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2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:14 pm
by masuro
Please post your character sheets here.

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:50 pm
by wolfpack
what is this for?

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:00 am
by masuro
I am starting a new 2nd edition PbP game. I advertised over at Dragonsfoot and got one reply so far. Are you interested? I may as well tell you now that our other game will end after the present adventure. Two players bailed/became busy and I was thinking about moving to 2nd edition in any case.

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:15 am
by Stik
1st Level Bard
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 140lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Age: 19
Alignment: Neutral

Ability Scores:
Str: 13 (N/A)
Dex: 18 (+2 Reactions, +2 Missile attacks, -4 AC)
Con: 13 (SS 85% RS 90%)
Int: 13 (+3 Lang/profs)
Wis: 13 (N/A)
Cha: 15 (7 hench, +3 Loy, +3 Reactions)

HP: 6
AC: 4 (Leather armor, -4 DEX bonus)

THAC0 (Melee wpn) = 20
THAC0 (Missile wpn) = 18

Dagger (in hand): THAC0=20, Speed=2, Damage=1d4 / 1d3
Dagger (thrown): THAC0=20, Speed=2, Damage=1d4 / 1d3, RoF 2/Rd, Range 1/2/3
Knife (in hand): THAC0=20, Speed=2, Damage=1d3 / 1d2
Knife (thrown): THAC0=20, Speed=2, Damage=1d3 / 1d2, RoF 2/Rd, Range 1/2/3
Spear (in hand): THAC0=23, Speed=6, Damage=1d6 / 1d8
Spear (thrown): THAC0=21, Speed=6, Damage=1d6 / 1d8, RoF 1/Rd, Range 1/2/3

Movement: (Current Encumbrance: 714) 90'/30' (>801-1200en 60'/20')
Save vs: DR/P , MW , P/TtS , DB , R/S/S

Weapon Proficiencies (2):
+1 add'l WP to be determined

Non-Weapon Proficiencies (6):
Reading/writing (Int+1) (free)
Local History (Cha) (free)
Singing (Cha) (free)
Musical Instrument (Dex) (free)

Juggling (Dex-1)
Gaming (Dex)
Riding, Land based (Wis+3)
Language, Elven
+2 add'l NWPs to be determined

Bardic Abilities
Thieving Skills
Climb Walls: 50% (Base 50, no adjustments)

Detect Noise: 20% (Base 20, no adjustments)

Pick Pockets: 50% (Base 10, +10 racial bonus, +10 dex bonus, +20 assigned)

Read Languages: 5% (Base 5, no adjustments)

Influence Reactions:
When performing before a group that is not attacking (and not intending to attack in just seconds), the bard can try to alter the mood of the listeners. He can try to soften their mood or make it uglier. The method can be whatever is most suitable to the situation at the moment -- a fiery speech, collection of jokes, a sad tale, a fine tune played on a fiddle, a haunting lute melody, or a heroic song from the old homeland. Everyone in the group listening must roll a saving throw vs. paralyzation (if the crowd is large, make saving throws for groups of people using average hit dice). The die roll is modified by -1 for every three experience levels of the bard (round fractions down). If the saving throw fails, the group's reaction can be shifted one level (see the Reactions section in the DMG), toward either the friendly or hostile end of the scale, at the player's option. Those who make a successful saving throw have their reaction shifted one level toward the opposite end of the scale.

Inspire allies:
If the exact nature of an impending threat is known, the bard can heroically inspire his companions (immortalizing them in word and song), granting a +1 bonus to attack rolls, or a +1 bonus to saving throws, or a +2 bonus to morale (particularly useful in large battles) to those involved in melee. The bard must spend at least three full rounds singing or reciting before the battle begins. This affects those within a range of 10 feet per experience level of the bard.
The effect lasts one round per level. Once the effect wears off, it can't be renewed if the recipients are still in battle. However, troops who have withdrawn from combat can be reinspired by the bard's words.

Counter magic:
Bards are also able to counter the effects of songs and poetry used as magical attacks. Characters within 30 feet of the bard are immune to the attack as long as the bard sings a counter song (or recites a poem, etc.). While doing this, the bard can perform no other action except a slow walk. Furthermore, if he is struck or fails a saving throw, his effort is ruined. Success is checked by having the bard make a saving throw vs. spell. Success blocks the attack, failure means the attack has its normal effect (everyone affected rolls saving throws, normal damage is inflicted, etc.). The bard can use this ability once per encounter or battle. This power does not affect verbal spell components or command words; it is effective against spells that involve explanations, commands, or suggestions.

Finally, bards learn a little bit of everything in their studies and travels. Thus, all bards can read and write their native tongue (if a written language exists) and all know local history (without cost if the optional proficiency rules are used). Furthermore, bards have a 5% chance per experience level to identify the general purpose and function of any magical item. The bard need not handle the item but must examine it closely. Even if successful, the exact function of the item is not revealed, only its general nature.

Racial Abilities:
Half-elven characters have a 30% resistance to sleep and all charm-related spells.
Half-elven infravision enables them to see up to 60 feet in darkness.
Secret or concealed doors are difficult to hide from half-elves, just as they are from elves. Merely passing within 10 feet of a concealed door (one hidden by obstructing curtains, etc.) gives the half-elven character a one-in-six chance (roll a 1 on 1d6) of spotting it. If the character is actively seeking to discover hidden doors, he has a one-in-three chance (roll a 1 or 2 on 1d6) of spotting a secret door (one constructed to be undetectable) and a one-in-two chance (roll a 1, 2, or 3 on 1d6) of locating a concealed door.

Cash on hand:
11GP, 7SP, 5CP

Dagger (2)
Knife (2)
Leather Armor


Flint & Steel
Oil, greek fire (2 vials)

Belt pouches, 1 lg, 2 sm
Boots, soft


Starting Cash (1200 cp)
Starting equipment:
Dagger (1) (200 cp)
Knife (2) (100 cp)
Spear (80 cp)
Leather Armor (500 cp)
Mandolin (250 cp)
Backpack (10 cp)
Flint & Steel (2.5 cp)
Oil, greek fire (2 vials) (20 sp)
Breeches (10 cp)
Tunic (4 cp)
Vest (3 cp)
Belt (1.5 cp)
Belt pouches, 1 lg, 2 sm (12 cp)
Cloak (4 cp)
Hat (1 cp)
Boots, soft (5 cp)
Blanket (2.5 cp)

Total cost (1195.5 cp)

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:45 pm
by wolfpack
we can drop the other game and if you ge5t enough players I'll just join this one.

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:43 am
by corum
Vadis - Half elf

1st Level Fighter

Height: 66”
Weight: 130lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Age: 21

Ability Scores:
Str: 17 (+1, +1, 85, 220, 10, 13)
Dex: 14
Con: 14 (0, 88, 92,0,nil)
Int: 11 (2 lang) (lingua, pritanish)
Wis: 12
Cha: 12 (max 5 henchman)

Hit Points/Armour Class

Base HP: 10
AC:7 (leather + shield)

Calculated THAC0
THAC0 (Battle axe) = 18 - damage (=3) 1d8+3/1d8+3
THAC0 (Spear) = 19 - damage (+1)= 1d6+1/1d8+1 (range 1,2,3)

Save vs: PPD 14 , RSW 16 , PP 15 , BW 17 , S 17

Weapon Proficiencies (4 slots):
Battle axe (specialism)
Long Bow

Non-Weapon Proficiencies (3 slots):
Rope use


money GP: Starting 200sp

spent - 151sp on

Leather Armor + Shield (8gp) (20 lb)
Battle Axe (5gp) (7lb)
Spear (8sp) (5lb)

Back Pack (1sp) (2lb)
Flint and steel (2sp)
hemp rope (5cp) (20lb)
tent sm (3sp) (10lb
blanket (3cp) (3lb)
torch x3 (3cp) (3lb)
clothes - breeches, vest, cloak, belt (2sp)
Boots riding (2sp)
Rations 7 days (1sp)


weight carried = 70lb + strength 17 = unencumbered (0 - 85lbs = normal movement rate)

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:36 pm
by Falln
Pilydor: Elf Cleric/Mage


Height: 56 inch
Weight: 111 pounds
Hair: white
Eyes: blue
Age: 115

Basic Abilities:
Strength: 7 (no modifiers)
Dexterity: 17 (-2 RA; -2 MA; -3 DA)
Constitution: 8 (no modifiers)
Intelligence: 17 (6 languages: Pritanish, Belarish, Lingua, Anglan, Hellan & Gobel: up to 8th level spells)
Wisdom: 18 (Mental defence +4; bonus spells 2x1st, 2x2nd; 1x3rd & 1x4th)
Charisma: 12 (no modifiers)

Hit Points/Armour Class
HP: 6
AC: 3 (Armor Spell 6 & dexterity -3)

Calculated THAC0
THAC0 (Dagger) = 20
THACO (Dagger Thrown) = 20 - 2 (dexterity) = 18
THAC0 (Staff) = 20
+1 attack with bows and swords

Saving throws:
Save vs: PPD 10 , RSW 11 , PP 13 , BW 15 , S 12
90% resistance to sleep and charm
+4 bonus versus mind affecting spells and attacks

Weapon Proficiencies:
Dagger: 2 gp 1 S P 2 1d4 1d3 Rof 2 30/60/90
Staff: free 4 L B 4 1d6 1d6

Non-Weapon Proficiencies:
Ancient Languages
Reading Writing
Stealth: Pilydor gets a +4 on his rolls to surprise anyone while travelling light armored and alone. (+2 if he needs to open a door)
Infravision 60 feet
Detection: Pildyor can detect secret door like any elf.

Total weight of the equipment is approximately 40 pounds.
Clothing (Soft Boots, Embroidered Robe, Fine Fur Cloak, Cap, Belt)
Back: Backpack (Small Mirror, 2 Torch, Flint & Steel, 2 Vials of Holy Water, 2 Flasks of Greek Fire, Chalk, Large Sack for valuables, Large Sack for money (75 sp), Scroll Case with 5 pieces of Papyrus)
Girdle: Small Sack for Spell Components, 1 dagger
Hands: Quarterstaff
Mule: Knife Sheat (2 daggers), 50 feet silk rope and a Large Sack with dried rations for 1 week.

Mage Spells: One 1st level spell / Day
Armor: Grants AC 6 untill 9 damage received
Charm Person
Detect Magic
Feather Fall
Read Magic
Spider Climb

Priest Spells: Three 1st level spell / Day

Soft boots: 1 sp
Embroidered Robe 10 sp
Fine Fur Cloak 25 sp
Cap: 1 cp
Belt: 2 cp

Knife Sheat 2 cp
Backpack 1 sp 2 lbs
Scroll Case 4 cp ½ lbs
Small Sack 3 cp *
Large Sack 3 cp *
Large Sack 3 cp *
Large Sack 1 cp ½ lbs

Small Mirror 5 sp *
Torch (2) 1 cp 2 lbs
Flint & Steel 3 cp *
Holy Water (2 vials) 25 sp **
Oil, greek fire (2 vials) 10 sp 4 lbs
Silk Rope (50 feet) 5 sp 8 lbs
Chalk 1 cp *
Dry Rations (1 week) 5 sp

Papyrus (5 pages) 20 cp **

Dagger (3) 60 sp 10 lbs
Quarterstaff - 4 lbs

Mule 4 sp

Total Cost 151 sp & 40 cp = 105 sp 36 pounds (31 lbs + clothing 5 lbs)

Money left: 25 sp

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:46 pm
by corum
updated sheet

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:18 am
by masuro
I am checking over your character sheets and I notice that the cleric/mage has selected dagger and quarterstaff for weapons. You are allowed to be proficient in any weapon you like in my campaign, as I mention in the post over at Dragonsfoot. No armour, of course, for mages.

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:46 am
by Falln
masuro wrote:I am checking over your character sheets and I notice that the cleric/mage has selected dagger and quarterstaff for weapons. You are allowed to be proficient in any weapon you like in my campaign, as I mention in the post over at Dragonsfoot. No armour, of course, for mages.
I've read it, but I'll keep dagger and staff. With Strength 7 and Constitution 8, my character isn't a kick ass fighter :)

How are clerical spells handled?
How many mage spells do I know?

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:08 pm
by masuro
Point taken about the weapons. :)
Magic. Although you should spend an hour preparing your mind in the morning, you may use your daily spell slots to cast any spells you know. That is, you don't need to memorise spells each morning, just spend an hour recharging your magical and spiritual energies. This applies to both clerical and magical spells.
As for wizard spells you know at the beginning of the game, you have seven first-level spells in your spell book. Two of them are Read Magic and Detect Magic but the rest you may choose yourself. When you find new spells you don't need to roll percentage dice to see if you can learn them or not; simply spend a day for each level of the spell studying it and copying it into your spell book.

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:14 pm
by Falln
updated character

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:25 pm
by masuro
Falln wrote:updated character
Daggers are 2 gold pieces each. You have that written in the weapon description but your equipment list says 10sp for ten daggers.

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:46 pm
by Falln
masuro wrote:
Falln wrote:updated character
Daggers are 2 gold pieces each. You have that written in the weapon description but your equipment list says 10sp for ten daggers.
I forgot the rule that weapons kept original value. But it's changed on the sheat. 3 daggers instead of 10 and money has been updated.

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:19 pm
by masuro
Great. You can start posting in the adventure thread.

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:27 pm
by Falln
Character sheat as good as finished

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:17 pm
by corum


Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:33 pm
by corum
Equipment location

Vadis carries an Axe, Shield and a Spear

Vadis carries the Axe in his right hand and shield in left most of the time.

When he is using both hands or other weapons - the Axe has a strap and can be hung around the neck (like a rifle)

The spear is strapped to his back japanese style ready to be removed and thrown quickly.

He wears a backpack in which other equipment is stowed.

Re: 2ed Character Sheets

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:24 pm
by Dreganor

Name: Baltir Ironfist
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Alignment: C/G
Level: 1
Age: 150
Gender: Male
Height: 4’ 4”


Strength: 17 +1/+1 Wt Allow: 85 Max Press: 220 Open: 10 BB/LG: 13%
Dexterity: 15 Init: +0 Missile Att Adj: +0 Def Adjustment: +1
Constitution: 17 +3HP/Level Sys Shock: 97% Resurrection Survival: 98%
Intelligence: 14 (4 languages...see above)
Wisdom: 15 +1 Magic Att Adj
Charisma: 11 Max Henchmen: 4

General Info:

Experience: 20
Languages: Dwarven, Common, Orc, Kobald, Goblin
Hit Points: 13
---Current Hit Points: 13
Armor Class: 2 (1 vs ranged)
----Chain Mail
----Body Shield (+1 for shield in addition to shield+armor, +2 vs ranged)
----Dex (+1)
THAC(0): 20 (adj: 18. W/Axe: 17)

Weapon Proficiencies: 4
---Specialized in: Battle Axe (+1 hit/+2 damage)
---Heavy X-Bow Prof
---Footmans Flail

NonWeapon Proficiencies: 3
---Blind Fighting (x2 prof)

Combat Related:

AC: 2 (1 vs ranged)
---Chain Mail +Shield (AC 4)
---Body Shield (+1AC in melee, +2 vs ranged)
---Dex bonus (+1)

Max Hit Points: 13
---Current HP: 13

Battle Axe (broken):
--# attacks: 3/2
--WSF: 7
--Adj Thac0: 18.
--Damage: 1d8/1d8 (+1Str+2Spec=+3)

Footmans Flail:
--#attacks: 3/2
--WSF: 7
--Adj Thac0: 19
--Damage: 1d6+1/2d4 (+1str)

Heavy Crossbow:
--#attacks: 1/2
--WSF: 10
--Range: 80/160/240
--Adj Thac0: 20
--Damage: 1d4+1/1d6+1
-Ammo: 60

Saving Throws:

Subject to +1 Dex bonus when appropriate[/color][/b]

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 14 (10 vs. Poison per Dwarf Con)
Rod/Staff/Wand: 16 (12 per Dwarf Con)
Paralyze/Polymorph: 15
Spells: 17 (13 per Dwarf Con)

Racial Traits:

Detect grade or slope in passage 1-5 on 1d6
Detect new tunnel/passage construction 1-5 on 1d6
Detect sliding/shifting walls or rooms 1-4 on 1d6
Detect stonework traps, pits, and deadfalls 1-3 on 1d6
Determine approximate depth underground 1-3 on 1d6

Saving Throw Bonus vs R/S/W and Spells as well as poisons: +4

In melee, dwarves add 1 to their dice rolls to hit orcs, half-orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins. When ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, or titans attack dwarves, these monsters must subtract 4 from their attack rolls because of the dwarves' small size and combat ability against these much bigger creatures.

Dwarven infravision enables them to see up to 60 feet in the dark


6 cp


Chain Mail Armor (75gp)
Body Shield (10gp)
Battle Axe (broken in two) (5gp)
Heavy Crossbow: (50gp)
--Bolts x60 (3sp)
Footmans Flail (15gp)
Leather Armor (5gp)
Backpack and large belt pouch (3gp)
Bolt case x3 (3gp)
Grappling hook and 100' help rope (1gp/8sp)
Dwarven ale 10 gallons (2gp)
1 week good rations (3.5gp)
Flint and steel x2 (1gp)
winter blanket and pillow (6cp)
Nice stein for ale (10gp)
Tobacco Pipe (5gp)
Tobacco (good stuff, but not great) (5gp)