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Action thread 4

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:40 pm
by ToniXX
See this map:

This is where most of you are now, but it is also where some of you will be at the end of the round that we still need to resolve. Sorry for any confusion. Just know that I have everything I need except an action for Yarl. I think we shut the game down before he could respond. So give me that and I'll post the results of the first round with these super-duper baddies!

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:53 pm
by Computer +1
Yarl slashes at the closest enemy with his short sword. He is careful not to turn and expose his back or side to the other two enemies to the right.

Attack 1:
[1d20] = 18 +2 = 20
[1d6+4] = 3+4 = 7

Attack 2:
[1d20] = 2

Back in action! I also had an extra roll, I rolled for the wrong weapon originally, oops.

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:27 pm
by ToniXX
Round 1
Francisco moves out the orc room, as does Yarl. They both move north towards the oncoming soldiers. Kurn moves south, away from the soldiers. Brok stands his ground and speaks in Glynnish, attempting to confuse the soldier that is bearing down upon him and the party. It seems to do no good. Venificus moves further into the courtyard, looking to get a direct bead upon the large soldier that has emerged from the western door. Two more soldiers come from the northern door, and all are moving towards the orc room doors and into the courtyard. One moves and engages Brok, the other engages Yarl and Francisco, with two more behind them.

The party loses initiative and the soldiers move to attack:
  • The soldier in front of Yarl attacks him and hits, doing 6 points of damage
  • The soldier attacking Brok misses
  • Veneficus’ first arrow sails between the courtyard columns, hitting one of the soldiers by the northern door.
  • Francisco swings with his mighty longsword and hits home, hard! The fearsome fighter before him still stands, and Francisco is just realizing how huge he is.
  • Both of Brok’s attacks miss.
  • Cis holds his ground at the double doors
  • Kurn moves south as described
  • Yarl attacks the closest foe and hits. This is the same one that Francisco just hit.
  • Veneficus’ second arrow, shot at the end of the round, also hits.
HPs - Francisco:21/21, Cis:24/24, Nunyet:25/25, Kurn:9/9, Brok:16/16, Yarl:14/30, Veneficus:12/12

It's good to be back at this again.
Please let me know if I've missed anything. When you're ready, someone roll initiative and then everyone post your actions.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:39 am
by Alethan
Francisco marvels at the strength and accuracy that went into his last blow... and is somewhat frustrated to see the large man still standing! He feints and draws, biding his time for another strike...

Initiative [1d6] = 4

(Much better than last time...)

To Hit, Longsword [1d20+1] = 15+1 = 16
Damage, Longsword (S/M) [1d8+3] = 5+3 = 8

(That should do, as well...)

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:08 am
by ToniXX
please note these are not orcs but large human soldiers that seem well trained.

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:30 am
by Alethan
ToniXX wrote:please note these are not orcs but large human soldiers that seem well trained.
Oops. Sorry. It's been a while and I just remembered fighting orcs...

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:18 am
by onlyme
Veneficus continues peppering the soldiers from where he is standing, making sure he keeps firing toward the isolated ones away from where the group started meleeing.
baseline shortbow shot: [1d20] = 20; baseline damage: [1d6] = 6
!#$% that was a nice roll, if I might say so

He continues, feeling fully confident in his awesomeness...
baseline shortbow shot: [1d20] = 13; baseline damage: [1d6] = 3

And once more to show his specialized bow skills to those watching...
baseline shortbow shot: [1d20] = 7; baseline damage: [1d6] = 5

+5 to hit for each of these, +2 damage....I think . I need to recheck those mods

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:00 am
by Argennian
When the second soldier moves to engage him, Brok continues to backpedal towards the column in the middle of the courtyard, his intention being to try and get his back up against it so that he cannot be flanked. He knows it's probably useless to try and continue his ruse, but he can't help himself. "What in the nine hells is the matter with you guys?! I'm on your side!" he calls out in Glynnish, maintaining his frightened and surprised look upon his visage and trying to give the impression that he's swinging wildly in panic.

He targets the soldier he was fighting with first, attacking two-handed with his longsword and poisoned dagger...

To Hit: Fighting two-handed: (primary hand) Longsword [1d20] = 18 (hits AC2)
Longsword damage vs small/medium creatures [1d8] = 8

To Hit: Fighting two-handed: (off-hand) dagger [1d20-2] = 7-2 = 5 (miss)

OOC: no luck on that dagger but I'll take that those to hit & damage rolls for his primary weapon all day long! :P

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:36 pm
by Computer +1
Yarl snarls in pain. Ya goddam shite, die! He roars as he launches his next attack.

[1d20] = 4


Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:00 pm
by Alethan
Computer +1 wrote: :(
Sad-panda Yarl. :(

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:48 pm
by Computer +1
Alethan wrote:
Computer +1 wrote: :(
Sad-panda Yarl. :(
Its true. Yarl is sad and mean because he has so much love to give.

By love I mean death.

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 6:10 pm
by ToniXX
Computer +1 wrote:By love I mean death.[/color]
This made me LOL.

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 6:15 pm
by Alethan
ToniXX wrote:
Computer +1 wrote:By love I mean death.[/color]
This made me LOL.
Same. :lol:

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:24 pm
by rredmond
Hmm, I'm not sure what the heck Nunyet was doing up there... looking for bacon is the likely excuse. shrug

Nunyet heads south after Kurn, hoping to engage a bad guy without getting hit by any friendly fire!

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:30 am
by Nuke66
Sorry, ToniXX had me right in his summary, so I diddn't feel the need to reply.

Cis holds his ground at the double doors, watching events unfold, planning on making sure nobody escapes to sound an alarm.

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:31 pm
by ToniXX
Nuke66 wrote:Sorry, ToniXX had me right in his summary, so I diddn't feel the need to reply.
Got it, you're right. I'll resolve this round tonight.

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:45 pm
by Alethan
ToniXX wrote:
Nuke66 wrote:Sorry, ToniXX had me right in his summary, so I diddn't feel the need to reply.
Got it, you're right. I'll resolve this round tonight.
We're still missing raven's action, but... please do go on. Five days is plenty time...

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:41 pm
by ToniXX
Sorry for not updating yet. At the rate I'm going, it won't be until tomorrow (Saturday) morning.

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:03 pm
by ToniXX
Round 2
The soldiers win initiative
  • The soldier on Francisco and Yarl turns his attention to Francisco, attacks and hits, doing 6 points of damage
  • The soldier attacking Brok hits, doing 4 points of damage
  • The soldier in the door on the western side shouts in an unknown language, then draws back into the room and closes the door.
  • The two soldiers by the northern door change direction and move west towards where the other soldier just went back through the door. They keep low and behind the pillars to avoid being targeted by missile fire.
  • Francisco swings and hits his target again, felling the big man.
  • Veneficus’ first arrow fires and hits the wooden door just as it is being closed. His second and third attacks won’t be counted, since his target has moved behind the door.
  • Brok’s attack hits home hard, and the soldier on him winces but still stands.
  • Yarl’s attack misses wildly, his orcish blood now boiling.
  • Nunyet moves south towards Kurn
  • Cis holds his ground by the double doors.
  • Kurn holds his ground as well DM’s choice
Since Veneficus had to hold his last actions, he can move if desired before the next round starts. I’ve updated below with current hitpoints.

HPs - Francisco:15/21, Cis:24/24, Nunyet:25/25, Kurn:9/9, Brok:12/16, Yarl:14/30, Veneficus:12/12

This map shows where everyone is now at the end of round two, except for Veneficus if he wants to move.

Re: Action thread 4

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:15 pm
by Argennian
Drawing back in pain from the stinging hit he just suffered, Brok forgoes his ongoing banter of attempted deceit and confusion and decides it's probably better that he just save his breath at this point. He sees Yarl and Francisco fighting with a soldier just to his right and wonders where in the hell his other companions have gone off to!

The young agent again takes another step back towards the pillar in the center of the courtyard and strikes out desperately with both of his blades...

To Hit: Fighting two-handed: (primary hand) Longsword [1d20] = 8 (miss)
To Hit: Fighting two-handed: (off-hand) dagger [1d20-2] = 14-2 = 12 (hits AC8)

OOC: assuming that dagger attack is a miss based on previous rolls; 4 points damage marked on character sheet