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A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:26 am
by Grognardsw
A glimpse into The Evil That Men Do, the private forum evil counter-campaign in The Palace of the Silver Princess, to balance the public forum exposure of the Fellowship of Law. Non-player lurkers welcome, PM me and I'll give you access.


Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:14 pm
by Grognardsw
Scenes of the War for the Balance

The Barges of Chaos travel land and sea...


The Conquest of King's Landing...



Giants Attack Andor...

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:56 pm
by Grognardsw

"Know, oh reader, that between the years when the oceans drank Greyhawk and her gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Chaos, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars. In those days war raged far and wide as the forces of Chaos sought to overturn the Cosmic Balance.


Striding forth to bring terror and death upon the land was a group of evil adventurers. In competition with the Fellowship of Law, these Chaos agents have been tasked to retrieve an artifact that could break Chaos' tightening grip on the Realms. Fear their approach, tremble in their presence. You shall know them by the trail of blood...

Kondro Orzek – Swordsman and waghalter, this savage half-orc was molded by tragedy into a ruthless and twisted killer. He has turned his murderous pastime into a profession. As the forces of Chaos gathered soldiers and sneaks for the long campaign ahead, Kondro’s Guild tapped him to serve the interests of Granbretan military leader Baron Meladius.

Sereniti Wearloga – Warlock and fatal temptress, Sereniti and her brother Markus are a fearsome couple whose magic and dedication to evil are becoming known in the Realms. Sereniti’s pact with Asmodeus, an incarnation of Arioch, has brought her to Londra on a special mission.

Markus Waerloga – Persecutor for Chaos, this unholy warrior's religious devotion to evil is disturbing and deadly. With his sister Sereniti, they have committed profound atrocities of body and soul. Do not dwell on the rumors of these sibling’s childhood. Markus has followed his sister to Londra for this mysterious quest.

Haraldr, son of Badb – Terrible in countenance and deadly in manner, this demoniac cleric is the son of a witch who bore the child of a demon. He serves Death whom is the only master he recognizes. He knows no fear for he welcomes oblivion. Dreams of bringing suffering and death to the forces of Law in a strange ruined palace brought Haraldr to the towers of Londra, seeking to fulfill this prophesy of Thanatos.

Penuttler – Mad magician, demented murderer, or both? The mysterious Penuttler gained the attention of traveling Melnibonian sorcerer-priests who heard of his ruthless killings, eccentric behavior and rantings about the Great Feathery One. He has been recruited into the ranks of Chaos, where his deadly unpredictability is a true reflection of Chaotic Evil.

Sulle the Red – The mysterious mage whose blood-letting earned him a nickname of “The Red,” Sulle is a deviously intelligent occultist. He hails from Granbretan, where his family has long served in the Order of the Clock, the science-sorcerers of the empire.

Mjolnir – Called Mjolnir of the Two Axes by some, and Mjolnir Headsmasher by others, this Duergar (deep dwarf) is a relentless fighter who enjoys cracking skulls and chopping limbs. He is obsessed with killing dragons. Mjolnir recently arrived in Londra to serve as a fighter mercenary for a certain expedition. It is said there may be a dragon to slay.

Cosmo Nimblefingers – A thief and rogue of the rare Kender race, Cosmo found himself teleported into a dire predicament after he infiltrated a Melnibonean wizard’s tower to steal a sphere of magic. He talked his way out of an execution and is now part of a mission to steal an artifact of great power.


The adventurers have all come together under the banners of Arioch, Demon Lord of Chaos, and Emperor Huon, ruler of the twisted empire of Granbretan. For what purpose, this tale will tell.

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:25 am
by Grognardsw
Sailing into Londra..
Sereniti in study...

Sulle in contemplation in his Granbretan study...

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 2:23 am
by Grognardsw
Chapter One

You have been summoned, and today is the arrival. Your ship creaks and the mists part to reveal the terrible grandeur of Londra, capital city of the dread Granbretan Empire. The adventurers know the empire well, for its warring and expansionist tactics have this past decade wreaked havoc in the peaceful realms. Their recent alliance with the ancient empire of Melnibone has led to the all-out war between Law and Chaos.


You all welcome such war, for bloodshed and misery are companions to each of you. The ship docks, and together you make your way to the Emperor’s Palace. You travel with some uneasiness, for while Chaos unites you there is little trust among your kind. Action proves worth - swift sword and spell will kindle respect.

The Palace is a huge, sprawling structure comprised of many palaces and castles that spread like a cancerous growth from the central, Grand Tower of Emperor Huon. Barons, counts, military, sage masters, science-sorcerers and all manner of court and empire members occupy the encompassing structures.

You pass through grand halls, mazelike corridors, over a river under ceilings, underground passages and artificial forests. You walk over bridges above breeding pits where monstrosities of Chaos are having their way with females of human and fey races. You pace around arenas where demons tear limbs from innocents and war-prisoners alike. You see through strange glazed glass to a chamber of horrible living experiments…
Experimentation Chambers
Finally you reach the Tower of Time, where Baron Taragorm, master sage of science-sorcery, explains your mission: "You have been brought together on a quest to recover an artifact called the Runestaff from the ruined Palace of the Silver Princess. We have only vague legends which tell that the Princess, Lady Myshella of Kaneloon, ruled peacefully in the Valley of Haven where Law and peace reigned. She fell in love with a mysterious warrior who arrived at court riding a silver dragon and bearing a red ruby gift. Ruin soon followed: poor crops, disease, marauders from the swamp lands east. Still Myshella would not spurn her lover. Today Haven and the palace is a ruined shadow of its former self."
The object of your quest, the Runestaff has determined the fate of conflicts on many spheres of the Multiverse...
"We have but recently learned of the presence of the mystic artifact and must make haste to retrieve it, for the forces of Law have sent a Fellowship of Adventurers to secure the Runestaff. Tomorrow morning you will be teleported to a location near the Palace – it could be as close as a few miles or as far as a few hundred, it is hard to be precise with such magics. Once there, use any means necessary to get the Runestaff. There will be perils magical, monstrous and mundane which care not if you are of Law or Chaos. To help in your quest, I give you each an Elixir of Health (heals 2d8+2, or may be taken in two 1d8+1 doses) and a map of the region around the Palace of the Silver Princess."

Taragorm invites questions or comments. He then bids you good evening. It is 8:00 pm. You have accommodations within the Palace. You are expected to appear the next morning at 8:00 am to begin your journey.

Actions with Taragorm or for the evening? If not, we proceed to the next morning.

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:00 am
by Grognardsw
Baron Taragorm nods at the party and answers questions.

“The rider of the beast,” he says to Mjolnir the Duergar. “was a Dragon Knight, one of those irksome paladins in the far East of the Realms. We know little of who he was specifically. This of course was a few hundred years ago. Natives to the Valley around the Palace may know more of the legends. That order of paladinhood we will one day crush!” Taragorm clenches his fist with this last sentence.

The Mysterious Legend of the Silver Princess.

To Kondro the dark one, the Baron says, “You will eliminate anything that gets in your way, including the Fellowship of Law. If you retrieve the Runestaff without encountering them, do not waste time seeking them out. The goal is to get the artifact back to Londra.”

The Sage Master of Science bows before the beauty of the party’s only female. “I have heard of the Wearlogas. I am glad to meet you. We do not know the particular strengths and weaknesses of the Fellowship of Law. However, our spy in Castle Brass in the Kamarg, from which they set out, reported they were a group of eight whose bearing and arms suggested a warrior of some sort, druid, one or two magic users, hobbit, half-orc fighter, and dwarf.”

“All men live, all men die,” says Haraldr in a voice unnaturally deep, a countenance disturbingly scaled. He takes his Elixir of Health and map.

Cosmo the Kender talks, his speech a meandering stream of thoughts following what may be a story. Sulle the Red looks on disdainfully. Penuttler grabs his Elixir of Health and map and leaves for his room.

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:31 pm
by Grognardsw
The newly appointed Agents of Chaos retire to their rooms. They are escorted by tall, Mantis-masked, green armored guards of Emperor Huon's own order. You each have noticed in your Londra travels this bizarre practice of masks. A majority of the population wears masks of certain animal or monster type, each a symbol of a particular profession. The Order of the Wolf, for example, for warriors; the Order of the Clock, for the sage science-sorcerers; the Order of the Fish, for sailors; the Order of the Fly, for pilots of the strange flying contraptions known as ornithopters. In your brief sojourn thus far you have seen dozens of mask types. It is said that many of Londra's citizens even wear their masks in private.

The Kender thief Cosmo Nimblefingers barely tracks the labyrinthine trail from Baron Taragorm's chamber to his room. After his guard leaves, Cosmo melts back into the shadow of the hallways for inquisitive exploration. The palace is surprisingly busy for the late hour. Butler servants in masks of the Order of the Penguin move about in their night duties; the masked Order of the Bee flitter about doing never-ending maintenance work; mistresses of the Order of the Red Lantern go about their amorous visitations, their masks of frozen-faced beauty strangely sad.

Cosmo sees architecture and decor shift in often illogical pattern as buildings change into another in this maze of manors making up the Emperor's palace. Decadent baroque melds into medieval simplicity, shifts into elaborate stonework, melts away to a monotone metal scape, then abruptly into a rainbow of painted wood. Some areas are well lit, others barely, and still others pitch black. The place as a whole is larger than small towns the Kender has visited.

Passing many doors the cutpurse hears singing, cursing, moans of pleasure and pain, animal grunts and squeals, whips on flesh, startling snoring, sparkling static and clicking, ominous humming. Many doors and halls are locked, or guarded to varying degree. Many doors many mysteries.

Cosmo is impressed with the size, variety and late night activity of the Palace of Emperor Huon of the Granbretan Empire. He realizes it would take days to thoroughly explore it.

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 6:32 pm
by Grognardsw
The next morning you awake, are fed a fine breakfast, and escorted to the lower chambers of the Tower of Time. In the room is a weird contraption comprised of two huge metal spheres 15' in diameter, side by side, each resting atop a 20' tall metal tube 10' in diameter. A cage encloses the whole structure. Purple sparks and lightening jump between the two spheres. Several science-sorcerers of the Order of the Clock are milling about. One named Einstor gives you directions.
"You're to climb into the tube and up an inside ladder to the sphere. When I bang the side, hold your breath as the spinning starts," says clock-masked Einstor. "The air will escape but then return when the spinning stops."

"Do not touch each other inside, lest you be melded together in the travel process. Keep your eyes closed while spinning - what you see may drive you insane."

“You may get dizzy, but it will pass. Upon landing, once the door is opened, the sphere will disappear back to us in three minutes. Make sure all are out quickly. Once you have the Runestaff, proceed to nearby Inverness and visit the Temple. We have an agent there who will procure you speedy passage back to Londra.”

As you climb in and up you hear Einstor behind boast: "This took us two generations to perfect! Perfection of course being relative... many died or went insane in the process. But we feel good about this now."

The whole thing does not inspire the greatest confidence in you.

Inside you can see and touch the strange metal; it is an unknown alloy of a type not even the deep dwarf Mjolnir can identify. The interior is covered with runes, many-colored buttons and black glass panels. There is a circular bench upon which to sit. Settled inside the sphere, you hear a bang reverberate up the tube - the sign to take a deep breath and hold it. The sphere begins to spin. Slowly, then fast enough that you need to grip the bench. It is completely silent inside. Breath held, eyes closed, a wave of dizziness builds. A minute later the sphere slows to a stop and the door lock clicks open. The bottom of the sphere under your feet feels warm.


Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:40 pm
by Grognardsw
Grognardsw wrote:
Anivar wrote:Cosmo... maybe, just one peek..., as his fingers ever so slightly crack open allowing him to peek out as the spinning starts....
Cosmo please make a Saving throw vs. magic...
Anivar wrote:save vs magic: [1d20] = 20
this could have been bad... but its not!

Cosmo the Kender thief can't resist and takes a peek as the sphere spins. He is overwhelmed with a vision of swirling space, elongated and twisted images of his fellow adventurers seated around the circular bench. The walls recede, then rush at you, then disappear revealing a black starry madness that pulls the Kender in and spits him out in a chiarusco blast of colors that peel his mind back layer by layer until his eyes seem to pop out of his head. His psyche breaks, reforms; his id melts and freezes; memory becomes mangled then smooths out. All of this in a flash of two seconds.

Cosmo keeps his eyes shut tight after the experience. The spinning stops. Cosmo breathes a sigh of relief and opens his eyes. But he only sees blackness! The Kender did not go mad, as Einstor said, but he is blind. His very eyes rejected the immensity of the vision! Cosmo wonders if it is permanent or not as he hears Sereniti's report of the Norkers outside.

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:17 pm
by Grognardsw
Marcus opens the sphere door, followed by Sereniti, Haraldr, and the others. The sphere has landed in the middle of a bonfire (hence the warmth of the bottom of the sphere), around which a band of a dozen Norkers are looking at it in awe. They are clutching machete weapons and short spears. The fire is mostly out now.
A few of the Norkers notice Marcus opening the door. They are wide-eyed, uncertain.

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 9:23 pm
by Grognardsw
The party's bloodlust overrides Sereniti's more calculated approach as she is passed at the sphere doorway by Penutler the mage and Haraldr the death cleric. Penutler, muttering about the Great Feathery One, quickly weaves a mystic symbol in the air and shoots two missiles of yellow energy from his hand. This sneak attack from the sphere succeeds as the bolts unerringly strike two Norkers, heavily damaging each.

Haraldr then leaps from the sphere, over the dimming bonfire, swinging his fearsome mace. He lands imperfectly and his balance is off so the mace swings over the ducking head of a Norker. Around him now are a dozen Norkers.

Mjolnir, Sulle, and Kondro see Sereniti invoking unknown magics before the entire inside of the sphere is plunged in blackness. The half-orc Kondro takes advantage of it to hide for a sneak attack on the Norkers when the opportunity presents itself. Cosmo hears the commotion about him but cannot see with his blindness.

Marcus the unholy warrior is at the doorway protecting his sister Sereniti. He sees the uncertainty in the Norkers turn to rage at the attack. The monsters step back, snarling and barking in their strange language. Then they charge!


- The attacks from the Sphere count as a surprise round. Now into round one!
- 12 Norkers. Two heavily damaged by magic missiles.

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 4:39 am
by Grognardsw
A Rough Landing

Reminded by Penuttler of the imminent departure of the sphere, Markus jumps out of the sphere and helps his sister Sereniti of the black eyes down. Sulle the sorcerer follows the others out as he considers what spell to cast. In a rare show of compassion, perhaps because he is a fellow demi-human, Mjolnir the dwarf guides the blind Cosmo outside the sphere. In the brightness of the outdoors, Cosmo thinks he can see a lighter shade of black than he did before. Kondro quickly slides out of the doorway to the west, keeping to the cover of the darkness, then emerges west of the fight.

With a devilish smile Penuttler clucks out the arcane equation for more magic missiles. The bolts strike the same two targets as before - the first missile hits the Norker between the eyes, the second in the groin. Both monsters fall dead (#1and 2 on the map).

Already outside, Haraldr the dark cleric hisses and swings his huge mace, shattering a Norker's skull (#6 on the map). The blow sprays blood and brain about and sends the creature reeling back four feet. The demoniac priest is then set upon by three Norkers (#7, 8, 12). Their machetes hack at Haraldr. He blocks one with his mace, his tough scaly hide deflects another, but the third machete slices his left flank (3 HP damage).

The Norkers strike! Four short spears hurl toward the doorway where the creatures last saw Markus and Penuttler. Luckily Sereneti's infernal darkness expands 5' beyond the door, making the aim difficult for the Norkers. But luck guides the spears to successful hits against Sulle (5 HP damage), Cosmo (4 HP damage) and Penuttler (6 HP damage). The remaining two Norkers hesitate for the round, nervous about the infernal darkness.

The entire party is outside of the sphere. A gentle breeze is blowing from the darkness; the sphere is beginning to spin. The Norkers press their attack.

-Yes Ruk I roll for initiative. Initiative: Norkers [1d6] = 2 Party [1d6] = 6
- Three Norker attacks on Haraldr [1d20] = 19, [1d20] = 6, [1d20] = 13 One hits
- Norker damage on Haraldr [1d6] = 3
- Four Norker spear attacks [1d20] = 12, [1d20] = 17, [1d20] = 19, [1d20] = 9
- Random roll to see which spears may or may not hit whom: Roll 1d5 for each spear: 1-Markus, 2-Penuttler, 3-Mjolnir, 4-Cosmo, 5-Sulle. (Sereniti is behind Markus. Kondro stated he was moving West.)
Spear #1: 1-Markus, 2-Penuttler, 3-Mjolnir, 4-Cosmo, 5-Sulle [1d5] = 5 Sulle - hit for 5 HP damage
Spear #2: 1-Markus, 2-Penuttler, 3-Mjolnir, 4-Cosmo, 5-Sulle [1d5] = 4 Cosmo - hit for 4 HP damage
Spear #3: 1-Markus, 2-Penuttler, 3-Mjolnir, 4-Cosmo, 5-Sulle [1d5] = 2 Penuttler - hit for 6 HP damage
Spear #4: 1-Markus, 2-Penuttler, 3-Mjolnir, 4-Cosmo, 5-Sulle [1d5] = 4 Cosmo - miss
Spear hit damages [1d6] = 5, [1d6] = 4, [1d6] = 6
- Need Sulle and Mjolnir to state actions or I'll default to attack for them.
- Map below: Behind the sphere rocky boulders rising up 30'. In front is a clearing with the 12 Norkers, then woods. A path can be seen leading into the clearing. 1 sq.= 10' roughly.


Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:11 am
by Grognardsw
“Hro-glar farook!”
“Hro-glar farook!” the Norkers yell as they press the attack. The three (#7, 8, 12) fighting Haraldr hack away with their machetes again. The dark cleric blocks the first, but the second slices his leg (3 HP damage) and the third drives through his defense with a thrust to the left rib cage (6 HP). Haraldr the acolyte shrugs off his wounds with almost gleeful battle rage. His backhand swing of the mace is fatal, caving in the chest of one of the Norkers (#8).

Two Norkers (#3, 11) jump at Markus with their fanged teeth, having thrown their spears. The unholy warrior weaves a tight defense with his sword, battering each aside. Markus’ balance is upset though in his return attack. He mightily swings his great sword down on one Norker (#3). It dodges to the right, and the force of the swing literally embeds the blade in a fallen tree trunk that was serving as a bench before the fire. It is stuck and will require some pulling to free it.

The Norker behind Markus’ two opponents rushes around to stab at Sereniti. The warlock, in the midst of an invocation, tries too late to block with her quarterstaff but the creature’s blade batters through and deeply gashes her upper left leg (6 HP damage). The invocation is disrupted.

Kondro the half-orc swings around the west for a rear attack. The daylight spoils his surprise. The Norker on the far west side (#10) spots him and rushes with his fanged maw wide, having thrown his spear previously. The Norker seemingly misjudges the location of Kondro by a few feet, grabbing air with a bewildered look on its face. Kondro strikes back quickly at the Norker, his sword and dagger flashing. The sword slices the shoulder deeply (5 HP damage), while the dagger is blocked by the Norker's machete.

A Norker on the east side (#5) jumps forward swinging its machete at Mjolnir the fighter. The blade slashes the duergar’s shoulder (5 HP damage). With a battle cry Mjolnir swings his twin axes at the creature. The dwarf’s wound effects his swings, as one axe is blocked by the Norker’s machete and the second axe grazes its tough hide to no effect.

Just then the darkness covering the sphere abates, revealing the sphere spinning so quickly it is blurry. With a pop it blinks out. In the battle confusion, a wounded Penuttler the madgician scrambles west into the forest for cover. The one Norker (#9) not engaged in combat is on the west side, spots Penuttler, and gives chase!

Cosmo the thief stays prone on the ground in his own private darkness. He realizes that it is beginning to brighten, an encouraging sign.

Sulle the Red speaks words of sorcerous somnolence, his hands tracing a mystic pattern before flicking a pinch of sand out at the Norkers. With murderous intent and annoyance that these scum are wounding his pawns comrades, Sulle’s enchantment is powerful. The narcoleptic energy flows over the eight remaining Norkers, plunging them into sleep.

Suddenly it is quiet, except for the heavy breathing of the adventurers and snoring from some of the Norkers.

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:51 pm
by Grognardsw
While the Wearlogas' attend to each other, Kondro slits the throats of the sleeping norkers. He then proceeds to loot them, finding that each has about five gold pieces, totemic necklaces with a snarling uber-norker face, and their weapons.

There is a backpack, obviously of human design, on the ground. It is filled with 5 jaw bones, a few dozen knuckles, a silver belt buckle (5 GP), flint and steel, decorative but cheap bracelets (5 GP total), a fine pair of women's leather boots (3 GP), a small whip, silk bonds, a bottle of perfume, five women's girdles and several perverse sexual toys.

Mjolnir the fighter, Sulle the magic user and Cosmo the thief bind their wounds. "Do we have a cleric here?" wonders Mjolnir aloud. The deep dwarf helps the blind Kender, joking about how the thief is missing all the looting.

While levitating among the trees Penuttler the sorcerer realizes he has a good view of the surrounding land. The party is atop a hill. On the next smaller hill over to the southwest is a town. From his study of the map provided by Baron Taragorm, Penuttler thinks it to be the town of Inverness.
The Palace of the Silver Princess is west over a considerable hill range and forests. It seems more provisioning may be in order for the trek. Penuttler recalls the words of Baron Taragorm, "...tomorrow you will be transported to a location near the Palace – it could be as close as a few miles or as far as a few hundred, it is hard to be precise with such magics..." Indeed.
The map provided by Baron Taragorm...

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:55 pm
by Grognardsw
It calls to you.


Clouds moved in and it started to rain as the adventurers made their way to Inverness. Wet and hounded by annoying mosquitos, the Fists of Chaos meandered down the large hill, through forest, vale, a gentle river, and up another hill. Kondro stealthily scouted ahead, finding no dangers. After the wounds of your battle and the journey, the tired party arrived in Inverness at dusk and welcomed the sight of a busy tavern. Warm food and drink, a dry seat, entertainment, local rumors...
Cosmo, sight restored, excitedly leads the way into the red-roofed Cock Tavern. Inside it is surprisingly large - you realize the tavern extends west occupying the inside of the neighboring building. It is two-leveled, with the second floor balcony wrapping around and looking down on the first level. In one area two men spit fire for the entertainment of the crowd. In another room, decorated with a wall of skulls, comely dancers shimmy in front of entranced patrons. A few minstrels move about with lute and drum.
"Welcome to the Cock, what will you have?" says a bar wench, her bountiful bosom heaving under a wet, low-cut tunic that smells of spilled ale.

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:28 pm
by Grognardsw
Penuttler is brought a bushel of corn by a confused barmaid. Haraldr orders an ale. Kondro asks about a room.

"Aye, that we have my dark friend," says an eye-patched barkeep. "Name is One-Eye Foxmoor - lost it in a battle with a trog you see. Basic room is 5 gold, fancy room 8. What are you in town for?"

The others mingle about the tavern. Sulle scowls. Cosmo considers who to pick pocket. Mjolnir the dwarf orders an ale tankard as big as he is. You overhear several rumors. "...Did you hear about the group of adventurers slaughtered by troglodytes down east? ...Was that a dragon sited a few days ago flying over town? ...The Bottoms Up brothel was closed down 'cause a girl twas murdered! ...Father Jaandolph was caught shagging two hobbits! ...The town council treasurer was convicted of embezzlement!"

Markus of the devilish-good looks is propositioned by a brazen strumpet. "10 gold to blow your mind pretty boy."

Sereniti is getting many lecherous glances. Passing among the tables she feels a distinct pinching of her posterior.

What really draws your attention is a group of swaggering adventurers. "Your finest ales, good barkeep! We have returned alive from the Ghost Tower of Inverness, and with some treasure to boot!"

From your trained eye the adventurers include a fighter wearing the hated one-arrow emblem of law on his jerkin; a robed and bearded older man, probably a practitioner of magicks; a roguish fellow in leather; a heavily armored fighter with no bladed weapons; a woodland elf; a gnome; and another fighter type.

Your observations are interrupted. "You gents new to town?" says a half-elf nature type, green cloaked, brown tunic, black breaches. "My name is Rodiar, scout, guide, procurer of information. Perhaps you are in need of my services?"

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:33 pm
by Grognardsw
Scenes from a Tavern

Though she is use to such comments, the tavern wench avoids Haraldr the dark acolyte after his lewd comment. Perhaps it is his looks. Rodiar the half-elf guide seems at a momentary loss of words when he sees the big scaled man stare at him. “You don’t look like you’re from around here,” the scout finally lets out.

Mjolnir the dwarf stops at the table where he heard the dragon rumor. “Tell me of this,” he almost demands. The man telling the story seems a bit non-plussed, then says: "Aye, it was as big as a keep. Glinted silver in the sun. High in the sky, but I swore it bore a rider. Heading West.”
The Wearlogas plot amorous assassination, or something worse, as they each take up their respective propositioners. Sereniti’s man is shocked when she turns, smiles, and later buys him a bottle of wine. “This deserves to be drunk in private,” the man says with a smile he thinks is suave. “I have a room upstairs.”

Markus offers to purchase his saucy tart for the night. “Hmmm, yummy. Let me check with my boss,” she says, pointing to a flamboyantly dressed black-skinned Drow elf in the corner. “I’ll be right back.” She converses briefly with the drow, who looks over Markus from across the room with penetrating eyes. She soon returns: "I'm yours, sir. 80 gold."

Kondro watches the busty barmaid. While he does not know when her work shift ends, he does hear that the tavern closes at 3:00 am.

Satiated on corn but still aching from his wounds, Penuttler leaves the tavern to search for clerical healing. He soon finds a temple of Donblas, a god of Law. He grimaces; there does not seem to be many options in town. As the poultry prestidigitator ponders his next move, a priest on the stairs of the temple says, “My son, you look like you have lost your way. Do you need guidance?”

Sulle the Red drinks his red wine and eats a slab of red meat. He eyes the adventurers just returned from the Ghost Tower of Inverness. Cosmo loiters about.

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 6:59 pm
by Grognardsw
Rodiar the scout turns away from the intimidating Haraldr. He strikes up a conversation with the more approachable Sulle the Red. Mjolnir listens as well, having returned to the table after learning more about the dragon sighting.

Haraldr the cleric is joined by Cosmo the thief in observing the adventurers returned from this "Ghost Tower of Inverness." Apparently it is a known local legend said to contain dangers and treasures. The adventurers seem in good enough shape; some have minor injuries, and many of their armor and clothes are ripped and dented. They are spending coin.

Sereniti's seduction moves quickly. The man is obviously surprised at his luck this evening. He stumbles at words compared to Serenit's smooth banter. "I - I do find you most pleasing, fair lady..." He is baited, drinking the warlock's wine and hanging on her every word, hoping his luck will lead this to a bedroom.
Sereniti in a contemplative mood...
Markus dismisses the now-pouty doxen, who moves on to the next man. The anti-paladin discretely watches his sister.

Kondro the half-orc sees that his second-floor bedroom does have a window overlooking the front street. The tavern itself has a back service door in an alley. On the first level are several sets of windows of leaded glass with currently open shutters.

Meanwhile, ten minutes down the road from the tavern Penuttler the madgician converses with a priest of Donblas. " I am sorry to hear of your experiences my son, but do not let the incident color your view on the ways of law. We do not turn away the unfavorable or unwanted. It is they who we seek most. You say you are lost, then I may be able to help. If you are wounded, we can perhaps heal," says the priest, opening the door to the temple to Penuttler. "But we do not force our will on others. If you would seek healing elsewhere, there is a healer two streets over - Kane McSnoogles."

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 5:40 pm
by Grognardsw
Kondro the half-orc sits alone, observing the going-ons, waiting for closing time. He sees some of the group talking to a half-elf.

Rodiar answers Haraldr about his guide expertise: "Know it like the back of my hand. Born and raised in Inverness, often visited my elven father in the deep woods. Where are you looking to journey?" Sulle the Red, Cosmo and Mjolnir the dwarf listen to the conversation.

Markus the anti-paladin and his warlock sister disappear for a while. Sereniti returns quite drunk, then retires to her room.


Meanwhile at the Temple of Donblas, Penuttler continues his conversation with the priest.

"Thank you for your donation," says the priest, taking the mage's coin. "Let me reassure you, we on the path of Law do not wander from it."

The priest looks taken aback when Penuttler flashes the blade end of his sling. "I will not betray your trust," he says reassuringly, trying to conceal his confusion.

A short ten minute walk brings the madgician to the shopfront of Kane McSnoogles, herbalist and healer. He is closing up shop as Penuttler enters. McSnoogles is an old gnarled gnome who holds up a horn to his ear to hear speech clearly.

"Peanuts - no I don't sell food!" McSnoogles almost shouts. "Oh, healing, yes that I do. What be wrong with you? I have plant unctions and herb tinctures to rejuvenate sick bodies. Perhaps leeches to draw forth your black humours? Just today I received my new clyster; anal injections are now possible! Yes that will work!"

*** Later... ***

The Fellowship of Chaos listens with interest to Haraldr the dark cleric. 100 gold up front is easily paid amongst the group (deduct 12.5 gp each) and worth it for the guide's wisdom in an unknown region. Some of you find Haraldr's dream ironic, others find it funny, and still others think you'll get your money back in the end.

D. Arnyson's Emporium, Equipment Mundane and Exotic, with Some Consideration for Learned Matters, LLC.
In this scene Sulle the Red looks out from the foyer.

The adventurers provision and are soon on their way from Inverness to make the journey to the Palace.

Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:25 pm
by Grognardsw
The Fellowship of Chaos departs, in old school style.

The day is a sunny, cloudless, cool. A late morning moon still hangs in the sky. Perfect weather for the trip. Rodiar the guide is talkative to those who will talk, mostly Cosmo. The westward journey is expected to take three days. You are walking through gentle hills, lightly forested with many clearings of underbrush. Heavier forest will meet you the next day.

Mjolnir the Duergar asks Rodiar what he knows of local legends of the Palace of the Silver Princess. "Aye, some I know," says the half-elf scout. "Two hundred years ago Lady Myshella, the Silver Princess, ruled peacefully in the Valley of Haven. A reknown Paladin of the Order of Dragons, Sir Eyrekos and his silver steed Merkiroy, visited Lady Myshella while returning from a quest against Chaos. Eyrekos and dragon were weary in body and mind, for the knight bore the captured crystal heart of Xiombarg, known on many worlds as a demi-god of Chaos. Lady Myshella tended Eyrekos; the two fell in love. Eyrekos agreed to stay, on the condition that Myshella never open the sacred vessel holding Xiombarg’s heart. The two married. Their tranquility was soon broken. The inquisitive Myshella opened the vessel. What exactly happened then is not known, but ill fortune followed. Turmoil and rife reigned. It ended tragically with Eyrekos slaying his love, and dying soon after, some say from a broken heart. Evil took root in nature, man and monument. Efforts were made to recover the heart of Xiombarg, but it disappeared. Nothing but ruin remains..."
The quixotic romance of Lady Myshella and Sir Eyrekos...
Rodiar's story is interrupted by a group of galloping horsemen from the east. There are eight of them, six of which seem in uniform of Inverness town guards, one in heavier armor, and another armored with the one-arrow insignia of Law.

"Halt, by order of the Count of Inverness!"

Blades slide from sheaths, arrows knock, and the party is looking down death.
