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Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:26 am
by Fearghus
In a wood older than record, a foster brother to the hills, stood the village Allathurion; and there was peace between the people of that village and all the folk that walked the dark ways of the wood, whether they were humans or of the tribes of the beasts or of the race of the fairies and the elves and the little sacred spirits of trees and streams. Moreover, the village people had peace among themselves and between their lord, Lorendiac. In front of the village was a wide and grassy space, and beyond this the great wood again, but at the back the trees came right up to the houses, which, with their great beams and wooden framework and thatched roofs, green with moss, seemed almost to be a part of the forest.
-Lord Dunsany (The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth)

Buildings of Note
Leothric's Long House, the Magician's Tower, and The Chapel of the Sword are all on the edge of the village near the grassy space. There is a large paved area to which all three buildings open. While the village proper has a chapel, there is a Monastery of the Sword near three miles west of Allathurion.

Inhabitants of Note
Leothric, son of Lorendiac
Magician, the village magic-user
Friar Gilseax, keeper of the chapel
Dewydd the Blacksmith

The people of Allathurion are comfortable being in close proximity with faerie and the heathens of the woods, though they view themselves as morally and spiritually superior. Men are the rightful heirs of the mortal realm and it is right and just that the fae submit to the rule of Lorendiac and his son, Leothric.

Characters are welcome to address commoners as their profession, "Farmer, Blacksmith, Baker, Midwife, Mother, etc". Soldiers may be addressed as their rank if known, otherwise by their visible profession: swordsman, archer, soldier, lancer.

There are three primary religions: the Light, whose symbol is the sword and whose champions are lawful; Darkness, who uses no symbols and whose champions are chaotic; the Way (Old Way among humans), whose champions are neutral.

The Wide Grassy Space
It has an area of around 30 square miles, and several unnamed hamlets dot the area. Allathurion sits in the south east of this space, and the Old Wood stretches in all directions at least a day as a ranger travels.
Each hex is 6 miles in height.
I make 8-bit look like a DaVinci
I make 8-bit look like a DaVinci
TheLands.png (972.69 KiB) Viewed 826 times
Not detailed, but it gets the idea across
Not detailed, but it gets the idea across
Allathurion.png (438.64 KiB) Viewed 826 times