood. There are wedding pictures on the walls, with a happy image of Mrs. Meecher. The man is dressed in a full dress Marine Corps uniform. There is also a picture of a man in a similar uniform, except he is in a motorized wheelchair. In that picture, the President of the United States is shaking the man's remaining hand, and presenting him with a brass and gold medal on a light blue ribbon.

Mrs. Meecher says faintly, "Would you mind helping me put my husband to bed? Normally, I would stay home to watch television with him... but if I can show my students another side, maybe they will listen..." Her voice trails off as she blushes.

In the living room, the bed has taken over the space. The stairs up to the higher floors of the old Victorian do not accommodate the wheelchair. There is a man, or what is left of him, in a black wheelchair lined with white sheets. He wears a diaper, which smells of urine. His left side is a mass of scars, and parts of his left arm and leg are missing.

By the bed is a table covered in countless pill bottles, plus devices that look like nut crackers. There is also something that looks like a coffee grinder near the pills, except the residue in the grinder is white, not brown or black. There is a pitcher of water on a nearby table, with a box of straws and a box of Dixie cups.

Seth lifts the man easily into the bed, avoiding the pressure sores on the man, which developed from all the time he has been trapped in his state. With his right hand, the man grips onto Seth's sleeve with surprising force. "Don't... let... anything... bad... happen... I... can... see... her... breaking..."

Mrs. Meecher blushes, and kisses the man on his forehead.


Outside, the moonlight has filtered through the mist. Seth senses the weakness in the woman next to him. Prey.

She is dressed casually, in jeans and a loose fitting grey sweater with the letters GEORGETOWN embroidered across the front. She smells faintly of soap and fear.

"I hope we have a good time," she says uncertainly, as the pair approach the front of the chapel.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#6 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Q.Q Elf wrote:For MonkeyWrench...
Instead of walking into the transformed chapel, Seth follows the path marked RECTOR into the woods. The animals and children of the night go silent as Seth stalks past, through the wooded path. The woods smell of pain, and the cycle of life and death... but not in a clean way. Not in the way of the hunt.

The old Rector's house was where she said to go. There is a tattered American flag on a pole in the front yard. Some vandal has hung it upside down. There is evidence of past raids upon the house, with eggshells and wads of dissolving toilet paper streams across the unkept yard.

At the front door, Seth waits after ringing the doorbell. There is a Marine Corps plaque where the Rector's name plate might be.

Mrs. Meecher opens the door and smiles faintly. The house within is overly warm, and smells like a hospital. Antiseptic, cleansers, pain and blood. There are wedding pictures on the walls, with a happy image of Mrs. Meecher. The man is dressed in a full dress Marine Corps uniform. There is also a picture of a man in a similar uniform, except he is in a motorized wheelchair. In that picture, the President of the United States is shaking the man's remaining hand, and presenting him with a brass and gold medal on a light blue ribbon.

Mrs. Meecher says faintly, "Would you mind helping me put my husband to bed? Normally, I would stay home to watch television with him... but if I can show my students another side, maybe they will listen..." Her voice trails off as she blushes.

In the living room, the bed has taken over the space. The stairs up to the higher floors of the old Victorian do not accommodate the wheelchair. There is a man, or what is left of him, in a black wheelchair lined with white sheets. He wears a diaper, which smells of urine. His left side is a mass of scars, and parts of his left arm and leg are missing.

By the bed is a table covered in countless pill bottles, plus devices that look like nut crackers. There is also something that looks like a coffee grinder near the pills, except the residue in the grinder is white, not brown or black. There is a pitcher of water on a nearby table, with a box of straws and a box of Dixie cups.

Seth lifts the man easily into the bed, avoiding the pressure sores on the man, which developed from all the time he has been trapped in his state. With his right hand, the man grips onto Seth's sleeve with surprising force. "Don't... let... anything... bad... happen... I... can... see... her... breaking..."

Mrs. Meecher blushes, and kisses the man on his forehead.


Outside, the moonlight has filtered through the mist. Seth senses the weakness in the woman next to him. Prey.

She is dressed casually, in jeans and a loose fitting grey sweater with the letters GEORGETOWN embroidered across the front. She smells faintly of soap and fear.

"I hope we have a good time," she says uncertainly, as the pair approach the front of the chapel.
Seth stops walking as they near the chapel, the sounds of laughter and music already sounding deafening at this distance. He grabs a hold of Mrs. Meechers arm lightly, nodding off to the side to her as he lightly pulls her with him as he walks off the path. Once they get off the road Seth leans against a tree and stares at Mrs. Meecher casually, "Tell me what happened to him."
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#7 Post by Q.Q Elf »

For MonkeyWrench...
damn... Forgot how long ago the Iraq invasion was. Time to adjust...

She shrugs, and answers quietly...
"Afghanistan. He saved some Marines when the Taliban attacked their base... He doesn't like to talk about it. I try to remind him what good things he did...

"Should we go in? I haven't been to something like this in ages!"
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#8 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Q.Q Elf wrote:For MonkeyWrench...
damn... Forgot how long ago the Iraq invasion was. Time to adjust...

She shrugs, and answers quietly...
"Afghanistan. He saved some Marines when the Taliban attacked their base... He doesn't like to talk about it. I try to remind him what good things he did...

"Should we go in? I haven't been to something like this in ages!"
Seth glances back to the chapel, "A warrior then." Seth nods and steps closer to Mrs. Meecher, his face only a few inches from hers as he stares into her eyes, the usual calm look of his eyes that she is used to replaced by a more wild look, "We're here to have fun. Have all the fun you want tonight, but always make sure you can see me in there. If anything happens you come to me, You're husband asked me to look after you tonight so I will." With that he gently holds her hand for a moment, squeezing it a couple of times gently before leading her back to the path and towards the chapel.

And now for the entrance!

Seth and Mrs. Meecher walk into the chapel as the party is in full swing. Seth, wearing some blue jeans and a simple black t-shirt, scans the crowd. He leads Mrs. Meecher towards the drink area, filling a cup for her, mixing a couple different alcohols and mixers together, tasting it himself before handing it to Mrs. Meecher. Once he spots Duke he turns to Meecher, getting close so that he can be heard over the music, "stay here for a minute, I'm going to go say hi to a few people. loosen up and have some fun" After saying so he maneuvers through the crowd of people until reaching Duke, patting him on the shoulder, "Told you I'd bring her here, over by the drinks."
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#9 Post by Metal Fatigue »

The shadow of the speaker stack is a great place from which to see and not be seen, and Summer observes one of her envisioned saviors arrive with...Mrs. Meecher?

Seth brought Mrs. Meecher here?

Possible ally he might be, but he is clearly also President-for-Life of the People's Ignorant Republic of Dumbfuckistan.

Summer works her way carefully through the crowd, around and about, trying to get to Mrs. Meecher before anyone, well, evil does, without attracting Lucinda's attention.

MC, I'm a-thinkin' this is a Hold Steady. 2d6-1=8 for Terrified and +1 forward. Also, that's my 5th XP, and I'll take Metamorphosis.

EDIT: And my 1st XP of the next advancement because I got the Terrified condition.
Last edited by Metal Fatigue on Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#10 Post by MonkeyWrench »

lol, love the internal title Summer made for Seth. BUt who knows... maybe Seth is one of the evil ones?! :twisted:
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#11 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Fortunately for Clarence, he first sees a familiar face that isn't completely hostile. It is Frederick, who has just come in the door. He's dressed in black, with a serene smile on his face.

For Rukellian...
Frederick does not notice Clarence at first, but then he walks over.

"Did you just make it? That's good. I know you help Vanessa a lot. It would be terrible for her if you weren't around anymore," says Frederick.

"When i beat up mister Finney, i was so upset... but, you know what happened didn't you? i used to go out with Vanessa, myself. I kind of miss her."

Frederick flashes an oddly forced smile. "Is she here tonight? Do you think she will show up?"
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#12 Post by Q.Q Elf »

MonkeyWrench wrote:lol, love the internal title Summer made for Seth. BUt who knows... maybe Seth is one of the evil ones?! :twisted:
nothing says you can't be! The rules also have PvP stuff, so it's all good.
It might force us to rethink stuff, but that's cool!
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#13 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Mrs. Meecher is surrounded by boys from her classes, with the Duke hovering right next to her. She's uncomfortable having a glass of alcohol with teenagers, but she senses the handiwork of Lucinda and thinks better of saying something. Every now and then, she pretends to sip from her red plastic cup of who knows what, knowing better than drinking deeply in front of her students.

Summer can barely get close to where the teacher is standing. It's like a pack of dogs around a raw steak. Boys jostle each other, bumping up close to their young teacher, who laughs uncomfortably in a self-conscious way. Each of the boys talk over each other, telling about the coolest thing they did on the Xbox, telling about how great it is to be an "adult" (if only the adults weren't such assholes), telling what mad rides they'll have when they are investment bankers or lawyers or plastic surgeons.

Duke slips a muscular arm around Mrs. Meecher's shoulders possessively when Summer pushes through. He says, "Hey, back off, Summer! She's my date. Doesn't your owner have better shit to do?"

Mrs. Meecher looks at Summer with a hopeful expression, sandwiched in the crowd of boys.


mc voice: I guess the Hold Steady is fine in context. If you have the terrified condition, I don't stack another. What do you want out of the Move?
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#14 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Lucinda walks over to Seth, having seen the aftermath of his entrance. She bides her time with that situation, and focuses her eyes on Seth. As is Lucinda's way, she herself has dressed to leave little to the imagination, and yet there is an infinite space of darkness hidden behind her mocking eyes. Her tartan skirt is much too high, and it's doubtful she's wearing anything else underneath. Her white shirt is damp with sweat and alcohol, and plastered to her skin. Yet she seems ever in control, despite whatever she has partaken of.

Speaking at Seth, she says, "Boy. What game are you playing, I wonder. I hope you're not here to cause trouble. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

She smiles and laughs, not expecting any reply.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#15 Post by Metal Fatigue »

MC: The Hold Steady was to get through the crowd without Lucinda noticing or anything else going wrong.

"Duke. Isn't that a dog's name? Get out of my way, puppy."
Shutting down Duke, with +1 forward: 2d6=8 and I stick him with the Condition "little puppy." He gets to tack one on me, too. Note that he can still do whatever he wants; Shut Down doesn't preclude any particular action on the victim's part.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#16 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Duke snarls and says, "I'm a dog? Everybody knows you're Lucinda's bitch. Why don't you leave the Duke alone with his woman? The Duke is starting to get really annoyed here!"

He glances over at Mrs. Meecher, his teenage urges struggling to stay in check. He has every reason to stay calm, but that word is not in his vocabulary.

Mrs. Meecher finds it difficult to say a word, desperate for acceptance, attempting to walk a narrow path between propriety and immorality in order to preserve what little pleasantness there is in the awkwardness. And she feels alive, with the music, the press of youthful bodies, the drink in her hand. She remembers what it was like, before. When she was like this, and when it was fun to lose control. Was this part of the lesson plan? Could it be? What she was, it didn't work in that classroom. She was miserable, and her students hatred her. But here? Now? It was different. She felt alive again.

There were so many bad ideas in that cup, but did it matter, in this place?

Mrs. Meecher raises the glass to her lips, with the boys giving a huge shout out as she does it.

mc voice: Condition "Lucinda's bitch".
What does Summer do?
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#17 Post by Metal Fatigue »

Summer dashes the cup out of Mrs. Meecher's hand, trying to aim the spill in Duke's direction. "She owns me," Summer says urgently to Mrs. Meecher. "Don't let her own you too. Come with me."

We'll cross off "buzzkill" for a +1 on this Manipulate an NPC roll: 2d6=9 What does she have to do?
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#18 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Metal Fatigue wrote:We'll cross off "buzzkill" for a +1 on this Manipulate an NPC roll: 2d6=9 What does she have to do?
mc voice: Fight the Duke. The shock of violence will flip over the raging hormones, and wake up Mrs. Meecher.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#19 Post by Metal Fatigue »

"And as for you," Summer says, turning to the sodden Duke, "this bitch can take a puppy like you any day." She punches him in the jaw, a short quick jab; the rings and other Gothic crap Lucinda made her wear are enough to cut his cheek open.

Lashing out physically: 2d6+1=9 but I forgot to factor in that I'm taking advantage of the "little puppy" Condition, so that's actually a 10. With a hard hit, I choose to gain a String on Duke.

"Now come with me," Summer says urgently to Mrs. Meecher, and grabs her by the hand to drag her out of the chapel by the side door.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#20 Post by Rukellian »

Q.Q Elf wrote:Fortunately for Clarence, he first sees a familiar face that isn't completely hostile. It is Frederick, who has just come in the door. He's dressed in black, with a serene smile on his face.

For Rukellian...
Frederick does not notice Clarence at first, but then he walks over.

"Did you just make it? That's good. I know you help Vanessa a lot. It would be terrible for her if you weren't around anymore," says Frederick.

"When i beat up mister Finney, i was so upset... but, you know what happened didn't you? i used to go out with Vanessa, myself. I kind of miss her."

Frederick flashes an oddly forced smile. "Is she here tonight? Do you think she will show up?"
Clarence returns the smile and pulls out his earbuds, listening to what Frederick has to say. "Hey, its good to see you here too. Yeah, I worry about Vanessa a lot, she's a bit unstable these days. But I know I cannot be there all the time. Don't want to look like a stalker now, do I?" he ends in a forced laugh with his hand rubbing the back of his head.

"Anyways, what lured you to this place at night? Meeting up with a friend? I... honestly don't know why I'm here myself. Half of me is wondering whether Vanessa will show, the other half is wishing she wouldn't. This place and the stuff inside is definitely not safe for her."

Clarence laughs a bit more uneasily as he kicks the ground and avoids eye contact. "Sometimes I wish I were as aggressive as you are when it comes to fists. I so wanted to give Mr. Finney a piece of my mind earlier today, but I just couldn't..."
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge

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