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Standard Operating Procedures

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:14 pm
by thirdkingdom
Use this topic to track stuff you guys do in certain situations, such as marching order, night watch order, etc.

Re: Standard Operating Procedures

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:25 am
by Fearghus
Front to back: Harald -> Styr -> Shaman -> Pesha -> Tychon -> Shaman


Styr - Harald
Tychon - Shaman
Shaman - Pesha

Recommend Styr and Harald take the lead; they both seem to equal out with regard to HP and AC differences. Having a shaman near them will be beneficial in case healing is needed. The shaman also seem fairly self-sufficient which is why I would like one to pull up the rear instead of Tychon. I don't speak for the party, so if you want a change simply state it below. I'll adjust.

With regard to which shaman should be in the rear; I'd say Kaa (better AC and lower Cha :lol: ), but they are welcome to decide that for themselves.

Re: Standard Operating Procedures

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:20 am
by NJWilliam
Looks good to me.

Re: Standard Operating Procedures

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:40 am
by Hrafn
If we need her Low Charisma, Kaa is totally comfortable shouting from the back!

But yes. With 15 HP, the back is the best spot for her, since anything that could kill her there could kill her regardless. Only downside is, now who is giving Styr all that light to see by? :(