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First Recorded Radio Transmission after Terraforming Event

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:15 pm
by tooleychris
Thinktank Tango-One-Nine
Audio Log: a153256-dgs

Synthetic Thinker 5507-d1a personal note:
(The first live broadcast was made 04-02-2031 by a radio personality who had survived what he called "The terraforming Event ."
He reported that he had been in contact with a governor aboard the aliens capital ship , doing a live correspondence of the event.)
The broadcast went as follows:

"I don't know if you can hear me. If anyone's listening. I... I'm not even sure why I'm doing this. I just.... it's all I've got.
If...if someone, if anyone can hear me....I need to tell someone what happened. As far as I know THIS is the truth so...if you can...maybe record this for others. I doubt I'll be here long and don't even know how long power will last.
The Greys... they are not what they seem. They...what I'm told is, that they are slaves aboard their various ships. One race of many. Many races of slaves. Always out of our sight. That the true masters are a...a species we've not even seen called the Sathar. That they go from planet to planet doing the same damn thing. They offer help. They build these devices to save the planet. Everyone dies. And, well, not everyone. Those that live are made slaves as well. They come to rape our world. They make the air breathable for them. They take what they need and leave a few thousand of their kind behind to repopulate and continue gathering resources while the rest leave to find the next world. I..."
*nervous laugh*
"I don't know what to tell you. Is anyone there?"
"Look. I think I saw a couple of these...slave aliens on my way to, on my way looked like it was...I don't part dog. Like The Island of Dr. Moreau or something. The other looked, I...I guess like a tall Grey. Hairless and thin like that but...well...but it had three arms and I'd swear what looked like fu*beeep *ng bat wings.
Are you fu*beeep *ng kidding me? The fu*beeep *ng cursing sensor is still working? "
"Who fu*beeep *ng cares any fu*beeep *ng more? F*beeep*k, F*beeep*k, F*beeep*k!"
*sounds of something hammering something and a yell of frustration *
"Look, I've been told these other aliens. These slaves rebelled against their masters...the Sathors, and sabotaged their command ship or mother ship or whatever the F*beeep*k. Damn it!"
*sounds of something hammering something and a sigh *
"If any of you are regular listeners of my show, you may remember a few months ago we did a bit about the crazies that were making bunkers in the limestone caves of southern Missouri. The lunatic groups who thought the Greys were gonna destroy the world? The ones I was making fun of? What a laugh we had...everyone's dead! I don't know why I'm alive or you're, hopefully, alive and I'm not telling you to trust these other...aliens. Personally I plan to run over any non-human I see, but I'm heading down south to those caves. I haven't seen anyone...another human alive since this crap hit. Maybe I'll find someone there. This is the DGS, signing out for the last time.
*Feedback Click Static*
*Transmission Ended*