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2.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:48 pm
by Zhym
Date: Nouluna 3, 1221
Time: 1:20 PM
Weather: Foggy, overcast
Moon: Waxing gibbous
Location: The Blood of the Vine Tavern

You head into Bildrath's Mercantile.

The front room of this store is about 40' wide and 20' deep. Food, candles, clothing, and other mundane household supplies sparsely populate the shelves that line the walls. A few barrels and boxes of other goods are scattered and stacked around the room. A man in a shopkeeper's vest stands behind a counter near the door. A curtained doorway on the far side of the shop leads, you guess, to the stockroom or the shopkeeper's living quarters.

"Hoy there! Welcome to Bildrath's! That's me: Bildrath. And you—you are clearly adventurers! What can I get you? Provisions? Fine weapons? Clothing? Something nice for your girl or your horse?"

Status: Robert: 37/37, Iluq: 39/39, Vokath: 40/40, Tibbius: 22/22, Randolph: 4/4, Tumbler: 39/39, Agrippo: 52/52

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:14 pm
by Zhym
Date: Nouluna 3, 1221
Time: 1:30 PM
Weather: Foggy, overcast
Moon: Waxing gibbous
Location: The Blood of the Vine Tavern

You just stand there, not answering Bildrath's greeting. His smile fades a bit. "Don't just stand there like tent poles. Are you in need of something or aren't you?"

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:24 pm
by Computer +1
Sorry, I didnt see the private forum at first.

Tumbler snaps out of his daze and actually puts on a smile. Ahhhh sorry Bildrath, all the doom and gloom around here must have numbed my brain. He walks over and extends a hand, The name is Tumbler and I'm a locksmith by trade. He looks around the room, My companions and I appear to be staying here longer than anticipated and as such I am looking to pick a few odds and ends..... What do ye have in the way of crossbows?

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:46 pm
by Zhym
Date: Nouluna 3, 1221
Time: 1:30 PM
Weather: Foggy, overcast
Moon: Waxing gibbous
Location: The Blood of the Vine Tavern

Bildrath's smile returns. "Crossbows? Why, we have some great crossbows. Crossbows that'll put a bolt right through your enemies. Now, would you be wanting a light crossbow or a heavy crossbow?"

Without waiting for you to answer, he shouts to someone behind the curtain. "PARRIWIMPLE! BRING OUT A BIG AND A LITTLE BOLT-SHOOTER!" After a few minutes, a young man, perhaps 15, emerges from behind the curtains. He is shaped roughly like an inverted pyramid. Not the kind you put fruit under, the kind you put dead kings and a few thousand of their closest newly-dead-for-the-occasion servants into. You're surprised his shoulders can fit through the door. Muscles ripple underneath his leather tunic. He looks at you shyly for just a moment, then wordlessly hands the crossbows to Bildrath.

"Quite fine crossbows, wouldn't you agree?" he asks you. "That would be, let's see, 120 gold for a light crossbow and 200 gp for a heavy crossbow. You'll understand, I hope, that in our current circumstances and given the nature of your occupation that I must insist on cash up front."

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:51 am
by Computer +1
Zhym I am working under the assumption that my dwarven thief would be allowed to use a crossbow, is it ok with you?

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:10 am
by Eulalios
"I would like some papyrus, some phosphorus packed in oil, ..." Tibbius trails off, looking around. Randolph has vanished among the shop inventory. "A local history perhaps?"

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:17 am
by Zhym
Computer +1 wrote:Zhym I am working under the assumption that my dwarven thief would be allowed to use a crossbow, is it ok with you?
Sure. A light crossbow or hand crossbow would be fine.

Also, please remember what I posted a little while back: you each brought 250 gp of traveling money but no more.

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:36 am
by Zhym
"Sorry, I don't carry any of this 'foss' you want for both of you," Bildrath tells you. "And we don't get much call for Barovian history books. But papyrus we have. 8 gold per sheet."

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:29 am
by Computer +1
Tumbler pipes in, May in see the light crossbow, the heavy one would take too long for me to crank. As he inspects the weapon he continues I also would need bolts or course. Something with a heavy point to really punch through the target. And since I will be here for a while I think I will need a good pipe and some tobacco. He pauses in his inspection for a moment In fact if I am going to be here as long as I think I may be I may want to set up shop. People in fear need dwarven made doors and locks and security... He trails off lost in thought.

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:33 pm
by Zhym
"Bolts! Of course! A crossbow isn't much use without bolts! Those are 10 gold for a score of light bolts. If you also need a quiver, that would be another 8 gold. As for the tobacco and pipe, I can sell you a pound of tobacco for 5 gold pieces and a nice clay pipe for another 2 gold."

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:14 pm
by Computer +1
Tumbler scoffs at the price quotes. Ten gold for a dozen bolts? Eight for the quiver? Those prices would be fer the finest dwarven made items, which these are not. He smiles and raises a hand before Bildrath can reply, Now I am aware that in this town incoming trade is limited and therefore prices do rise. But I am also thinkin' then that new customers, especially with coin to spend, must also be in short supply and so fostering a good relationship with new clients is vital fer yer business to survive. He then pauses and waits for a reply.

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:16 pm
by Zhym
Bildrath smiles at you. "Ah, see, that's where you're mistaken sir. You are not the first adventurers to come to Barovia. Our trade is not brisk, but it does pay the bills." He shrugs. "My nearest competitor is only five hours away outside the gates." His smile returns, but it is not entirely friendly.

His smirk softens. "If my prices seem high, think of it this way: as far as you're concerned, this is the last crossbow, the last quiver, and the last bolts in the world. How much are they worth to you? If not as much I am asking, someone will be along for whom my price is a bargain. And, as you acknowledge, these items are not inexpensive for me to obtain."

"As for 'fostering a good relationship with new clients'—I hope you'll forgive me if I say that I find a long-term relationship unlikely. Ghosts are very poor customers."

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:53 pm
by Computer +1
Tumbler bursts out laughing. Ye sound like me Pa, ya do. I'd say trade is brisk fer ya' until a bunch o' fools like meself get caught up in something better off being avoided and by then its too late. He rubs his chin whiskers, Ye got the long an short of it alright, that crossbow could be the last one in the world as far as I'm concerned and yer right again, I'll have it. An' the bolts, quiver, tobacco, an' the pipe too, ye dog ye! He says with a friendly smile.

You only got one part wrong, I'm no adventurer, I'm a tradesman caught up in something I'd rather not be in. Me Pa always said ta' get a trade and stick to it, don't go off wandering. Me pals, well, I'm trying to convince em' to settle down but will they listen?

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:32 pm
by Zhym
Bildrath nods his head at your words. "A wise man, your Pa. Few people ever got turned into I'm-not-going-to-say-what running a nice quiet trade shop."

Bildrath hands over the crossbow, bolts, quiver, pipe, and tobacco in exchange for 145 gold (mark it off, please). "A pleasure doin' business with you, sir, and may these serve you well."

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:06 am
by Zhym
Sorry about the delay. The other group's thread is taking longer to resolve.

Anything else the two of you want to do while the others are off at Gypsy Camp?

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:44 am
by Eulalios
"Anything in here might actually kill your dread overlord?" drawls Tibbius.

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:53 am
by Zhym
Bildrath's shakes his head and sighs. The jolly merchant suddenly looks somber and deflated. "No. I could lie and try to sell you something, of course. But unless the devil is allergic to corn meal, I've got nothing. Literally. Everyone who has tried to fight him is dead—or worse. Many of them shopped here. If anything can defeat the Baron von Zarovich, it hasn't been found yet."

His smile returns, but it is sad. "Perhaps I should be glad I don't," he says. "If I did, his minions would no doubt have been here to remove it. And me with it."

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:30 pm
by Computer +1
Bildrath's words send a chill down Tumbler's spine. Have ye tried to leave? We were told its impossible, has anyone managed to escape?

The thoughts of being here for the fight of his life makes Tumbler think, Have ye bandages, gauze, or anything fer healing. And more bolts, lots more bolts.

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 4:06 pm
by Zhym
"Some have tried," Bildrath admits. "But this damned fog stops them. The moment anyone passes outside the gates of Barovia, they start to choke. They either return or die. The gypsies, though. They come and go as they please. It's how I get most of my supplies. And they charge a pretty penny, let me tell you. I wish I knew how they do it when no one else can. Either they..." He pauses. "No. Even in private, some things are better left unsaid."

He brightens when the conversation returns to purchasing supplies. "Of course! An aid kit with bandages and gauze is 5 gold. It won't cure wounds—for that you still need a cleric—but it will stop bleeding. Bolts are still 10 gold per score."

Re: 3.2 Bildrath's Mercantile

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 4:20 pm
by Computer +1
I'll take the healing kit and another batch o' bolts. And do me a favor would ya. With the cost of things here an' the fact I don't plan on dying, put the word out that a dwarven locksmith is in town lookin' fer work. I can lock, open, build, repair just about anything and there ain't many better.